The Definition of Brand

3. Warranties, which is the guarantee from the sellers that the product they sell will meet the consumers’ needs, or if the products failed to meet the consumers’ needs than the sellers will give compensation to the purchasers. 4. Brand Image, is the whole concept of the product perceived by the consumers, it includes various individual perception that together can create aura that identified and signified the product. The factors that influence consumers’ view towards the product is the quality of the wrapper, reputation price, and affectivity of the product. According to Bennet 2001:289, the benefit of the product not only come from the core product, but also the packages, product servicing, warranties and brand. All of this are also contribute on improvement of the consumers’ perception towards the product. These advantages must be concerned as the factors that can’t be separated within the consumers’ mind.

E. The Definition of Brand

According to Kotler Kotler, 2006:256, definition of brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. From this definition we can see that brand not only in the form of a name, but it can also in the form of term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of them that it can add dimensions that differentiate it in some way from other products or services designed to satisfy the same need. According to Kotler 2006:257, brand has six levels of meanings, which are: 1 Attribute Brand is identical with the certain attributes. The world’s strongest brands share 10 attributes Kotler, 2006:257, which are: a The brand excels at delivering the benefits consumers truly desire. b The brand stays relevant. c The pricing strategy is based on consumer perceptions of value. d The brand is properly positioned. e The brand is consistent. f The brand portfolio and hierarchy makes sense. g The brand makes use of any coordinates a full repertoire 1 of marketing activities to build equity. h The brand’s managers understand what the brand means to consumers. i The brand is given proper, sustained report. j The company monitors sources of brand equity. 2 Benefit Brand not only the series of attributes. The consumers doesn’t purchase the attributes, they purchase the benefit. Attributes needed to be developed into functional andor emotional benefit. 1. repertoire French, means the entire range of skills used in particular field 3 Value Brand also signifies value. The producer of Mercedes stated that their product is high performance, safe, high prestige, etc. The brand marketer has to identify which groups of buyer will purchase those values. 4 Culture Brand also represents certain cultures. The Mercedes represent Germany culture, which are: organize, efficient, and high quality. 5 Identity Brand also represents certain identities. If brand representing a person, animal, or an object, what would be occurred in our mind? Mercedes represent logical leader person, king of lion who likes to order other animals animal. Sometimes brand represent the identity of popular celebrity. 6 The User Brand can be defined as a kind of consumer that purchase or use that product. In which it refer to the people that appreciate the values, culture, and identity of that brand. 1. Power of Brand in Market The power of brand is within a market Kotler, 2006:273. There are five levels of brand power within a market, which are: a. The brand that is known by the consumer, is a brand that mostly known by a large number of purchaser within a market. b. The brand with high level of awareness, is measured by the acknowledgement memory of the brand. c. The brand with high acceptance level, is measured by the consumer who will not refuse to buy the product. d. The brand with high preference level, is the brand that was chosen above another brand. e. The brand with high loyalty level, which is shown by the willingness of the consumers to find that brand in other places, if they can’t find the brand in the regular store or market. Powerful brand is the brand that has high brand equity that was shown with the higher brand loyalty, awareness of the name, the quality that is believed in, powerful brand relation and other assets such as, patents and distribution channel Kotler, 2006:274. 2. Branding Decision Nowadays, branding is such a strong force that hardly anything goes unbranded. When a company decides to brand its products or services, it must then choose which brand names to use. Four general strategies are often used Kotler, 2006:279: a. Individual names. A major advantage of an individual-names strategy is that the company does not tie its reputation to the products. If the product fails or appears to have low quality, the company’s name or image is not hurt. b. Blanket family names. A blanket family name also has advantages. Development cost is less because there is no need for “name” research or heavy advertising expenditures to create brand-name recognition. Furthermore, sales of the new product are likely to be strong if the manufacturer’s name is good. c. Separate family names for all products. If a company produces quite different products, it is not desirable to use one blanket family name. d. Corporate name combined with individual product names. The company name legitimizes, and the individual name individualizes the new product. Furthermore, according to Kotler Kotler, 2006:281, the qualities that the brand wants to represent are: a. It has to represent the criteria that define the benefit of the product. For example: Frozz, A’Mild, etc. b. It has to represent the quality definition of the product, like behavior or color. For example are: Attack, etc. c. It is important not to have bad meanings or definition of certain country or language. 3. Branding Strategy According to Kotler Kotler, 2006:278, definition of Branding Strategy is the number of and nature of common and distinctive brand elements applied to the different products sold by the company. In other words, devising a branding strategy involves deciding the nature of new and existing brand elements to be applied to new and existing products. The decision as to how to brand new products is especially critical. When a company introduces a new product, it has three main choices Kotler, 2006:278: a. It can develop new brand elements for the new product. b. It can apply some of its existing brand elements. c. It can use a combination of new and existing brand elements. d. When a company uses an established brand to introduce a new product, it is called Brand Extension, the brand extension can also be called a sub-brand. An existing brand that gives birth to a brand extension is referred to the parent brand. If the parent brand is already associated with multiple products through brand extensions, then it may also be called a family brand.

F. The Definition of Consumer Behavior