An Analysis Of Sara Laughs’ Conflict Viewed From Stephen King’s Bag Of Bones














First of all, I would like to thank and praise ALLAH S.W.T, the most gracious and most merciful, who has blessed me with health and capability to finish this thesis as my last assignment to finish my study at English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara.

In this opportunity, I would like to thanks the Dean of Faculty of Letters, Drs.Syaifuddin, M.A.Ph.D, and the Head of English Department Dra.Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum, the Secretary of English Literature Department Drs.Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed TESOL, for their advice and support during the period of my study in this faculty. I also would like to thank to my supervisor Dra.Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum and Drs.Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum as my co-supervisor who has spent much of time in correcting this thesis and giving a valuable guidance to complete it. I am also grateful to all lectures who lectured me wisely during the academic years.

Furthermore, I would like to thank my parents, Bachtiar and Missaini, for their loves, advice, prayer, and support, I love both. To my older sister Evi and my older brothers for their loves, attention, and support.

My dearest friends, thanks for their care and helping in the process of completing and typing this thesis. My best friend, Sarah, mba’ yu, Mega, I’u, Topan, Liong and also thanks to Alfina for the advices and her guidance in giving me spirit, supports, and always be ready in hearing my sharing during my study and complecting of this paper. And the special thanks to Roni, SP., for his always support me during I write this thesis.


In addition, I would like to thank to all my friends in English Department (2007 Extension Program)

Thank you to every one who helps me during my academic period and my time in finishing this thesis.

Medan, June 2009



Approved by English Department of Faculty of Letters,

University of Sumatera Utara (USU), Medan as thesis for

the Sarjana Sastra Examination.



Dra.Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum Drs.Yulianus Harefa,M.Ed.TESOL



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Name : ERNI

Title Thesis : An Analysis of Sara Laughs’s Conflict Viewed from Stephen King’s Bag of Bones

Qualification : S1/Sarjana Sastra Department : English

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Date : June ,2009




BY ERNI 070721012


Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed.TESOL

NIP: 131570487 NIP: 131570483

Submitted to Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra in the English Literature/Linguistics.




Accepted by the board Examiners in partial fulfillment of

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The examination is held on the Faculty of Letters, University of

Sumatera Utara on June 23


, 2009.

The Dean of Faculty of Letters

University of Sumatera Utara

Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A.,Ph.D

NIP: 132098531

Board of Examiners:

Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum ……… Drs. Yulianus Harefa, M.Ed.TESOL ……… Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum ………

Drs. Syahri Saja, M.A ………



Skripsi ini mengetengahkan tentang konflik tokoh melalui karya sastra novel yang ditulis oleh Stephen King dengan judul “A Bag of Bones” tokoh atau penokohan adalah orang yang digambarkan mengalami serangkain persoalan hidup. Sebagai makhluk individu dan social. Dengan kisah cinta yang terjadi melibatkan makhluk ghaib, oleh karena itu, tokoh atau penokohan adalah orang yang dilukisakan secara fiktif namun mengalami kehidupan secara normal sebagaimana adanya kehidupan nyata.

Konflik dengan kisah cinta yang terjadi, melibatkan kehidupan alami ghaib dan penuh dengan mengerikan tentang kebenaran cerita-cerita dari lingkungan sekitar. Ketika konflik yang terjadi merupakan suatu teka teki kata yang diputar dalam kurungan kesedihan telah menjadi bukti tidak baik untuk dilakukan dalam kehidupan makhluk hidup. Dengan demikian konflik merupakan suatu esensi kehidupan manusia yang menyadari atas pilihan hidup yang ada dan kemudian mengalami atas pilihan hidup yang ada. Pilihan itu juga yang dialami oleh noonan yang menjadi tokoh sentral dalam novel “A Bag of Bones” sebagai seorang penulis yang menderita sejak kematian orang yang dicintainya, kehidupan menjadi aneh karena seringnya iya berinteraksi dengan hal-hal yang ghaib, berhadapan dengan kesedihan dan menghindari konfrontasi dengan kekuatan jahat, dosa dan rahasia yang tersembunyi dan menjadi masalah yang kompleks.

Konflik bisa dating dari dalam yang mana individu berkonflikdengan dirinya sendiri, dan dapat pula karena orang lain yang mana konflik itu berasal dari luar diri seseorang, kedua istilah konflik itu dikenal dengan sebutan konflik internal dan eksternal. Untuk mendiskripsikan konflik tersebut saya menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif yang mana saya interprestasikan kutipan sebagai data penelitian ini. Data kemudian dianalisis untuk menemukan kebenaran tentang konflik. Konflik tidak akan pernah lepas dari manusia itu masih hidup, karena pilihan akan selalu ada. Kedewasaan dalam bersikap akan menjadikan manusia memahami keputusan yang diambil untuk bisa mengatasi konflik kehidupan .









1 1..11The Background of The Analysis……… 1

1.2The Problem of The Analysis………. 3

1.3The Purpose of The Analysis……….. 4

1.4The Scope of The Analysis……….. 4

1.5The Method of The Analysis………4

1.6The Review of The Related Literature……… 5


2.1 General Concept of Novel……….. 7

2.2 General Concept of Character………. 8

2.3 General Concept of Conflict………... 10


3.1 Internal Conflict 3.1.1 Mike Noonan……….. 19

3.1.2 Sara Laughs………... 24

3.1.3 Devore……… 29

3.2 External Conflict 3.2.1 Conflict between Sara Laughs and Noonan... 32


3.2.2 Sara Laughs and Devore ……… 35 3.2.3 Conflict Family Background……….. 37



4.1 Conclusion……….. 41

4.2 Suggestion………... 41



Appendix 1


Appendix 2


Appendix 3





Skripsi ini mengetengahkan tentang konflik tokoh melalui karya sastra novel yang ditulis oleh Stephen King dengan judul “A Bag of Bones” tokoh atau penokohan adalah orang yang digambarkan mengalami serangkain persoalan hidup. Sebagai makhluk individu dan social. Dengan kisah cinta yang terjadi melibatkan makhluk ghaib, oleh karena itu, tokoh atau penokohan adalah orang yang dilukisakan secara fiktif namun mengalami kehidupan secara normal sebagaimana adanya kehidupan nyata.

Konflik dengan kisah cinta yang terjadi, melibatkan kehidupan alami ghaib dan penuh dengan mengerikan tentang kebenaran cerita-cerita dari lingkungan sekitar. Ketika konflik yang terjadi merupakan suatu teka teki kata yang diputar dalam kurungan kesedihan telah menjadi bukti tidak baik untuk dilakukan dalam kehidupan makhluk hidup. Dengan demikian konflik merupakan suatu esensi kehidupan manusia yang menyadari atas pilihan hidup yang ada dan kemudian mengalami atas pilihan hidup yang ada. Pilihan itu juga yang dialami oleh noonan yang menjadi tokoh sentral dalam novel “A Bag of Bones” sebagai seorang penulis yang menderita sejak kematian orang yang dicintainya, kehidupan menjadi aneh karena seringnya iya berinteraksi dengan hal-hal yang ghaib, berhadapan dengan kesedihan dan menghindari konfrontasi dengan kekuatan jahat, dosa dan rahasia yang tersembunyi dan menjadi masalah yang kompleks.

Konflik bisa dating dari dalam yang mana individu berkonflikdengan dirinya sendiri, dan dapat pula karena orang lain yang mana konflik itu berasal dari luar diri seseorang, kedua istilah konflik itu dikenal dengan sebutan konflik internal dan eksternal. Untuk mendiskripsikan konflik tersebut saya menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif yang mana saya interprestasikan kutipan sebagai data penelitian ini. Data kemudian dianalisis untuk menemukan kebenaran tentang konflik. Konflik tidak akan pernah lepas dari manusia itu masih hidup, karena pilihan akan selalu ada. Kedewasaan dalam bersikap akan menjadikan manusia memahami keputusan yang diambil untuk bisa mengatasi konflik kehidupan .





The Background of the Analysis

Literature is considered as the reflection of human imagination. It is commonly known is written from of art work. Literature is one of the greatest creative and universal means of communicating the emotional, spiritual or intellectual concern of mankind. Generally, literature can be divided into the fictions works. On the contrary, essays, history, autobiography, and diary are forms of non-fiction.

I take the novel as the source of investigation in this thesis. It is necessary know the meaning of the novel. A novel according to Reeve (1785:26) is novel is picture of real and manners and of the time in which it was written.

