Experimental results Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:B:Biosystems:Vol57.Issue1.Jun2000:

hepatitis B carriers, the third represents healthy non-carriers, and the fourth is unused. For each input pattern, the first firing effector neuron is recorded. The initial effector neuron group firing was defined as the output associated with an input pattern. When the initial effector neuron-firing group is the same as the group determined by a physician, the system makes a correct response. The greater the number of correct responses made by the system, the higher its fitness. The input – output interface of the ANM system with the clinical hepatitis B database is shown in Fig. 8.

4. Experimental results

Four types of experiments were performed with the system. The first distinguished the chronic hepatitis B patients from healthy individuals in the two-category set, based on the ten physical examination parameters. To understand more about the differentiation capability, the system was also trained to differentiate chronic hepatitis B patients, hepatitis B carriers, and healthy non- carriers in the three-category set. The second ex- periment tested the diagnosis capability of the system. The third experiment examined the effec- tiveness of each parameter in identifying if a patient was infected with chronic hepatitis B. The fourth experiment investigated the effectiveness of considering two examination parameters simulta- neously in determining if a patient was infected with chronic hepatitis B. 4 . 1 . Differentiation capability The experiments with the two-category set show that the number of patterns recognized by the system increased significantly in the early learning stage and slowed down in the later stage Fig. 9. For example, after 16 learning cycles, the system was able to differentiate 368 out of 676 patterns. The differentiation rate was 54.4 368 676. It took 251 cycles for the system to learn to recognize 596 training patterns 88.2. After 4259 cycles, the system was able to differentiate 670 patterns correctly 99.1. The system recog- nized no additional patterns until cycle 10 256, when it was able to differentiate 671 patterns 99.3. We note that it seemed to be very ineffi- cient for the system to take nearly 8000 cycles to increase the number of recognized patterns from Fig. 8. Interface of the ANM system with the hepatitis B database. Each patient’s data, consisting of ten physical examination items, are transformed into a 42-bit pattern. When the group of the first firing effector neuron is the same as the group determined by physician, the system makes a correct response. Fig. 9. Learning curves of the ANM system. patterns recognized from 341 to 342. This is con- sistent with our previous experimental result Chen and Conrad, 1997b that long periods of stasis are punctuated by periods of rapid evolu- tionary learning, implying that subtle evolution- ary changes at one level may open up opportunities for more visible evolutionary changes at another level. 4 . 2 . Diagnosis capability As noted earlier, the clinical hepatitis B data- base comprised 1051 records, divided into two sets: a two-category set and a three-category set. The two-category set and the three-category set were independent in the sense that none of the records were repeated in these two data sets. There were no major differences regarding the ten examination items in these two sets, except the number of categories determined by a physi- cian hepatitis B carriers comprised an additional category in the three-category set. Here, the sys- tem was tested after substantial learning with the two-category set. Two test sets generated from the three-category set were used. Combining the hepatitis B carrier and chronic hepatitis B patient categories together to be referred to as case 1 generated the first set. Combining the hepatitis B carrier and healthy non-carrier categories to- gether to be referred to as case 2 produced the second set. If the system can recognize the ma- jority of the patterns in case 1, we can conclude that there is no difference between a hepatitis B carrier and a chronic hepatitis B patient. Simi- larly, if the system can achieve a high differentia- tion rate in case 2, this means that there is no difference between a hepatitis B carrier and a healthy non-carrier. Experimental results demonstrated that, in case 1, the system was able to differentiate 236 out of the 375 records. The differentiation rate was 62.9 236375. In case 2, the system was able to differentiate 369 out of the 375 records. The differentiation rate was 95.7 359375. This result implies that, from the viewpoint of physicians, a hepatitis B carrier is more like a healthy non-carrier than like a chronic hepatitis B patient. 670 to 671. However, this illustrates that the system has long-term learning capability, which allows it to continue to improve. The second part of the experiment differenti- ated 375 patterns in the three-category set. This set was equally divided into three groups: chronic hepatitis B patients, hepatitis B carriers, and healthy non-carriers. After the first learning cycle, the system was able to differentiate 95 out of 375 patterns 25.3. After cycle 6138, it was able to recognize 339 training patterns 90.4. Then, learning slowed down significantly. It took another 6235 cycles for the system to recognize only one more pattern i.e. to increase the num- ber of patterns recognized from 339 to 340. We note that, after cycle 16 182, the system was able to differentiate 341 patterns. Only another 144 cycles were required to increase the number of 4 . 3 . Parameter analysis In the following experiment, we investigated the effectiveness of each parameter in determining whether an individual was infected with chronic hepatitis B. We used the system after substantial learning with the two-category set and tested it with the variants of the two-category set, instead of the three-category set. There were 42 test sets in total, corresponding to 42 bits used to represent the ten examination items. We note that one of these 42 sets was generated for sex, one for HcAb, and five each for the other eight parameters. The first test set was exactly the same as the two-cate- gory set except for the first bit of each pattern representing sex. A modification was made by changing all of the 0s to 1s and 1s to 0s for the first bit of the patterns in the two-category set. The second test set was generated in a similar manner, but the modification was made at the second bit position representing HcAb. We note that the system learned to treat a particular bit position as rather significant when it can always be used to give a correct response to all the training patterns. In other words, altering a significant bit might lead to a complete failure. In contrast, the system tends to ignore positions whose bit values are not signifi- cant. At an insignificant position any alteration of bit values has no effect on the response. Thus, we may conclude that a parameter is insignificant when the system has the same outputs for both its training and test sets, and significant if the results are quite different. Unlike the above two sets, the remaining 40 test sets were generated