2007 : 12. Furthermore, in a company where there are no public relations, the principle of everybody is a public relations is consistently going. In postal company, for example, there are publics, especially costumers, requiring information. They actually are people who have to explain about the procedures of delivery services. It is because they are people who are waiting something. So that the officers of postal company must have skills to calm them down by doing persuasive communication and sustained effort. Up to this statement, it can be seen that there are functions of public relations done by officers from the company although there are no public relations practitioners.

C. Corporate Image

According to Frank Jefkins 1995 : 352, Corporate Image is a mentality impression of publics’ opinions formed based on their knowledge and experience. It is an image of an organization on the whole 1995 : 19. From the statement above, it can be seen that corporate image is a public perceptions in the matter of everything happened in an organization concerning the product quality, serv ices, company culture, officers’ behaviors, etc. At last, it will influence the public’s attitudes. So, in order to maintain the existence of organization, the corporate must have positive image in the public point of views. The positive image is an important action to reach corporate reputation in the public point of views. Joe Marconi introduced that there are four layers of reputations which are important to be handled by public relations, they are personal branding, product branding, corporate branding, and industrial branding cited by Kriyantono, 2007 : 10. However, previously the image begins at corporate identity, such as the company profile, logogram, officers’ uniforms, etc. Richard Varey stated that corporate identity is the strategically planned and operationally applied self presentation of the organization the corporate self on the basis of a desired image Kitchen, 1997 : 113. When the image does not equal reality, people will suspect contrivance. So, a public relations practitioner must seek the problems in order to reflect reality in organization corporate image. Corporate identity shows image to public, among others like image in consumers’ point of views, community, media, investors, and employees until the image increases the corporate image Kriyantono, 2007 : 11. The meaning is that corporate image is built from four areas, those are: 1. Products and services including quality of products, and customer cares. 2. Social responsibility, corporate citizenship, ethical behavior, and community affairs. 3. Environments offices, showrooms, factories. 4. Communications advertisements, public relations, personal communications, brochures, and programs of corporate identities. Kriyantono, 2007 : 12 In conclusion, a corporation can make up its good image by giving attention to the corporate identities first, and then reflecting on the identities well until the public can see that the corporation has the positive reputation.

D. Customers and Services