Photosynthesis–irradiance relationships Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:J-a:Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology:Vol250.Issue1-2.Jul2000:

B .W. Touchette, J.M. Burkholder J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 250 2000 169 –205 177 Table 2 Photosynthetic suppression reported in seagrasses by a specific carbonic anhydrase CA inhibitor, acetazola- mide pH also indicated. Greater suppression of photosynthesis indicates higher reliance on CA in acquiring inorganic carbon for photosynthesis. Data are given as means61 S.E. for temperate and tropical subtropical ˜ seagrass species as designated by Phillips and Menez, 1988 Species Photosynthetic pH n Source suppression Temperate Posidonia australis 25 7.6–8.8 James and Larkum 1996 Posidonia oceanica 53 8.2–8.5 Invers et al. 1999 Zostera marina 60 8.2 Beer and Rehnberg 1997 Grand mean61 S.E. 46.0610.7 n 53 species Tropical subtropical Cymodocea nodosa 35 8.2–8.5 Invers et al. 1999 ¨ Cymodocea rotundata 55 8.2 Bjork et al. 1997 ¨ Cymodocea serrulata 50 8.2 Bjork et al. 1997 ¨ Enhalus acoroides 60 8.2 Bjork et al. 1997 ¨ Halodule wrightii 50 8.2 Bjork et al. 1997 ¨ Halophila ovalis 25 8.2 Bjork et al. 1997 ¨ Syringodium ioetifolium 45 8.2 Bjork et al. 1997 ¨ Thalassia hemprichii 40 8.2 Bjork et al. 1997 ¨ Thalassodendron ciliatum 20 8.2 Bjork et al. 1997 Grand mean61 S.E. 42.264.5 n 59 species made either through direct enzymatic measurements, or through indirect decline in photosynthesis following addition of a CA-specific inhibitor acetazolamide. Decreases measured in photosynthesis following application of acetazolamide have ranged from 0 2 to as much as 75, suggesting that the degree at which seagrasses utilize HCO via 3 membrane-bound CA is highly variable Table 2.

3. Photosynthesis–irradiance relationships

Most of the research that has been conducted on seagrass physiology has focused on photosynthesis–irradiance P –I relationships Fig. 2, in efforts to determine light levels needed to maintain healthy growth. Such curves have provided estimates for photosynthetic capacity P , photosynthetic quantum efficiency a; moles of carbon max fixed per mole of PAR absorbed, saturating irradiance for photosynthesis I 5 P a, k max compensation irradiance I , and other variables Tables 3 and 4. The parameter I c c represents the light intensity at which oxygen production is equivalent to oxygen demand during respiration in photosynthetic tissues. Whole-plant respiratory oxygen demand is higher than the respiratory demand of photosynthetic tissues only; thus, I cp represents the additional light required for whole-plant compensation irradiance Tomasko, 1993. Most of the available data for I , rather than I do not consider c cp belowground and non-photosynthetic tissues, and are of limited use in predicting whole-plant carbon balance Dunton and Tomasko, 1991; Tomasko, 1993; Burd and 178 B .W . Touchette , J .M . Burkholder J . Exp . Mar . Biol . Ecol . 250 2000 169 – 205 Table 3 Photosynthetic–irradiance parameters reported for seagrass species including I compensation irradiance, I saturating irradiance, a light-limited slope or quantum c k efficiency; | a 5 P I , and growing and or measurement conditions. Data are given as means 6 1 S.E. for temperate and tropical subtropical species, or as max k ranges if means were not available. Grand means confined to consideration of I and I values, since they were expressed with common units across studies were c k calculated using midrange values for those cases b Species I I a Conditions Source c k 22 21 22 21 a mE m s mE m s Photosyn. units Temperate P 21 21 Amphibolis antarctica 17–23 32–40 0.039–0.054; mg O mg chl h Variable temp. 13–238C