Improving Students’ understanding in learning passive voice of present continuous tense through pattern drills




(An Action Research Study at First Grade at SMK BINA INSANI Tangerang)


AHMAD EFFENDI 206014000100








(An Action Research Study at First Grade at SMK BINA INSANI Tangerang)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher’s Training

in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education


AHMAD EFFENDI 206014000100








registration number 206014000100 was examined in the examination session of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta on June, 2013. The “skripsi” has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of “S.Pd” (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education at the English Education Department.


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Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini,

Nama : Ahmad Effendi

Tempat/Tanggal lahir : Tangerang, 1 Maret 1986

NIM : 206014000100

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Improving Students’ Understanding in Learning Passive Voice

of Present Continuous Tense through Pattern Drills (An Action Research Study at First Grade at SMK BINA INSANI Tangerang)

Dosen Pembimbing : Drs. Nasrun Mahmud. M.Pd

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya saya sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqasah.

Tangerang, 05 Juni 2013 Mahasiswa Ybs

Ahmad Effendi NIM. 206014000100


OF Present Continuous Tense through Pattern Drills (An Action Research Study at First Grade at SMK Bina Insani Tangerang), Skripsi, English Education Department, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Advisor : Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd.

Keywords : Students’ Understanding, Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense

through Pattern Drills

This study is aimed to know whether improve students’ understanding of Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense at class X.AK of SMK Bina Insani Tangerang.

This study is categorized as the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method in which it is used to identify and to solve the problem on students’ understanding of Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense. In this Classroom Action Research, the writer implements Kurt Lewin’s design. Meanwhile, the data derived from the interview, questionnaire, observation, and test (pretest and posttest).

Based on the research findings, it can be said that the use of Pattern Drills technique in teaching Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense is success since the criteria of success is achieved. The criterion of success of this research is 70% of students who can pass the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Which are 70. And the result of the posttest two shows that there are 90.32% or 28 students pass the KKM. Besides, the significant improvement is proven by the result of interview, observation, and questionnaire. To sum up, the result of interview, observation, and questionnaire shown that students have a good improvement in learning passive voice of Present Continuous Tense after implementing Pattern Drills technique in the teaching learning process.


OF Present Continuous Tense through Pattern Drills (An Action Research Study at First Grade at SMK Bina Insani Tangerang), Skripsi, English Education Department, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Pembimbing: Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd.

Kata Kunci: Pemahaman Siswa, Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense, Pattern Drills

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah tehnik Pattern Drill dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense.

Penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK); untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengatasi permasalahan pemahaman siswa pada materi Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense. Adapun model Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang digunakan menganut pada model penelitian Kurt Lewin . Data yang diperoleh berasal dari wawancara terhadap guru, angket untuk murid, observasi di kelas, dan test (pretest dan posttest).

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukan bahwa tehnik Pattern Drill ini dalam pengajaran Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense berhasil, karena criteria kesuksesan dapat dicapai. Kriteria kesuksesan peneletian ini adalah 70% persen siswa dapat mencapai nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) yaitu 70. Dan hasil posttest ke-dua menunjukan bahwa 90.32% atau 28 siswa mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Peningkatan yang signifikan dibuktikan dari hasil interview, observasi dan angket. Singkatnya, hasil dari interview, observasi dan angket menunjukan bahwa siswa mengalami perkembangan yang baik dalam mempelajari Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense setelah di terapkan dalam proses belajar mengajar.


be upon to the prophet Muhammad Saw, his family, his companion, and his adherence. On this occasion, the writer would like to give his great honor and deepest gratitude to his beloved parents: H. Ahad and Hj. Omsanih. And whole family who always gives their love, support, motivation, and advice in accomplishing his study.

The writer also would like to express his sincere gratitude to his advisor, Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd who has patiently given his valuable help, guidance, and corrections to finish this skripsi.

The writer also realizes that he would never finish writing this skripsi without the help of some people around him. Therefore, he would like to say a lot of thanks to: 1. All lecturers and staffs of English Education Department.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the head of English Education Department.

3. Neneng Sunengsih, M.Pd., the secretary of English Education Department.

4. Dra. Nurlena Rifa’i, MA, Ph.D the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

5. Drs H. Musa Kaisan, the principle of SMK Bina Insani Tangerang 6. Syifa Fauziah S.Pd, the English teacher of SMK Bina Insani Tangerang.

7. All friends in English Department 2006/2007, his beloved friends Dian Harry Maulana, Hijri Rahman, Zulmi Alfarabi, Fikriandi, Parwono, Ibrahim Hasan, Akbar Khadafi, Joko Susanto, Ady Mulyanto, Fahmi, Eka Oktavia, Moh Wildan, and all friends of English Education Department that writer can not mention one by one. Thanks for the advice, kindness, support, and everything.

The words are not enough to say any appreciations for their help and contributions on this skripsi. May Allah SWT protect and give them happiness throughout their life. Finally, the writer realizes that the skripsi is far from being perfect. It is a pleasure for him to receive constructive critiques and suggestions from the readers.

Jakarta, June 2013 The Writer






ABSTRAK ... vi






... xii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Limitation and Formulation of the Problem ... 3

C. Objective of the Research ... 3

D. Contribution of the Research... 3

E. The Organization of the Writing ... 4


1. Kinds of English Tenses ... 5

2. Forms of English Tenses ... 6

3. The Present Continuous Tense ... 9

B. The Passive Voice ... 11

C. The Passive Voice of the Present Continuous Tense .. 15

D. Pattern Drills ... 18

1. The Understanding of Pattern Drill ... 18

2. The Kinds of Pattern Drill ... 20

3 The Procedures of Pattern Drill ... 23

E. The Use of Pattern Drill in Teaching Passive form of Present Continuous Tense ... 23

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. The Method of Research ... 26

B. The Subject and the Object of Study ... 26


a. Planning Phase ... 30

b. Acting Phase ... 30

c. Observing Phase ... 30

d. Reflecting Phase ... 31

G. Instrument of The Research ... 31

H. The Technique of Collecting Data ... 31

1. Interview ... 32

2. Observation ... 32

3. Test ... 32

I. Technique of Data Analysis ... 33

CHAPTER IV : RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Before Implementing The Action ... 35

