Companies Background FINDING AND RESULT


F. Companies Background

3. Philip Morris Co., Ltd., Inc. The Philip MorrisCo.,Ltd. Inc. was firstly build in 1847 as a single shop on London’s Bond Street, selling tobacco and ready-made cigarettes. During Mr. Morris’s death, the business was taken over by his wife Margaret and his brother Leopold and in 1881 the Company went public, Leopold Morris joining Joseph Grunebaum to establish Philip Morris Company and Grunebaum, Ltd. This partnership was dissolved in 1885 and the Company became known as Philip Morris Co., Ltd. In 1919 was a crucial year for the Company. It saw the introduction of the Philip Morris coronet logo, the acquisition of the Philip Morris Company in the U.S. by a new firm owned by American stockholders, and its incorporation in Virginia under the name of Philip Morris Co., Ltd., Inc. By the end of the next decade, the Company had begun to manufacture cigarettes in its factory in Richmond, Virginia; in 1924, what was to become its most famous brand, Marlboro, was introduced. By the mid-1950s the Company had become a part of American culture, and soon after it launched Philip Morris International to manufacture and market its products around the world. In 2005, Philip Morris Co., Ltd., Inc. acquires PT. HM Sampoerna Tbk in Indonesia with the price of Rp. 10,600,- per share and after the acquisition takes place, the company gain a rapid growth performance during 2005-2009, as follows: Table 4.1. Table Performance of Philip Morris Co., Ltd., Inc. Year 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Net Revenues Mill 62,080 63,640 55,243 48,260 45,288 Operating Income Mill 10,040 10,248 8,894 8,368 7,735 Cigarette Volume Units in Billions 864 869 848 831 804 Source: 4. Bentoel Group The history of Bentoel Group began when Ong Hok Liong established cigarettes home-factory named “Strootjes Fabriek Ong Hok Liong” in 1930. The home-factory based then change its name to N.V Pertjetakan Hien An in 1951. Four years later will be known as PT Perusahaan Rokok Tjap Bentoel. During 1970s-1980s, Bentoel had rapid growth performance and became one of the key player in cigarettes industry in Indonesia. In June 17, 2009, BAT International in which centered in London acquired Bentoel and merge the BAT Indonesia and Bentoel Group as one entity in Indonesia and in January 1, 2010, Bentoel Group finally licensed as the member of British American Tobacco International.

G. General Illustration of Research Object