17 powers that express action and counter reaction Wellek and Warren, 1989: 285.

3.3. Setting

Setting is another aspect traditionally included in analyses of prose fiction, and it is relevant to discussion of oth er genres, too. The ―term‖ setting denotes to location, historical period, and social surroundings in which the action of a text develops. According to Klarer 2002: 25, setting is another aspect traditionally included in analysis of prose fiction, and it is relevant to discussions of other genres, too. The term ―setting‖ denotes the location, historical period, and social surroundings in which the action of a text develops. From setting, the readers are invited to imagine the location of the event in the story. According to Wellek and Werren 1976: 221, ―Moment which occurs or is caused by a character in one time or place. Setting means particular place and particular time or condition in which takes place the story happened. Setting will give the story concreteness and clearness impression, so the readers create their imagination easily. Setting divided into three parts. They are setting of time, setting of place, and setting of social. According to Nurgiyantoro 2002: 227-234 the element of setting can be classified into three main elements: 18 1. Setting of place is location where some events take place, and it is told in fictitious work. For example; some places certain names, initial, or the success of setting of the places more determined by accuracy of description, function and integrity with central setting elements. 2. Setting of time is related with time when some events take place in fictitious work then, time is exploited to give impression to the readers if the story is really happened. 3. Setting of social is related with social life in society, in a reaction place described in a fiction. It can take the form of custom, manner, tradition, ways of life, thinking and behaving, status of the character, etc. Setting is not chosen for its own sake, but rather embed a story in particular context of time and place in order to support action, characters, and narrative perspective from an additional level.

3.4. Extrinsic Element