Masini and Manning 1997 2 P 21 21 Amphibolis griffithii 20 70 0.035; mg O mg chl h Gross P Masini et al. 1995 2 max P 21 21 Amphibolis griffithii 15–17 25–56 0.039; mg O mg chl h Variable temp. 13–238C Masini and Manning 1997 2 P 21 21 Posidonia australis 25 90 0.009; mg O mg chl h Gross P Masini et al. 1995 2 max P 21 21 Posidonia australis 17–20 35–50 0.015–0.024; mg O mg chl h Variable temp. 13–238C Masini and Manning 1997 2 21 21 Posidonia oceanica 37 257 0.01; mg O g dw h Yearly and tissue age means Alcoverro et al. 1998 2 P 21 21 Posidonia sinuosa 24 55–59 0.016–0.019; mg O mg chl h Gross P Masini et al. 1995 2 max P 21 21 Posidonia sinuosa 20–25 38–55 0.015; mg O mg chl h Variable temp. 13–238C Masini and Manning 1997 2 22 21 Zostera capricorni 45 182 0.018; mm O m s Leaf segments, artif. seawater Flanigan and Critchley 1996 2 21 21 Zostera marina No data 100–290 0.0035; mm O g fw min Seasonal variations Zimmerman et al. 1995 2 22 21 Zostera marina 7–13 40– 55 0.0020–0.0053; mM O dm min Apex young intermed. leaf Mazzella and Alberte 1986 2 Zostera marina 10 100 No data Leaf segments Dennison and Alberte 1982 Zostera marina 28 230 No data Whole shoots Drew 1979 P 21 21 2 Zostera marina 85 450 0.005–0.008; mg O g dw h NO enrichment Touchette 1999 2 3 B .W . Touchette , J .M . Burkholder J . Exp . Mar . Biol . Ecol . 250 2000 169 – 205 179 21 21 Zostera marina 10– 15 65 0.002–0.004; mM O mg chl min Variable temp. 15–358C Marsh et al. 1986 2 21 21 ´ Zostera marina 30– 35 250 0.008; mg C g dw h Young leaf segments Jimenez et al. 1987 21 21 Zostera marina 12– 60 198–210 0.003; mm O mg chl min Variable soil sulfide Goodman et al. 1995 2 P 21 21 Zostera noltii 98–300 222–390 0.23–0.63; mg O g AFD min Seasonal variations Vermatt and Verhagen 1996 2 21 21 ´ Zostera noltii 30– 35 350 0.008; mg C g dw h Young leaf segments Jimenez et al. 1987 Grand mean61 S.E. 28.563.3 146.0638.8 n58 species Tropical subtropical 21 21 Cymodocea nodosa | 0.01–43 26–230 0.005–0.63; mg O g dw h Variable temp. 10–308C Terrados and Ros 1995 2 Halodule uninervis 20–40 50 No data Variable water depth Beer and Waisel 1982 P 22 21 Halodule wrightii 85 319 0.5–2.4; mm O g dw h In situ Dunton and Tomasko 1994 2 P 22 21 Halodule wrightii 81 319 0.5–2.4; mm O g dw h In situ, yearly means Dunton 1996 2 Halophila engelmannii 10–60 430–500 No data Seasonal and salinity response Chan et al. 1987 Halophila stipulacea 20–40 100 No data Variable water depth Beer and Waisel 1982 Syringodium filiforme 10–60 430–500 No data Seasonal and salinity response Chan et al. 1987 Thalassia testudinum 10–60 430–500 No data Seasonal and salinity response Chan et al. 1987 22 ¨ Thalassodendron ciliatum No data 1.5–5 W m No data Plants from 0.5233 m depth Parnik et al. 1992 Grand mean61 S.E. 38.567.6 284.6671.1 n57 species a Slope values a are ratios and, consequently, are dependent on units; therefore, units of photosynthesis are also provided note that light units were standard ´ ¨ across studies. Light values from Zostera noltii Jimenez et al., 1987 and Thalassodendron ciliatum Parnik et al., 1992 were not used to calculate the grand mean, 22 due to use of extreme light levels and different units Watts m , respectively. Note that AFD5ash-free dry weight; chl5chlorophyll; and dw5dry weight. b Superscript letter P indicates measurements using whole plants thus, considered the influence, or demand, of both above- and belowground tissues on light requirements to sustain the plants e.g., I , and I . cp kp 180 B .W . Touchette , J .M . Burkholder J . Exp . Mar . Biol . Ecol . 