The Definition of Product


D. The Definition of Product

According to Philip Kotler Kotler, 2006:344, a product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need, it can be in the form of physical goods, services, experiences, events, persons, places, properties, organizations, informations, and ideas”. According to Bennet Bennet, 2001:26, a product is anything an organization or individual offer exchange that may satisfy customer’s or consumer’s needs or the marketer own need and he also stated that also stated product may be a tangible good, an intangible benefit in the form of service, or even an idea, it may even be person ‘packaged’ for the public. The Core Product according to Bennet Bennet, 2001:285 is the basic good or serviced purchased, aside from its packaging and accompanying service while core benefit is the need that product fulfills or the problems its solve. The attributes that supported the core product includes: 1. The package, which includes wrapper, picture, and label that put was embedded on the product. Its main function is to protect the product. Besides that, it is also beneficial to promote the product, to give information, and to attract the consumers. 2. The Product Servicing, which is the maintenance of the product so that it can work well and the beneficial factors of the product don’t diminish. 3. Warranties, which is the guarantee from the sellers that the product they sell will meet the consumers’ needs, or if the products failed to meet the consumers’ needs than the sellers will give compensation to the purchasers. 4. Brand Image, is the whole concept of the product perceived by the consumers, it includes various individual perception that together can create aura that identified and signified the product. The factors that influence consumers’ view towards the product is the quality of the wrapper, reputation price, and affectivity of the product. According to Bennet 2001:289, the benefit of the product not only come from the core product, but also the packages, product servicing, warranties and brand. All of this are also contribute on improvement of the consumers’ perception towards the product. These advantages must be concerned as the factors that can’t be separated within the consumers’ mind.

E. The Definition of Brand