A novel according to the Encyclopedia of American International (http:// Encyclopedia of American novel) is

“Novel tells of even within the range of ordinary of experience and avoids supernaturalism and their stories are original, not traditional or mythic. Novel is plot involves numerous character, who usually are not grade or heroic figure often quit the opposite. Most novels use language close to that of the colloquialism of normal daily speech, frequently including jargon, slang, and humorous expression”

Novel as fictitious kind of writing is also bridging the experience of human life in terms of narrative text. The texts provide a story that consists of events which are portraying problems of life. Thesis problems could be injustices,


love matters, war-time, and even killing which is part of human matters. That is why novel is accepted as medium of narrating human life concern trough language.

This thesis is focused on analyzing conflicts experienced by central figure Sara Laughs as portrayed in the novel Bag of Bones written by Stephen King. The conflict is divided into two kinds that are internal and external conflicts. Internal conflict is a personal conflict when individual is in conflict with him and herself. The external conflict is conflict situation when individual is in conflict with another individual and group of people or society. On this thesis, the external conflict to be analyzed is focused on Sara Laughs conflict with Devore.

The meaning of conflict is commonly understood as unresolved or stressing matters. Specially, conflict is a matter of choices. These choices are hoped to give full satisfaction, yet, not all choices many give wanted desires; meanwhile, choices are restricted that’s why when the choices come to hopelessness, the result is conflict

The source of conflict can take place because of an individual’s ambition. This seems to make things certain. When certainly does not reach what is want the matters come up to result conflict. Thus, conflict simply happens where someone fails to cope with his or her choices for satisfaction.

In this thesis, the conflict is addressed to a central figure which is represented by Sara Laughs. As a character, Sara Laughs appears as individual or fictitious person who are portrayed as loving person. Since conflict is only experienced by human being or man, the presence of Sara Laughs in the novel as


character is representative to be analyzed through conflict she has suede Robert (1993:20) character is:

“Character is the persons presented in dramatics of narrative work, who are interpreted by reader as being endowed with the normal and dispositional qualities that are expressed in that they said and what they do in action”.

The portrayal of Sara Laugh’s conflict in this thesis is focus on the analysis as an individual who can not satisfy as her choices has resulted conflict. Such a situation has been clearly stated in the novel Bag of Bones. This is the reason as well as the background why conflict has been chosen to be the focus of analysis in this thesis.


Problem of the Analysis

Stephen King’s Bag of Bones is an interesting novel. The conflict appears is the central focus of attention which is also analyzed in this thesis. The action of conflict is addressed to one of the very important main character that is Sara Laughs. Sara Laughs has been trapped by choices of life which are not all fulfilling satisfaction.

Conflict is a matter of choices that are faced by persons both individually and collectively in order to fulfill satisfaction. When the choices come to unsatisfaction, the result will be conflict. Thus, in this thesis the problems which are going to be analyzed are as follows:

1. What is Sara Laugh’s internal conflict?

2. What is the conflict between Sara Laughs and Devore?



The Purpose of the Analysis

The purpose of the analysis is to explain the way Sara Laughs is in conflict with herself at this point, Sara Laughs can not satisfy all her personal needs which sometimes made her disappointed. The next purpose is to describe the Sara’s external conflict that is with Devore. Finally, the final purpose of this thesis is to describe the solution has Sara Laughs solver her conflict for her own bitterness.


The Scope of the Analysis

This thesis analysis is limited to the main character’s both internal and external conflicts. The main character is addressed to Sara Laughs who becomes the central figure in the novel. The internal conflict is meant to identify what makes her in conflict with herself in order to satisfy herself from fulfilled wants. As a matter of fact, one choice can not satisfy all the needs which is the resulting conflict.

Sara Laughs external conflict is limited to Devore who seems to be a block for Sara to gain her hope. Sara cannot conform to Devore for selfish. Target orientation that disturbs Sara Laughs existence. At this matter, the sense of dislike ness and suspicion makes Sara battle with Devore.


The Method of Analysis

The source of data analysis of this thesis is a novel written by Stephen King. The title of the novel is Bag of Bones. The first procedure before doing the analysis is reading the story of the novel for complete understanding. The act of reading is grasp what the novel is talking about. Then, the selection of the themes


of the novel is found out in terms of the main character’s conflict that is Sara Laughs both internal and external conflict.

On selecting the internal and external conflicts, the text of the novel is concerning carefully. The text is the form of narrative text which consists of words, phrases and even sentences. These sentences are selected in the form of the quotations which are known as data of the analysis.

After having selected the quotations in reference to the conflict, the analysis is directed to be properly done with the quotations themselves. The quotations are interpreted for the analysis in order to be coherent with the topic analyzed through interpretation in terms of conflict.

In doing the analysis the novel itself is not enough to be the source of data. There are some additional references which are relevant to the analysis. There are theoretical books of literature or criticism that deals with literature. That is this method of research is also known as library research of study.


The Review of Related Literature

In an Introduction to Drama, Tennyson (1967:14) to clarify that plot is closely connected conflict. As an ordered chain of events, plot may be divided into large group that is internal conflict and external conflict.

Internal conflict explores that individual is in conflict with himself. Mean while, external conflict covers when individual is in conflict with society or supernatural agent which appears outside of an individual.

In this thesis, I apply kind of theoretical concept in doing the analysis that is the conflict of the character. A character in literary work is person who has the conditions of being a person. He or she has a name and lives together with his or


her social environment. Taylor (1993:1015) defines character as a person who has ideas, feelings, hopes, frustrated condition that may be identified though what he or she says in the book. The study of the character or person may happen through. In addition, Welleck and Warren (1967:7177) also clarify how literature deals with society and psychology. Since literature is reflection of society, it reflected at least the summary of man’s life for better or worse. For character are supposed to be living person, they live together socially in forming social behavior under conditions of accepted rules that is related to moral consequences of what is done socially and morally in social living.

Welleck further explains that character is someone who has mind. Since psychology is a study of human mind, literature, with the preventative of character is also dealing with psychological matter study as unwilling disappointment that results conflict. So, these are the reason intended to study conflict in this present thesis.




2.1 General Concept of Novel

There are three mayor genres of literature of poetry, prose and drama. In which each genre has its own characteristic. In this point, the writer will explain briefly about novel because this genre is the main object in this thesis.

David Grambs (1982:78) mentions in his book extended narrative that tells a story, or uses incidents to dramatize human experience and individual characters. Taylor (1981:62) also says that novel is a prose of work of quit some length and complexity which attempts to reflect and express something of the quality or value of human experience or conduct. A novel according to Reeve (1785:26) is novel is a picture of real and manners and of the time in which it was written.

A novel according to The Encyclopedia of American International (http:// en. Encyclopedia of American is

“Novel tells of even within the range of ordinary of experience and avoids supernaturalism, and their stories are original, not traditional or mythic. Novel plots involve numerous characters, who usually are not grad or heroic figures. Often quit the opposite. Most novels use language close to that of the colloquialism of normal daily speech, frequently including jargon, slang and humorous expression.”

Novel can portray character and actions which represent of real life, dealing with human life, passion or ambition, desire, joy, sadness, feeling, thought, egoism and many related to human life.


In analyzing a novel, one should apply a series of steps in order to get better understanding about the novel, about the theme, plot, character and setting. All these elements built a qualified completeness of literary value. One of the elements is character. People in a novel are related to characters; there are members of society, and the author’s distinctive view of how people are related to society and reflected in the presentation of every character.

A novel can be analyzed from several of point of view. It can be analyzed from the moral, social, and religious points of view. In this case, the writer is interested in discussing about the conflict that’s dominant in this novel, which it will relate to moral and social life.

2.2 General Concept of Character

Character is very important in real made creation of literary works such as novel, drama or even some of poems. The nature of character presentation brings a positive impact for readers to find out what is going on and what is it for. Since, the character mirrors quality of person. It can be traced to generalize opinion for man in general. Robert (1983:20) declares, that;

“Characters are the persons presented in dramatics or narrative work, who are interpreted by readers as being endowed with the normal and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say and what they do in action.”

In fiction, character may be defined as a verbal presentation of human being. Trough action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray characters that are worth caring about rooting for, analyzed even loving, although


these are also characters to be laughed, dislike or even hated, to quote Robert (1993:131).

In Yanni (1990:36) explores how the literary writers presents and reveals the character. He generalizes and lists methods of revealing character in fiction. Firstly, it is narrative summary without judgment. Secondly, all it is narrative description with implied or explicit judgment. Thirdly, it is about surface details of dress physical appearance. Fourthly, it is about characters actions of what they do and the characters speech of what the say and how they say it; and finally, it is about the characters consciousness of what they think and feel.

