Technique in Teaching Writing


2.3 Technique in Teaching Writing

Judith A. Langer 2000:3 mentions six features of effective instruction in teaching middle and high school students to read and write well, they are: 1 Students learn skill and knowledge in multiple lesson types. 2 Teachers integrate test preparation into instruction. 3 Teachers make connections across instruction, curriculum, and life. 4 Students learn strategies for doing the work. 5 Students are expected to be generative thinkers. 6 Classrooms foster cognitive collaboration. Those principles match well with the WebQuest that the writer attempted on this research. The first is that students learn skill and knowledge in multiple lessons. WebQuest integrates lesson types into six sequenced processes of learning. Next is test preparation into instruction; the essential question as an instruction appears in WebQuest is how well-prepared the form of instruction is. The third is making a connection; WebQuest has been designed to make a connection between what has been mentioned in curriculum, and make it synchronic with the instruction while relating it to the students’ real lives. The fourth is to make students learn strategically by letting them explore the sites that are provided in WebQuests. Moreover, students are expected to write down their findings during their web-exploration in the form of journals or diaries. 14 The fifth is the students are expected to be generative thinkers. It means the teachers go beyond students’ acquisition of skills or knowledge to engage the students in creative and critical uses of their knowledge and skills. Teacher provides a variety of activities from which students will generate deeper understandings. This technique is applied in WebQuests during the activity process of WebQuests. As an example in the writer’s WebQuest, the writer asked students exploring it to think about their many points of view and about the information they would write. The last technique is to foster cognitive collaboration in the classroom. The students worked collaboratively as problem generators and solvers. By working together and helping each other as a group or team, students share their ideas and knowledge to solve the problems together. This stays within the same lines as the WebQuest; in the WebQuest students are challenged to work on collaborative team work, find the information and share it with the members of their team, and engage in deep discussion.

2.4 Teaching Writing in Senior High School

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