Techniques of Data Analysis

3.5 Techniques of Data Analysis

After the data were found then the next steps can be list as follows: 1. Reading the citizen jurnalism in the Jakarta Post Edition. 2. Selecting the data which indicate hedges. 3. Finding the native and non native writer‟s arguments that indicate the use of hedges. 4. Describing the taxonomy of hedges used by the native and non native writer. 5. Describing the reasons for hedging used by the native and non native writers. 6. Comparing the hedges used by the native and non native writers. 7. Analyzing and interpreting the data. 8. Giving conclusion. 31


This chapter covers the analysis and the result of the study. The researcher analyzes hedges used by the writers in the readers‟ letters of the Jakarta Post edition July 3 and 6, 2013. The analysis is focused on the Taxonomy and Four Reasons for Hedging accordin g to Salager Meyer‟s theory of hedges. As it has been mentioned in the previous chapter, there are seven types taxonomy of hedges according to Francoise Salager Meyer. Those are Modal Auxiliary Verbs; Modal Lexical Verb; Adjective, Adverbs and Nominal Modal Phrases; If Clause; Introductory Phrases; and Compound Hedges. Besides the taxonomy of hedges, Meyers also explains four main reasons why people use hedges. Below are the analysis and its result.

4.1 The Findings

In this part of sub chapter, the reseacher described and explained the findings and the analysis of each hedges used by the writers in the the readers‟ letter of the Jakarta Post edition July 3 and 6, 2013. For brief explanation it can be seen in the following Table 4.1 below: The total numbers of hedges used in the data are 62. Those are Modal Auxiliary Verbs MAV; Modal Lexical Verbs MLV; Approximators of Degree, Frequency, Quantity and Time APRX; Adjectival, Adverbial and Nominal Modal Phrases ADJ, ADV, NOM, Introductory Phrases I.P, If Clause If C,