There can be simplified that character in fiction is description and representation of a person qualities. The creation or delegation of character or characters in touch with the actions, gesture, or speech existing in the work by so doing, character is a fictitious living person that has personal qualities of a real person has.

Not so far different from what the expert say, Millie and Yates (1982:228) declare that, there are at least six methods by which analyzed author can show the characters. They are:

1. By what the person say: give up I don’t be silly. I haven’t even started yet:

2. By what some one else says: “Jenkins? A bulldog is a quitter compared to him”

3. By his or her action: Werly, Merliene straight tined her shoulders, took a deep breath;


5. By the way that other people treat him or her: here was a mission on which only a person never quit;

6. By the author’s direct words: Sophia was people who never give up. A character in a work of fiction may realize in a character in a work of in a number of ways. Character, after all, has been constructed to make out reported actions, the words they are give to say and the commentary made of on them by their creator. Something must depend on how they are presented.

2.3 General Concept of Conflict

Human being has several basic human needs that must be fulfilling in order for survive. Those basic needs are drink, food, oxygen, home and so on, but beside that there is something which is essential for mental development, sociological and psychological satisfaction, that is environment. We have to know; people who live in this world are not alone. Every people that live in the world must be make interaction with others. It is show that they are social creature.

If we related to sociological, Narwoko & Suyanto (2007:3) according to August Commit in this book, which the title “Positive Philosophy” in 1883, in this book, it mention that, Sociology come from Latin word, they are “Socius” it mean friend and come from the Greek word, means word or speaking. So sociology is talking about society or people. With another word, sociology is the science that studied about the way of life of human being as the member of society, not as individual that mean human live is not far from society.


According to Sumardjan and Soeleman Soemardi (2007:4) the definition of sociology is the science that studied about the structure of socio and the process of socio.

I. Structure of social is the main of social elements. Structure of social consists of:

 Principle of social

 Social organization

 Groups of social

 Part of social II. The Process of Social

The impact of fid back from all of the segments of live together in society, in sort, sociology here not only as the collection of sub discipline all of the segments of life but sociology is one of the science that learn about society / community.

To know more complete the reflection and the realistic about the live together in society, first, we need prepare our self with more knowledge about the process of social that happen in society. The knowledge about the process social can make some one possible to understand allot the segments dynamical of one society / community.

There are two kind process of social; 1. Associative social process 2. Dissocialize social process


Associative Social Process

Associative social process is it happens if the process indicates rapprochement or united. There are some elements of associative social process: 1. Cooperation

Cooperation comes from Latin word, they are so “co” means together and “operani” means work, so cooperation means work together. Cooperation is one of the shape of interest and attention of people to work together in one concept. Although the motive is rarely and can became into only one side need.

2. Accommodation

Is one process people to have the temporary of agreement between two side of people in conflict where the decision they must accept. Accommodation happens in people that they must work together although in realty they always have different argumentation and always have opposite goal.

But without accommodation and ready accommodate conflict between two sides of people can’t be solved. They cannot work together forever. But with accommodation all of the differences can solve. Although it is opposite with what they want not impossible accommodation can give the best solution for minimize all kind of differences and conflict.

3. Assimilative

Is the process of dissolving way of custom, so, part of people from two or three groups which in assimilating that ones belongs


4. Amalgacy

Is the social process of dissolving way between two groups of custom. For example; the conflict that happened between Anglo-Saxon and Normandy.

Dissociate Social Process

Disseminative social process indicated to cooperative. Dissociate social of process consist of three, they are:

1. Competition

Is one process that is has struggle to get some purpose which has specific limit. It only has function to stand one of long lasting life. They are two type of competition:

a. Personal competition personal that happened between two people and it has personal characteristic.

b. Impersonal competition

The competition is not personal the competition is happen between two group of people. Example:

a) The competition happen between two company b) The competition between two parties

2. Conflict

Conflict is one of social process which happened in our life which involves some of people or group of people which challenge each other which has inviolacy impact. Actually conflict comes from, cooperation and competition. If competition appears in the middle of our life, maybe we can not find conflict. Conflict is must happen in our life. Conflict is not always has negative impact. With the conflict, we can get the best solution in every problem that happened in


our life. Sociologically, cooperation and competition do not always work together. When cooperation and competition do not run well, the tendency of conflict happens is greater. Conflict is disappointed situation when the desired wants do not come true. Thus, conflict may have positive and negative aspect. It is positive if the conflict has been resolved in mutual way. And it will be negative it the conflict brings chaotic situation or even disaster.

In extreme, conflict can happen not only to survive and exist but it has to purpose to destroy the existence other people or other group that they fell has their enemy.

3. Contrivances

Contrivances come from the Latin word. Le, “conta” and “venire” means Challenging. The most important thing in contrivance is how to fail the goal of other parties. Meanwhile, some of the impact which caused by contrivance is:

1. For the parties which become target the goal that needs to be reached forcedly failed or postponed by challenging.

2. For the third party indirectly which involved in a conflict, particularly police has to control so that contrivance will not developed to become a conflict.

From the statement above, we can conclude that every people that live in the world have their own problem. Such as: his feeling, his behavior and his mind. That is why the study of psychology is important. Psychology does not only study about human behavior but also problem solving. Psychology also attempts to understand human as the complex consciousness. So with the study of


psychology, we can know how the personality of someone and how the problem of someone is solve.

Based on it is rule, conflict has the main rule in a prose fiction works. One of the well definitions of conflict, the definition of conflict, can be drawn easily. One of the well definitions of conflict is as state by Robert (1995:1694);

“Conflict is the opposition between two characters, between large groups of people or between protagonists and large forces such as natural objects, ideas, modes of behavior, public opinion, and the like. Conflict may also be internal and psychological, involving choices facing a protagonist”.

To Robert, the conflict is also the sub elements that cause the doubt, create tension and produce the interest of the prose fiction work.

In common aspect, the conflict itself consists of two kinds, they are: the internal conflict, that is the struggle within one’s self; a person must make some decision, over come paint, quit their temper. Resist analyzed urge, etc, and the external conflict, that is the struggle with a force outside one’s self. As analyzed addition, Tennyson (1967:14). Argues that there are three basic of conflicts in all plot of prose fiction. The three basic conflicts most frequently cited are:

1. The individual in conflict with another individual. 2. The individual in conflict with himself.

3. The individual in conflict with analyzed outside force, for example; society and supernatural.

While in other side, conflict is the essential sub element of plot without the conflict there is novel plot. It is opposition forces which ties one accident to another and makes the order of the plot move. Conflict is not merely limited to


open arguments; rather it is any form of opposition that forces him main character. Within novel, there is one central struggle, or there maybe one dominant struggle with many minor ones.

Collin’s English Language Dictionary (1984:70) says that conflict is analyzed encounter between a character’s purpose and obstacle of other’s purpose, the forces of hostile environment.

From the statement above, we can conclude that conflict refers to the opposition or disagreement felt by someone that is related to his mind way of thinking and feeling. Conflict causes harm to someone or to another person who is involved in one condition.

Conflict also means as analyzed encounter between a character’s purpose and obstacle to their purpose and obstacle to their fulfillment. This may consist of other purpose. The focus of hostile environment or wearing impulses within the character himself. Sometimes conflict is related to the sadism and brutally as Paul B. Horton and Chester L. Hunt says:

“The atrocities in conflict are often mistakenly attributed his sadism or brutally of the individuals who commit them. Yet ordinary people in extraordinary situation commit most of the atrocity in group conflicts. The conflict process often place people on roles where they must be brutal.” (1976:71)

This statement is surely true because now days so many maniacs acted by persons that we know as good citizen. We will never know a man who thinks about one thing in a certain situation, unless we have known him for a long time. Even a close friend can be an enemy if the condition and situation change him.


A conflict is struggle, a controversy between a man and another individual conflict can affect a person’s personality, character, behavior and general health. As Grebstein (1967:48), says the qualities which make a person different from another or moral nature. From the statement above, we can get conclusion that from the character and personality of some one we can know she or he and how strong to face every conflict and problem in their life.

When the conflict appears in life, the reactions of different individuals who are involved is different too. Some of individuals may face the reaction with emotion, but some other people may solve the conflict in compromise. It means that individuals who are involved will have the response to approach two objects at the same time or to keep a distance from both of the alternatives have two characteristic, advantages or disadvantages. On the other hand, we can say that a conflict is like a competition to defeat it is rival. Someone who is involved in the conflict tries his effort to offset the other to gain his need or desires.

