The functions of public relations to maintain good corporate image in PT Pos Indonesia (persero) Surakarta Igniz







Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts,

Sebelas Maret University


Igniz Patristiane C9307127






ii Final Project Report:


Name : Igniz Patristiane

NIM : C9307127


Taufiq Al Makmun, S.S ( )



APPROVAL OF BOARD EXAMINERS Accepted and Approved by the Board of Examiners, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

Sebelas Maret University


Student’s name : Igniz Patristiane

NIM : C9307127

Examination Date :

The Board of Examiners

Dr. Djatmika, M.A. ( )


M. Farchan Mujahidin, S.Ag, M.Ag ( )


Taufiq Al Makmun, S.S ( )


Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts Sebelas Maret University


Drs. Sudarno, M.A. 195303141985061001



If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something




I dedicate this final project to: Myself,

My faculty, My university, My family, my friends &



giving her the chance to be an apprentice from April 5th, 2010 to May 22nd, 2010 in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta. The job training is the beginning of this final project report.

This final project offers various concrete forms of working activities in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta. The activities are completed with several explanations in order to give clear information for the readers. Through this final project report, the readers can also understand the working activities in the company connecting with functions of public relations.

The title of this report is “The functions of public relations to maintain

good corporate image in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta.” The writer

presents the practical job description, public relations functions, and efforts of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta in maintaining good corporate image.

This report is relatively far from being perfect. The writer needs suggestions from many sides in order to improve this final project qualification. Hopefully, this final project is able to give beneficial information for the readers. Finally, the writer would like to thank to all sides who have given a lot of assistance from the beginning until the completion of this final project.




Thanks God, I would not make this far without Your blessing. My deepest gratitude goes to my family, thank you for the greatest love. Moreover, I want to be grateful to the following persons:

1. Drs. Sudarno, M.A, Dean of Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts

2. Yusuf Kurniawan, S.S, M.A, the Head of English Diploma Program, for giving me approval and permission to write this final project report

3. Fitria Akhmerti P, S.S, M.A, my academic consultant, for the patience 4. Taufiq Al Makmun, S.S, my supervisor, for the guidance

5. All the lecturers of English Diploma Program

6. All officers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta for the familiarity 7. My friends in class C English Diploma Program 2007

8. Ria Esa, my best oldfriend, for the sweet memories in Padjadjaran and in Damri bus when we used to go home together from the campus. We had talked a lot about anything and learnt to share sincerely with the bus singers. The moments had formed my new personality.

The last but not least, I want to say thanks to all unmentioned names who are being my friends and good persons in my life. Sorry, I just want to spend one paper to write this acknowledgment. Please forgive me, ya.

Surakarta, July 2nd, 2010 Igniz Patristiane



Igniz Patristiane. 2010. The functions of public relations to maintain good corporate image in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project describes about the functions of public relations of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta in maintaining good corporate image in the public point of view. The objectives of this report are to know the functions of Public Relations through working activities done in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta and to know how PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta shows the corporate image to the customers.

To make this final project report, the writer uses several methods. The methods are collecting data, discussing, and concluding the data. The data of the report were gained through joining and observing the public relations activities.

This study finds that the officers have their jobs which the descriptions are contained by the functions of public relations. It is done in order to support the professional activities in maintaining good corporate image.

The result implicates that all officers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta have organized jobs having connection with public relations functions. The purposes are giving the best services to the public, growing with the health business concepts, caring to the environments, etc. All of the purposes are meant to maintain good corporate image in public point of view. In the end of this final project report, the writer gives suggestions to PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta to improve its professional activities.















A. Background………..1

B. Objectives……….3

C. Benefits……….4


A. Definitions of Public Relations………5

B. Functions of Public Relations………..7

C. Corporate Image………..9

D. Customers and Services………..11




B. Description of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta………...18

C. Writer’s Activities during the Job Training………...22

D. Public Relations functions done by the officers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta………...26

E. The efforts of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta to perform good corporate image………...36


A. Conclusion………42

B. Suggestion………44 BIBLIOGRAPHY







A. Background

In human life, people surely have an interest to send something (mails, documents, goods, etc) for their partners in distant place. That is why there are postal industries in all countries around the world. The industries provide services of mail, finance, and logistics in collecting, processing, transporting, and delivering sectors.

In Indonesia, postal industries have been expanding over the times. Moreover, the development of technology and information also joins in embracing the dynamics and demands of the world of commerce and industrial affairs. Therefore, in this globalization era there are so many corporations especially providing transportations and communications services fight each others. It happens because every corporation wants to get costumers as many as possible and maintain their existence.

Certainly, corporations that operate postal industries both from BUMN (the state-owned enterprise – PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)) and non-BUMN (private companies) are making efforts in order to face the business competition. The efforts should be done continuously and periodically so that the companies are losing their customers, corporate image, stakeholders, and even public trust.

BUMN has PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) to operate postal industry in the country. It is not like private companies operating in the same industry. PT Pos


Indonesia (Persero) is given privileges larger than others by governments in running the business by having rights to determine policies in the existing postal industries. There are so many issues concerning the pro – cons of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) existence. Furthermore, people think that the company monopolizes the business in postal industries. Whereas, in fact whether PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) has a monopoly or not, it is not like the private companies which are more oriented.

In the New Order Era in Indonesia, the business of postal industries in reality was held fully by the governments. Then, they gave full authority for the state-owned enterprise to operate the postal industries. Consequently, it was undeniable for the company not to monopolize the business. However, along with transitional era, the policies also go along it. PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) indeed ever experienced several changes in history.

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) was ever mentioned as Perum, not Persero. Perum is concerning in the interest of public, but Persero is concerning in obtaining profit as much as possible. Therefore, the definitions can raise confusions in the public point of view. It is not to mention PT Pos Indoesia (Persero) has not provided modern services yet in order to satisfy the consumers. Under such circumstances, the company needs to show its real corporate image in order to gain a reputation and public confidence.

All of branch offices of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) do the efforts to create the necessities of the company, included the office in Surakarta. PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta also has endeavors to show the real corporate image. The



efforts actually can not be released from the functions of Public Relations, as the company necessities are related to the purposes of Public Relations. Although there is not Public Relations Officer in the office, actually the facts are remaining that there are elements of Public Relations functions which are contained in the managements. It is necessary to have Public Relations functions to maintain the corporate image, and increase the number of customers.

