Integrated English Instructional Materials Instructional Materials Integrated Materials

1.5.1 For the English teachers of XI grade students of industrial electronics engineering.

It provides them with a set of Integrated English Instructional Materials for XI Grade Students of Industrial Electronics Engineering and will challenge them to develop the materials using their own creativity.

1.5.2 For XI grade students of industrial electronics engineering.

It will help them significantly improve their English by providing the materials based on the skills that they are concerned with.

1.5.3 For future researchers of English Education Study Program

This thesis will help them to make research to find out whether or not these Integrated English instructional materials are effective for the XI grade students of SMK N2 Depok Yogyakarta as part of their learning process.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Some terms need to be clarified to avoid misunderstanding. The terms that will be defined are: Integrated English instructional materials, instructional materials, integrated skills, topic-based language instruction, and industrial electronics engineering.

1.6.1. Integrated English Instructional Materials

Integrated English instructional materials are printed materials computer- assisted materials, televised instructions, or materials taken from magazines which are developed through integrated skills listening, speaking, reading, and writing based on the topic being discussed.

1.6.2 Instructional Materials

According to DickReiser 1989, p.3, instructional materials are forms of printed materials, computer-assisted instructions and televised instructions, and planned or designed materials for the use of teachers and students in carrying out teaching and learning.

1.6.3 Integrated Materials

The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 1995: 620 states that ‘integrate’ means “various parts or aspects linked closely together”. Integrated materials are materials that are developed based on various skills listening, speaking, reading, and writing that are interconnected. This thesis would like to present the integration of skills and language elements grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation to support those skills. RichardRodgers 2001, p.64 also state that integrated materials are a set of instructional materials that contains of all four language skills reading, listening, speaking and writing are integrative.

1.6.4 Industrial Electronics Engineering