2.1 Literature Review

Literature review is required to know what has been done by the other researchers who have explored this topic. There are three undergraduate theses and one journal article which are reviewed and related to the topic of this study. The undergraduate thesis is written by Narimawan 2008 entitled Analysis of Figurative Language in Song Lyric of Story of The Year Band. This thesis analyzes the kinds and functions of figurative language in song lyric of Story of the Year Band. In analyzing the song lyric, the writer uses the main theory proposed by Katheen Morner and Ralph Rauch in their book entitled “NTC‟s Dictionary of Literary Terms”. There are six kinds of figurative speech which are found from the song lyrics in this thesis as the result. Narimawan‟s thesis already explains the theories used and is relevant with the topic of study. The writer does not only use one, but two song lyrics as the data source so it gives him a comparison when analyzing the song lyric. In his background, the writer does not give more explanation about his study, why the study is interesting and why the study is relevant to be discussed. The theories of figurative language proposed by Katheen Morner and Ralph Rauch are 7 used in Narimawan‟s, while K. L. Knickerbocker and H. Willard Reninger‟s theory is used in this study to support the analysis. The other undergraduate study is written by Novianti 2012 with her thesis entitled Figurative Language U sed in the Song’s “Just The Way You Are” and “Remember When”. This thesis analyzes the figurative used in those two song lyrics. Her study is identifying what kinds and meaning of figurative language found in the song lyrics in order to fulfill these aims of study, the writer uses the theory of figurative language proposed by Knickerbocker and Renigner 1963: 367 and the other theory proposed by Myers 1994: 64 about meaning. She concludes that there are five kinds of figurative language in the first song lyrics and eight kinds in the second song lyrics. This thesis uses two different song lyrics as the data source which makes the analysis more interesting because it compares those two song lyrics. In this thesis, the writer gives too much explanation in the introduction. This study and Novianti‟s have the same topic but different data sources; this study uses a movie script and Novianti‟s uses song lyrics. Both, her song and the movie have the same genre, it is about romance. The other undergraduate study is entitled The Analysis of Figurative Language Used in the Song Lyrics of Lady Gaga’s Album “The Fame” which is written by Darmayasa 2014. His thesis is identifying the kinds of figurative language used in the song lyrics in this album and analyzing the meaning of those lyrics. In analyzing the song lyric, the writer uses two theories. The main theory is adopted from a book 8 entitled Interpreting Literature by Knickerbocker and Reninger 1963 and the supporting theory is proposed by Leech 1981. As the result, the lyrics consist of all of the types of figurative language except paradox and euphemism. This thesis is interesting because the writer already describes the topic, subject and the theory clearly, so there are no questions arising in reading this thesis. In explaining the data source, the writer focuses more on the singer rather than the songs or the album used as the data source. Darmayasa‟s has the same topic as this study, which is about figurative language but it uses more than one song lyrics in a album as the data source and in this study a movie script is used . The singer of this album brought a pop and rock genre which has powerful beat. On the other hand, the movie is about romance which softens. In conducting research of figurative language, a review from a journal about figurative study is also needed to give more overview about it. The only journal reviewed here is the one with the following detail. The article is entitled “Learners‟ Representation of their Affective Domain through Figurative Language in a Web- Based Learning Environment” from journal Stefaniamanca Distance Education Melbourne: May 2007. This journal explains the study that investigates how the participants of an online learning course employ figurative language to express their emotions and feelings during the learning experience. It aims to analyze the distribution of figurative language across the course to understand if the figurative language elicits the creation of new figurative language, and to classify recurring 9 types of conceptual categories. The result shows that figurative language use increases in coincidence with crucial, social event; it does not necessarily encourage the production of further figurative language; and it allows participants to represent their affective domain and to conceptualize the learning environment in an original manner. Stefaniamanca‟s journal analyzes the affective domain of figurative in a website, while in the present study onlythe meaning of figurative language is analyzed.

2.2 Concepts