1. The Result of Pre Interview ... 35

2. The Result of Pre Observation ... 37

3. The Result of Pre Test ... 37

B. The Implementation of Classroom Action Research .... 38

1. CYCLE 1 ... 38

a. Planning ... 38

b. Acting ... 38

c. Observing ... 39

d. Reflecting ... 40

2. CYCLE 2 ... 41

a. Planning ... 41

b. Acting ... 41

c. Observing ... 42

d. Reflecting ... 42

C. The Discussion of the Data After CAR ... 43

1. The Result of Post Interview ... 43

2. The Result of The Post Test ... 44


B. Suggestion ... 53



Table 2.1 The Schedule of the Research ... 6

Table 2.2 The Blueprint of Pre Questionnaire ... 7

Table 2.3 The Blueprint of Post Questionnaire ... 8

Table 2.4 The Result of Pre Questionnaire ... 13

Table 4.1 The Students’ Grammer Seore of Pretest, Posttest 1 And Posttest ... 45


Figure 3.1 Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design ... 28

Figure 3.1 The Phases of Classroom Action Research Modified by


Appendix 1 Interview for the English Teacher before the Action ... 56

Appendix 2a The Lesson Plan of Cycle 1 ... 59

Appendix 2b The Lesson Plan of Cycle 2 ... 63

Appendix 3 The Questionnaire for Students Before the Action ... 67

Appendix 4a The Blueprint of Pretest ... 67

Appendix 4b The Blueprint of Posttest 1 ... 68

Appendix 4c The Blueprint of Posttest 2 ... 68

Appendix 6a The Question of Pretest ... 69

Appendix 6b The Question of Posttest 1 ... 72

Appendix 6c The Question of Posttest 2 ... 75

Appendix 7a Arrange Word Game Material Cycle 1 ... 78

Appendix 7b Arrange Word Game Material Cycle 2 ... 79

Appendix 8a Arrange Word Game Answer Sheet Cycle 1 ... 80

Appendix 8b Arrange Word Game Answer Sheet Cycle 2 ... 81

Appendix 9a Observation Sheet of Cycle 1 ... 82

Appendix 9b Observation Sheet of Cycle 2 ... 84

Appendix 10a Field Note Cycle 1 ... 86

Appendix 10b Field Note Cycle 2 ... 88

Appendix 11 The Questionnaire for Students after the Action ... 91

Appendix 12 The Student’s Score ... 93

Appendix 13 The Graph of Students’ Score ... 94




This chapter presents the general account of the present study. It covers background of the study, formulation of the problem, objective of the study, method of the study and significance of the study.

A. Background of the Study

People use language for doing things with each other because people as a homohominisocious, and their use of language itself is joint action.1 By language, they understand each other, and interest as part of a society. There are many languages used in this world, such as English, Indonesian, Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, and many others. One of the languages used in this world is English language, and now English becomes an international language.

Every human being who speaks a language knows its grammar. When linguists wish to describe a language, they attempt to describe a language.2 Grammar is one of the important aspects in teaching and learning English. Every student has to understand English grammar, because grammar has the core position in learning English language. Without learning grammar, the student cannot use English well. Obviously, for example the students need to know about tenses, they may have difficulty to different between Past Tense, Present Tense, and Future Tense, and any other grammar materials.

One of tenses which make student confused is Present Continuous Tense, because when they are demanded to speak based on the tenses, they have to be aware about the verb forms and the time, and also they have to different between the activity that is in progress or not, unlike the Indonesian language patterns where the time and the verb forms are regardless. Beside the Present Continuous Tense is stated in curriculum for the first grade of Senior High School.


Clark H. Clark, Using Language, (New York: -Cambridge university press, 2008), p. 387.


Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman, an introduction to language, ( London: - HBC publishers 1998) P.14


Generally, the student felt confused to change an active voice of Present Continuous Tense into a passive voice of Present Continuous Tense, because in the Passive Voice, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb.3 Passive voice is generally difficult to be understood because of its rule and formula which are dissimilar with active voice.

The important aspects in learning foreign language are the method of teaching. The method of teaching can help the teacher to solve the student’s learning problem. Teaching methods can best be defined as the types of principles and methods used for instruction. There are many types of teaching methods, depending on what information or skill the teacher is trying to convey. For effective teaching to take place, a good method must be adopted by a teacher. The teacher may write lesson plans of their own, borrow plans from other teachers, or search online or within books for lesson plans. When deciding what teaching method to use, a teacher needs to consider students' background knowledge, environment, and learning goals. Teachers are aware that students learn in different ways, but almost all children will respond well to praise. Students have different ways of absorbing information and of demonstrating their knowledge. Teachers often use techniques which cater to multiple learning styles to help students retain information and strengthen understanding.4

Many methods are used in teaching English language, such as grammar translation method, direct method, oral approach, situational language teaching, audio-lingual method, total physical response, the silent way, communicative language teaching, natural approach, cooperative language teaching, competency-based language teaching, games method, collaboration method and any others method.


Betty SchrampferAzhar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New York: Longman, 2002), p.208



The writer is interested in discussing about one of the grammar parts that is passive voice. In this research the writer focuses on the Passive form of Present Continuous Tense. The writer considers that it is necessary to find out the best techniques in teaching grammar that appropriate and interesting related to students’ condition. Students in the X grade Accountancy at SMK Bina Insani Tangerang are chosen by the writer to do his research. The teacher and the writer try to find out an appropriate strategy to improve students’ understanding in learning passive form of Present Continuous Tense better that is by using pattern drill. It is giving the class practice in making changes to grammar pattern.

B. Limitation and Formulation of the Problem

The problem that will be discussed in this ‘skripsi’ is limited only to improving students’ understanding of the passive form of Present Continuous Tense.

The formulation of the problem which is going to be discussed in this ‘skripsi’ is as follows: “Can pattern drill improve students’ understanding in mastering the passive form of Present Continuous Tense?” In addition, “How can pattern drill improve students’ understanding in mastering the passive form of Present Continuous Tense?”

C. Objective of the Research

The objective of the research is to know whether or not pattern drill can improve students’ understanding in mastering the passive form of Present Continuous Tense, and also to know how pattern drill can improve students’ understanding in mastering the passive form of Present Continuous Tense for the first year students at SMK Bina Insani Tangerang

D. Contributions of the Research

The contributions of this research are conveyed to someone first, for the teacher, it gives the alternative solution in teaching passive form of Present Continuous Tense. Second, for students, it assists them to solve their problems in


passive form of Present Continuous Tense and it can help them to improve their knowledge of structure and creative thinking skills. Third, for the institution of SMK Bina Insani Tangerang, it can be beneficial regarding to improve the education quality.

E. The Organization of the writing

This ‘skripsi’ is divided into five chapters. The First chapter discusses The Introduction which consists of five parts; The Background of Study, Limitation and Formulation of the Problem, Objective of the Research, Contributions of the Research, and The Organization of the Writing.

The Second chapter discusses about The Theoretical Framework of the research which is divided into three parts. Part A discusses about English Tenses, Kinds of English Tenses, Form of English Tenses, and the Present Continuous Tense. Part B discusses about Passive Voice. Part C discusses about The Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense. Part D discusses about Pattern Drills, the Understand of Pattern Drills, The Kinds of Pattern Drills, The Procedures of Pattern Drill, The advantage and disadvantage of Pattern Drills. Part E discusses about The Use of Pattern Drill in Teaching Passive Form of The Present Continuous Tense.

The Third chapter discusses about The Research Methodology, which covers The Method of Research, The Subject and Object of Study, The Writer Role of the Study, The Time and Place of the Study, The Research Design, The Classroom Action Research (CAR) Procedures, Planning Phase, Acting Phase, Observing Phase, Reflecting Phase, Instrument of the Research, The Technique of Collecting Data and The Technique of Data Analysis.

The fourth chapter discusses about The Result and Discussion of the Research that consists of Before Implementing the Action, The Implementation of CAR and The Discussion of Data after CAR. The fifth chapter deals with Conclusion and Suggestion.




This chapter covers some theories related to the study. The discussion focuses on The Passive form of Present Continuous Tense and Pattern Drill

A. English Tenses

1. Kinds of English Tenses

According to A.S. Hornby, Tenses refers to an action, activity or state that may occur in Past, Present and Future1, therefore there are three tenses in language, Past, Present, and Future. It is in line with Kam Chuan Aik who defined that the tense refers to indication of time by the form of the verb or verb phrase, whether an action is a past, present, and future.2

Meanwhile, Sydney Greenbaum defined that the tenses is a grammatical category that is realized by verb inflection3. Other definition from Michael San said, “The verb forms which show differences in time are called tenses”. Tenses are formed either by changing the verb (e.g. know, knew, work, worked), or by adding auxiliary verbs (e.g. will know, had worked) according to those definitions, the word ‘tense’ stand for a verb or series of verbs used for declare a time relation.