So conflict influences the metal of someone become depression as Moscowitz say:

“Depression is not an illness, it follows not regular course and has novel particular or specific outcome. It is a kind of emotional reaction with distinctive characteristic; the roots of the characteristic exist in everyone.” (1969:178)

There are many possibilities which cause one’s psychology depression:

 A failure or unfulfilled great wish

 A tragedy which struck one’s beloved person

 Losing a beloved thing or person


In the novel, a Bag of Bones is described that a lot of the conflict become internal. While this isn’t a problem within the written word, such conflict is hard to portray on screen, mystery of revenge are describe clearly and drawn into this novel. The novel “Bag of Bones” starts strong and promises much. The opening pages describe the unfortunate and untimely death of the narrator’s wife Jo. Bag of Bones is a ghost story and not a very a good one, despite the valid social issues it raises. The vengeful ghost of this story is a black woman who was gang raped and forced to witness the murder of her young child. This could have provided and effective dark undercurrent to this story set in a closed New England community, but it is messy sensationalistic handling damage the story’s integrity.

The ghosts are, on again, powerful or powerless, direct or indirect, not obeying any inner logic but simply there to propel, extend, or save the plot. In the (long, overdrawn) final confrontation or rather, confrontations. So many ghosts appear that. It comes very close to unintentional slapstick, and the sickening sappiness of the last ghostly apparition bludgeons to death any lingering dramatic credibility.



3.1 Internal Conflict


Mike Noonan Internal Conflict

All human beings in the world have conflict and problem in their life, because life is full of human emotion, fear and sorrow. Conflict is the universal problems of every human being as long as they are still a live. They are unable to avoid from what is called conflict, whether it is a physical conflict, a social conflict or may also an internal conflict.

Collin’s English Language Dictionary defines that:

“Conflict is an encounter between a character’s purpose and obstacle of other’s the forces of hostile environment.”(1984:70)

From the statement above, it can concluded that conflict refers to the opposition or disagreement felt by some one that is related to his mind way of thinking and feeling. Conflict causes harm to someone or to another person who is involved in the condition.

Mike Noonan as the narrator in the novel “Bag of Bones”. Noonan is an author living in Derry, Maine who suffers from severe writer’s block after the death of his wife. Mike anguishes after his wife’s death and finds herself unable to write due to panic attacks.

A conflict is a struggle, a controversy between a man and another individual. Conflict can effect a person’s personality, character, behavior and general health. As Grebstein says the qualities which make a person different from another or moral nature (1967:48). From the statement above, it really great


tragedy which King builds up internal conflict Noonan getting writer’s block in the story.

When the conflict appears in life, the reaction of different individuals who are involved is different to some of individuals may face the reaction with emotion but some other people may solve the conflict in compromise. It means that individual who are involved will have the response to approach two objects at the same time or to keep a distance from both of the alternatives have two characteristic, advantage or disadvantage. On the other hand, we can say that a conflict is like a competition to defeat its rival. Someone who is involved in the conflict tries his effort to offset the other to gain his needs or desire. So, a conflict influence the mental of someone become depression as Moskowitz says:

“Depression is not an illness, it follows no regular course and has novel particular or specific outcome. It is type of emotional reaction with distinctive characteristic; the roots of the characteristic exist in everyone” (1964:178)

The internal conflict Noonan firstly when he getting writer’s block. He never suffered from writer’s block during the ten years of his marriage, and he did not suffer it immediately after Johanna’s death. He was in fact so unfamiliar with the condition that it had pretty well set in before he knew anything out of the ordinary was going on. He think that was finish because in his hearth believed that such conditions only affected “literary” types of the sort who are discussed, deconstructed and sometimes dismissed in the New York review of books my writing career and my marriage covered almost exactly he same span. He then explains his feeling:


“this is my experience since I getting writer’s block: I finished the first draft my first novel, being two, not long after Jo and I become officially engaged (I popped an opal ring on the third finger of her left hand, a hundred and ten bucks at day’s jewelers, and quite a bit more than I could afford at the time…..but Johanna seemed utterly thrilled with it), and I finished my lost novel, all the way from the top, about a month after she was declared dead. This was the one about the psychotic killer with the love of high places. it was published in the fall of 1995. I have published other novels since then, a paradox I can explain, but I don’t think there will be a Michael Noonan novel an any list in the fore able future. I know what writer’s block is now, all right. I know more about it than I ever wanted to.

Stephen King (1998:22-23)

It is Noonan express to him self when he is deep trying to tell the story and explain his experience disappointment about writer’s block.

“I tell you all this so you’ll understand how I could spend four years using my computer as the world’s most expensive scrabble board, and novel one ever suspected. Writer’s block? What writer’s block? We don’t got novel steenkin writer’s block, how could any one think such a thing when there was a new Michael Noonan suspense novel appearing each fall just like clock work, perfect for your late summer pleasure reading, folks and by the way, don’t forget that the holidays are coming and that all your relatives would also probably enjoy the new Noonan.

Stephen King (1998:20-21)

Such a covered internal conflict will not be able to satisfy Noonan. When he begins having a perpetual, repetitive dream focusing on his dead wife appearing at the doorsteps of his Maine summer house he calls Sara Laughs. He packs up his belongings and moves into the old house in hope that he will easy up and begin writing again.


Noonan begin to notice supernatural occurrences that occasionally appear around Sara Laughs and realizes that they are there to help him, begin writing and get over the loss of his wife, and help Mattie and Kyra escape from the clutches of her father in low, Max Devore who is trying to gain wistody of his grand daughter.

What point is important to notice is the hidden send of his publisher protest? He is strong enough in his principle tough he knows that he has done a mistake. It is clearly he makes complain with them and seen that he has novel words to express but he acts as a symbol of his protest. It can be seen how he make protest and decide to complain with the publisher for what he has done.

“I’m pretty sure that once or twice he asked me if I was working on a new book and I think I sad, Oh, fuck it, that’s a lie, okay? One so, in grew that now I’m even telling it to myself. He asked, all right and I always said yeah, I was working on a new book, it was going good, real good. I was tempted more than once to tell him, I can’t write two paragraphs without going into total mental and physical dog lock, my heart bead doubles, then triples, I get short of breath and then start to pant, my eyes feel like they are going to pop out of my bead and hang there on my cheeks. I’m like a claustrophobe in a sinking submarine. That’s how it’s going, thanks for asking, but I never did. I don’t call for help. I can’t call for help. I think I told you that.”

Stephen King (1998:35-36)

As matter of fact, conflict situation exist because there is no way out to solve alternatives for better result. Conflict needs solving with wishful result. The conflict way brings something worse such as frustration or disillusion. If it so happens, bad result may give negatives impact not only personally but also mentally.


It is dominant that Noonan’s internal conflict is depression and not happiness. Next, the other internal conflict Noonan’s suspicious about his former wife. Mike Noonan’s bereavement; his sad, over long mourning; his meeting with and subsequent love for Mattie three year old girl, Kyra and his eventual bid to adopt her and himself this could have been a great story, novel ghost story and not a very good one, despite the valid social issue it raises. The vengeful ghost of his story is Mattie black woman who has gang raped and forced to witness the murder of her young child.

What exist in mind is not always working together in pracial way of life. After Johanna Noonan dies in the middle of parking lot of brain tumor, Mike Noonan’s wife, popular author Mike Noonan is trusted into Mattie world where loneliness is his only friend and he is unable to write without breaking down. As he learns more and more of what’s happened since he was gone, he learns that his wife ‘Jo’ was down there without him knowing, and that she was planning to write Mattie story about the TR’s (where Sara Laughs is located) illustrious history, and Mike begins trying to piece together what she found out and why she did not tell him.

It is true that conflict is a situation in which fulfillment cannot be materialized proportionally. Where there is novel balance of deciding conflict for better solution the end result is frustration. Thus conflict comes basically when there is option and the option fails to satisfy one’s fulfill ness. In reference to this, Noonan experience the same eventual choice he hardly ever has those choice to make him satisfied. He is always becoming the object of mistake and improperness that make him small. Such unfair deed make him sick in his heart


and tries to fight back with his own way though it is normally wrong. But, he has made a decision that his protest to win his willingness has resulted him to be free from his own internal conflict.

