Technique of Collecting Data.

44 students and 27 from control class 40 students for students who have high and low level of intelligence. The writer uses cluster random sampling to get the sample. Arikunto 2006:133 suggests that the sample can be used if the number of the population is too large to be observed wholly. Considering the number of population the technique of cluster random sampling is used to take the samples. Each class is divided into two groups, students who have high level of intelligence and the students who have low level of intelligence. One of the classes is taught by the reciprocal teaching model and the other is taught by the direct instructional model. So, there are four groups: 1 students with high intelligence who are taught by reciprocal teaching model; 2 students with high intelligence who are taught by direct instructional model; 3 students with low intelligence who are taught by reciprocal teaching model; and 4 students with low intelligence who are taught by direct instructional model.

D. Technique of Collecting Data.

The writer uses tests to obtain the data. According to Arikunto 2002: 127 test is a set of questions, exercises of other instrument which are used to measure skill, knowledge, intelligence, and aptitude of an individual or group. The tests are used to obtain the data of the students’ intelligence and the students’ reading skill. The form of test is objective test. 45 The reading test is used to know the students’ skill in reading. And to know the students’ intelligence, a test is also used, it is called intelligence quotient IQ test. IQ test is determined by dividing the student’s mental age MA - The total number of month credit earned on the test- by chronological age CA in month and then multiplying the resulting quotient by 100. In symbol, this ratio IQ is computed as: 100   CA MA IQ Binet in Aiken 1997: 140 For the IQ test, the students were already tested at the third semester by a college academy; the writer uses these scores as the data see appendix 9, p.195. The reading test is in multiple choice forms. Test must be valid and reliable. Therefore, the test is tried out to know the validity and reliability. It is done before the treatment. The tryout is not done in the experiment or control class. The Product M oment formula is used to know the validity of the reading test: 1 1 2 2 q p S r n x S t t i o t       If r o is higher than r t , the item is valid. 46 The next formula KR 20 Kuder-Richardson is used to know the reliability of the reading test: r kk =              2 2 1 1 t S pq k k If r o is higher than r t , the item is reliable. To make the instrument to test the students’ reading skill those are in Reading 3 class, the researcher needs to relate the constructing theory that has been extended before. The reading construct is ―reading skill is the ability to obtain meaning and select the massage from a written text by finding reference, identifying main ideas, finding detail information, comprehending the meaning based on the context, identifying lexical meaning, and understanding communicative function‖. For conducting the tryout test, the reading test consists of 70 items. Those items are based on 2 types of texts. They are analytical and hortatory exposition. They consist of 8 reference items, 14 main ideas items, 27 detail information items; 18 explicit meaning items and 9 implicit meaning items, 6 the meaning based on the context items, 10 identifying lexical meaning items; 5 antonym items and 5 synonym items, and 5 communicative function items. All of the tryout items are 70 items. It can be seen from the blue-print of the test see appendix 2, p.141 The tryout test is done in TBI IV consists 30 students in 90 minutes. It is done before the treatment. 47 After conducting the tryout test, the next step is analyzing the data for validity and reliability. The result of the tryout shows that from 70 items, there are 42 items are valid. The researcher uses 40 valid items to test the students of the experiment and the control class after the treatment. And the instrument of reading test is reliable; it can be seen in appendix 5, p. 180. The total of reading test items that are used is 40 items. The complete result of the tryout can be seen in appendix 4 on page 159-180.

E. Technique of Analyzing the Data