Research Design Data Collecting Method Data Analyzing Method.

3.1 Research Design

The study will be conducted with descriptive qualitative approaches. A qualitative approach is defined as a description of observations which is not ordinarily expressed in quantitaive terms. It is not suggested that numerical measures are never used, but that others means of description are emphasized. Nazir 1998:64 says that descriptive method is a method of research that makes the description of the situation of event or occurrence so that this method only performs the mere basic data accumulation. Therefore, descriptive design is a research design which is intended only to describe the variable.

3.2 Data Collecting Method

Arikunto 2002:102 states that population is the whole number of the subjects or people under observation in a research. The population of this analysis is the sentences and utterances from The Holy Bible book Titus in New King James Version published by The Indonesian Bible Society 2000 and I will take some sentences and separate them into clauses as the data by applying purposive sample method. Sutrisno, 2004:91, says that “dalam purposive sampling, pemilihan sekelompok subjek didasarkan pada cirri-ciri atau sifat sifat populasi yang sudah diketahui sebelumnya. Purposive sampling didasarkan atas informasi yang mendahului tentang populasi dan informasi ini tidak dapat diragukan lagi.” Some clauses that will become the data will give the example of the six types of experiential function and become the analysis. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.3 Data Analyzing Method.

The process of the analysis will be done in some steps, all of the data will classified according to the kinds of experiential function. Then I will use the descriptive way of analysis, I will describe and explain all the data at last based ob discourse analysis theory. In analyzing the data, I explain the data according to the kinds of experiential function, so it will be explained in group. For example, the first group is material function, then I will describe the data that is classified to the material function based on the discourse analysis theory. Universitas Sumatera Utara