Reciprocal teaching model is more effective than direct instructional

71 3 Comparing two means between cells group A 2 B 1 and group A 2 B 2 . q o is 4.56. The value of q t for α = 0.05 and n = 11 is 3.11. Because q o 4.56 is higher than q t 3.11 the students who have high intelligence who are taught by using direct instructional model are significantly different in reading from the students who have low intelligence who are taught by using direct instructional model. The mean score of students having high intelligence 61.4 is higher than those who have low intelligence 52.4, so the students who have high level of intelligence have better reading skill than the students who have low intelligence those taught by using direct instructional model.

D. Discussion

1. Reciprocal teaching model is more effective than direct instructional

model to teach reading. Reciprocal teaching is better applied for teaching reading in university because the students are no longer medium level students indeed they are advanced level students. It is seen from their cognitive learning process. In advanced level class, the students have to be the centre of process; the teacher only facilitates students to obtain the knowledge including the skill for comprehending reading text. The role of lecturer in teaching advanced level students is assisting in the ongoing attempt to automatism. One 72 teaching model that is appropriate with the cognitive level of the university students is reciprocal teaching model. This model helps students to build their cognitive by generating and answering some questions cooperatively; the students work in a team to solve the problem of a text. This model permits students to be more active in searching and overcoming the problem of a text. In reciprocal teaching class the lecturer presents a certain text and students have to summarize, make some questions, clarify the difficult word or grammar, and predict what will be the next. Pelinscar and Brown 1984: 175 state that the teacher hands out a passage of text to each student in the group. Each student reads the passage and writes summarizing, clarifying, predicting questions related to what they have read. The ―teacher‖ of the group asks one of the questions. The ―teacher‖ is leader of the group who starts off the questioning. One group member responds, using the text to support their answer. The student, who answers the question, then asks a question and the process repeats. This model is designed as a discussion technique and built on the cooperative nature of learning that causes the student’s reading comprehension of the text to be deeper through social interaction. On contrary, direct instructional used by the teacher is less effective to improve the students’ reading skill since the direct instructional less encourages students to involve in teaching- learning process. Joyce and Weil 1986: 326 say that in direct instructional the teacher also provides feedback and correction for the students’ mistake. Direct instructional model is one of the highest 73 priorities on the assignment and complexion of academic tasks in the classroom. It is also characterized by teacher-centered and teacher- dominated classroom Peterson, 1999: 231. Teacherslecturers cannot assess what the students’ prior knowledge is, so will be unaware of why the students cannot learn and improve their reading. It can be concluded that reciprocal teaching model is more effective than direct instructional model to teach reading.

2. The students who have high intelligence have better reading skill than