Since the writer learns the theories about Public Relations, she is interested to discuss the functions of public relations of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta. Regarding the issues mentioned previously, the writer would like to describe how the functions of public relations maintain the good corporate image in public point of view.

B. Objectives The objectives of this report are:

1. To know the functions of Public Relations through daily activities done in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta.

2. To know how PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta shows the corporate image to the customers.


C. Benefits Hopefully this final project will be advantageous for:

1. The Readers

The Readers will get some information about PT Pos Indonesia (Persero), especially information about the branch office in Surakarta.

They may know that there are job activities in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta which can be related to activities of Public Relations.

2. PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta

The company will get some valuable inputs to improve its employee performances in handling the external public, customers, as the line having the important effects for the company performances.



A. Definitions of Public Relations

There are many definitions of public relations. Organizations, various experts, even several writers of public relations books suggest many opinions about the definitions of public relations. Nevertheless, the circulated definitions do not have same contents of the sounds.

In 1960 The International Public Relations Association (IPRA) formulated a definition with a hope that it could be accepted and practiced together. The definition is as follows:

…“Public Relations is a management function, of a continuing and

planned character, through which public and private organizations and institutions seek to win and retain the understanding, sympathy, and support of those with whom they are or may be concerned –by evaluating public opinion about themselves, in order to correlate, as far as possible, their own policies and procedures, to achieve by planned and widespread information more productive co-operation and more efficient fulfillment of their common interest.”…(Effendy, 1986 : 116) In different organization, at a meeting in Mexico City in 1978, there were representatives of over thirty national and regional public relations association that had agreed one definition which emphasizes the strong managerial dimension of public relations practice. The definition goes as follow:


…“Public relations practice is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organization’s

leadership, and implementing planned programs of action which will

serve both the organization’s and the public interest.”…

(Kitchen, 1997 : 7) For comparison, the followings are some definitions stated by Public Relations experts.

According to Scott M. Cutlip and Allen H. Center (1978 : 16), “Public Relations is the planned effort to influence opinion through good character and responsible performance, based upon mutually satisfactory two-way


On the other hand, in his book, Modern Public Relations, John E. Marston wrote (cited by Kriyantono, 2007 : 3) that “Public Relations is planned, persuasive

communication designed to influence significant public.”

The cores of all various definitions above are about management and communication. The contribution of Public Relations is absolutely important to promote an organization or company and gain reputation from the interested public. A Public Relations Practitioner has to make the company that he or she represents to be correctly understood and appreciated.

B. Functions of Public Relations

Ralph Currier Davis and Allan C. Filley wrote on their book, Principles of Management, that function is a term showing certain of activity stages that are



clear and able to be treated differently (Effendy, 1986:31). In connection with public relations functions, in an organization the officers should show the clear activities, which can be treated differently with other activities.

Meanwhile, if there is no public relations officer in an organization or a company there will be no public relations roles done in the organization or company as the job functions to reach the management purposes. All of activities having connection with management and communication to gain reputation from the interested public can be mentioned as the public relations activities. There are functional elements of public relations contained in those activities.

As far as the premise, in the activities must be able to detect whether there are characteristics of public relations or not. Basically, public relations has two absolute aspects which can treat differently with others. The first aspect is that targets of public relations are internal and external publics. The second one is that public relations is two-way traffic reciprocal communication (Effendy, 1986:13).

To recognize the functional elements of public relations activities, there are several characteristics of public relations beside public relations is two-way traffic reciprocal communication, and the targets are internal and external publics:

1. Public relations is a supporting part to achieve the purpose which has been determined by the management of the functions.

2. The process of making public relations operational is to develop a good relationship between organization and publics, and also prevent the barriers, which is coming from both organization and public.


At one level, public relations is responsible for creating effective and mutually satisfactory relationship with various publics. According to Philip J. Kitchen, the paramount importance of public relations functions is creation of a favorable image. (1997 : 29)

Apart from that, Scott M. Cutlip and Allen Carter stated that public relations has three functions as follow:

1. To facilitate and insure an inflow of representative opinions from an organization’s several publics so that its policies and operations may be kept compatible with the diverse needs and views of these publics.

2. To counsel management on ways and means on shaping an

organization’s policies and operations, in order to gain maximum

public acceptance.

3. To devise and implement programs that will gain wide and

favorable interpretations of company’s policies and operations.

(Effendy, 1986 : 43) It can be concluded that the activities to obtain acceptance, good relationship and understanding of the publics in order to create a favorable image are the ones containing the important roles of public relations. All of the activities can be mentioned as the functional elements of public relations.

Therefore, the activities obtain the characteristics those public relations as a

technique of communication. The meaning is that all of organization members’ acts are able to influence certain images in the publics’ opinions (Kriyantono,



2007 : 12). Furthermore, in a company where there are no public relations, the principle of everybody is a public relations is consistently going.

In postal company, for example, there are publics, especially costumers, requiring information. They actually are people who have to explain about the procedures of delivery services. It is because they are people who are waiting something. So that the officers of postal company must have skills to calm them down by doing persuasive communication and sustained effort. Up to this statement, it can be seen that there are functions of public relations done by officers from the company although there are no public relations practitioners.

C. Corporate Image

According to Frank Jefkins (1995 : 352), Corporate Image is a mentality

impression of publics’ opinions formed based on their knowledge and experience. It is an image of an organization on the whole (1995 : 19).

From the statement above, it can be seen that corporate image is a public perceptions in the matter of everything happened in an organization concerning the product quality, services, company culture, officers’ behaviors, etc. At last, it

will influence the public’s attitudes. So, in order to maintain the existence of

organization, the corporate must have positive image in the public point of views. The positive image is an important action to reach corporate reputation in the public point of views. Joe Marconi introduced that there are four layers of reputations which are important to be handled by public relations, they are personal branding, product branding, corporate branding, and industrial branding


(cited by Kriyantono, 2007 : 10). However, previously the image begins at

corporate identity, such as the company profile, logogram, officers’ uniforms, etc.