There are many kinds of tenses in grammar; they are Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Tense, Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Simple Future Tense, Future Continuous Tense, Past Future tense, Past Future Continuous Tense.


A.S Hornby, guide to Pattern and usage in English, (New York: Low Price Inc, 1975),p. 78


KamChuanAik and Kam Kai Hui, Longman Dictionary of grammar and Usage, (Addison wesley Longman Singapore Pte Ltd, 1992),p.294

3 Sidney Greenbaum and Randolph Quirk, Student’s Grammar of The English Language, (London: Pearson Education Limited, 1990)p.47


2. Forms of English Tenses

According to A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, the forms of English Tenses of Simple Present, Present Progressive, Simple Past, Past Progressive, Past Perfect, Simple Future, Be Going to, Future Perfect, they are;

a. Affirmative

To make affirmative statement by using this formula SUBJECT + (TO BE) + Verb + Complement

Table 2.1

No Tenses Subject Rule example

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Simple Present Present progressive Present perfect Simple past Past progressive Past perfect Simple future

Be going to

Future perfect

I, You, We, They, She, He, It

S + verb 1 (s/es) + complement

S+(am, are, is)+ verb + ing + complement

S + have/has + verb 3 + complement

S + verb 2 + complement S + (was/were) + verb + ing + complement

S + had + verb 3 + complement

S + will + verb 1 + complement

S +(am, is, are) + going to +verb 1+ complement S + will + have + verb 3 + complement

I speak English

I am speaking English

I have spoken English

I spoke English I was speaking English

I had spoken English

I will speak English

I am going to speak English I will have spoken English


b. Negative

To make Negative statement, put “not” after the auxiliary SUBJECT + (TO BE) + Not + Verb + Complement

Table 2.2

N Tenses Subject Rule example

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Simple present Present progressive Present perfect Simple past Past progressive Past perfect Simple future

Be going to

Future perfect

I, you, we, they, she, he, it

S + do not/ does not + verb 1 + complement

S+(am, are, is)+ not + verb – ing + complement

S + have/has + not + verb 3 + complement

S + did + not + verb 1 + complement

S + (was/were) + not + verb – ing + complement

S + had + not + verb 3 + complement

S + will + not + verb 1 + complement

S +(am, is, are) + not + going to +verb 1+ complement S + will + not + have + verb 3 + complement

I don’t speak English

I am not speaking English

I have not spoken English

I did not speak English

I was not speaking English

I had not spoken English

I will not speak English

I am not going to speak English

I will not have spoken English


c. Interrogative

To make Interrogative statement, put “be” before the subject

Table 2.3

No Tenses Subject Rule example

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Simple Present Present Progressive Present Perfect Simple Past Past Progressive Past Perfect Simple Future

Be Going To

Future Perfect

I, you, we, they, she, he, it

Do/does + S + verb 1 (s/es) + complement?

(Am, Are, Is) + S+ verb – ing + complement?

Have/Has + S +verb 3 + complement?

Did + S + verb 1 + complement?

(Was/Were) + S + verb – ing + complement?

Had +S + verb 3 + complement?

Will +S + verb 1 + complement?

(Am, Is, Are) +S + going to +verb 1+ complement? Will + S +have + verb 3 + complement?

Do I speak English?

Am I speaking English?

Have I spoken English?

Did I speak English?

Was I speaking English?

Had I spoken English?

Will I speak English?

Am I going to speak English? (TO BE) +SUBJECT + Verb + Complement?


Will I have spoken English?

3. The Present Continuous Tense

The Present Continuous Tense expresses an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking. It is a temporary activity that began in the past, is continuing at present, and will probably end at some point in the future.4

According to Ron Cowan, Present Continuous Tense is formed with a Present form of be(i.e., am, is, are) and the present participle of the main verb5, for example:

 John is eating bread right not.

 I need an umbrella because it is raining

 The students are sitting at their desks right now

The formation of preset continuous tense is concluded as bellow:6


Affirmative and negative Interrogative

4Azar, Understanding …, p. 13 5

Ron Cowan, The Teacher’s Grammar of English, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), p.362.


Margaret Close Sacco, The Simple Present and Progressive present tense , (Ottawa: Canada, 1982),p. 11

Subject Be Verb+ing

He is


She isn't


you are

They aren't


Be Subject Verb+ing

Is He

Doing? Isn't She


are you

aren't They



I am not


Furthermore, here are some functions of usage Present Continuous Tense declared by Marianne and Celce and Diana Larsen:

a. Activity in progress:

He is attending a meeting now.

b. Extended present (action will end and therefore lacks the permanence of the Simple Present Tense)

I am studying geology at the University

c. A temporary situation:

Phyllis is living with her parent

d. Repetition or iteration in a series of similar ongoing action:

Henry is kicking the soccer ball around the backyard

e. Express future (when event is planed; usually with a future – time adverbial)

She is coming tomorrow

f. Emotional comment on present habit (usually co-occurring with frequency adverb always or forever):

He is always delivering in a clutch situation (approving)

He is forever acting up at these affairs. (disapproving)

g. A change in progress:

She is becoming more and more like her father7

In addition, other perceptions of the usage of Present Continuous Tense sated by Ron Cowan are:

h. Giving statement more emotional strength and intensity:

This operation is really costing a lot of money

i. Focusing on behavior as a change from the norm

You are being stubborn8


Marianne Celce Murcia and Diane Larsen Freeman, The Grammar Book, (New York: Heine and Heinle publishers, 1999), p.117


Ron Cowan, The Teacher’s Grammar of English, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), p.363


B. The Passive Voice.

Passive voice is the opposite of active voice in sentence pattern, in the passive voice, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb9, in other word the object in the active sentence moved into subject position in the passive sentence. Both show different understanding and function and have dissimilar rule in use. In case of this research, there will be only passive voice is explained more rather than one.

In forming passive voice, there are three ways of forming passive voice, such as (1) The object in the active sentence moved into subject in position in the passive sentence, (2) the subject moved to the end of the sentence and by was inserted before it – the sentence now has an agent by phrase, (3) The main verb was changed to its past participle form and the appropriate form of be was inserted before it.10 As example bellow:

Active voice “I am speaking English”

Changed into passive voice: “Englishis being spoken byme”

A verb is said to be in the active voice when it expresses an action performed by its subject. A verb is in the passive voice when the action it expresses is performed upon its subject. The object of the active sentence has become the subject of the passive one. The subject of the active sentence is expressed in the passive sentence only in prepositional phrase. In fact, it can be omitted from the passive sentence altogether. The verb in a passive sentence is always a verb phrase that includes a form of the verb be and the past participle of the main verb. If other helping verbs appear in the active sentence, they must also be included in the passive11. Here some examples of related active and passive sentences:


Betty Schrampfer Azhar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New York: Longman, 2002), p.208

10Ron Cowan,The Teacher’s Grammar of English (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), p. 392.


John E Warriner, English Grammar and Composition, (New York: Harcout Brain Javanovich Publisher, 1982), p. 166


S O ACTIVE : Hasan is writing a letter


PASSIVE :A letter is being written by Hasan


ACTIVE : Sadam has taken a book S

PASSIVE : A book has been taken by Sadam

In the sentence above, Hasan and Sadam are the subject who performs the action which is wrote andtook. It will be different if the active sentence above changed into the passive voice. Hasan and Sadam as the subject of active sentence will become an object who receives the action or in other word, it can be said that the action it expresses which is wrote and took are performed upon its subject which is Hasan and Sadam.

