Definition of Intelligence Factors of Intelligence


D. Intelligence

1. Definition of Intelligence

Thordike in Djaali 2007: 64 defines intelligence as demonstrable in ability of individual to make good responses from the stand point of truth or fact. According to Terman in Djaali 2007: 64 intelligence is the ability to carry on abstract thinking. Binet in Aiken 1997: 136 defines intelligence as the ability to think abstractly, the ability to learn, and the ability to adapt to environment. Another definition comes from wordnetweb www. wordnetweb.princenton.eduperlwebwn states that intelligence is the ability to comprehend, understand, and profit from experience. Santrock 1990: 115 states intelligence is problem-solving skills, the ability to adapt an d to learn from life’s everyday experience. Vygotsky in Santrock 1990: 115 says that intelligence is the ability to use the tools of the culture with help for more- skilled individual. It is said by Super and Cites in Soemanto 1990: 178 intelligence is the ability to adjust to the environment or to learn from experience. According to Garret in Soemanto 1990: 179 intelligence is the abilities demanded in the solution of problem which require the comprehension and use of symbol. Another definition comes from Biscrof 1990: 179, he says that intelligence is the ability to solve the problem of all kinds. Intelligence is the ability to think abstractly and to learn readily from experience Flynn in Christensen, 2000: 114. 29

2. Factors of Intelligence

Djaali 2007:74-75 states there are some factors that influence intelligence: a. Faktor pembawaan, factor ini ditentukan oleh sifat yang dibawa sejak lahir b. Faktor minat dan pembawaan yang khas, dimana minat mengar ahkan per buatan kepada suatu tujuan dan menjadi pendor ong per buatan ter sebut c. Faktor pembentukan, pembentukan adalah segala keadan diluar dir i seseor ang yang mempengar uhi per kembangan kecer dasannya d. Faktor kematangan, tiap or gan dalam tubuh manusia mengalami per tumbuhan dan per kembangan e. Faktor kebebasan, ber ar ti manusia dapat memilih metode ter tentu dalam memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi. There seem to be three main factors that influence intelligence: http:www.psychpage.comlearninglibraryintellintronotes5.html a. Genetics b. Biology and Biochemistry, there are a wide range of biological factors that can impact intelligence. c. Environment, there are a number of environmental factors that impact child cognitive development: demographics, poverty, bird order, childhood trauma, environmental stress, and parenting. 30

3. Theories and types of Intelligence