Richard Varey stated that corporate identity is the strategically planned and operationally applied self presentation of the organization (the corporate self) on the basis of a desired image (Kitchen, 1997 : 113). When the image does not equal reality, people will suspect contrivance. So, a public relations practitioner must seek the problems in order to reflect reality in organization corporate image.

Corporate identity shows image to public, among others like image in

consumers’ point of views, community, media, investors, and employees until the

image increases the corporate image (Kriyantono, 2007 : 11). The meaning is that corporate image is built from four areas, those are:

1. Products and services (including quality of products, and customer cares). 2. Social responsibility, corporate citizenship, ethical behavior, and

community affairs.

3. Environments (offices, showrooms, factories).

4. Communications (advertisements, public relations, personal communications, brochures, and programs of corporate identities).

(Kriyantono, 2007 : 12) In conclusion, a corporation can make up its good image by giving attention to the corporate identities first, and then reflecting on the identities well until the public can see that the corporation has the positive reputation.



1. Customers

External publics are people who have interest to an organization and they are outside the organization, such as distributor, supplier, bank, government, community, and the press (Kasaly, 1994 : 11). They are not part of the organization, but have a relationship with it, and in certain circumstances, a substantial impact on the organization.

In an organization the external publics can be its customers. It depends on how the organization does its efforts to gain their loyalty. Based on the premise, the organization should increase its quality of products and services. Furthermore, the organization or company must be able to take care of them. It can make the publics come frequently, and always use the products.

According to Rodney Overton (2002 : 118), customers do not buy things, they buy needs satisfaction. They do not care with features, but benefits. So, it is reasonable if they do not consider price, but value. When a company can gain their satisfactions, the company will be able to continue its existence because it is already winning the public loyalty.

Indonesia has the law regulating about customers’ rights. It is stated in the law number eight in 1999 paragraph four about consumers’ protection. The

following is the quotation cited by Pos Indonesia guide book; customers have rights to:

1. Get the products which the authenticity and quality are guaranteed with the definite price,


3. Get the nice and professional after sales servicing,

4. Get the right and clear information from the hospitality employees, 5. Get the easy access, and the atmospheres are peaceful, comfortable,

clean, and neat. 2. Services

In order to get customers’ satisfactions, a company should have officers having skills in servicing customers well. By taking care of customers’ desires,

the company is already paying attention to the progress itself. It is having

connection with the way of customers’ opinions making.

Satisfied customers will think positively about a company that has satisfied them. The positive opinions from customers give impact to the image of the company. Furthermore, the corporate image can be maintained. For the future, the company is able to exist and develop.

Hermawan K. Yuswohadi (2005 : 191) gave a term that all of efforts to

fulfill customers’ needs, wants, and expectations are called customer service.

Moreover, the ability to fulfill consistently customers’ needs, wants, and

expectations is called service quality. Usually, good customer service will raise customer satisfaction. The satisfaction can be achieved if the expected service is same as customer perception to the perceived service.

Concerning service quality, there are five dimensions of it, they are: 1. Reliability: ability to fulfill quality of promised service accurately.



2. Tangibles: appearances of physical facilities, equipments, communication media, and personnel who are innocent, attractive, and professional.

3. Assurance: knowledge and courtesy of employees, and the abilities to give confidence and trust feelings to customers.

4. Empathy: caring, and giving attention individually to customers. 5. Responsiveness: desiring to help customers and prepare

punctuality services by considering that customers is number one. (Yuswohadi, 2005 : 192)

By managing services well in an organization or a company, customers’

satisfactions can be created. It is surely able to maintain the good corporate image, and the existence of the organization or company. Furthermore, it can raise the number of customers. Finally, the great number of customers will raise the income of the organization or company.



A. Description of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)

A.1. The Brief History of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) is a public service company moving on postal industry. It is an enterprise dominating the public interest, so it is possessed by the state. Since it was established on August 26th, 1746, the enterprise had experienced several changes in history and types. Following the several steps in the process of becoming PT Pos Indonesia (Persero):

In Indonesia the former post office was located in Batavia. The founder was Governor General GW Baron. It was established on August 26th, 1746. Then, in 1906 the name became Posts Telegraafend Telefoon Diensts (PTT).

PTT was one of BUMN forms having financial from the state, and the amount of funds was determined by means of APBN (national budget). It was a bureau giving services for Indonesian society as the public (perusahaan jawatan). The expropriation of PTT as bureau was done by PTT young generation from Japan Military Government. It was happened on September 27th, 1945. The date celebrated as Hari Bakti Postel.

In 1961 the status that PTT as bureau was changed to be Post and Telecommunication owned by PN (Perusahaan Negara-state enterprise) based on PP (Peraturan Pemerintah-Governmental Regulations) No 240 in 1961.



The state enterprise was divided into two parts in 1965. First part was Post and Clearing State Enterprise based on Governmental Regulation No 29 in 1965, the other was Telecommunication State Enterprise based on Governmental Regulation No 30 in 1965.

Based on Governmental Regulation No 9 in 1978, the status, Post and Clearing as State Enterprise, was changed to be Perum (Perusahaan Umum-public enterprise), Perum of Post and Clearing.

Finally, on June 20th, 1995 the status became Persero (Perusahaan Perseroan-company enterprise). The law principles are as follows:

1. UU No 9 in 1995 regarding company enterprise.

2. PP RI No 5 in 1995 regarding the transferring of Post and Giro Public Enterprise to be the Company Enterprise based on RI government official gazette No 11.

3. The base of consideration PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) included on

Sutjipto’s notarial document No 117 on June 20th

, 1995 regarding Persero establishment of PT Pos Indonesia. It was in the same manner as Sutjipto’s notarial document No 8 on September 21st, 1998 and No 111 on October 28th, 1998.

A.2 Visual Identities of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) The visions are as follow:

 2009-2010 : integrated mail, logistics, and financial services infrastructure  2011-2013: Indonesia’s leader in the mail, logistics, and financial services


 2014-2018: ASEAN champion of postal industries

The mission is that Pos Indonesia is the business of providing reliable solutions in mails, logistics and financial services using the widest possible integrated business network with the best available infrastructure and nurturing collaborative relationships.

The logogram:

Picture 3.1: logo of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)

The pigeon symbolizes integrity character and the orange color describes calm, balance, harmony, dynamic, and enthusiasm. It means that PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) always serves the customers with all of their dedications and integrities in order to take care of the customers.

