Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP Situational Syllabus

The content of the language teaching is a collection of real or imaginary situations in which language occurs or is used. A situation usually involves several participants who are engaged in some activities in a specific setting. The language occuring in the situation involves a number of functions, combined into a plausible segment of discourse. The primary purpose of a situational language teaching syllabus is to teach the language that occurs in the situations. Examples: seeing the dentist, complaining to the landlord, buying a book at the book store, meeting a new students, and so on. Task-Based Syllabus

The content of the teaching is a series of complex and purposeful tasks that the students want or need to perform with the language they are learning. The tasks are defined with as activities with a purpose rather than language learning, but, as in a content-based syllabus, the performance of the tasks is approached in a way that is intended to develop second language ability. Language learning is subordinate to task performance, and language teaching occurs only as the need arises during the performance of a given task. Tasks integrated language and other skills in specific settings of language, for example: applying for a job, talking with a social worker, getting housing information over the telephone, etc.

2.1.5 Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP

According to Masnur Muslih 2007: 10, KTSP is an operational curriculum which is designed and implemented by each institution or school committee. It aims to empower a local area and school committee to plan, implement, operate, and assess the teaching learning process based on the condition and aspiration of the school. Principals and References in the Development of KTSP KTSP is developed based on some principals, these are:

• It concentrates on the potential, development, and needs necessities of the students and their environment. • It has many varieties but in unity. • It gives respond to the development of science and technology, and also arts. • It is relevant with needs in life. • It contains all the necessary aspects of education and relates one to another. • It promotes never ending learning. • National requirements and the local ones are in balance. KTSP is also developed based on some references. These are:

• The improvement of faith and belief. • The improvement of potential, intelligence, and interest based on the level of the students’ development and potential. • The variety of the potential and characteristics of the local area. • The demands of local and national development. • The demand for the capability to work. • The development of science and technology, and also arts. • Religions • The dynamics of global development. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI • National unity and national values. • Social cultural condition of society. • The equality of gender. • The characteristics of integrated education. Components of KTSP

There are four components of KTSP. Those are as follows: objectives of KTSP: Elementary school

Focusing on intelligence, knowledge, personality, morality, and the ability to be independent and to continue to the next grade. and senior high school Increasing intelligence, knowledge, personality, morality, and the ability to be independent and to continue to the next grade. high school Increasing intelligence, knowledge, personality, morality, and the ability to be independent and to continue to the next grade based on the students’ vocation. and Content of KTSP: Based on PP No.19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Pasal 7, the structure of KTSP for elementary school and juniorsenior high school is stated in its standard content Standar Isi which is developed from some subjects, those are as follows: • Religion and Morality. • Citizenship and Personality. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI • Science and Technology. • Esthetics. • Sports and Health. The contents of KTSP: • Subject course Mata Pelajaran • Local-content course Muatan Lokal • Self development activities • Management of study loads pengaturan beban belajar • Ascending to the next highest grade at school, dividing up into departments, and graduating kenaikan kelas, penjurusan, dan kelulusan. • Education of Life skills Pendidikan Kecakapan Hidup. • Education based on local and global supremacy. Calendar School committees can create an academic calendar which is appropriate to local needs, school characteristics, the students’ and society’s needs based on the content standard of KTSP Standar Isi. and Lesson Plans The syllabus is the elaboration of standard competence kompetensi standar and basic competence kompetensi dasar into main materials materi pokok , teaching learning activities, and indicators of competence achievement for assessment. The teachers develops lesson plans based on the syllabus.

2.1.6 English for Specific Purpose ESP