General Illustration of Research Object

Pertjetakan Hien An in 1951. Four years later will be known as PT Perusahaan Rokok Tjap Bentoel. During 1970s-1980s, Bentoel had rapid growth performance and became one of the key player in cigarettes industry in Indonesia. In June 17, 2009, BAT International in which centered in London acquired Bentoel and merge the BAT Indonesia and Bentoel Group as one entity in Indonesia and in January 1, 2010, Bentoel Group finally licensed as the member of British American Tobacco International.

G. General Illustration of Research Object

1. Location and Time of the Research Considering the limitations of time, the writer used the judgement sampling technique, that is the electing of sample of research randomly that this information was received by using certain consideration in West Jakarta that was chosen by the writer. The number of samples is 100 peoples, because quite represent the number of populations and the level of the error in the questionnaire is lower Dr. Sugiyono:2005. The distribution of questionnaires are scattered within 8 Sub-districts in West Jakarta. The following is the distribution of questionnaires: Table 4.2. Distribution of Questionnaires Cengkareng 13 questionnaires Grogol Petamburan 13 questionnaires Taman Sari 13 questionnaires Tambora 13 questionnaires Kebon Jeruk 12 questionnaires Kali Deres 12 questionnaires Palmerah 12 questionnaires Kembangan 12 questionnaires 2. Characteristics of Respondents Questionnaires that have already distributed are 100 questionnaires to all 100 respondents. All 100 questionnaires given have all been returned and responded appropriately. As shown in the table 4.3. below stated the characteristics of respondents from Gender, Age, Occupation, Income per month, and the cigarettes that they usually consume between Sampoerna A’Mild and Star Mild. Table 4.3. Characteristics of the Respondents No. Information Total 1 Gender Male 80 Female 20 2 Age 17 – 24 years old 20 25 – 35 years old 39 36 – 50 years old 21 51 years old – above 20 3 Occupation Highschool and University Student 20 Entrepreneur 18 Office Employee 24 Government Employee 37 Other 1 4 Income per Month Less than Rp. 1,000,000.- 20 Rp. 1,000,000 - Rp. 4,000,000.- 59 More than Rp. 4,000,000.- 21 5 Consumption of Cigarettes Sampoerna A’ Mild 81 Star Mild 19 Source : Primary Data As shown on the Table 4.3. above, firstly, from the gender classification consist of 80 males and 20 females. Secondly, from age classification consist of 20 respondents in between 17 – 24 years old, 39 respondents in between 25 - 35 years old, 21 respondents in between 36 – 50 years old, and 20 respondent that are more than 51 years old. Thirdly, from occupation classification consist of 20 respondents are Highschool and University students, 18 respondents are Entrepreneurs, 24 respondents are Office Employees, 37 respondents are Government Employees, and only 1 respondent that is uncategorized. Fourthly, from the respondents income per month’s classification consist of 20 respondents that have income less than Rp. 1,000,000.-, 59 respondents that have income between Rp. 1,000,000 – Rp. 4,000,000.-, and 21 respondents that have income more than Rp. 4,000,000.-. And lastly, from the respondents’ choice of cigarettes consumption consist of 81 respondents choose to consume Sampoerna A’ Mild and 19 respondents choose to consume Star Mild. All these interpretations will give us an introductional picture about the consumers’ perception and consumers’ attitude towards Sampoerna A’Mild as pioneer brand and Star Mild as follower brand. Table 4.4. Tryout Results of Consumers’ Perceptions and Consumers’ Attitude Towards Sampoerna A’mild As Pioneer Brand And Star Mild As Follower Brand In West Jakarta Variable Question Corrected Item-Total Correlation Pearson Correlation Cronb ach α if Item Deleted Desc. Consumer Perception X 1 1 0.597 0.351 0.920 Valid 2 0.467 0.351 0.921 Valid 3 0.584 0.351 0.920 Valid 4 0.456 0.351 0.922 Valid 5 0.419 0.351 0.922 Valid 6 0.478 0.351 0.921 Valid 7 0.740 0.351 0.918 Valid 8 0.393 0.351 0.923 Valid 9 0.383 0.351 0.923 Valid 10 0.647 0.351 0.919 Valid 11 0.535 0.351 0.920 Valid 12 0.523 0.351 0.921 Valid Consumer Attitude X 2 1 0.597 0.351 0.920 Valid 2 0.467 0.351 0.921 Valid 3 0.584 0.351 0.920 Valid 4 0.456 0.351 0.922 Valid 5 0.419 0.351 0.922 Valid 6 0.478 0.351 0.921 Valid 7 0.740 0.351 0.918 Valid 8 0.393 0.351 0.923 Valid 9 0.383 0.351 0.923 Valid 10 0.647 0.351 0.919 Valid Sampoerna A’Mild as Pioneer Brand and Star Mild as Follower Brand Y 1 0.740 0.351 0.918 Valid 2 0.647 0.351 0.919 Valid 3 0.740 0.351 0.918 Valid 4 0.585 0.351 0.920 Valid 5 0.688 0.351 0.918 Valid

H. Finding and Result