Divergent Questions Types of Questions found in Micro Teaching Course

situation, the teacher restates it in order to review the topic and recall the knowledge. The researcher sees that remember level becomes the highest frequency because Micro Teaching students have the tendency to restate questions. For instance, a teacher asks the purpose and the generic structure of a text in the beginning of the class. Then, heshe proposes the same questions in the end of class activity to make lesson review. In addition, Micro Teaching students often ask questions relate to experiences in the past so that students need to retrieve their memory.

2. Understand

When students are able to build connection between the new knowledge and theirs, they are said understand Anderson, et al. 2001. This level has six cognitive processes. In this case, the researcher finds 5 types of understand occurring in the teaching practice. They are interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, comparing, and explaining . [87] : What have you learned from video? Case [87] belongs to interpreting. Mayer 2002 states that interpreting occurs when a student is able to convert information from one form representation to another such as words to words, pictures to words, and the like p.228. The researcher sees that the participant uses a video in order to stimulate the students’ thinking. It is a kind of warming up before going to the main activity. By asking the question, the students might state opinions using their own words. [103] : Can you give me some examples of formal greeting and farewell? Case [103] is expressed after the participant has explained the concepts or principles of the topic. In order to check the students’ understanding, the participant asks the question and hoped the students can give some examples. Thus, this case belongs to exemplifying. [112] : Which one is the title? In case [112], the participant and students are analyzing a text. The participant has explained the generic structure of a text and gives an example. The researcher sees that the aim of this question is to make the students are able to determine and categorize something, in this case is the title. Therefore, case [112] is classified as exemplifying. [111] : Do you know what the difference between report text and descriptive text is? Case [111] above is classified as comparing cognitive process since the question intends to contrast differences between two texts. Several things can be compared from those texts such as meaning, purpose, language features, generic structure, and the like. The question is delivered in the beginning of the activity when the participant talks the main topic. [94] : So, do you know how to make application letter? Case [94] is expressed as an introductory part. The participant asks the chosen student to explain steps or process of making application letter. This question is given to students who have ever applied for jobs by condition because they know, understand, and have experience. Then, the chosen student is asked to explain it to the other students.