Love Belief and Faith system

62 It was same like almanac, geisha believed on God. They visited the shrine whenever they doing something important, such as Sisters Ceremony, praying for good luck, and etc. Love

Most of geisha believed, love was not playing major importance when they selected a danna. As long as there was benefit for both side, a man can proposed a geisha and offered to be her danna. When Nobu proposed to be Sayuri ‘s danna, she tried to resist it and believed Nobu is not a right man to her. She even debated Mameha because of this matter. We can see from the following quotation: ―Please, it isn‘t a matter of escaping my destiny, or anything of that sort. Nobu-san is a good man, just as you say. I know I should feel nothing but gratitude for his interest, but … there are so many things I ‘ve dreamed about.‖ ―And you‘re afraid that once Nobu has touched you, after that they can never be? Really, Sayuri, what did you think life as a geisha would be like? We don ‘t become gesiah so our lives will be satisfying. We become geisha because we don ‘t have no other choice ‖ Golden: 1997, 294 For geisha itself, instead love, they were believed in En. En was a karmic bond lasting lifetime. And by this bond, they viewed that any man that came to their life, automatically created an En with them. We can see from the following quotation: Sayuri realized that, but she still resists it. Nowdays many people seem to believe their lives are entirely a matter of choice; but in my day we viewed ourselves as pieces of clay that forever show the fingerprints of everyone who has touched 63 them. Nobu ‘s touch had made a deeper impression on me than most. No one could tell me whether he would be my ultimate destiny, but I had always sensed the en between us. Golden: 1997, 295 Sayuri tried hard to believe that she and Nobu should not went further more than friendship. She knew that if she accepted Nobu, then her way to Chairman will be closed-off immediately, and she did nott want that happened because Sayuri still held feeling toward Chairman. 4.4.2 Knowledge system Geisha School