250 2000 169 – 205 Table 4 Photosynthetic parameters reported for seagrass species including P maximum photosynthesis, I minimum light for maximum photosynthesis, and growing max max and or measurement conditions. Data are given as means 6 1 S.E. for temperate and tropical subtropical species, or as ranges if means were not available b Species P I Conditions Source max max 22 21 a mE m s Temperate P 21 21 Amphibolis antarctica 1–1.5 mg O g h No data Variable temp. 13–238C Masini and Manning 1997 2 P 21 21 Amphibolis griffithii 2.4 mg O mg chl h No data Gross P Masini et al. 1995 2 max P 21 21 Amphibolis griffithii 1–3.5 mg O g h No data Variable temp. 13–238C Masini and Manning 1997 2 P 21 21 Posidonia australis 0.84 mg O mg chl h No data Gross P Masini et al. 1995 2 max P 21 21 Posidonia australis 0.8–2.0 mg O g h 400–700 Variable temp. 13–238C Masini and Manning 1997 2 21 21 Posidonia oceanica 7.7 mg O g dw h 350 Yearly and tissue age means Alcoverro et al. 1998 2 P 21 21 Posidonia oceanica 2.2 mg C mg dw h No data Highest seasonal value, mid-leaf Modigh et al. 1998 P 21 21 Posidonia sinuosa 0.8–1.1 mg O mg chl h No data Gross P Masini et al. 1995 2 max P 21 21 Posidonia sinuosa 0.6–1.2 mg O g h 100–800 Variable temp. 13–238C Masini and Manning 1997 2 22 21 Zostera capricorni 4.2 mmol O m s 450 Leaf segments, artif. seawater Flanigan and Critchley 1996 2 21 21 Zostera marina 0.5–1.7 mmol O gfw min 200–900 Seasonal variations Zimmerman et al. 1995 2 22 21 Zostera marina 0.66 mM O dm min 200 Apex of young intermed. leaf Mazzella and Alberte 1986 2 21 21 Zostera marina 1.2–1.5 mmol O g dw min 100 Leaf segments Dennison and Alberte 1982 2 22 21 Zostera marina 2.0 mmol O dm min 230 Whole shoots Drew 1979 2 P 21 21 2 Zostera marina 5–6.2 mg O g dw h 600 NO enrichment Touchette 1999 2 3 B .W . Touchette , J .M . Burkholder J . Exp . Mar . Biol . Ecol . 250 2000 169 – 205 181 21 21 Zostera marina 0.40 mM O mg chl min 75–150 Variable temp. 15–358C Marsh et al. 1986 2 21 21 Zostera marina 0.5 mmol O mg chl min 700–900 Variable soil sulfide Goodman et al. 1995 2 P – 1 21 Zostera noltii 71–236 mg O g AFD min 150–900 Seasonal variations Vermatt and Verhagen 1996 2 21 21 ´ Zostera noltii 3–6.5 mg C g dw h 3600 Young leaf segments Jimenez et al. 1987 a Grand mean61 S.E. 452631.6 n55 species Tropical subtropical 21 21 21 Cymodocea nodosa 3.0 mg O g dw h No data Saturating light, flow.0.64 cm s Koch 1994 2 21 21 Cymodocea nodosa 2.4–8 mg O g dw h 100–400 Variable temp. 10–308C Terrados and Ros 1995 2 21 21 Halodule uninervis 0.12 mmol O mg chl min No data Variable depth Beer and Waisel 1982 2 P 21 21 Halodule wrightii 374 mmol O g dw h 520 In situ Dunton and Tomasko 1994 2 P 21 21 Halodule wrightii 422 mmol O g dw h 400–800 In situ, yearly means Dunton 1996 2 21 21 Halophila engelmannii 40–65 ppm O g dw h No data Seasonal and salinity response Chan et al. 1987 2 21 21 Halophila stipulacea 40 mmol O mg chl min No data Variable depth Beer and Waisel 1982 2 Syringodium filiforme No data No data Seasonal and salinity response Chan et al. 1987 21 21 21 Thalassia testudinum 3.2 mg O g dw h No data Artif. seawater; flow.0.25 cm s Kock 1994 2 Thalassia testudinum No data No data Seasonal and salinity response Chan et al. 1987 21 21 22 ¨ Thalassodendron ciliatum 30–50 mmol CO kg dw s 20–80 W m Plants from 0.5–33 m depth Parnik et al. 1992 2 a Grand mean61 S.E. 4056155 n52 species a Grand means confined to consideration of I values since they were expressed in common units across studies were calculated using the midrange values for max ´ ¨ those cases. Light values from Zostera noltii Jimenez et al., 1987 and Thalassodendron ciliatum Parnik et al., 1992 were not used to calculate the grand mean, due 22 to use of extreme light levels and different units Watts m , respectively. Note that AFD5ash-free dry weight; chl5chlorophyll; and dw5dry weight. b Superscript letter P