Noonan conflict is a situation in which Mike Noonan is unknowingly trusted into a world of hell that he wanted no part of. Soon after that incident, Mike is questioned by local billionaire and elder Max Devore about the incident, and Mike immediately feels apprehensive at the situation and angrily hangs up on him. So, while this isn’t a problem within the written word, such conflict is hard to portray on screen. After all, internal conflict often becomes metaphorical and any dialogue spoken is usually in the voice of the person who internal conflict is being thought, it is conflict maybe coming from other things is the name suggests, internal conflict means inside the person who has the conflict that interrupts his mind. So, conflict needs solving in order to get better result what ever the way it is.

3.1.2 Sara Laughs Internal Conflict

Sara Laughs character in the story to analyze, the conflict begin and when in this house strange and sinister things begin to happen and they are all centered on Mike’s wife, it follows the story of Mike Noonan, and Irish writer living in Derry, America. Who is mourning the sudden death of his wife Jo. So much so, that he encounters writer’s block, a writer’s worst nightmare. After confronting his fears of returning to his holiday home where they shared so many wonderful memories together, Mike encounters a young woman called Mattie, and her three year old daughter Kyra. Ironically enough, Mattie has problems of her own, after


the death of her husband, now her extremely wealthy father in law is seeking custody of Kyra claiming that Mattie is not fit to be a mother. And so, the story unfolds as Mike gets involved with the case, and eventually finds the two girls irresistible. It can be seen from the quotation below:

“Well, see if you can make the deal, I said “yes, but I don’t think we want to be talking about just a single book here, okay? I think “Harold, what I want right now is to eat some lunch.”

“You should a little tense, Michael. Is everything” everything is fine. Talk to them about just one book, with a sweetener for speeding up production at my end. Okay?

Okay, “he said after one of his most significant pauses.” But I hope this doesn’t mean that you won’t enfertain a three or four book contract latter on. Make hay while the sun shine, remember. It is the motto of champions.”

“Cross each bridge when you come to it is the motto the champions,” I said, and that night I dreamt I went to Sara Laughs again.

Stephen King (1998:51)

Sara is a woman who used to live in the house. Mattie is a young man who Mike fall’s for, Mattie’s remarkable daughter Kyra and Kyra’s mean and vengeful grandfather Max Devore, these people all play a part in the final showdown between good and evil, and there is surprising, heart racing and tear jerking ending.

Romance, horror, thriller, dark comedy, there is a lot of genres incorporated into one, and although my synopsis of the story makes it sound like a romance story, it is so much more than that. At beginning mystery is story containing unknown fear. This fear then causes curiosity concern to the fear. As it is said in Encyclopedia of Britanica;


In that history the emotion of fear always has bulked large, and the oldest and strongest of man’s fear is fear of unknown. Mystery, by the definition, is that which is unknown. But tied in with fear of the unknown is the emotion of the curiosity concerning it, and out of that fear and curiosity perhaps was born the mystery story. At first a tale of wonder and terror concerned largely with supernatural matters it later became a subsidiary of romance; and in still later times, notably our own, it came to be a sort of game invented and played for intellectual relaxation and artificial excitement. Benton (1960:49)

Next, the condition in the summer when returned to Sara Laughs, this can be seen in

“The basses yes, there were two broke out in a barnyard shuffle like the break in Elvis’s version of “Baby let’s play” and the was a guitar solo: Son Tidwell playing that chickens scratch thing.

Lights gleamed in the dark, and I thought of a song from the fifties, Claudine Clark singing “party lights.” And there were, Japanese lanterns hung from the trees above the path of railroad, tie steps leading from the house to the water. Party Lights casting mystic circles of radiance in the dark: red blue and green.

Differs from it is beginning today mystery story has developed. It also includes tale of horror, pseudoscientific fantasy, a tale of diplomatic intrigue, an affair of codes and chippers and secrets societies, a story containing symbol, etc. which used to be the tale of specters and supernatural. As it is said in Encyclopedia of Britanica:

Today a mystery story is loosely, any story containing a mystery. It may be, and frequently is a tale of horror and terror, but it may also be a pseudo scientific


fantasy, a tale of diplomatic intrigue, an affair of codes and chippers and secret societies, a crime story, a symbol or a dozen other things involving an enigma. In the beginning, however, it was a tale of specters and the supernatural.

Benton (1960:49)

Another action horror and mystery in the story is found in the following sentence:

Perhaps sometimes ghosts were alive, minds and desire divorced from their bodies, unlocked impulses floating unseen. Ghosts from the id, spooks from low place King (1998:317)

Although mystery story is a minor literary genre, a good category for book reviewers, is not old. It is seeds are found in the folklore of the oldest nation: little tales, hints, anecdotes, superstitions that are as old as recorded time. They are part of ethologic, philosophy, religions, and their long growth into a department of literary art or artifice parallels the history of man’s mind. (Benton: 1960:49)

From this paragraph, the writer assumes that the author realizes that the ghost of Jo is assisting him in solving the mystery of Sara Laughs, a blues singer whose spirit is haunting Mike’s house. Mike asks the locals about what happened to Sara, and is warned to refrain from digging in old scandals. Noonan could not understand why people wanted the Sara Laughs to live in there such a situation and full mystery, and Mike realize this must be Sara Laughs curse for something that had been done to her.

The writer states that since he loses his wife and perhaps his will to continue with his work, he returns to the summer place they have. The TR-90 there had been a lot of pleasure, all right, many ringing of Bunter’s bell, but there had been no baby. Then Johanna had died running across a shopping center


parking lot on a hot day, and one of the items in her Bag of Bones had been a Norco Home Pregnancy Test which she had novel told me she had bought a couple of plastic owls to keep the crows from shitting on the lakeside deck.

We can see from the quotation below:

“What else hadn’t she told me?

Stop, I muttered. For Christ’s sake stop thinking about it.”

By seeing this problem, Sara Laughs is one place with to be haunted caused his wife’s death, and the Sara ghost can be real place to know that even and the beginning problem. Since the ghost of Sara, Where Mike suspect Sara is buried the ghost of Max Devore’s grandfather and several other town men appear to him and try to block him from getting to the grave.

Some of the suspects are described by Noonan himself in:

“Is something wrong?

“No. except who was this guy with his aim around my wife?

She laughed a little uncertainly. “Well I doubt if he was her boyfriend, you know, he was quite a bit older. Fifty, at least. “So what? I thought. I myself was forty, but that didn’t mean I had missed they way Mattie move inside her dress, or lifted her hair from the heap of her neck. “I mean….you’re kidding right?”

“I don’t really know. There is a lot of things I don’t know these days, it seems. But the lady’s dead in any case, so how can it matter?”

Mattie was the man? Do you know?

She shook her head. “I thought he was a summer person there was that feeling about him, maybe just because he was wearing a jacket on a not summer evening, but if he was he wasn’t staying at warrington’s. I knew most of them.

“And they walked off together? “yes.” Sounding reluctant. “toward the parking lot?”

“yes.” More reluctant still, and this time she was lying. I knew it with a queer certainly that went far beyond intuition; it was almost like mind reading.


I reached through the window and took her hand again. “you said if I could think of anything you could do to repay me, to just ask. I’m asking. Tell me the truth, Mattie.”

King (1998:286-287)

The sentence explain that Sara to be place the killed place and Mike, the only adult not hit, take Kyra back to Sara Laughs as a huge storm breaks. He is acting under the influence of the ghost of Sara and finds himself preparing to drown Kyra and commit suicide himself, going so far as to give Kyra cocoa and Benadryl to make her sleep and drawing the bath. But there are still piece to the mystery that Mike doesn’t understand, and the ghost of Jo is trying to prevent him from doing what he is doing and he decides to confront his fears and moves to the house, known to locals as “Sara Laughs”. According to Mike he will to looking for the secret all the mystery with back to Sara.

3.1.3 Devore Internal Conflict

Max Devore was one of the antagonist characters in the story, Max Devore who is trying to gain custody of his granddaughter. Devore was eighty five and divorced. Twice divorced, in point of fact, before awarding custody to a single man of his age, secondary custody has to be taken into consideration. It is, in fact, the single most important issue, other than the allegation of abuse and neglect leveled at the mother. All of this shown in the following paragraph.

He was under control of his daughter. All of this son’s actions are shown in:

“What are allegations? Do you know?”

“No. Mattie doesn’t either, because they are fabrication she’s sweetie, by the way.”


“Yeach, she is ”

“And I think she is going to make a great witness. I can’t wait to meet her in person. Meantime don’t sidetrack me. We are talking about secondary custody, right?”


