Teaching English Activities Job Training Activities

commit to user 23 Independent Construction of the Text The students had to be able to make a short text to describe their family. Closing In this step, the teacher does some activities, such as: ⇒ Teacher checks the students’ understanding to measure the students’ ability. ⇒ Teacher asks to one of students to lead the pray. ⇒ Teacher closes the teaching and learning process.

4. Teaching English Activities

After doing teaching observation and making lesson plan, I started to practice teaching English in a real condition. I handled 2 classes; there were VIIA and VIIIB. On the first meeting, Mrs. Suratmi, an English teacher of first grade, introduced me to the students in class VIIA. Meanwhile, Mrs. Marsini, an English teacher of second grade, introduced me to the students in class VIIIB. The teaching learning process that I had done can be described as follows: I began the lesson by greeting the students, and asking one of them to lead the pray. These activities will train the students to apply their English orally. After that, I checked the students’ attendance. The next is BKOF Building Knowledge of the Field. In this step, I reviewed the last material that has been discussed. After that, I introduced the new material by giving simple questions related to the topic which would be discussed. Then, I told the objective of the lesson to make the students understand about the goal expected after they learned the lesson. commit to user 24 In modeling, I explained the whole of the material. This explaination was included the difficult words and sometimes the writer made a short conversation related tho the topic.To make students easy to understand the material, I used some aids, such as classroom media, pictures, puzzle, and dictionary. By using these aids, I hoped that the students would memorize the material easily. Considering that English is the foreign language for the students, I used both of English and Bahasa Indonesia in explaining the material. I also repeated my explanation more than once because the students’ ability is different, that is why all of the students would understand the explanation. Before I repeated the explanation, I asked to them “Class…Do you understand?” If they understood enough, I would continue to the next lesson. After explaining the material, I continued the lesson by giving exercise to assess the students’ comprehension about the materials given. I devided the assesment into two parts, they are join contruction of the text, and Independent construction of the text. In join contraction of the text, I gave exercises which are turned to the goal of the material, such as: Jumbled words, jumbled sentences, paragraph with missing words, etc. Meanwhile, in independent of the text, I ask to the students to make their own text. The last step is closing. In this step I reviewed the material to check the students’ understanding. I opened the question and answer section if they do not understand any materials. Then, I closed the lesson. commit to user 25

C. The Methods Used in Teaching English at SMP N 3 Bayat, Klaten.

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