Description of PT Pos Indonesia Persero Surakarta

Table 3.1: Organization Chart of PT Pos Indonesia Persero

B. Description of PT Pos Indonesia Persero Surakarta

1. Location PT Pos Indonesia Persero Surakarta is located on Jalan Jenderal Soedirman 8 Surakarta 57111. The company is the main post office in Surakarta, and it is included in sixth regional division, Divre VI Semarang. As the main post office, PT Pos Indonesia Persero Surakarta has 5 units of sub districts and 51 of village districts. All units are provided to complete the service to the customers. The company has 22 branch offices, each is located on Gading, UNS, Purwosari, Nusukan, Semanggi, Bekonang, Ngringo, Kerten, Pajang, Mojosongo, Jebres, Gondangrejo, UMS, Jongke, Cengklik, Makamhaji, Colomadu, Solo Baru, Pabelan, Kartosuro, Solo Barat, and Tipes. 2. Services There are several kinds of services provided by PT Pos Indonesia Persero in Surakarta for the customers. The following are the categories of the services: 2.1 Standard Post Service The service is divided into standard post letter service, standard post package service, and PO Box. The services are provided for retail and business customers Government Institution. The standard post letter service is described as the carrying out of state tasks in order to fulfill the universal duties public service. Kinds of the letter service are as follows:  Letter, standard aerogram and postcard, delivery letter, overnight delivery letter  Letter, aerogram and postcard noted down as standard and delivery  Sekogram, printed matter, and small package The standard post package is described as the solution to fulfill public needs and the carrying out of state task in order to fulfill the universal duties public service Art. 12 The 2004 UPU Bucharest Congress. The following are the kinds of the package services:  Standard package, air package, ransom, and delivery  Package with special license PO Box service is described as exclusive address accepting post letter and package through 24 hours access. Moreover, the secrecy and security are guaranteed. 2.2 Express Post Service The service is described as the solution of premium class service with competitive price to send significant document and goods fast and safely. The products are Express City Courier, and Express Intercity Courier. 2.3 Overnight Delivery Service The service is supported by Information and Technology System. The management is developed to be more competitive and effective. Overnight Delivery Service is the solution to send letter, document, and goods with guarantees of time and security for the customers. 2.4 AdmailPos Service It is the integrated service of direct mail started from printing process, brochure insertion, enveloping, and delivering process. The products are:  One stop service, digital production, and delivery for account statement, current account, invoice claim, and solo mail  Inserting letters mechanically into the envelopes  Pre-posting service using non-way bill  Supplying service of raw material production and inventory management 2.5 International Delivery Service The service refers to UPU Universal Postal Union regulation. The products are Express Mail Service EMS, Express Post, International Money Order, International Package Post, International Registered, Direct Entry, and Small Package. 2.6 Logistics Service Logistics service has a supply chain management base. It includes freight forwarding service, warehousing, and transporting in order to give integrated solution of supply chain management service for the customers. The service is divided into Project Logistic and Retail Logistic. 2.7 Finances Service The services are Money Consignment, Payment System Online Payment Point, Distribution of finances, funds, and postal clearing. Money Consignments are divided into Money Order, and DuitPOS Multiguna. Payments are divided into Debt Payment, and Discount of Pension Payment. Distributions of finances, funds, and postal clearing are divided into Online Postal Clearing, Funds Distribution Service, and Money Box. 2.8 Ritel Service Agency As the descriptions, it is a service of outsider’s products selling and space providing in post office. Therefore, PT Pos Indonesia Persero in Surakarta just acts as mediator between producers and consumers. The services include Ritel , and Kiospos. 2.9 Philately Service The products are stamps, PRISMA perangko identitas milik anda – stamp as your own identity, philately goods carnet, maximum card, first day cover, exhibition cover, commemorative cover, philatelic document, stamp pack, stamp collection album, complementary products, and merchandising. 2.10 e-Businesses Service The products are 1. ePOSTAL = ratron electronic mail, gateway service, point plus service, e-PO Box electronic PO Box, e-document electronic document 2. eTELCO = it is a kind of SMS Gateway, which the products are SMS Corporate Broadcast, SMS Content Pull and Push, SMS Transaction Services, SMS Gateway Services, SMS Broadcast “PESTA”, Switching and Payment Gateways. 3. eMARKET PLACE = it is commerce service through and WARMASIF warung masyarakat peduli informasi – community caring about information. The products are Multimedia Internet Workstation, Printing-Scanning-Burning, Business Center, ePortal eHealth, eLibrary Learning, eCommerce, Hosting-Domain Registration-Web Development, Telecommunication Company Outlet Service, Data Center Placement. 2.11 Property Service It is the development of property asset of which the company through renting out, revitalization of property asset, and restructuring the asset.

C. Writer’s Activities during the Job Training