indicates measurements using whole plants; thus, these data considered the influence or demand of belowground tissues on photosynthesis and light requirements e.g. I . max 182 B .W. Touchette, J.M. Burkholder J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 250 2000 169 –205 Dunton, 2000. Caution should also be used in interpreting data on saturating irradiance for photosynthesis I , because seagrass photosynthesis has often been shown to k increase under light intensities greater than I Fig. 2; Tomasko, 1993. k Geographic comparisons of seagrass photosynthesis are difficult because of inconsis- tencies in units used for photosynthetic rates. From the available data, temperate-zone seagrasses have lower I values than tropical subtropical species means61 standard c 22 21 error [S.E.] as 28.563.3 and 38.567.6 mE m s , respectively; Table 3, indicating that temperate seagrasses can utilize lower light levels for photosynthesis. Temperate- zone seagrasses also have been reported to have lower I values than tropical k 22 21 subtropical species means61 S.E. as 146.0638.8 and 284.6671.1 mE m s , respectively; Table 3, which would be expected since available ambient light is lower in temperate regions. In addition to the light intensity, the duration of the daily light period at which light equals or exceeds the photosynthetic light saturation point H is important in seagrass sat growth and survival, especially for plants at or near the maximum depth distribution for the species in a given location Dennison and Alberte, 1982, 1985; Zimmerman et al., 1995a. A parameter taken from phytoplankton studies, H , has been used to estimate sat seagrass productivity, mostly in research on Z . marina Herzka and Dunton, 1998. Lower H values have been related to significant decreases in productivity and or sat increasing mortality in Z . marina Dennison and Alberte, 1985; Dennison, 1987; Zimmerman and Alberte, 1991; Zimmerman et al., 1991. However, H is site- as well sat Fig. 2. Theoretical photosynthesis–irradiance P –I curve, illustrating maximum photosynthesis P , max maximum photosynthetic irradiance I , the minimum irradiance that supports P , compensation max max irradiance I , saturating irradiance I , and photosynthetic efficiency a. Photosynthetic efficiency is c k expressed as photosynthetic rate per mole of photons modified from Tomasko, 1993. B .W. Touchette, J.M. Burkholder J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 250 2000 169 –205 183 as species-specific range of 3–12 h reported for Z . marina, with this high variability likely resulting from differences in temperature, metabolic activity, and biomass distribution between C-sink and C-source tissues Zimmerman and Alberte, 1991. Thus, use of H to predict productivity should not be extrapolated to multiple sites Dennison sat and Alberte, 1985; Zimmerman et al., 1989, 1991; Herzka and Dunton, 1998. The H model assumes that productivity does not occur at light levels below I , thus sat k omitting light-limited photosynthesis from consideration Herzka and Dunton, 1997, 1998. Although the model has been used successfully to estimate productivity of Z . marina, Herzka and Dunton 1998 demonstrated that it is more limited in estimating productivity of the subtropical seagrass, Thalassia testudinum. For example, during a period of low irradiance due to light attenuation, the H model predicted 0–37 of the sat production that was calculated from numerical integration of empirical data Herzka and Dunton, 1998. In this and other seagrass species with higher light requirements, the H sat model may not be applicable because of the potential for extended periods of light- limited photosynthesis.

4. Photoinhibition and photosuppression