3. Pemisahan dan Pengambilan Produk

Produk kering yang keluar dari RD-01 pada suhu 60 °C kemudian disimpan dalam Silo untuk kemudian diangkut ke konsumen dengan kapal maupun truk khusus. Limbah yang dihasilkan berupa padatan atau lumpur yang berwarna kemerah-merahan dan cairan yang mengandung sedikit asam. Limbah padat ini kemudian ditampung dalam bak penampung limbah sampai dingin dan mengering untuk kemudian dapat dibuang ke lingkungan atau untuk memperbaiki lingkungan tempat penambangan biji bauksit.



1. Biji Bauksit Tabel 3.1 Komposisi Bauksit Komponen Persen Berat, Berat Molekul, kgkmol Al 2 O 3 53.58 101.96 H 2 O 28.85 18.016 Fe 2 O 3 11.79 159.7 SiO 2 4.82 60.06 TiO 2 0.96 79.9 Bentuk : Granular Spesific gravity : 2.55 Warna : Merah Muda Titik didih : 2977 o C Titik Lebur : 2030 o C Kelarutan : Larut dalam asam lemah dan alkali kuat 2. Asam Sulfat Rumus molekul : H 2 SO 4 Berat molekul : 98,084 kgkmol Bentuk : cair Spesific gravity : 1,810 Titik didih normal : 208 o C Viskositas pada suhu kamar : 16,640 Komposisi berat H 2 SO 4 : 60 H 2 O : 40 3. Serbuk Besi Rumus molekul : Fe Berat molekul : 55,85 kgkmol Spesific gravity : 7,86 Bentuk : Granular Warna : Hitam


Alumunium Sulfat Rumus molekul : Al 2 SO 4 3 Berat molekul : 630,414 kgkmol Bentuk : Granular Titik lebur : 86,4 o C Spesific gravity : 1,69 Bulk Density : 1281,26 kgm 3 DAFTAR PUSTAKA Agra, S.W., 1986, Reaktor Kimia, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta. Badan Pusat Statistik, 2003-2008, Buletin Statistik Perdagangan Luar negeri vol II, BPS, Jakarta. Badger.W.L. Banchero.J.L., 1957, Introduction to Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, Australia. Baukal.Charles.E.Jr., 2003, Indistrial Burners Handbook, CRC Press LLC, New York. Brown.G.George., 1956, Unit Operation 6 ed , WileySons, USA. Brownell.L.E. and Young.E.H., 1959, Process Equipment Design 3 ed , John Wiley Sons, New York. Coulson.J.M. and Ricardson.J.F., 1989, Chemical Engineering vol 6, Pergamon Press Inc, New York. Duda.Walter.H, 1976, Cement Handbook 2 ed ,Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA Evans.Frank.L.Jr., 1985, Equipment Design Handbook vol 1, Gulf Publishing Houston, Texas. Fogler.A.H.Scott, 1999, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice Hall International Inc, New Jersey. Geankoplis.Christie.J., 1993, Transport Processes and unit Operation 3th ed , Allyn Bacon Inc, New Jersey. Hesse, Herman C, 1959, ”Process Equipment Design”, 7 th Edition, D van Nostrand, Co, New York. Himmeblau.David., 1996, Basic Principles and Calculation in Chemical Engineering, Prentice Hall Inc, New Jersey. Holman, J.P., Heat Transfer 8 th Edition, Mc Graw Hill Companies Inc., USA Kern.D.Q., 1983, Process Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Kirk, R.E and Othmer, D.F., 1980, “Encyclopedia of Chemical Technologi”, 2 nd ed., John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York. Levenspiel.O., 1999, Chemical Reaction Engineering 3rd edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York. Ludwig.E.Ernest., 1984, Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants vol II, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston. Mc.Cabe.W.L. and Smith.J.C., 1985, Operasi Teknik Kimia, Erlangga, Jakarta. Megyesy.E.F., 1983, Pressure Vessel Handbook, Pressure Vessel Handbook Publishing Inc, USA. Metcalf dan Eddy, Inc., 1991, Wastewater engineering: treatment, disposal and reuse, 3rd ed., New York, Mc Graw Hill Inc. Perry.R.H. and Green.D., 1997, Perry’s Chemical Engineer Handbook 7th ed , McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Peter, M.S., and Timmerhans, E.D., 1980, “Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers”, 3 rd ed., Mc Graw Hill Book Company, Singapore. Powell, S.T., 1954, “Water Conditioning for Industry”, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, New York. Rase, H.F., 1977, “Chemical Reactor Design for Process Plant“, John Willey and Sons Inc., New York. Reid, Robert.C., 1987, “The Properties of Gases and Liquids, 4 th edition, “Mc. Graw Hill Inc, New York. Reklaitis, 1984, Mass Energy Balance, John Wiley and Sons, New York. Smith.J.M. and Van Ness.H.C., 1975, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3 ed , McGraww-Hill Inc, New York. Shreve, R. H, 1956, “The Chemical Process Industries”, 5 th Edition, Mc Graw Book Company, LTD, Tokyo. Hal 263-265. Ulmann, 2007. “Ulmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry”. VCH Verlagsgesell Scahft, Wanheim, Germany. Ulrich.G.D., 1987, A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Economics. John Wiley Sons Inc, New York.