Every sentence, at least, contains of a subject and a verb. Based on the explanation above, a sentence which has no object, or it is usually called intransitive, will not be able to be turned into passive voice. This occurs because in passive sentence, its subject is derived from the object of active sentence. As what Azar writes, “Only transitive verbs are used in the passive. It is not possible to use intransitive verbs in the passive”.12

The passive occurs in all tenses, with all the verb phrase combination13, for example:


Betty SchrampferAzar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New York: Longman, 2002), p. 208


Eugane J. Hall, Grammar for Use, (Jakarta Barat: BinarupaAksara Publisher, 1993), p. 214


Table 2.4

No Tenses Active Passive Note

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Simple Present Present Progressive Present Perfect Simple Past Past Progressive Past Perfect Simple Future

Be Going to

Future Perfect

Jack drinks a cup of milk

Jack is drinking a cup of milk

Jack has drunk a cup of milk

Jack drank a cup of milk

Jack was drinking a cup of milk

Jack had drunk a cup of milk

Jack will drink a cup of milk

Jack is going to drink a cup of milk Jack will have drunk a cup of milk

A cup of milk is drunk by jack

A cup of milk is being drunk by jack

A cup of milk has been drunk by jack A cup of milk was drunk by jack

A cup of milk was being drunk by jack A cup of milk had been drunk by jack A cup of milk will be drunk by jack

A cup of milk is going to be drunk by jack A cup of milk will have been drunk by jack

From examples above, the writer concludes every tense has different form. The form Simple Present is be + Past Participle, the form of Present Progressive is be +being + Past Participle, the form of Present Perfect is has/have +been + Past Participle, the form of Simple Past is was/ware + Past Participle, the form of Past Progressive is was/were +being + Past Participle, the form of Past Perfect is had +been + Past Participle, the form of Simple Future is will/going to +be + Past Participle, and the form of Future Perfect is will +have + been + past participle,.


Moreover, passive voice has two types of passive sentence, they are:

a. Passive without agent by phrase

Usually the passive is used without agent by – phrase. The passive is most frequently used when it is not known or not important to know exactly who perform an action. 14 For example:

Tree is grown in the forest.”

From the example, the writer assumes that the tree is grown in forest by people, by farmer, or by animals. It is not known or important to know exactly who grows tree in the forest.

Passive without agent by – phrase is also called short passive. There are many reasons why a native speaker may decide to use short passives in speech and writing includes the following:

 The most obvious reason for not including the agent is that the speaker does not know who the agent is.

For example: “Her rings were stolen at home”

 The speaker does not want to reveal who the agent is. For example, he or she may use the agent less passive to avoid assigning blame, as in:

“Rather than dwelling unnecessary on the causes of this fiasco, let’s just say that mistakes were made.”

 The identity of the agent can be assumed or understood, so it is not necessary to mention the agent.

For example: “Our grapes are usually harvested in late August.”

 The speaker is interested more in the action being reported than in the agent that carries it out.

For example: “The animals were first given a cue for an orientation, and then a series of grating was presented”15


Betty SchrampferAzar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New York: Longman, 2002), p. 211


Ron Cowan, The Teacher’s Grammar of English, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), p. 394 - 395


b. Passive with agent by phrase

The by –phrase is included only if it is important to know who perform an action16. For example:

“That novel was written by Ahmad Fauzi.”17

The example told the agent of the poet writer, where the sentence by Ahmad Fauzi is an important information.

Else, subject of passive sentences in the corresponding active sentence may be:

 Direct object

The professor was dismissed by the dean

 Indirect object

Suzy was given many presents by her father

 Object of preposition

This bed has been slept in by lecturer

 Object complement

That he had special privileges was resented by everyone18

C. The Passive Voice of Present Continuous Tense

As they have already been explained, passive voice is a sentence which is formed by to be, followed by past participle and composed by transitive verbs, while the Present Continuous Tense is a tense expresses an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking. If both are fused, there will be a new definition that passive voice of Present Continuous Tense is an expression of Present Continuous Tense in form of passive.

As it has mentioned above, the form of passive voice of Present Continuous Tense is be +being + past participle. The passive voice subject determines whether the verb be is singular or plural.


Betty SchrampferAzar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New York: Longman, 2002), p. 211


Marcel Danesi, Ph.D, Basic American Grammar and Usage, (New York: Baron Educational series, 2006), P.172


Present Active Passive

Continuous Students are making a cake A cake is being made by students

Tense Sintais bringing three books Three books are being brought by Sinta

Here, there will be a classification of sentence as an example above according to its words composition.

The sentence : Students are making a cake Subject to be V-ing Object

Analysis : The sentence has subject (students), to be + V-ing (are making) and object (a cake). Its verb belongs to Present Continuous Tense and transitive verb because there is an object follows. Thus, it may become passive and it is shown as follows:

The Sentence : A cake is being made by students Subject to be + V-ing past participle

Analysis : Subject in passive sentence (a cake) is derived from object of active sentence as shown above. And, object in passive is taken from subject of active sentence. Object may be involved or not. It is based on the purpose whether the original doer is important or not to be known. Furthermore, as it has been demonstrated, the transformation of verb belongs to passive voice of Present Continuous Tense. It is recognized that the formula is to be + V-ing + past participle (V3). To be is decided by subject whether it is singular first person (I), plural first person (we), singular second person (you), singular third person (she, he, it), or plural third person (they). Subject (a cake) is singular third person; therefore it applies to be as illustrated below:

Singular first person (I) am

Plural first person (we) are

Singular second person (you) are Singular third person (she, he, it) is


Plural third person (they) are

The passive voice of Present Continuous Tense can be presented in affirmative, negative, and interrogative form.

To make passive voice of Present Continuous Tense in affirmative sentence, the following formula is: subject + to be (am /is /are) + being + past participle + by agent. To make passive voice of Present Continuous Tense in negative sentence, the following formula is: subject + to be (am /is /are) + not + being + past participle + by agent. To make passive voice of Present Continuous Tense in interrogative sentence, the following formula is: to be (am /is /are) + subject + being + past participle + by agent.

a. Affirmative sentence

Subject To V-ing Past object Complement

be Participle




called by their - instructor The anime books


by my big - which I like very

much brother

My old car



by a

mechanic -


asked by his/her to help her

mother job

b. Negative sentence

Subject To Negative V-ing Past object Complement

be Sign Participle


are not being called

by their - instructor


which I like very

much brother

My old car



by a

mechanic -


asked by his/her to help her

mother job

c. Interrogative sentence To

Subject V-ing Past object Complement

be Participle




called by their - Instructor? The anime books

read by my big -

which I like very much Brother?


My old car repaired

By a

mechanic? -


asked by his/her to help her

mother Job?


1. The Understanding of Pattern Drill

Pattern drill is a technique that has been used in foreign language classrooms for many years. It was a key feature of audio-lingual method approaches,which placed emphasis on repeating structural patterns through oral practice.Drilling means listening to a model, provided by the teacher, or a tape or another student and repeat what is heard.19It is a technique that is still used by many teachers when introducing new language items to their students. In addition,



according to Harmer states that drilling is mechanical ways if getting students to demonstrate and practice their ability to use specific language items in a controlled manner.20From those theories above, it can be concluded that drilling is a technique that has been used in foreign language classrooms which emphasis on repeating structural pattern through oral practice to demonstrate students’ ability in using specific language items in a controlled manner.

