Apply The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Abilities

product by organizing several elements into a different pattern or structure. Similarly, Mayer 2002 says that students are determined to produce an original product. Creating is connected with previously learned knowledge. There are three cognitive processes in this category: generating, planning, and producing. The process of generating represents the problem and arriving at alternatives or hypotheses that meet certain criteria Anderson, et al, 2001, p.68. Besides convergent thinking, Mayer 2002 adds that generating also involves divergent thinking and forms the core of what can be called creative thinking. It means that create provides opportunities for students to assemble parts of knowledge into a whole using creative thinking and problem solving. The second is planning. It involves devising a solution method that meets a problem’s criteria, that is developing a plan for solving the problem Anderson et al. 2001. In 2002, Mayer adds that in planning, students may establish a sub goal, for instance breaking a task into subtasks to be performed when solving the problem. The last is producing. Here, it carries out a plan for solving a given problem that meets certain specification. It is not only producing but inventing a product. He says that students are given a functional description of a goal and must create a product that satisfies the description. The situation of this cognitive process is like a teacher asks students to create or make a recount text based on their experiences.

B. Theoretical Framework

Questioning becomes one of familiar forms in a teaching-learning activity Chafi and Elkhouzai, 2014 and it has been widely used in classrooms. This form requires teachers to have a good questioning skill in order to support the teaching- learning activity and develop students ’ critical thinking. Before becoming teachers in regularly school, teacher candidates need to be trained particularly their questioning skill in Micro Teaching course as it plays an important role either for them or students. Addressing the first research problem about types of questions, the researcher employs the theory of Wilen 1987, Richards and Lockhart 1996. The use of the theory is intended to identify what types of questions asked by the students of Micro Teaching course. Based on the theory, there are three levels of questions, namely, procedural questions, convergent questions, and divergent questions. Addressing the second research problem about levels of questioning, the researcher employs the theory of the revis ed Bloom’s Taxonomy by Anderson et al. 2001. The theory talks about six levels of cognitive abilities, namely remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate , and create. This theory is used to assist the researcher to identify what levels of questioning used by students in PBI Micro Teaching course. 20


This chapter presents the discussion about the method employed in this research. The detailed discussion includes the research method, research setting, research participants, instrument and data gathering technique, and data analysis technique.

A. Research Method

In conducting this study, the researcher implemented qualitative research. Creswell 2014 states that qualitative research is an approach for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to social or human problem. In addition, qualitative research focuses on reports of experience or on data which cannot be adequately expressed numerically Hancock, Ockleford, and Windridge, 2009, p.6. The purpose of qualitative research is to give total picture of the study in a detailed description so that readers have better understanding on the phenomenon Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, and Razavieh, 2010. The researcher employed qualitative research to understand and describe a phenomenon on students of micro teaching questioning in their teaching practice. This study specifically belonged to content analysis. “Content analysis is defined as a tool to determine the presence of certain words or concepts within texts or sets of texts” WritingCSU, 2004. Similarly, Rose, Spinks, and Canhoto 2015 mention that content analysis can be applied to all kinds of written text such as speeches, letters, or articles as well as texts in form of videos, pictures, or films.