The credo is Untuk Anda Kami Ada (we exist for you). It is in accordance to the purpose of post office establishment. The existence of the corporation is required indeed by people. It provides the most authentic necessity in servicing communication and logistics for all of circles both domestic and foreign society. A.3 Organization Chart


managing director and the vice shareholders logistics and mail operation directorate marketing and business development directorate finances directorate technology & finance service directorate human resources directorate



Table 3.1: Organization Chart of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) B. Description of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta 1. Location

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta is located on Jalan Jenderal Soedirman 8 Surakarta 57111. The company is the main post office in Surakarta, and it is included in sixth regional division, Divre VI Semarang. As the main post office, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta has 5 units of sub districts and 51 of village districts. All units are provided to complete the service to the customers.


The company has 22 branch offices, each is located on Gading, UNS, Purwosari, Nusukan, Semanggi, Bekonang, Ngringo, Kerten, Pajang, Mojosongo, Jebres, Gondangrejo, UMS, Jongke, Cengklik, Makamhaji, Colomadu, Solo Baru, Pabelan, Kartosuro, Solo Barat, and Tipes.

2. Services

There are several kinds of services provided by PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) in Surakarta for the customers. The following are the categories of the services: 2.1 Standard Post Service

The service is divided into standard post letter service, standard post package service, and PO Box. The services are provided for retail and business customers (Government Institution).

The standard post letter service is described as the carrying out of state tasks in order to fulfill the universal duties public service. Kinds of the letter service are as follows:

 Letter, standard aerogram and postcard, delivery letter, overnight delivery letter

 Letter, aerogram and postcard noted down as standard and delivery  Sekogram, printed matter, and small package

The standard post package is described as the solution to fulfill public needs and the carrying out of state task in order to fulfill the universal duties public service (Art. 12 The 2004 UPU Bucharest Congress). The following are the kinds of the package services:



 Package with special license

PO Box service is described as exclusive address accepting post letter and package through 24 hours access. Moreover, the secrecy and security are guaranteed.

2.2 Express Post Service

The service is described as the solution of premium class service with competitive price to send significant document and goods fast and safely. The products are Express City Courier, and Express Intercity Courier.

2.3 Overnight Delivery Service

The service is supported by Information and Technology System. The management is developed to be more competitive and effective. Overnight Delivery Service is the solution to send letter, document, and goods with guarantees of time and security for the customers.

2.4 AdmailPos Service

It is the integrated service of direct mail started from printing process, brochure insertion, enveloping, and delivering process. The products are:

 One stop service, digital production, and delivery for account statement, current account, invoice claim, and solo mail

 Inserting letters mechanically into the envelopes  Pre-posting service using non-way bill

 Supplying service of raw material production and inventory management 2.5 International Delivery Service


The service refers to UPU (Universal Postal Union) regulation. The products are Express Mail Service (EMS), Express Post, International Money Order, International Package Post, International Registered, Direct Entry, and Small Package.

2.6 Logistics Service

Logistics service has a supply chain management base. It includes freight forwarding service, warehousing, and transporting in order to give integrated solution of supply chain management service for the customers.

The service is divided into Project Logistic and Retail Logistic. 2.7 Finances Service

The services are Money Consignment, Payment (System Online Payment Point), Distribution of finances, funds, and postal clearing.

Money Consignments are divided into Money Order, and DuitPOS Multiguna. Payments are divided into Debt Payment, and Discount of Pension Payment. Distributions of finances, funds, and postal clearing are divided into Online Postal Clearing, Funds Distribution Service, and Money Box.

2.8 Ritel Service (Agency)

As the descriptions, it is a service of outsider’s products selling and space

providing in post office. Therefore, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) in Surakarta just acts as mediator between producers and consumers. The services include Ritel, and Kiospos.



The products are stamps, PRISMA (perangko identitas milik anda stamp as your own identity), philately goods (carnet, maximum card, first day cover, exhibition cover, commemorative cover, philatelic document, stamp pack, stamp collection album), complementary products, and merchandising.

2.10 e-Businesses Service The products are

1. ePOSTAL = ratron (electronic mail), gateway service, point plus service, e-PO Box (electronic PO Box), e-document (electronic document) 2. eTELCO = it is a kind of SMS Gateway, which the products are SMS

Corporate Broadcast, SMS Content Pull and Push, SMS Transaction Services, SMS Gateway Services, SMS Broadcast “PESTA”, Switching and Payment Gateways.

3. eMARKET PLACE = it is commerce service through and WARMASIF (warung masyarakat peduli informasi – community caring about information). The products are Multimedia Internet Workstation, Printing-Scanning-Burning, Business Center, ePortal (eHealth, eLibrary / Learning, eCommerce), Hosting-Domain Registration-Web Development, Telecommunication Company Outlet Service, Data Center Placement.

2.11 Property Service

It is the development of property asset of which the company through renting out, revitalization of property asset, and restructuring the asset.


C. Writer’s Activities during the Job Training 1. Counter Subdivision

First week, the writer did the activities in post office counter. The counter is the subdivision of 1st Service Division. The supervisor is Mr. Kukuh Hidayat. On April 5th, 2010 until April 7th, 2010 the writer was asked by the supervisor to assist the officer in 2nd and 3rd counter (counter of EMS and overnight delivery letter). The job done in the counter officers was accepting documents and goods from the customers, encoding the delivering things from computer processing, and submitting the receipt of documents or goods to the customers.

On April 8th, 2010, the writer assisted the officer in 4th counter (counter of post materials). The job was accepting stamp letters, and selling the post materials, such as stamps, revenue stamps, envelopes, etc.

The next day, the writer asked the supervisor to get permission to assist SOPP counter (5th, 6th, or 7th). The job is providing for customers who will pay finances (finance of ADIRA, BAF, PT Summit Oto, Suzuki, Tunas, PT Bhakti, Financial Multi, ITC, Semesta, GE Consumers, Columbia, Oto Multiartha, Mbf, WOM, MCF, MAF), telecommunication (Bakrie communications (Ratelindo, Esia), Indosat (Mentari, Matrix, Im3), Telkom, Telkomsel, Excelcomindo, or Nusapro), banking (credit card, personal loan) Muamalat Bank, ABN, AMRO, AIG Lippo, Takaful, BNI, TKI, BTN, Citibank, HSBC), and the others (PLN (electric account), PDAM (water account), assurance (AIG Lippo, Wana Artha Life), Zakat, Shodaqoh, Infaq, etc.



