Figurative Language Meaning of a Word

9 types of conceptual categories. The result shows that figurative language use increases in coincidence with crucial, social event; it does not necessarily encourage the production of further figurative language; and it allows participants to represent their affective domain and to conceptualize the learning environment in an original manner. Stefaniamanca‟s journal analyzes the affective domain of figurative in a website, while in the present study onlythe meaning of figurative language is analyzed.

2.2 Concepts

The title of this study is The Figurative Language in a “Twilight” Movie Script. From this title, there are some concepts to be understood with regard to this study. They are the concepts of figurative language and meaning of words.

2.2.1 Figurative Language

There are some definitions about the figurative language, as described as follows. Knickerbocker and Reninger 1963:367 state that figurative language is sometimes called metaphorical language or simply metaphor meaning literally to transfer. They also state that the word metaphor comes from the Greek ancestor metaphere which means carrying meaning beyond its lateral meaning meta= beyond + pherein= to bring-i.e., to bring beyond. 10 Based on Halliday 1985:319, the general term for the figure of speech or figurative language is metaphor. He also claims that the term metaphor is also used in a more specific sense to refer to just one kind or use of a word or phrase for the purpose of suggesting certain likeness between the two, in contrast to metonymy, and synecdoche. Figurative language is a language using figures of speech way of speaking one thing; in other words, language that cannot be taken literally. Simile, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, personification, apostrophe, are all forms figurative language.

2.2.2 Meaning of a Word

The words are used to express something and convey feelings about what we are describing. People can be intentionally or unintentionally ambiguous, although when a potentially ambiguous sentence is uttered by the speaker, usually only one meaning is intended. That means that words can have denotation, apparent of surface meanings, and connotations, implied or hidden meanings. Leech 1974:64 stated that the meanings of words are complex, in which they have such components as an idea, a quality, a relationship, personal feelings, and association. He also proposes that there are seven types of meaning, they are: conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, associated meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, collocative meaning, and thematic meaning. 11

2.2.3 Movie Script