in a different manner. As indicated in the above, five test sets were generated for each of the other eight parameters not includ- ing sex and HcAb. First, only the patterns associ- ated with chronic hepatitis B in the two-category set were selected for testing. Secondly, each test set was varied by setting one of the eight parameters at a specific value the other parameters were kept constant. The generation of each test set was implemented by copying all of the patterns corre- sponding to the chronic hepatitis B patients in the two-category set and then replacing five specific bit positions of each pattern with one of the five-bit patterns shown in Eq. 1. For example, the pat- terns of the first set were identical to those of the chronic hepatitis B patients in the two-category set, but the first five-bit positions of each pattern were set at ‘00001’. The second test set was gener- ated in a similar manner, but the first five-bit positions were set at ‘00010’. The experimental results showed that the system is able to differentiate 99.5 of the patterns in the first test set. That is, the results were the same when the sex of these clinical records was changed to male if it was female and to female if male. This strongly suggests that there is essentially no rela- tionship between sex and chronic hepatitis B, indicating that the chances of being infected with chronic hepatitis B are basically the same for both males and females. In contrast, in the second test set, the system was only able to recognize 342 out of the 671 patterns. The differentiation rate was 45.8 342671. This means that the result is nearly reversed when the HcAb of each record is altered, illustrating that HcAb plays a significant role in determining whether one is infected with chronic hepatitis B. As to the other eight parameters, only GGT was not significant. Fig. 10 shows that, for any GGT values, the chance of having chronic hepatitis B is close to zero, suggesting that there is no correla- tion between GGT and chronic hepatitis B. By contrast, some correlation is revealed between TB and chronic hepatitis B, even though this is not very obvious. Fig. 10 shows that most people having low TB are not infected with chronic hepatitis B, and that 11 of the people having Fig. 10. Effectiveness of each examination item in determining the probability of being infected with chronic hepatitis B. high TB are infected. On the contrary, most peo- ple having comparatively high GOT are not in- fected with chronic hepatitis B, and 7.7 of the people with low GOT are infected. It also shows that the chance of having chronic hepatitis B is close to zero for people of different ages unless they are very old. That is, age is not a significant factor for susceptibility to chronic hepatitis B, but it becomes comparatively important when one is elderly. This suggests that the probability of being infected with chronic hepatitis B does not neces- sarily increase as age increases. The probability that one is infected with chronic hepatitis B is quite small when one has compara- tively high Alb or Glo values, but it increases if either of these values goes down. In particular, the probability goes up to 47.5 when one has very low Alb. The last two parameters are GPT and ALP. The probability is pretty low when one has moderate GPT and ALP values, but becomes higher if any of these values either increases or decreases. The summary of the above results is that all parameters except for sex and GGT play some role in determining whether one is infected with chronic hepatitis B. However, none of these parameters is able to 100 positively determine whether one is infected with chronic hepatitis B, suggesting that these indicators are multi-factorial. This prompted us to perform a further experiment to be described in the Section 4.4 that considers two parameters together in determining the proba- bility of being infected with chronic hepatitis B. 4 . 4 . GPTGOT and AlbGlo analysis As indicated in Section 3, both AlbGlo and GPTGOT rates are also significant parameters frequently used by physicians to determine whether one is infected with chronic hepatitis B. Clinical reports suggest that those who are in- fected with chronic hepatitis B usually have very low Alb. As to Glo, it might either increase slightly or have no significant changes at all. This illustrates that the chance of being infected with chronic hepatitis B becomes higher if one’s Alb Glo rate goes down. Generally speaking, the Alb Glo rate of a healthy individual ranges from 1.5 to 2.5. When this rate goes down significantly in particular for a decrease to less than 1, one might be infected with chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, or liver cancer. We first investigated the effectiveness of differ- ent combinations of Alb and Glo in determining whether one was infected with chronic hepatitis B. The system was tested after substantial learning with the two-category set. As mentioned earlier, the Alb and Glo values were divided into five levels, respectively i.e. low, moderately low, mod- erate, moderately high, and high. In total, there were 25 possible combinations of Alb and Glo, with a test set generated for each combination. The following explains how the test sets were generated. We note that only the patterns associ- ated with healthy people in the two-category set were selected for testing. For each of these pat- terns, the bits corresponding to Alb and Glo were set at specific levels, respectively. Setting both Alb and Glo at a low level generated the first set. Setting Alb at a low level and Glo at a moderately low level generated the second set. The remaining 23 test sets were generated in a similar manner. The experimental results Fig. 11 showed that one has a 64 chance of being infected with chronic hepatitis B if Alb is low and Glo is moderately high. Moreover, the probability goes up to 72 when one has low Alb and high Glo. Both results were higher than those in the previous experiment we note that the highest probability is 47.5 and 23.4, respectively, if we consider only Alb and Glo alone. The results given above suggest that the probability of being infected with chronic hepatitis B increases as the AlbGlo rate goes down. We also investigated different combinations of GOT and GPT in determining the probability of being infected with chronic hepatitis B. As noted earlier, the GPTGOT rate for a healthy individ- ual is close to 1. This implies that one will have liver damage when his GPTGOT rate is either greater than 1 or far less than 1. As above, the GPT and GOT values were divided into five levels, respectively i.e. low, moderately low, mod- erate, moderately high, and high. In total, there were 25 test sets, where all the possible combina- tions of GPT and GOT are considered. The result Fig. 11. Effectiveness of the combinations of Alb and Glo in determining the probability of being infected with chronic hepatitis B. showed that, regardless of GOT, it is unlikely that one will be infected with chronic hepatitis B when his GPT is moderate i.e. neither too high nor too low. However, the probability becomes higher when one’s GPT value increases or decreases sig- nificantly Fig. 12.

5. Conclusions