The writer was lucky because she was not only permitted to assist in SOPP counter, but also in SOPP of tax counter (counter 8th) on April 9th, and 10th, 2010.

According to the monitoring done by the writer, the customers’

characteristics in the counter could be described that they were forceful and uncomfortable with the delivery service procedures when their delivery things could not be accepted.

In order to service the customers well, the writer used to smile to them when accepted their delivery things, show the good gesture, friendly when she

serviced them, and say “thank you” after servicing.

2. 2nd Service Division

The writer assisted Mrs. Tatik Nurhayati as supervisor in 2nd Service Division on April 12th, 2010. There were some customers requiring number of clearing account in the counter. Besides processing tax SOPP input, the other tasks given by the supervisor to the writer were receiving customers requiring number of clearing account well and preparing chair before they got the service. 3. Customer Care Division

In this division, there are subdivisions of Customer Service, Warmasif, and Customer Character Building. The writer got opportunity from Mr. Djoko Murdiatmo as HRD supervisor to assist Mrs. Ketut Dinawati as CS (Customer Service) officer on April 13th, until May 10th, 2010. In CS, the writer was demanded to have knowledge about post office products, service the customers by


The activities done by the writer in second week she did the job training in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta could be described as follows:

 For the first three days, the writer just monitored the customer service officer, and analyzed characteristics of the customers.

 Start from fourth day the writer was in CS, she could accept customers complaining by telephone, or facing directly.

 The writer was permitted to note the complaints in the complaint books. To solve the customer problem about the deceleration of her / his delivery, the first step done by the writer was tracking where the delivery position by checking from post information (Ipos system), and then tracing it. To set the delivery in the right position, the second step was chatting by other customer service officers in other post office where the delivery was traced to get the help from them.

 Beside that, the writer also got permission to explain the ways in setting advertisement of job vacancy in post office, having PO Box, sending instant money order in 12th counter, getting money order via Western Union, meeting the supervisor having authority to legalize significant documents, showing direction toward place where would be visited, giving information about the products costs, etc to the customers.

Generally, the customers complain about the deceleration of their deliveries by showing their disappointment with the services by reprimanded the customer service officer. In handling them, the writer just showed her tolerance.



She did not answer their snapping. Moreover, she used to solve the problem quickly by operating the track and trace program with Ipos system.

4. Secretary

On May 11th, 2010 until the end of job training periods, the writer assisted Ms. Fatimatu Zuharia as Secretary. By assisting her, the writer knew the course of internal communication in the office.

During the writer assisted the secretary; she used to send letters from post master to all of supervisors, write the outlines of incoming and outgoing letters, give the number of outgoing letter to the officer asking by phone, etc.

The broad outlines were like the invitation to attend the motivation meeting (the meeting about the reflection to improve the services), do the 5 R programs (it is the practice of working which can be showed to the customers that the office has the good corporate image), distribute brochures in Marketing Day (every Saturday the officers struggles to get public trusts, and gain more customers), etc.

In fact, the internal communications are being done to support the office efforts in maintaining the good corporate image, and getting the trust from the customers.

D. Public Relations functions done by the officers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta

In PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta the officers work appropriately with the procedures from PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) as the main company –


headquarter- which is located in Bandung. In doing the job descriptions, each officer carries out the public relations functions because the office management is still handled by the management from the main company. It is seen from the two-way traffic reciprocal communication done by the officers who are sitting in the middle of the management. Moreover, their job descriptions are the form of the plans from the public relations practitioners of the main company. Because of that, there are elements of public relations functions done by the officers, especially the post master, the managers, and the supervisors.

Based on Cutlip’s statements about the functions of public relations, the

followings are the classifications of the officers’ job descriptions which are appropriate with the public relations functions:

1. Public relations is to facilitate and insure an inflow of representative opinions a. The Post Master

 Insure the operation of all determinations which have been determined by the main office and the operational estate

 Facilitate an agreement process with another outsider which is still in his range appropriate with the main office determination

 Represent the company inside or outside the court in his range appropriate with the main office determination

b. The Financial Service Manager

 Insure the operation of all determinations of the financial and agency services which have been determined by the main office and the areas of post operations



 Analyze the office activities schedules and the achievement targets from the financial and operational services and post office agencies

 Analyze the operations of post office marketing program to the operational activities of financial and agency services

 Analyze the income contributions from the corporate customers and postal agent of the financial and agency services operations

 Analyze the services quality in the counters of financial, philately, and postal item selling

 Analyze the operations of development and establishment programs to the corporate customers, business partners, and postal agent

c. Supervisor of Counter Financial Services Subdivision

 Insure the operations of the system online payment counters

 Facilitate the service operations in the counters, including in the post offices type D and E

d. Supervisor of Process Financial Services Subdivision  Monitor the works accomplishments

 Carry out the intelligence marketing and arrange the data of competitors in order to use in the formulation process of marketing program

 Analyze the income contribution from the corporate customers and postal agent

e. Supervisor of Customer Care Financial Services Division  Insure the service system and the customers’ problems


 Analyze the level of the financial and agency services customers based on the data

f. Manager of Mail and Logistics Division

 Insure the operations of all determinations which have been determined by the main office and the areas of post office operations

 Analyze all activities in the Mail and Logistics Division g. Supervisor of Process Mail and Logistics Subdivision

 Control the delivery operations

 Analyze the quality achievement of the subdivision target h. Supervisor of Account Officer Mail and Logistics Subdivision

 Insure the service operation and the customers’ problems in the counters  Analyze the level of customers’ satisfactions

i. Supervisor of Customer Care Mail and Logistics Subdivision

 Insure the service operation and the customers’ problems in the counter

 Analyze the level of customers’ satisfactions j. Supervisor of Delivery Subdivision

 Control the activities of mail priority entry status by the I-Pos system k. Supervisor of Parcel and Logistics Subdivision

 Insure the operational pattern of accepting, processing, and distributing services

 Analyze the operational pattern and the activities in the post office areas l. Manager of Finance and General Affairs Division



 Accept the report from the Assets Supervisor in order to do identification and supply necessities in the Technology and Assets Subdivision