“Devore has a daughter who has been declared mentally in competent and lives in an institution somewhere in California Modesto, I think, not a good be for custody” King (1998:321)

In this statements, the writer show that their focus is on Mattie as neglectful and perhaps abusive. Proving that mom isn’t quit working around the time. The problem not only they have with the issue according to him that case isn’t going to be adjudicated in California. It is going to be adjudicated in Maine, where folks are less enlightened about how well two married men, married to each other, I mean can raise a little girl.

By seeing this problem, I think this problem is about custody, and custody does an ever better job then divorce of turning human beings into insect. This one isn’t as bad as it could be, but it is bad enough because it is so make. Next, Max Devore came up there to his old hometown for one reason and one reason only, to buy a kid, that make herself can be mad. He then expresses his arrogance:

“Hmmh. I’m going to see that bills go to your guy goldacre. I’ll send them to your agent, and your agent, can.

King (1998:325)

In other ways Devore say same with as rich man we can be seen in below: “Seventy-five thousand dollars, minimum, I said with novel hesitation at all. With novel apology in his voice either.

“Don’t tell me Mattie.”

“All right, are you having any fun yet, Mike?” “You know, I sort of am, I said thought fully “ “For seventy five grand, you should. We said our goodbyes and John hung up.”

King (1998:325)

In this part, the writer recognize Devore’s plan to meet with the Mattie, Max Devore, the town’s resident wealthy control freak, against the mother of his


three year old granddaughter and child herself. He doesn’t have feels sympathetic and protective to them both, and always arrogance with them.

From the statement above we can know that Mattie is unhappy with Devore, she expressed with the statement:

Devore was mad, al right, mad as a better and he couldn’t have caught me at a worse, weaker, more terrified moment. And I think that everything from that moment on was almost pre ordained. From there to the terrible storm they still talk about in this part of the world, it all came down like a rockslide. It can be seen from the quotation below:

“Hey!"I shouted, more startled than afraid. Even after everything that had preceded it, I couldn’t believe this was happening.”

“What wrong with you, Rogette? “Devore asked chidingly. “You never used to throw like a girl get him!”

King (1998:410)

From the statement above, we can know that Devore is confrontation with granddaughter with Mike and Mattie. He said that actually Devore always can do everything if he wants

Another conflict that happen between Mattie and Max Devore. The cover declares A Bag of Bones “haunted ghost story” and that is exactly what it is. The conflicts. Loss and revenge as it is about ghosts. The emotional impact this conflict contains is surprising. It can be seen as the quotation below:

“You look like a woodchuck caught out in the rain! “Now his voice seemed to roll to where I was as if across a great distance.

“Fuck you! I called; I’ll see you in jail for this!” He looks at whitmore. She looked back with an identical expression, and they both laughed. F someone had put an uzi in my hands at that moment, I would have killed them both with novel hesitation and then asked for a second clip so I could machine gun the bodies.


From the statement above, I can conclude that Devore is such as a danger men and he is a big liar. He has many unfold, basically, Devore has turned the complex social structure against Mattie, and Jo death reveals a strange mystery. Mike and Mattie’s friendship turn to romance, the confrontation with Devore explodes into chilling conflict, and all the while, Mike starts hearing at his house. Finally, Max Devore threatens Mike again, and in an encounter with Mike and his personal assistance, Rogette, almost succeeds in drowning him. It is only due to help from his wife’s spirit that he’s able to survive the attack.


External Conflict

3.2.1 The Conflict between Sara Laughs and Noonan

In this part, I want to describe about the conflict of Sara Laughs as one of character to be analyze and as mystery of ghost “Sara Laughs” with Mike Noonan. I want just remember to the reader that Sara Laughs is the place summer location Noonan and his wife. When his wife dies of an aneurysm while watching an automobile accident.

When the pressure in his chest began to ease, but it left an ache as real is rain. He hung against the tree, heart fluttering and suddenly he become aware that something stank an evil, polluted smell worse than a clogged septic pool which has simmered all summer under the blazing sun. With it was a sense of some hideous presence giving off that odor, something which should have been dead and wasn’t. It is drawn feeling into statement. It can be seen quotation below:

What came next was novel outer voice but alien thoughts in my own head. They beat against the walls of my skull like moths trapped inside a light fixture or inside a Japanese lantern.


Help I’m drown Help I’m drown

Blue cap man say hit me

Blue cap man say doesn’t let me ramble Help I’m drown

Lost my berries they on the path Be holdin me

Be faces shimmer and look bad She screams it so loud

King (1998:397)

Noonan is very afraid heard that the scream it so load, Sara still mysterious, so many problem can be complex conflict, in the beginning Noonan only come in Sara just want to know about Sara Laughs which is a good summer place in the city, but until in there Noonan viewed many events which still mystery and as a writer’s block and it is had been the external problem in Sara Laughs between Noonan

I want to describe what happen the conflict between Sara and Noonan, actually Noonan just want to know about death his wife in there, but the reality he met the complex conflict, Noonan tells begin in twenty years ago between Sara and Lake. He had gone down only four or five before the enormity of what had just happened hit me. His mouth began to tremble. The colors of the trees and sky mixed together as my eyes teased up. A sound began to come out of him, a kind of muffled groaning. The strength ran out of his leg and I sat down hard on a railroad tie. For a moment I thought it was over, mostly just a false alarm, and then I began to cry. I stuffed one end of the towel in my mouth during the worst of it afraid that if the boaters on the lake heard, the sound coming out of me, they had think someone up here was being murdered.

From the statement above, Noonan try to describing his experience since he known in Sara. Until he abandons his house for Sara Laughs, his summer


retreat in Western Maine, on the shore of Dark Score Lake. There, he meets Mattie and Kyra, a single mother and her daughter who happened to get mixed up with the greedy, semi psychotic computer magnet Max Devore, who wants Kyra his grand daughter, as his own. Mike is inventably drawn into the struggle, and at the time find that he, too, has a pulse and remnants of life. So too, he discovers, does Sara Laughs, a house that harbors spirit and secret galore.

It can be seen quote below:

“Anything about Sara and the Red-Tops?”

“She nodded, smiling. “Finally got around to working up the history of your place own place, did you? I’m glad to hear it. He found an old photo of them, and it is in there. He thought it was taken at The Fryeburg Fair in 1900. He used to say he had give a lot of to hear a record made by that bunch “So would I, but none were ever made”

A haiku by the Greek poet George Seferis suddenly occurred to me: are these the voice of our dead friends or just gramophone? “What happened to Mr. Osteen? I don’t recall the name.”

“Died not a year two before you and so bought your place on the Lake.”

She said. “Cancer.”

“You said there were two histories?”

“The other one you probably know. A history of Castle Country and Castle Rock.

King (1998:375)

In the next stories, I will try to describe all the conflict between Sara and Noonan in this stories I think, it is very complex conflict and it is about Noonan experience in Sara Laughs. He says that:

I pushed on with what passed for my life. I forgot about Sara Laughs or some part of me that didn’t want to go there buried the idea and spent another sweltering, miserable summer in Derry. I put a cruciverbalist program on my power book and began making my own crossword puzzles. I took an intern


appointment on the local YMCA’s board of directors and judge the Summer Arts Competition in Waterville, I did a series of TV ads for the local homeless shelter, which was staggering toward bankruptcy, then severed on that board for a while.(At one public meeting that)

3.2.2 Sara Laugh and Devore external conflict

In this part, I want to describe about the conflict of Sara as the main character with Devore as an arrogance character in the novel. It began when Max Devore who is trying to gain custody of his granddaughter. The story is incredible in that it begins a little unnerving, then towards the middle flattens itself out into a love story, and then wraps back up into ending.

From the scandals of Devore this story tells about the conflict in Devore family, the statements which tell the arrogance a Devore to get family, the statements which tell the arrogance Devore to get what he wants, drawn in the novel, it began when the Devore family conflict wasn’t for the New York Times or Boston Globe. Probably not even for the Derry News, but in weekly Supermarket tabs like the National Enquirer or inside View, it would fit like a glove instead of the girl.

He the express his feeling:

“In my mind I composed a headline blaring over side by side pix of Warrington’s Lodge and Mattie’s rusty double wide: COMPUTER KING LIVES IN SPLENDOR AS HE TRIESTAKE YOUNG BEAUTY’S ONLY CHILD. Probably too long, I decided, I wasn’t writing anymore and still I need an editor. That was pretty sad when you stopped to think about it.