Pattern drill also has principles which used in teaching English lesson in the classroom, those are:

1. The learners must know what they are saying. Make the meaning evident as you present the utterance. This is a most important principle and it applies to every aspect of teaching.

2. Let the learners hear the pattern several times. They need to internalize the form before they are called upon to reproduce it.

3. Break down a long utterance into shorter parts.

4. Do not force individuals to speak until there has been some chorus repetition to build up familiarity and confidence.

5. Keep the drill brisk and short. 40-60 seconds is about right for each drill. Do not use more than six or so drills at one time.

6. Give clear gestures to show who is to speak, rather than using names 7. Show approval of well formed utterances, but leave verbal praise until


It is easy to use and can be conducted at any phase of the lesson. It is vital that everyone understands what is being practice. Where possible, use visual prompts to convey the meaning. One or two briskly conducted pattern drill will ensure that everyone has been involved to same extent. If there are problems of pronunciation or intonation or when students stumble over an expression, so we can used one of pattern drills to build up confidence in saying the part of dialogue, to teach the words of a song or rhyme, or to give the learners the language their


Harmer Jeremy, The practice of English Language Teaching, (UK, Longman, 1991),p183.


Cross David, A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching, (London, British library cataloguing in Publication Data, 1991), p 40.


need to play a language game. Pattern drill is easiest way to teach the students in the classroom language they need with teacher.

2. The Kinds of Pattern Drill

Pattern drill may be classified in a number of different ways, depending upon what the learner is to change or manipulate. Sometimes two or three drills are involved in the same pattern change. In addition, according to Haycraft, after presentation and explanation of the new structure, students may use controlled practice in saying useful and correct sentence patterns in combination with appropriate vocabulary. These patterns are known as kind of drills. They can be inflexible: students often seem to master a structure in drilling, but are then incapable of using it in other contexts.22 Furthermore, pattern drills have several types in form:

a. Repetition Drill

Repetition drill is usually used at very beginning of the course. The students merely repeat what they have heard the teacher say or the tape recorder produce. The repetition drill is the basic drill for the presentation of new vocabulary and verb ending. Completed sentences are used.


Teacher : It is an umbrella Students : It is an umbrella

b. Substitution Drill

The students replace the subject of the model sentence with a pronoun of different person, number, or gender. They are required to make the necessary change in the verb.


Teacher : I go to Bandung. She? Students: She goes to Bandung.


Theodore Huebener, How to Teach Foreign Languages Effectively Revised Edition, (UK, New York University Press, 1969), p 19.


Teacher: We?

Student: We go to Bandung.

c. Transformation Drill

This drill the model is changed from the singular to the plural, from the plural to the singular, from the affirmative to Passive, from the declarative to the interrogative, and so on.

Example: (positive into passive) Teacher: she buys a book.

Students: a book is bought by her. Teacher: She brings a bag.

Students: A bag is brought by her.

d. Replacement Drill

This is really the same drill as the substitution drill. Generally it involves the replacement of a noun by a pronoun


Teacher: Would you please…… (Gesture to the window) Students: Would you please open the window.

Teacher: (showing picture of a chair). Students: Would you please sit down?

When the replacement drill is used as a progressive substitution drill, it is not too easy for the students, since they must listen to the cues for the different slots.

e. Respond Drill

This drill the answers are patterned after the questions. They are of various types ranging from the simple Yes or No answer to complete answer:


Teacher : Does she buya bag? Yes? Students : Yes, she does.


Students : No, she does not.

f. Completion Drill

The students supply the missing word in a statement Teacher: He writes the letter to his mother in Bogor. Students: He writes the letter to his mother in Bogor.

g. Expansion Drill

A simple statement is build up by adding word and phrase Example:

Teacher : My mother is a teacher. Students: My mother is a teacher Teacher: She works in the school. Students: She works in the school

Teacher: My mother is a teacher. She works in the school. Students: My mother is a teacher. She works in the school Teacher: She takecares the students.

Students: She take cares the students

Teacher: My mother is a teacher. She works in the school. She take cares the students

Students: My mother is a teacher. She works in the school. She take cares the students

h. Translation Drill

Students translate English sentences involving the same structure into the foreign language.23


Teacher: Andy membelisebuahtasminggukemarin Student: Andy bought a bag last Sunday.

The teacher write on the white board the sentence by students’ native language and then the students translate it into foreign language.


Theodore Huebener, How to Teach Foreign Languages Effectively Revised Edition, (UK, New York University Press, 1969), p 17.


3. The Procedures of Pattern Drill

The most common purpose of pattern drill is to involve the whole class together in the practice of grammar pattern. Almost the teachers also use pattern drill to get students to learn useful phrase by heart.24 In this approach, the students never refer to the written form of a drill in the book session; all model sentences for students’ response are supplied by teacher orally. In essence, two independent procedures are available.

The first method, the teacher uses the book, but the students do not refer to it at all. In Variation A, the teacher first gives the variable element for the sentence and then says the complete model sentence. The students repeat the complete sentence. In Variation B, the teacher not only gives complete sentence before the students response but also again after the students response. In Variation C, the teacher selects an individual student for the first repetition. The teacher says the complete sentence after the students, and finally the entire classes repeat the complete sentence.

In the following drill, the variable element is isolated in the left column, and the pattern sentence is in the right column.


No. The variable element The pattern sentence 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

buy take bring write listen

The students havebought it already The students havetaken it already The students havebrought it already The students have writtenit already The students havelistened it already

E. The Use Of Pattern Drill In Teaching Passive Form Of Present Continuous Tense

Pattern drill has various drills which the teacher uses for teaching English in the classroom. It has good way to make students understand about English


Cross David, A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching, (London, British library cataloguing in Publication Data, 1991), p 40.


lesson. Hence, the writer would describe to use pattern drill in teaching passive form of Present Continuous Tense. There are two methods how to teach English lesson in the classroom by using pattern drill.

The first method, In Variation A, the teacher first gives the variable element for the sentence and then says the complete model sentence. The students repeat the complete sentence. In Variation B, the teacher not only gives complete sentence before the students response but also again after the students response. In Variation C, the teacher selects an individual student for the first repetition. The teacher says the complete sentence after the students, and finally the entire classes repeat the complete sentence.

In the following drill, the variable element is isolated in the left column, and the pattern sentence is in the right column.


No. The variable element The pattern sentence 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Write take Send Bring Give

The letter is being written by students The letteris being taken by students The letter is being sent by students The letteris being brought by students The letter is being given by students

Example (Variation A): Teacher: write. The letter is being written by students. Students: The letter is being written by students. Teacher: Take. The letter is being taken by students. Students: The letter is being taken by students, etc.

Example (variation B): Teacher: Write. The letter is being written by students. Students: The letter is being written by students. Teacher: The letter is being written by students. Take. The letter is being taken by students. Students: The letter is being taken by students. Teacher: The letter is being taken by students.

Example (Variation C): Teacher: Write. The letter is being written by students. Andy: The letter is being written by students. Teacher: The letter is


being written by students. Everyone in class: The letter is being written by students. Teacher: Take. The letter is being taken by students.

The second method, the teacher uses the book, but the students do not refer to it all. As the first method, the teacher gives variable element and then says the complete sentence. However, the students do not repeat. The teacher does the entire column in this fashion (Variation A) or do a sufficient number of sentences fix the pattern in the students’ mind (Variation B). In Variation A, the teacher then returns to the beginning of the exercise and gives only the variable element. The students then supply the complete sentence after students. The procedure is the same for variation B except that the teacher, instead of going back to the beginning of the drill, continues with the next sentence.


