The Relationship Anonymity The Second Element of Hidden Transcript: Anonymity

much care upon their wealth and paying sufficient reward for their hard labor. The Black Brothers use the personal pronoun dia he, possessive pronoun mu your, and reflective pronoun himself. They position them selves as the sender of the message to warn the people of the hypocrites who will only take advantage of their hard labor.

4.2.3. The Relationship Anonymity

In the relationship anonymity the adversary cannot tell which destination a user or sender is to communicate with. Understood it in this context, the relationship anonymity is a slightly different to receiver anonymity in a simple way that it doesnt employ personal pronoun despite there is an intended target receiver. The sender tends to speak of something without explicitly mention a name and discuss a specific subject to show a relationship to the intended target. A singer tends to use it as his rhetoric to do sarcasm. One example can be seen in Bob Marleys Zion Train. Two Thousands years of historyCould not be wiped so easily...Zion Train is coming our way Zion Train. It is not clear which destination or to whom Bob Marley communicates. It is more than just a personal statement since there must be someone who is accused of committing deletion of two thousand years of history. Basically the song is talking about the long suffering by the Black people. 56 That they will depart out of Babylon to Zion. Those who chose wisdom and not wealth, and those with self control can join the ride. Thus we can conclude that it is a sarcasm to the white 56 Moskowitz, David. The Words and Music of Bob Marley, p. 107. colonial power, who have oppressed the black. And that despite of this condition the black are the chosen one by the almighty God to ride on to his dwelling place, Zion. In The Black Brothers we can see the typical example of relationship anonymity in Misteri Mystery. Gelap mendebu kelam tak bertepikabut kian tebal di jalan iniderap langkah yang kususurimanusia memendam keadilan...semoga nanti kan tiba saatnyaseberkas cahaya menyinarimembuka semua misteritabir hidup di bumi pertiwi - Misteri [Clouds of darknessendless blacknesthe fog swells on this roadevery step I takehumaan silenced the justice...may one daya spark of light shine throughuncovering all the mysterieall the veils in the life of this land - Mystery]. As the title suggested, the song is about mystery. Throughout the song The Black Brothers sing about mystery through the image of gelap darkness, kabut mist, and tabir kebenaran veil of truth. It is hidden to whom do they talk to regarding the issue of mystery. Here The Black Brothers also employ the image of Cahaya sun or shine like what Bob Marley would also use in some of his songs like Sun is shining, Get Up Stand Up, and Crisis. Sun and shine symbolizes hope, truthfulness and happiness. So when The Black Brothers sing the shines is being covered by dark shadow, it means that something has gone wrong and they are hopeless and there must be someone they accused of committing it. Although it is still ambiguous and mystery but one can conclude that The Black Brothers are communicating to the corrupt system which is the authority. This conclusion is based on what they would also refer to in their previous songs regarding criticism. Both Bob Marley and The Black Brothers tend to use anonymity to cover direct naming or identity of the addressee. The most common type of anonymity that can be found in their songs is the receiver anonymity which takes form of personal, possessive, and reflective pronoun. The clear intention of using anonymity is to avoid direct confrontation and retaliation with the authority. In doing so, much of the fear can be dissipated. Anonymity is Bob Marley and The Black Brothers rhetoric. Despite many of the songs are obviously related to the specific target, they tend to play with words through metaphor and anonymity. Using anonymity is like to throw a bite and beat around the bush waiting for the snake to come out. Those who feel it will come up and take the bite like what Bob Marley would sing in Who The Cap Fit, Hypocrites and parasites will come up and the bite and that who the cap fitlet them wear it.

4.3. The Third Element of Hidden Transcript: Euphemism