 Accept the report from the Human Capital Supervisor in order to do identification of the necessities in the Human Capital Subdivision

 Analyze the operations of assets investment plans

 Analyze the level of employees in doing their work activities  Analyze all activities in the division

m. Supervisor of Branch Supervision Subdivision

 Monitor all work activities in the post offices, including post offices type D and E

 Control the fulfillment of the post offices type D and E necessities n. Supervisor of Quality Control Subdivision

 Monitor the services qualities giving by the post offices, including the post offices type D and E

 Control the financial reports from the post offices type D and E 2. Public Relations is to counsel management

a. Post Master

 Submit inputs to the Operational Estate Post Master (OEPM) about the decision of post office financial and operational objectives

 Submit inputs to the OEPM about the strategies of marketing and transfer price which are decided by the main office

 Submit the inputs of supplying, developing, and rehabilitating the means of post office which are in his authority areas


b. Financial Service Manager

 Give suggestions to the Post Master about the marketing strategies, tariff determination, and transfer price for the financial and agency services c. Supervisor of Counter Financial Services Subdivision

 Give inputs to the Post Master about services in the counters d. Manager of Mail and Logistics Division

 Submit inputs to the Post Master about the marketing strategies, tariff determination, and transfer price in mail, parcel, and logistics business e. Supervisor of Branch Supervision Subdivision

Recommend about the qualification of postal agent candidates

 Submit reports and inputs to the Post Master about transactional recapitulation which are be done by the post office type D and E

f. Supervisor of Quality Control Subdivision

 Submit reports and inputs of the post offices statistical data  Give recommendation to the Post Master about the service quality  Write reports and inputs for the Post Master connecting to the services 3. Public Relations is to devise and implement programs

a. Post Master

 Evaluate all activities in his authority areas

 Assist managers, supervisors, and Post Masters type D and E in his authority areas which are having problems by doing identifications and solving the operational problems



 Give coaching, mentoring, and supervising to the managers, the supervisors, and the Post Masters type D and E appropriate with the procedures from the main office

b. Financial Service Manager

 Organize the post office marketing program based on the coordination result with the areas of post operations

 Make the development schedules of the operational capacities of the financial and agency services based on the coordination result with the areas of post operations

 Participate directly in the bargaining activities of financial service to the candidate of certain corporate customers

 Evaluate the operations of post office marketing program to the operational activities of financial and agency services

 Evaluate the income contribution from the corporate customers and postal agent of the financial and agency services operations

 Evaluate the services quality in the customers of financial, philately, and postal item selling

 Evaluate the operations of development and establishment programs to the corporate customers, business partners, and postal agent

c. Supervisor of Counter Financial Services Subdivision

 Evaluate the services quality and the operations of service activities for the customers in the counters of financial, philately, and postal item selling d. Supervisor of Process Financial Services Subdivision


 Solve problems of financial transaction process

 Do several reconciliations relating to the business partners in financial administrations

e. Supervisor of Account Officer Financial Services Division

 Develop the corporate customers and post office business partners

 Evaluate the income contribution from the corporate customers and postal agent

 Evaluate the operation and development of corporate customers and business partners

f. Supervisor of Customer Care Financial Services Division

 Operate the activities having connection with the customers in order to raise their satisfaction

g. Manager of Mail and Logistics Division

 Organize the post office marketing program in mail and logistics division based on coordination result with the areas of post office operations

 Participate in bargaining activities of mail, parcel, and logistics to the candidates of certain corporate customers

 Evaluate all activities in the Mail and Logistics Division h. Supervisor of Counter Mail Subdivision

 Operate all activities relating to the customers in the counters

 Do the verification of daily transaction in the counters with accounting supervisor and finance supervisor



 Evaluate the service quality and the operation customers service in the counters

i. Supervisor of Process Mail and Logistics Subdivision

 Evaluate the quality achievement of the subdivision target j. Supervisor of Account Officer Mail and Logistics Subdivision

 Operate the bargaining activities of financial services to the candidates of the corporate customers

 Activate the establishment activities of the candidates of the corporate customers

 Do the reconciliations to the credit data of mail and logistics services with the account supervisor

 Evaluate the income contribution from the corporate customers  Evaluate the activities of the customers’ establishment

k. Supervisor of Delivery Subdivision

 Arrange the operational pattern of mail delivery in the areas  Operate the human resources and the means in delivery units  Evaluate the achievement in the subdivision

l. Supervisor of Parcel and Logistics Subdivision

 Operate the work activities in the post offices, including post offices type D and E

 Evaluate the operational pattern and the activities m. Manager of Finance and General Affairs Division


 Manage the works of the division and exploit the human resources, assets and technology, billing and collection of the property and other services  Operate the finances until all operational activities in the post offices,

including the offices type D and E inside of the post office management, can work properly

 Carry the administration of the post office plans to be put into the areas of the post office operations

 Evaluate the operation of assets investment plans

 Evaluate the level of employees in doing the work activities  Evaluate all activities in the division

n. Supervisor of Branch Supervision Subdivision

 Evaluate all work activities in the post offices, including post offices type D and E which are being the responsibilities of the Post Master

 Evaluate the post offices type D and E activities o. Supervisor of Quality Control Subdivision

 Evaluate the service qualities giving by the post offices, including the post offices type D and E which are being the responsibilities of the Post Master

 Evaluate the service qualities

E. The Efforts of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta to Perform Good Corporate Image



As BUMN, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) certainly dominates public interest in providing public necessity of postal services. The post office is required by public all the time, including the public in Surakarta. On the other hand, at the present time, there are so many companies providing postal services in Surakarta. The companies can be the competitors for PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta. Meanwhile, the post office should increase its efforts in order to perform good corporate image so that the customers do not move to the other company.

In order to perform good corporate image, and maintain the existence, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta has been increasing the quality of services. It is

done by passing transformation process, which is from “office” to “store” concept.

Now, the post office can be called as “Kiospos”, that is a concept, and a branding at once to develop the post office including improvement and standardization of the product qualities, services styles, physical appearances, technology, and instrument. The integrating of Kiospos is done not only in counters and vestibule, but also in all post office corners where customers can get the facilitations.