No. The variable element The pattern sentence 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Give Put Take Read Study Write Buy Bring

English book is being given by him English book is being put by them English book is being taken by you English book is being read by him English book……….by me English book……….by her English book……….by you English book……….by me

At least four sentences would be required to fix the pattern although using six sentences as examples before giving the cue for student participation would more definitely assure fixing the pattern.


This chapter presents the method of research, the subject of the study, the writer’s role on the study, time and place, research design, the Classroom Action Research (CAR) procedures, instrument of the research, technique of collecting data and technique of analyzing data.

A.The Method of Research

The Classroom Action Research (CAR) is used as the method in conducting this research. Many educational experts tried to define Action Research, one of them is R. B. Burns, according to him, Action Research is the application of fact finding to practical problem solving in a social situation with a view to improving the quality of action within it, involving the collaboration and co-operation of researchers, practitioners and laymen.1 It means that to start the Classroom Action Research (CAR), the researcher has to find any problems faced in the classroom related with student’s condition in learning. To conduct the research, the writer also need to collaborate with the teacher and together discuss the problem, and then find the best solution to solve the problem.

B. The subject and Object of the Study

The subject of the study is the students at first grade Accountancy of SMK Bina Insani Tangerang. The number of students consists of 31 (thirty one). It is chosen based on the interview result with the English teacher at that class proving that they have the lowest score of midterm test among the other classes. Grounded on that case, the writer and the teacher consider that they need to be helped by finding an appropriate strategy to improve their scores, in this case is


Michael J. Wallace, Action Research for Language Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 5.


grammar. Object of the study is pattern drill techniques to improve students’ understanding of the passive form of Present Continuous Tense

C. The Writer’s Role on the Study

In this research, the writer has two roles, as observer and collaborator. As the observer, the writer observes the situation in the classroom. As the collaborator, the writer makes the lesson plan and then, the teacher carries out the action based upon it. The writer also makes the pre-test, that is a test that is given before Classroom Action Research (CAR) indented to know the students’ weakness and Post-test, the test that is given after CAR to know whether or not they make an improvement.

D. The Time and Place of the Study

This research is carried out for three months started from February to April 2012. The place is at grade I Accountancy of SMK Bina Insani Tangerang, academic year 2011/2012.

E. The Research Design

The writer adopted Kurt Lewin’s design of Classroom Action Research (CAR) in this research. It consists of two cycles in which cycle contains four phases, namely, planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.


Figure 3.1

Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design



The implementation of Clasroom Action Research (CAR) based on the Kurt Lewin’s design, in each cycle as follows:





Figure 3.2

The Phases of Classroom Action Research modified by the writer




After doing several things to get scaffolding of the class, such as interviewing the teacher, observing the class, and giving the pre-test, here the writer and the teacher prepare the lesson plan, observational guidelines, and the post-test.


The teacher applies the lesson plan that has been made; that is teaching passive form of Present Continuous Tense by using pattern drill.


While the process of teaching-learning is taking place, the writer observes the teacher’s performance, the class situation, and students’ responses. At the end of cycle 1, the students are given a post test 1, that intent to know whether or not the students’ make any progress toward improvement.


After getting the result of post-test 1, the write and the teacher discuss about the implementation of the action. Next, they make some modification to revise the founded obstacles that may occur in the first cycle.


The writer and the teacher are together making a new lesson plan which some emendation in pattern drill strategy, and also prepare the observational guidelines and post-test.


The teacher implements the lesson plan; where students need to be emphasized on changing the negative form of Present Continuous Tense to become the passive form.


The writer and the teacher discuss about the result in implementing the emendation action. If the target of CAR has already achieved, the cycle will be stopped. But if it is not, the cycle will continue to the next one.


The writer observes the teacher’s performance, the class situation, and the student’s response. At the end of cycle two, the students were given the post-test 2. Then, the writer calculates the score and sees if there is some improvement from the previous test.


F. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) Procedures

The Kurt Lewin’s design of Classroom Action Research (CAR) consists of four phases in each cycle. There are planning, acting, observing and reflecting. After completing the cycle 1, the writer and the teacher still find many problems which are usually coming from the previous problem unfinished yet, and also the new problems that emerge upon the new treatment; so, it is necessary to the writer and the teacher to continue to the second cycle that has the same concept as the first cycle. Here is explanation more detail about the phases in each cycle as follows:

a. Planning Phase

In this phase, the writer and the teacher are together make a lesson plan that still in line with the syllabus but then it is appropriated with an action to implementing the pattern drill in teaching the past form of Present Continuous tense. Besides making the lesson plan, the writer also prepared the research instruments, including the post-test and also the observation sheet.

b. Acting Phase

After preparing the lesson plans, here the writer and the teacher are implementing them in this phase. The action of the cycle 1 was done on April 18th and 19th 2012; the teacher applied the strategy that has been designed and the writer observed the activities during the teaching learning activity. This phase is taking place in three weeks within two cycles. In each cycle consists of three meetings in action. c. Observing Phase

In this phase, the writer observes all activities occurred in the classroom, including the teacher’s performance, the situation of the class, and the students’ response toward the implementation of the action. He takes a note and uses unstructured observation sheet to get the data.


d. Reflecting Phase

The object of this phase is to see the impact of all actions that have been done in the previous phases. In this phase also, the writer and the teacher collaboratively evaluate the results which are coming from the data that have been collected through the observation, and then decide whether they will continue to the next cycle or not by considering if there still found any problem; if there is, so it is necessary to move to the next cycle.

G . Instrument of the Research

The research instruments that are used for this study inspirited by experimental design are (a) observation, (b) documentation, and (c) evaluation or test.

Observation is used to observe the teaching learning process conducted by the English teacher in the classroom including English teacher’s activity, the book used by English teacher and students, problem faced by English teacher in teaching the passive form of Present Continuous Tense, teacher’s performance including their methods and the evaluation used by the English teacher.

Documentation is used to complete the data such as the teaching preparations made by the English teacher, and the kinds of media were used by the English teacher in teaching learning activity. It is carried out by copying the teacher’s documentations of the teaching preparations and kinds of media were applied in teaching and learning activities.

Test is used to know how well the students have already mastered the passive form of Present Continuous Tense and it is also to prove the significances of using pattern drill.

H. The Technique of Collecting Data

This research is using qualitative (experience-based) and quantitative (number-based) in collecting the data. The qualitative data consists of interviewing the English teacher at the beginning and the end of research, and


observing the teaching-learning process in the classroom in the middle of action phase. Mean while, the quantitative data uses pre-test and post test.2 The more explanation is as follows:

1. Interview

Before and after applying the Classroom Action Research (CAR) in the classroom, the writer makes a schedule to interview the teacher. The first interview, that is going on before implementing CAR, is aimed to identify students’ difficulties in learning grammar, students’ response in learning activity, and the method or strategy that is usually used by the teacher in teaching grammar. Mean while, the interview that is held at the end of CAR, head for knowing the teacher’s response

2. Observation

To know all the activities that happened in the class room, including class situation, teacher’s performance, and students’ feedback in teaching learning activities during the implementation of pattern drill in teaching the passive form of Present Continuous Tense Classroom Action Research (CAR), the writer carries out the observation. It is also been done to know whether or not the process of teaching learning activity is still in line with the lesson plan.

3. Test

The writer uses pre-test and post-test to know the students’ progress. Pre-test is done before applying the pattern drill technique. It is aimed to measure student’s initial ability in understanding the passive form of the Present Continuous Tense. Whereas, the post-test is held after implementing the pattern drill technique, it is head for knowing whether the students’ result show any progress toward improvement or not. In other words, the post-test is done to prove that the technique has been succeeded in improving students’ understanding.



I. Technique of Analyzing Data.

J. The analysis qualitative data used in this study is the observation of students’ activities during teaching learning process, and the interview before and after Classroom Action Research (CAR). In this case, the writer collected the entire data which have gained. In analyzing the numerical data, first the writer tries to get the average of students’ reading score per action within one cycle. It is used to know how well students’ score as a whole on reading skill. It uses the formula:3


X : mean

x : individual score n : number of students

Second, the writer tries to get the class percentage which pass the minimal mastery level criterion (KKM) considering English subject gains score 70 (seventy) which is adapted from the school agreement at SMK Bina Insani Tangerang since 2008. It uses the formula:4

P : the class percentage F : total percentage score N : number of students

Third, after getting mean of students’ score per actions, the writer identifies whether or not there might have students’ improvement score on


Sudjana, Metoda Statistika, (Bandung: PT. Tarsito, 2002), p. 67. 4

Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistis Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008), p. 43.

_ ∑x X = ──



P = ── X 100%


reading comprehension from pre-test up to posttest score in cycle 1 and cycle 2. In analyzing that, the writer uses the formula:5

P : percentage of students’ improvement y : pre-test result

y1 : post-test 1

P : percentage of students’ improvement y : pre-test result

y2 : post-test 2


David E. Meltzer, The Relationship between Mathematics Preparation and Conceptual Learning Gains in Physics: A Possible Hidden Variable in Diagnostic Pretest Scores, (Iowa: Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2008), p.3.

y1 - y

P = ─── X 100%


y2 - y

P = ─── X 100%


This chapter presents the result of research. In this case, it discuses the way to improve students’ grammar comprehension of passive form of the Present Continuous Tense by using pattern drill at X grade of SMK Bina Insani Tangerang academic year 2011-2012. Related to the discussion of the result, it is divided into three parts. Those are before implementing the action, the implementation of the action, and discussion of all the data after implementing the action.

A. Before Implementing the Action

These are three parts that include before implementing the action. Those are pre interview, pre observation, and pre test. The exhalations about them as follow:

1. The Result of Pre Interview

Before implementing the action, the writer needs to know the general account about the process of teaching and learning activity in the classroom that include the condition of the class when the teaching learning activity, in this case is English subject, is taking place, the difficulties that students face in understanding the grammatical rules especially the passive form, and also the teaching strategies that the teacher used to solve the students’ difficulties in understanding the grammar rules before implementing Classroom Action Research (CAR).

The first discussion is about the condition in the classroom when teaching learning activity is taking place. The teacher said most of students face some difficulties to understand the grammar rules in this case is tenses, they said that they were confuse because too many tenses that they have to learn. Moreover, every tense has each different rule. So, they thought English is very hard to learn and complicated with many pattern of grammar rules that they have to remember. Considering to that


condition, the teacher said that it is very hard to the students to pass the criterion of minimum completeness (KKM) in English subject.

The second discussion is about the difficulties that students face in understanding the grammatical rules especially passive form. With many different pattern of tense that they have to remember in active form, also they have to remember some patterns in passive form. The teacher said that most of the students were not understand yet about the active form, but they are insisted to know how to change the active to the passive form which has different pattern in each tenses, so they have to remember again some patterns of that changing that absolutely increase their confusedness. Next, the teacher stated that the students were hardly to concentrate when they learned new tenses. It happened because when they were not really understood yet, they have to learn the new tense with the new different pattern from the previous tense. The teacher even had given sufficient time to the students to absorb the material by giving them some practices including homework, but it did not solve the problem, even the students thought it was a kind of boring activity. Based on the problem that is explained above, the teacher concludes that the major problem is the teacher did not find yet an appropriate teaching strategy to solve that problem.

The third discussion is related to the teaching strategies that the teacher used to solve the students’ difficulties in understanding the grammar rules. It was found when the teacher has tried many methods to teach passive form of Present Continuous Tense and then the teacher get appropriate method to teach it. The teacher said that he ever had gotten problem when he thought the students without using method certainly, in the fact, only some students who gained high score. At last, the teacher suggest to the writer to use pattern drill in assisting students’ difficulties in grammar rules. It is compatible with kind of passive voice such as passive form of Present Continuous Tense.


2. The Result of Pre Observation

Pre observation was conducted to observe the process of teaching learning in grammar material before implementing the action. It was held on Monday at X grade Accountancy of SMK Bina Insani Tangerang academic year 2011/2012. There consisted of 31 students in the class. The pre observation was conducted on the 6th and 13th February 2012. It was started at 07.00 A.M. and finished at 09.00 A.M. in general, during the teaching learning in the classroom, the teacher liked to dominate the class. Hence, the teacher did not give less opportunity for students to be active in the class. Next, the teacher merely asked students to read orally the form of Present Continuous Tense and changed into passive form of Present Continuous Tense. After that, the students do their works which change the form Present Continuous Tense into passive form of Present Continuous Tense. When the teacher asked students to do their works in the class, they seemed not to have motivation moreover most of them were hardly to finish the works. In other words, they could not finish the works on time and the teacher often ignored that behavior. Instead, he asked students to continue the works at home. Furthermore, as the teacher was explaining the passive form of Present Continuous Tense, most of them did not care of the teacher. Consequently, the students did not understand to change the form Present Continuous Tense into passive form of Present Continuous Tense because of their difficulties in comprehending the form.

3. The result of Pre Test

The pretest had done before the Classroom Action Research (CAR). It was conducted on Monday, April 16th 2012. It started at 07.00 A.M. there were actually 20 questions in multiple-choice form in which the students carried out the test during 25 minutes.

Based on the result of the pre test, the data showed that the mean score of pretest was 54.96. There were only four students who derived the score above the criterion of minimum completeness (KKM) meanwhile


the other 27 students were below that criterion. The lowest achievement gained score 35. From that analyzing, it could be seen that almost of the students at X grade Accountancy of SMK Bina Insani Tangerang are still need to increase their understanding in learning passive form of the Present Continuous Tense.

B. The Implementation of Classroom Action Research (CAR) 1. CYCLE 1

a. Planning

In this phase, the writer and the teacher made a planning for the action based upon the problems faced by students toward grammar rules. In this case, the writer determined the selected material and exercises into a lesson plane. Therefore, passive form of Present Continuous Tense was chosen as material to be delivered for students by using pattern drill. In the lesson plane, there were many forms of Present Continuous Tense to be changed into passive form of Present Continuous Tense. Beside of making lesson plane, the writer also prepared unstructured observation sheet to observe the students’ and the teacher’ activities in teaching learning process whether it was in line with the lesson plane had made before or not. And the writer also prepared the post test 1 to collect the data; to know whether there are some students’ improvement score from pretest to posttest.

b. Acting

The action of the cycle 1 was done on April 23rd and 24th 2012. The teacher implemented the teaching learning process based on the lesson plane had been made. Here, after the teacher started to determine what materials that would like to be learned by students, he began to ask students to read the form of Present Continuous Tense rapidly. After that, the teacher asked one by one of the students to read it loudly. Next, the teacher moved to explain the definition of passive form of Present


Continuous Tense and how to use of passive form of Present Continuous Tense. After explaining that, the teacher asked students make the passive sentence of the Present Continuous Tense from active sentence of the Present Continuous Tense. Then, to make sure students understand how to analyze how to make passive sentence of Present Continuous Tense from active sentence of Present Continuous Tense. Afterwards, to know how well students’ understanding the passive form of Present Continuous Tense given, and then the teacher asked to students to do exercises into the passive form of Present Continuous Tense sheet just by noting the key words. This task was done by the students individually.

c. Observing

In this phase, the observer made to notice all activities in the physical classroom activity. It might be about the teacher’s performance, class situation and students’ response. Related to teacher’s performance, as a whole, he had accomplished the task in line with the lesson plan had been made. However, in a part of explaining of the material used pattern drill. It probably seemed unclear because the teacher’s explanation was too fast. It could be seen from students’ task result which how to differ to use to be “am”, ”are” and “is” in subject singular or plural of the sentence. Meanwhile, the class situation was still under control. It means that most of students did not pay attention to teacher explanation; some of them also did not do their work seriously, moreover they cheated each other and teacher even ignored their behavior.

