Research Purposes of the Study Significance of the Study Outline of the Research Report

5 2 There were some researches had been done about the effectiveness of using WebQuests in foreign countries especially in the United State of America Strickland 2005:141, but there was very limited research had been done about the effectiveness of using WebQuest as an alternative teaching media in Indonesia. So, WebQuest as one of new media of teaching needs to be implemented in Indonesian teaching learning language process. 3 Writing as the highest domain in language skills hold important role in this modern society. Most companies required their applicants to have spoken and written English skills. Therefore, it is important to find an alternative media to teach writing, in order to improve students’ performance in writing. 4 SMA Nasima Semarang is a school that is supported with the internet facilities in its teaching learning process. It is one of the best places to do the research on WebQuest.

1.3 Research

Questions This research was conducted to answer following questions: 1 How can the WebQuest be implemented to teach descriptive texts? 2 To what extent can the use of WebQuest improve the students’ writing skills in writing descriptive texts?

1.4 Purposes of the Study

By the end of this research, the writer would be able to achieve these following objectives: 1 Describe the implementation of WebQuest as a media in teaching writing in SMA Nasima Semarang. 6 2 Explain its contribution in teaching writing, especially to improve the students` writing skills in writing descriptive texts.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significances of the study are: 1 Theoretical significance: The finding of this study can be used to develop the application of the WebQuest in teaching learning process of writing descriptive text. 2 Practical significance 2.1 For the students, the use of WebQuest will not only give them motivation to learn how to write well but also will guide them through a set of processes and instructions in the right order. In addition, it will make the writing process easier, especially for finding the sources of materials. 2.2 For the teachers, WebQuest can be an alternate tool in teaching English especially to teach writing. The teachers’ creativity in creating fun and powerful learning through WebQuest will help students to achieve better performance.

1.6 Outline of the Research Report

This final project consists of five chapters: Chapter I contains the introduction which covers the background of the study, reasons for choosing the topic, research questions, purposes of the study, significance of the study, statement of the hypothesis, limitation of the study, and outline of the research report. 7 In Chapter II, the writer presents the review of related literature by describing the concept of writing, the concept of writing skill, the technique in teaching writing, teaching writing in senior high school, concepts of WebQuest, WebQuest in teaching writing descriptive text, and action research. Chapter III is method of investigation, which discusses the research approach, the action research process, subject of the study, method of collecting data, and the method of data analysis. Chapter IV is the research result and discussion. It covers data analysis and the discussion of the results. Chapter V is the conclusion of the result and some suggestions. 8 9


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