The integrating of post services facilitations with ritel (agency) products is done in order to show the productivities of the post office, and make it becomes

more comfortable, peaceful, modern, and attractive in fulfilling customers’

necessities. To achieve the purpose, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta follows three pillars of the post office development as the procedures from PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) in developing the post office.

The three pillars are as follows: 1. Service Excellence


2. Operational Excellence

3. Modernization and Standardization Physical Evidences

Furthermore, the efforts done by the officers are focused by vision and missions of the developments of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero).

The vision is that the post office becomes the first choice for business partners in the distribution of products having competitive prices, and becomes the public selection in getting the qualities of post office products with the integrated and standard services. In order to realize the vision, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta always makes serious efforts to be the world class supplier of means of communication caring with the environments. So, the post office should have the professional human resources who can manage the business in order to give the best services for the customers.

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta applies the vision by doing some efforts, they are:

 Choosing the officers selectively

 Choosing the services areas selectively in strategic locations

 Choosing and working out a closer cooperative program with business partners having standard qualification and known by the target market with competitive prices

 Creating the shopping atmosphere and satisfying services through the integrated services concept

 Being responsive concerning the development of environment The missions are:



1. Giving solution and benefit value by providing the best products and services to fulfill the public necessities,

2. Providing strategic places to service the customers with the integrated services concepts which comfortable, peaceful, modern, and attractive.

The following are some efforts of officers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta in realizing the missions:

1. Doing the motivation meeting twice two days in order to realize the vision and missions

2. Doing the 5 R working practice

3. Doing Marketing Day every Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m.

1) The Motivation Meeting

The meeting is held as the officers’ introspections in maintaining the existence of the post office, and performing the good corporate image in the public point of views. There are two kinds of the meetings; those are the meeting done by the employees, and the other done by the supervisors.

The meeting done by the employees is related directly to customers that is conducted by a motivator chosen by the operational manager. Before giving the

meeting material, the motivator usually implants the “Beretika Peduli” (having care etiquette) statement to the officers in order to motivate them in giving best services to the customers. Beside that, the motivator always reminds the officers


to do effective communication to the customers and raise the greeting keys; they

are “thank you”, “I am sorry”, “congratulations”, and „smile’.

On the other hand, the other motivation meeting done by all supervisors is conducted by post master, and sometimes by the vice. Usually, the material is concerning the development of the post office vision and missions.

From this activity, it can be seen that the function of public relations concerning the realization of internal communication is done in the post office. 2) The 5 R Working Practice

The practice is the post office programs which must do by all officers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta in order to gain the public trust. By getting the trust from public, it is indicated that the post office has the good corporate image in public point of view.

5 R means ringkas (succinct), rapi (neat), resik (clean), rawat (care), and rajin (productive). All of the officers must apply this working culture everyday. Ringkas (Succinct)

 Separating the things sent in certain group so that the delivery process can be done easily

 Removing the useless things from the office

 All things must be known the status, the identity, and easy in accessing Rapi (Neat)

 Setting the exact place to put things

 Arranging the working place neatly with the best comfortable position  Avoiding times to seek things for the productivity working



Resik (Clean)

 Cleaning rubbishes from the office

 Building the practice of caring the environment and cleanliness  Cleaning all things by correcting the personality, and working place Rawat (Care)

 All people in the office can get the information on time

 Caring things in the office occasionally, included personal aspects

 Keeping on guard against in working, and avoiding in repeating the work Rajin (Productive)

 Doing everything which has to do, and not doing thing which has not to do  Having the productive and efficient attitudes

 Changing the bad practices by having strong commitment 3) The Marketing Day

The activity is done every Saturday at 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. In the day, there are several officers who have been chosen by Operational Manager to distribute brochures about PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) in certain areas, certainly remote areas. The officers are divided into some groups, and then each group must distribute the brochures in different places.

The officers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta are not only distributing the brochures, but also giving knowledge about the post office and the products to the public. In this activity, the officers do direct communication to the public. It can be seen that the function of public relations concerning the external communication is done.


It can be concluded that although there is no Public Relations Officer in

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta, the principle of “everybody is public relations” is going. The activities in the post office indicate that the characteristic of public relations as technique of communication is functionally working.

The officers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta also try to implant the post office image to the public. The image is that post office is the good place to work, good place to shop, and good place to invest.



A. Conclusion

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) is a post office company possessed by BUMN. It was established on August 26th, 1746 in Batavia. Since the establishment until the status became Persero on June 20th, 1995, the company had experienced several changes in history. Now, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) has possessed a large number of branch offices, including PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta. It is the main post office in Surakarta which is included in sixth regional division of the company. The writer has got the experience of job training in the post office.

By taking apart in doing the activities in the post office, she could learn about postal business operated by the company, the management having connection with functions of public relations, and the strategies to give knowledge

about the post office products and implants the post office image, that is “good place to work, good place to shop, good place to invest” to the public.

Realizing the importance of performing good corporate image in gaining the public trust, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta always tries to maintain the post office image in public point of view in accordance with the purposes of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) visual identities. In fact, it is the job descriptions for a public relations practitioner because in operating the company efforts in order to perform the image and maintain the post office existence are some functions of


public relations job. Although there is no public relations officer in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta, all officers are demanded to arrange the principles of public relations in their working activities.

The functions of public relations are done especially by the Post Master, the managers, and the supervisors. The functions are that public relations is facilitates and insures an inflows of representative opinions, counsels management, and devises and implements programs. The functions have several purposes for the company existence.

In order to maintain the purposes of the post office existence, the officers do their job activities by concerning to the vision and missions of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero). The purposes are giving the best services to the public, growing with the health business concepts, caring to the environments, etc. All of them have correlation with public necessities. Moreover, the vision, missions, and the other visual identities are having correlation with the efforts to perform good corporate image and gain customers in order to maintain the company existence. One effort is increasing quality service. It is done by using procedures of three pillars: service excellence, operational excellence, and modernization and standardization physical evidences.

Even the post office does not have a public relations practitioner, the job activities proves that there are elements of public relations functions contained in the management. All officers in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta are demanded to arrange themselves as public relations practitioners. They do every effort to maintain the company existence. Some efforts are doing the motivation



meeting once two days in order to realize the vision and missions, doing the 5 R working practice: ringkas (succinct), rapi (neat), resik (clean), rawat (care), and rajin (productive), and doing the Marketing Day program every Saturday.