The statement explains that when that they do get that story. He realized that this was a man he could grow attached to and at least in his present angry. Devore never know how to worsted the feeling, he always angry if his want did not reality match with his wants. It causes the first conflict in his family between him and his daughter. Actually the place happen in a mystery place which he came have a mystery tragedy with Sara Laugh. Until now the conflict tragedy had been mystery conflict between him and Sara. Next the stories play Sara as Ghost story in conflict of Devore.

He was under control of his daughter. All of his arrogance actions are shown in: “Stop him!” Devore shoute. “He’s a goddam punk

thief! That ainn’t his young; un his got! Stop him!” But no one did and I rushed into the darkness of the Ghost House with Ki in my arms.

King (1998:512)

By seeing this problem, Devore and his memories with Sara Laugh and let all the scandal that happened with Sara living in their home. They Problem were fairly old and had problem to raise a wild the Ghost, her name is Sara Laugh. Nevertheless, they attempted to make complex conflict into the mystery conflict which making Devore with Sara Laugh. Especially by the sound of mystery in Sara laugh. Some of the mystery attempts are describe by his experience:

“ well, I ‘ve heard funny noise, ennit? Built inrelays, so to speak. It settles, one wing against the other. That’s what you hear, most likely.”

“No ghosts, huh?” I said, as if disappointed

“Not that Ive ever seen,” she said therer’s plenty down here. She said this lake is haunted.

King (1998:370)

Here we notice that mystery of Sara Laugh can be the new problem in Devore with another conflict with his daughter. The conflict about what he did


because his scandals in Sara laugh, he felt that his life could be control because many case in his life. Sometimes Devore want to Death I early because he did not to face hi problem in that happened in his live.

Finally Devore and his ghost story can go out from that house. He run away when he knows that his daughters back in Sara Laugh to looking for the reality the mystery conflict which happened in their father. All the entire to Sara concern with missing the story and all of them is very worried.

3.2.3 Conflict Family Background

In this part, I want to describe about the conflict that happened in many conflicts, not only in Sara but Devore conflict family background. It began when devore who is trying to gain custody of his grand daughter. When Devore finds out Mike ran into Mattie and Kyra, he threatens him via telephone.

It can be seen quote below:

“I told you, I don’t, “she said.” But I have been afraid for Ki since spring. By the time June came around, I couldn’t stand it anymore, and I put a stop to the visits. Kyra’s been off and on pissed at me ever since. I’m pretty sure that’s most of what that fourth of july escaped was about. She doesn’t talk about her grandfather very much, but she’s always popping out with’what do you think the white nana would like my new dress? ‘or she’ll run up to me and say ‘sing, ring, king, thing, and ask for a treat.” “what was the reaction from Devore?”

“complete fury. He called again and again, first asking what was wrong, then making threats.” “physical threats?”

Custody threats, he was going to take her away, when he was finished with me I’d stand before the whole world as an unfit mother, I didn’t have a chance, my only hope was to relent and let me see my granddaughter, goddammit.”


The statement above it really to expressed how to arrogance Max Devore as grandfather. He always angry if there anyone not allowed him and must have got what he wants.

He expressed like that:

“I tried to buy you off and when that didn’t work I upped the stakes and tried to buy the baby. When that also failed, I told my son that you and he and my grandchild could choke on the dirt of your own decision. In a way, I’m the reason he was where he was when be fell and broke his neck, but don’t shut me out, Mattie, I’m just a poor old geezer, so don’t shut me out.

He was stupid, wasn’t

You expected him to be better than he was. If that makes you stupid, Mattie, the world could use more of it.”

King (1998: 276)

Despite rethreads, or perhaps because of them, Mike hires John Storrow, a custody lawyer, for Mattie as an act of kindness, and he gradually develops feelings for Mattie despite the almost twenty year age difference between them. Through his various crooked connections, Max manages to drag Mike into the custody battle even further by forcing him to make a deposition for the impending custody hearing.

He express with that statement in below:

My father in law’s a great believer in presents. Before popping her into the car, Rogette would give me that cold little smile of hers and say ‘seven o’clock then, we’ll give her supper ‘or eight o’clock then, and a nice hot breakfast before she leaves. “I’d say okay, and then Rogette would reach into her Bag of Bones and hold out a Hershey’s kiss to Ki just the way you’d hold a biscuit out to a dog to make it shake hands. She’d say a word and Kyra would rhyme it. Rogette would toss her treat, woof, good dog, I always used


to think, and off they’d go. Come seven in the evening or eight in the morning, the BMW would pull in right where your car’s parked now. You could set your clock by the woman. But I got worried.

King (1998:278)

From the statement, can be explained that in custody cases, as in the rest of life, possession tends to of the law, and if Mattie was telling the truth about her past and present, a custody hearing was apt to turn into a tiresome production for the rich Mr. Devore.

In other conflict family when Max Devore was eighty five and divorced, twice Devore in point of fact. Before awarding custody to a single man of his age, secondary custody has to be taken into consideration. It is in fact, the single most important issue, other than the allegations of abuse and neglect leveled at the mother.” It can be seen quote below:


“Devore has a daughter who has been declared mentally incompetent and lives in an institution somewhere in California, Modesto, I think, not a good bet for custody.”

King (1998: 321)

Here, I can see that one problem has been solved but it will make another problem because the old problem still exist and can be new problem in the family. Because there is also the question of whether or not Devore still sharp enough to know where his best interest lies. He’s up there, but so far I think they haven’t managed to get pas his secretary.


It can be seen from the quotation below:

“It seems a little mean, “he said, I heard him speaking in the tone of a man who wants to be discussed, perhaps even laughed at, but that didn’t happen.”

King (1998: 322)

From the statement above, I can conclude that conflict family background it causes about custody and mystery horror of Sara ghost. Basically, they need a hand from other people but sometimes he will forget after he got everything.




4.1 Conclusions

The internal conflict is a situation in which he is trapped to resolve his own problem. It is conflict may be coming from other things is the name suggest, internal conflict means inside the person who has the conflict that many mystery his problem. So, conflict need solving in order to get better result what ever the way it is. From the barriers has resulted the solvable conflict. There has been solution for their opposition as sign off mystery in ghost. Thus, conflict could be resolved by having wise decision to consider. The narrator is ready to tell the stories about what and ready to appose is having reason. It needs to find the way out of solving what reason is.

4.2 Suggestions

Stephen King’s “Mike Noonan is the hero of this story, Noonan a novelist and interesting novel to read. It is full with insight as what literary works mostly have. A portrayal of conflict is a little expression than can be explored more widely since the novel is rich about life experience and having read most of his previous novel. We can found that this one was different. This stories is open for all reader; mystery, horror, suspense, and even romance. Thus, my suggestion after having analyzed the novel goes as follows.


Firstly, conflict is natural for human being because it may lead human realize his retracted power. It is shown in the novel that conflict is resolvable as long as there is awareness to reach the better of conflict resolve. If not, there will be disaster if conflict resolved.

Secondly, Mike Noonan who is grieving from his wife’s sudden and unexpected death as the example in the story. King also has experience describing Mike Noonan due to his own personal memories of his best selling story life. A Bag of Bones is King’s only pure ghost story. That any real ghost story about love, it is this, the most basic and complex of human emotions, it is explores, love for wives, love for children, and love of place. The subject matter in A Bag of Bones is his most contemplative and nature, and while it has elements of horror, A Bag of Bones manage to grow beyond that into a very serious novel.

Thirdly, the novel is very good to be materialized in study of literature both in class for literature students and public who like reading literature. It is really impressive in the clarity and simplicity of the language. Above all, it is also a interesting novel and quietly humorous, enthusiasm and very optimistic for it gives pleasure while reading it.



Barnet, Literature for Composition. New York: Grolier Incorporated Collin William, 1984. Collin’s Dictionary of English Language. London:

William Collins sons & Co.Ltd

Horton, Paul and Chester, L.Hurt. 1976. General Conflict. New York: Random House Inc.

King, Stephen.1998, Bag of Bones. New York: Simon & Schuster Inc

Klarer Mario. 1999. “An Introduction to Literary Study.” London: Rout Ledge. Moskowitz, Orgel. 1969. General Psychology. Boston: Houghton Miffin


Narwoko, Dwi. J and Suyanto, Bagong. 2007. Sosiologi. Jakarta: Kencana.

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Tennyson, G.B. 1967. An Introduction to Drama. Los Angeles: University of California.

