Description of SMP N 3 Bayat.

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A. SMP Negri 3 Bayat

1. Description of SMP N 3 Bayat.

SMP N 3 Bayat is one of formal Junior High Schools in Klaten. It is located in Wiro, Bayat, Klaten. It was built in 2003. During the school was built, teaching and learning processes were done in SD N 2 Wiro for five months. It has graduated its students for the six times until this year, 2011. Mrs. C. Anjar Nawangsih, S.Pd, the headmaster of SMP N 3 Bayat is the second headmaster after Drs. Suramlan. There are 20 male teachers and 6 female teachers. The total students of SMP N 3 Bayat in 20092010 are 474 students. The curriculum used in SMP N 3 Bayat is KTSP Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. SMP N 3 Bayat does not only do the learning and teaching process in academic field, but it also holds many kinds of extracurricular activities for the students such as Boy Scout PRAMUKA, computer, and PMR. All students are allowed to follow these activities in accordance with the schedule and the teachers who are responsible for these activities to be the supervisor. SMP N 3 Bayat was built on 500 meters square of land. The school building consists of the headmaster’s office, teacher’s office, two employee rooms and twelve classrooms. There are also other rooms such as school medical unit room, computer and multimedia room, library, mosque, parking area, sport field, two bathrooms, etc. The clearer chart can be seen in the sketch below. 13 commit to user 14 The Sketch of SMP 3 Bayat Explanation of picture 1. Gate 2. Parking area for children 3. Parking area for teacher 4. Long jump field 5. Basket field 6. Headmaster House 7. Canteen 8. Mosque 9. Bathroom 10. Park 11. Teacher office 12. Warehouse 13. Field for flag ceremony 14. Library 15. Computer room 16. School medical unit room 37 N 36 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 35 2 9 10 10 18 9 22 37 commit to user 15 17. Multimedia room 18. Employee office 19. Counseling room 20. Headmaster 21. Lobby 22. Flag 23. Well 24. Tower 25. Class VII A 26. Class VII B 27. Class VII C 28. Class VII D 29. Class VIII A 30. Class VIII B 31. Class VIII C 32. Class VIII D 33. Class IX A 34. Class IX B 35. Class IX C 36. Class IX D 37. Street 2. Vision and Mission of SMP Negeri 3 Bayat. SMP Negeri 3 Bayat has vision and missions to achieve the good quality of the students, teachers and the staffs. Vision SMP N 3 Bayat has vision to: “Be excellent in achievement based on faith and morality”. Mission To accomplish the vision, SMP N 3 Bayat has missions: • To improve the process of learning and teaching effectively. • To educate students to have good attitude and behavior at school, at home and in civilization. commit to user 16 • To improve the religion teaching and implementation fulfilled by the students so that they become honest, honorable, tolerant, and autonomous person. • Customize the cleanliness culture

3. The Organization Structure of SMP N 3 Bayat

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