All efforts have been showing the improvements. Some of them are that PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta has a large number of customers even though it has a lot of competitors and get the positive image from the public.

B. Suggestions Following some suggestions from the writer:

1. for officers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta

 The officers should learn more about the post office knowledge, understand the vision and missions, and do the working activities by dedicating all of their integrities.

 The officers must give the best services to the public in order to realize the post office purposes, vision, and missions at once, and implants the post office image in public point of view.

 The officers must not permit the customers’ requests which are not appropriate with the post office procedures. However, they must not angry

with all of the customers’ mistakes. Just treat the customers well.

 The officers must handle the customers by the greetings keys. 2. for customers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta


 The customers should know about product knowledge of the post office in order to avoid the disagreement about the superiorities of the post office besides as the channel to deliver documents and goods.

 The customers should understand the procedures working in the post office, so they can arrange their good behaviors in the office.

3. for PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta

 The office must arrange the activities better than before which are having correlated with the effort to gain public trust.

 The office must increase its own efforts beside the efforts which have been asked by the central post office to perform the post office image.

The office should activate the journalism activity by sending the corporate activities report to the internal magazine to show the office su



Cutlip, Scott M. and Allen H. Center. 1978. Effective Public Relations. New Jersey: Prentice Hall

Effendy, Onong Uchjana. 1986. Hubungan Masyarakat. Bandung: Penerbit Remadja Karya CV

Jefkins, Frank. 1995. Public Relations. Jakarta: Erlangga

Kasali, Renald. 1994. Manajemen Public Relations Konsep dan Aplikasinya di Indonesia. Jakarta: Grafiti

Kitchen, Philip J. 1997. Public Relations Principles and Practice. USA: International Thomson Business Press.

Kriyantono. 2007. Public Relations Writing. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Overton, Rodney. 2002. Launching New Products and Services. Jakarta: PT Ina


Yuswohadi, Hermawan K. 2005. Attracting Tourists Traders Investors. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama



It can be concluded that although there is no Public Relations Officer in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta, the principle of “everybody is public relations” is going. The activities in the post office indicate that the characteristic of public relations as technique of communication is functionally working.

The officers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta also try to implant the post office image to the public. The image is that post office is the good place to work, good place to shop, and good place to invest.


41 A. Conclusion

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) is a post office company possessed by BUMN. It was established on August 26th, 1746 in Batavia. Since the establishment until the status became Persero on June 20th, 1995, the company had experienced several changes in history. Now, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) has possessed a large number of branch offices, including PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta. It is the main post office in Surakarta which is included in sixth regional division of the company. The writer has got the experience of job training in the post office.

By taking apart in doing the activities in the post office, she could learn about postal business operated by the company, the management having connection with functions of public relations, and the strategies to give knowledge about the post office products and implants the post office image, that is “good place to work, good place to shop, good place to invest” to the public.

Realizing the importance of performing good corporate image in gaining the public trust, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta always tries to maintain the post office image in public point of view in accordance with the purposes of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) visual identities. In fact, it is the job descriptions for a public relations practitioner because in operating the company efforts in order to perform the image and maintain the post office existence are some functions of



public relations job. Although there is no public relations officer in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta, all officers are demanded to arrange the principles of public relations in their working activities.

The functions of public relations are done especially by the Post Master, the managers, and the supervisors. The functions are that public relations is facilitates and insures an inflows of representative opinions, counsels management, and devises and implements programs. The functions have several purposes for the company existence.

In order to maintain the purposes of the post office existence, the officers do their job activities by concerning to the vision and missions of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero). The purposes are giving the best services to the public, growing with the health business concepts, caring to the environments, etc. All of them have correlation with public necessities. Moreover, the vision, missions, and the other visual identities are having correlation with the efforts to perform good corporate image and gain customers in order to maintain the company existence. One effort is increasing quality service. It is done by using procedures of three pillars: service excellence, operational excellence, and modernization and standardization physical evidences.

Even the post office does not have a public relations practitioner, the job activities proves that there are elements of public relations functions contained in the management. All officers in PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta are demanded to arrange themselves as public relations practitioners. They do every


meeting once two days in order to realize the vision and missions, doing the 5 R working practice: ringkas (succinct), rapi (neat), resik (clean), rawat (care), and rajin (productive), and doing the Marketing Day program every Saturday.

All efforts have been showing the improvements. Some of them are that PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta has a large number of customers even though it has a lot of competitors and get the positive image from the public.

B. Suggestions Following some suggestions from the writer:

1. for officers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta

 The officers should learn more about the post office knowledge, understand the vision and missions, and do the working activities by dedicating all of their integrities.

 The officers must give the best services to the public in order to realize the post office purposes, vision, and missions at once, and implants the post office image in public point of view.

 The officers must not permit the customers’ requests which are not appropriate with the post office procedures. However, they must not angry with all of the customers’ mistakes. Just treat the customers well.

 The officers must handle the customers by the greetings keys. 2. for customers of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta



 The customers should know about product knowledge of the post office in order to avoid the disagreement about the superiorities of the post office besides as the channel to deliver documents and goods.

 The customers should understand the procedures working in the post office, so they can arrange their good behaviors in the office.

3. for PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Surakarta

 The office must arrange the activities better than before which are having correlated with the effort to gain public trust.

 The office must increase its own efforts beside the efforts which have been asked by the central post office to perform the post office image.

The office should activate the journalism activity by sending the corporate activities report to the internal magazine to show the office su


Jersey: Prentice Hall

Effendy, Onong Uchjana. 1986. Hubungan Masyarakat. Bandung: Penerbit Remadja Karya CV

Jefkins, Frank. 1995. Public Relations. Jakarta: Erlangga

Kasali, Renald. 1994. Manajemen Public Relations Konsep dan Aplikasinya di Indonesia. Jakarta: Grafiti

Kitchen, Philip J. 1997. Public Relations Principles and Practice. USA: International Thomson Business Press.

Kriyantono. 2007. Public Relations Writing. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Overton, Rodney. 2002. Launching New Products and Services. Jakarta: PT Ina


Yuswohadi, Hermawan K. 2005. Attracting Tourists Traders Investors. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama