Research Problem Research Questions The Scope of the Study The Goals of the Study

selected Running Man s videos, the notion of intelligibility as a consideration to the multilingual speakers who have different mother tongue and speak with different accent of English is applied see Canagarajah, 2007; Grushko and Petrosyan, 2008. Furthermore, the description the sound patterns of Korean-accented English to name Korean accent in this study; KorE onwards, which is compared to the reference English- British English and American English Crystal, 1997:149, is given to uncover which patterns that is intelligible and unintelligible. After all, the students judgments and attitudes towards the way of Running Man players pronunciation are discussed to prove whether Korean s pronunciation, as an accent s variation, is stereotyped or accepted.

1.2 Research Problem

Based on the selected Running Man s videos, it is found that the English words that are pronounced by Running Man s players differ from the reference accents-British and American accents. There are some English sounds that are not found in Korean sounds. After all, this study is to prove whether the KorE through the selected Running Man s videos is intelligible or not to the viewers, which further is explored to be three specific problems to discuss.

1.3 Research Questions

The problems to discuss in this study are: 1. What are the patterns of sound replacement used by the speakers of Korean- accented English in the selected Running Man s videos compared to the reference accents-British and American accents? 2. How is the respondents or viewers perceptual judgment towards the intelligibility of the Korean-accented English in relation to the pronunciation of 7 persistent players of Running Man? 3. How is the respondents or viewers attitude towards the intelligibility of the Korean-accented English of Running Man s players?

1.4 The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study and the theories that are used must be limited to prevent a broad analysis and discussion. This study deals with English phonetics and pronunciation with variation between accents becomes the foremost attention. After all, the Korean-accented English, including its patterns of sound replacement, intelligibility, and the attitude towards Korean-accented English, from the perspective of World Englishes become the specific discussion in this study.

1.5 The Goals of the Study

There are three goals of this study to achieve. The goals are here as follow: 1. to figure out the patterns of sound replacement of Korean-accented English; 2. to analyse whether the Korean-accented English through the selected Running Man s videos, would be intelligible or unintelligible to the viewers; 3. to find out the respondents or viewers perceptual judgment on intelligibility and attitude towards the Korean-accented English in relation to the pronunciation of Running Man s players whether they tolerate or deny the Korean-accented English.

1.6 The Significances of the Study