Furthermore, there were found some students who actively in answering the teacher’s questions correctly related to the passive form of Present Continuous Tense sheet. In the second action of the first cycle, the students seemed more enthusiastic to do exercise. After teaching learning process finished, in this observing phase was also carried out post 1 exactly on the second action of the cycle to measure how well the students’ understanding the passive form of Present Continuous Tense


that had been studied. Based on the result of the post test 1, the mean score of the class derived 64.67 in which there were nine students who passed the KKM 70 (seventy).

d. Reflecting

The writer and the teacher discussed about the conclusion of implementing the action. So, they tried to modify the action in order students more comprehend in grammar and in order 75 % of students in the class could pass the KKM because in the result of posttest 1 showed only nine of the students who passed the KKM.

However, regarding the first cycle, the teacher and writer felt satisfied enough because their effort to improve students’ understanding the passive form of Present Continuous Tense had been improved although not all the target could not achieve yet. Beside of that, the students seemed to accept the material easily by using pattern drill.

Next, the writer and the teacher had to still reflect the improper implementation of using pattern drill in teaching passive form of Present Continuous Tense. Here, the writer gave his perceptions of the teaching learning process related to the last observation phase. First, the teacher still had difficulties in implementing pattern drill in the classroom. The writer suggested to the teacher to walk around the class; and then the teacher said the passive form of the Present Continuous Tense and the students repeated loudly after teacher said. Second, the teacher’s explanation toward the lesson was too fast. If students confuse to the teacher’s explanation, the writer suggested that teacher gave more explanation clearly and slowly to the students. Third, the teacher still had difficulty in managing the class. In this case, the class was noisy even some students cheated each other in doing task. Hence, the writer suggested to the teacher to give punishment to the students who cheated each other after the task.


From the reflecting phase above, there must be more efforts to improve students’ understanding the passive form of Present Continuous Tense by using pattern drill. It needed to be improved again in the next cycle. This effort was done in the next lesson plan of cycle two.

2. CYCLE 2 a. Planning

The planning phase of the second cycle was implemented into a lesson plan. In this case, the writer modified previous lesson plan based on result of reflecting phase in the first cycle. The lesson plan which was used still related pattern drill in learning passive form of Present Continuous Tense. However, there were some modifications in the second cycle; that was the teacher needed to give more time to the students in doing exercise of pattern drill. It was caused to ensure their grammar rules concerning the passive form of Present Continuous Tense. Beside of that, the writer still also prepared the unstructured observation sheet to note the classroom activities. And the writer also prepared the posttest 2 to collect the data.

b. Acting

The action of the cycle two was done on April 16th and 18th 2012. After reviewing the pervious lesson, before the students read passive sentences of Present Continuous Tense that given by teacher, they were given some minutes to identify that sentences. Afterwards, the teacher asked students some questions which how to change from active sentence into passive sentence of Present Continuous Tense. Then, the teacher gave exercise of passive form of Present Continuous Tense sheet to the students in order to do it. And after students finished to do exercise the teacher asked some of students to make passive sentence by using their own words. Furthermore, before finished in teaching learning in the class, the teacher asked to students to read and repeat loudly the passive


form of Present Continuous Tense. Then, teacher gave the correct answers of the question based on the material.

c. Observing

In the second cycle, generally the class condition in learning process was better than the pervious cycle. It could be seen from the students who were ready to follow the lesson and when the followed the grammar lesson, most of them were enthusiastic to answer some questions given by the teacher. In doing task of passive form of Present Continuous Tense, they enjoyed doing the individual exercises. Furthermore, when they were given exercises by the teacher, they did it individually without cheating one another. Related to the teacher’s performance, he showed some progress. It meant that students understand easily. Automatically, it led a good feedback from students’ response in conveying their opinion. Then, most of student seemed quite active in the classroom and in doing grammar exercises. In the second action of cycle two, the teacher was held on posttest 2 regarding students’ understanding the passive form of Present Continuous Tense. Based on the result of the posttest 2, the mean score of the class in grammar test gained 73.78 in which there were 26 students who passed the KKM 70 (seventy).

d. Reflecting

The reflecting of Classroom Action Research (CAR) was carried out after getting the score result of the test. The writer and the teacher felt satisfied because their efforts to improve the students’ understanding the passive form of Present Continuous Tense realized. The students could understand the passive form of Present Continuous Tense. I was proven by their improving scores from the pretest 1.

After achieving the target research of minimally 75% students who passed the KKM, therefore there writer and the teacher decided to stop



Yanti 70 85 100

Yayan 60 75 95



Interview Guidelines for the Needs Analysis (After CAR)

A. Kategori kondisi umum kelas

R : Bagaimana kondisi siswa Ibu dalam pembelajaran passive voice present continuous tense setelah menggunakan Pattern drills technique?

T : Kalau saya perhatikan mereka sangat bersemangat dan senang

mengikuti mata pelajaran ini.

R : Apakah Ibu merasa termotivasi setelah menggunakan Pattern drills technique dalam pembelajaran di kelas?

T : Ya, saya sangat termotivasi untuk membuat berbagai macam

teknik Pattern drills dalam pengajaran, karena menurut saya jika anak – anak belajar dengan metode pengulangan kata seperti ini pasti mereka akan sangat senang dan mudah untuk memahami pelajaran tersebut.

R : Bagaimana kemampuan pemahaman passive voice present continuous tense siswa Ibu setelah menerapkan strategi Pattern drills technique?

T : Mereka jadi lebih paham tentang materi passive voice present continuous tense.

B. Kategori kesulitan siswa yang dialami

R : Apakah Ibu mengalami kesulitan dalam menerapkan tehnik

Pattern drills?

T : Yah sebenarnya tehnik ini cukup mudah untuk digunakan, saya sih merasa tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam menggunakan tehnik ini, hanya kurang bisa memenage waktu aja mungkin

R : Apa penyebab dari kesulitan dalam menerapkan tehnik Pattern drills?

T : Yah salah satu penyebabnya karena kurang bisa memenage



C. Kategori strategi untuk mengalami kesulitan

R : Setelah mengetahui beberapa kesulitan yang Ibu hadapi dalam penggunaan tehnik Pattern drills, maka bagaimana cara Ibu mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut?

T : Yah mungkin harus lebih memperhatikan waktu aja, mungkin

nanti saya akan memakai stopwatch, biar lebih bisa memenage waktu.




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