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Appendix 1

Summary of Bag of Bones

The narrator, Mike Noonan, is an author living in Derry, Maine who suffers from severe writer’s block after the death of his wife; Johanna called “Jo”, from an undiagnosed brain aneurysm. Particularly disquieting to mike is that his wife has just bought a home pregnancy test, but never revealed the pregnancy to him. Mike anguishes after his wife’s death and finds himself unable to write due to panic attacks. Fortunately, he has four unpublished manuscripts hidden in a safe deposit box and uses them to keep his agent and editor unaware of his problem.

Four years after Jo’s death, Mike begins to experience nightmares set at his summer house in TR-90, an unregistered township in Maine. He decides to confront his fears and moves to the house, known to locals as “Sara Laughs” on one particular day; Mike encounters a small child, Kyra Devore, walking down the middle of the road. Mike worries that something might happen to the child if she continues walking like that, so he scoops her up and returns to his car with her. A moment later, kyra’s mother, Mattie Devore comes flying up the road in her old jeep. Mike’s initial reaction is that Matiie is a “white trash” mom who will yell at the child and possibly beat it due to her own inattentions, but he is pleasantly surprised when Mattie clutches the child for dear life and begs never to run off again. Mattie asks Mike not to say anything about this, talk for a few minutes and Mattie drives off. Later, while in town, Mike learns from the locals that Mattie’s late husband, Lance was the son of Max Devore, a rich and influential man from the town who did not approve of his son’s marriage to Mattie. Max, now well into his 80’s and bound to a wheelchair, wants custody of


Appendix 2


Stephen Edwin King was born in Portland, Maine in 1947, the second son of Donald and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King. After his parents separated when Stephen was a toddler, he and his older brother, David, were raised by his mother. Parts of his childhood were spent in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where his father’s family was at the time, and in Stratford Connecticut. When Stephen was eleven, his mother brought her children back to Durham, Maine for good. Her parents, Guy and Nellie Pillsbury had become incapacitated with old age, and Ruth King was persuaded by her sisters to take over the physical care of the elderly couple. Other family members provided a small house in Durham and financial support. After Stephen’s grandparents passed away, Mrs. King found work in the kitchens of Pineland, a nearby residential facility for the mentally challenged.

Stephen attended the grammar school in Durham and then Lisbon Falls High School, graduating in 1966. From his sophomore year at the university of Maine at Orono, he wrote a weekly column for the school newspapers, THE MAINE CAMPUS. He was also active in student politics, serving as a member of the Student Senate. He came to support the anti – war movement on the Orono Campus, Arriving at his stance from a conservative view that the war in Vietnam was unconstitutional. He graduated from the University of Maine at Orono in 1970, with a B.A. in English and qualified to teach on the high school level. A draft board examination immediately post graduation found him 4 – F on grounds of high blood pressure, limited vision, flat feet, and punctured eardrums.


He and Tabitha Spruce married in January of 1971. He meet Tabitha in the stacks of the Fogler Library at the University of Maine at Orono, where they both worked as students. As Stephen was unable to find placement as a teacher immediately, the Kings lived on his earnings as a laborer at a industrial laundry, and her student loan savings, with an occasional boost from a short story sale to men’s magazines.

Stephen made his first professional Short Story Sale (“The Glass Floor”) to Startling Mystery Stories in 1967. Through out he early years of his marriage, he continued to sell stories to men’s magazines. Many of these were later gathered into the Night Shift collection or appeared in other anthologies. In the fall of 1971, Stephen began teaching high in Hampden, Maine. Writing in the evenings an on the weekends, he continued to produce short stories and to work a novels. In the spring of 1973, Doubleday & CO. accepted the novel carrier for publication. On Mother’s Day of that year, Stephen learned from his new editor at Doubleday, Bill Thompson that a major paperback sale would provide him with the means to leave teaching and write full time. At the end of the summer of 1973, The Kings moved their growing family to Southern Maine because of Stephen’s mother’s failing health. Renting a summer home on Sebago Lake in North Windham for the winter, Stephen wrote his next published novel, originally titled Second Coming and then Jerusalem’s lot, before it become Salem’s lot in a small room in the garage. During this period, Stephen’s mother died of cancer, at the age of 59.

Carries was published in the spring of 1974. That the same fall, the King left Maine for Boulder, Colorado. They lived there for a little less than a year, during which Stephen wrote The Shining, set in Colorado. Returning to Maine in


the summer of 1975, The King purchased a home in the lakes Region of Western Maine. At that house, Stephen finished writing The Stand, much of which also is set in Boulder. The Dead Zone was also written in Bridgton.

In 1977, The Kings spent three moths of a projected year. Long stay in England, cut the sojourn short and returned home in mid December, purchasing a new home in Center Lovell, Maine. After living there one summer, The Kings moved north to Orrington, rear Bangor, so that Stephen could teach creative writing at the University of Maine at Orono. The Kings returned to Center Lovell in the spring of 1979. In 1980, The Kings purchased a second home in Bangor, retaining the Center Lovell house as a summer home.

Stephen and Tabitha now spend winters in Florida and the remainder of the year at their Bangor and Center Lovell homes. The Kings have three children : Naomi Rachel, Joe Hill and Owen Phillip, and three grandchildren.

Stephen is of Scots, Irish ancestry, stands 64” and weighs about 200 pounds. He is blue eyed, fair skinned, and has thick, black hair, with a frost of white most noticeable in his bread, which he sometimes wears between the end of the World Series and the opening of baseball spring training in Florida. Occasionally he wears a moustache in other season. He has worn glasses since he was child. He has put some of his college dramatic society experience to use doing cameos in several of the film adaptations of his works as well as a bit part in a George Ramore picture, Knightriders. Joe Hill King also appeared in Creep show, which was released in 1982. Stephen made his directorial debut, as well as writing the screenplay, for the movie Maximum Overdrive (an adaptation of his short story “Trucks”) 1n 1985.


Stephen and Tabitha provide scholarships for local high school students and contribute to many other and national charities. Stephen is the 2003 recipient of the National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters.

In Bag of Bones King returned to the theme of loss of a family member, and added into it the classical haunted house idea and familiar elements from his previous works. A small town where people know more then they tell, the collective guilty, and a hero who can’t avoid confrontation with the evil powers. Bag of Bones continues the series where King explorers the writing process and the work of an author. The Shining, Mystery, The Dark Half and now Bag of Bones are among his most revealing and personal works. King is not among those writers who claim that they don’t have time to read Bag of Bones offers a delightful analysis of Herman Melville’s Story Bartleby, and comments about books and author’s. Among them is Thomas Hardy, who stopped writing novels at the peak of his career and changed into poetry. Hardy supposedly sad, that the most brilliantly drawn character in a novel is but a Bag of Bones.




1. Carrie (1974) 2. Salem’s Lot (1975) 3. The Shining (1975) 4. Rage (1977) 5. The Stand (1978) 6. Night Shift (1978)

7. Another Quarter (1979) 8. The Long Walk (1979) 9. The Dead Zone (1979) 10. The Fire starter (1980) 11. The Fire Starter (1980) 12. The Monkey (1980) 13. The Street (1981)

14. Cujo (1981)

15. Road Work (1981) 16. Dance Macabre (1981) 17. The Plant (1982-1985)

18. Stephen King’s Creep show (1982) 19. The Dark Tower 1: the gunslinger (1982)

20. creep show (1982)

21. Different Season (1982)

22. Rita Hay Worth and Shaw sank Redemption (1983) 23. Black Magic and Music (1983)

24. Pet Sematary (1983)

25. Cycle of The Were Wolf (1983)

26. The Thinner (1984)

27. Silver Bullet (1985)

28. Sceleton Crew (1985)

29. Stephen King’s Year of Fear (1986)

30. Misery (1987)

31. My Pretty Pony (1988) 32. Dolan’s Cadillac (1989) 33. Four Past Midnight (1990) 34. Stephen King’s Golden Years (1991) 35. Dolores Clair Borne (1993)

36. Gerald’s Game (1993)

37. Stephen King’s The Stand (1994)

38. Rose Madder (1995)

39. The Regulator (1996)

40. The Green Mile (1997)

41. Bag of Bones (1998) 42. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (1999)


43. Hearts (1999) 44. Riding The Bullet (2000) 45. Blood and Smoke (2000)

46. The Plant (2001)

47. Dream Catcher (2001)

48. Back House (2001)

49. Everything’s Eventual (2002)

50. The Dark Tower V: Wolves of The Calla (2003) 51. The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah (2004)

52. The Kid Colorado (2005)

53. Lisey’s Story (2006)

54. Cell (2006)

55. Blaze (2007)

56. Duma Key (2008)