



Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number : 2123220021





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Medan, August 2016

Muhammad Ridho Wibowo Reg. No. 2123220021







Wibowo, Muhammad Ridho. 2123220021. Racism Oppression by Nazi Toward Jewish in Poland Based on The Pianist Movie. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2016.

The title of this thesis is Racism Oppression By Nazi Toward Jewish in Poland

Based on The Pianist Movie. This study is aimed to analyzing what kinds of

Nazi’s oppressions occured in the movie, and what are Jewish’s resistance toward those oppressions in the movie. The writer applies the theories from Iris Marion Young about oppression in black America society (1990) and James C. Scott about Resistance of the peasant. Based on its form, Young was divided oppression into 5 types, they are (1) exploitation, (2) marginalization, (3) powerlessness, (4) culture imperialism, and (5) violence, and Scott divided resistance into two types, they are (1) open resistance and (2) hidden resistance. Racism is a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement. Oppression is when a person or group in a position of power controls the powerless in cruel and unfair ways, while resistance is any act of the minorities against the majorities’ unfair attitudes. The writer focuses on the analysis of oppression and resistance based on The Pianist script, and finally oppression is found as the most dominant thing that the depict racism in the movie.




Bismillah, first of all the writer would like to thanks to Allah SWT and the Prophet Muhammad SAW for the blessings during his academic years at English and Literature Department Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) State University of Medan in completing the thesis. The writer is also very grateful to the following people:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) State University of Medan for her advice and encouragement to complete the study.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd, the Head of English and Literature Department and his Thesis Examiner as well as Dra. Meisuri, M.A, the Secretary of English and Literature Department for their encouragement and motivation during the writing of the thesis. Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum the Head of English Literature study program, his Consultant, and Academic Advisor and Nora Ronita, S.Pd, S.S, M.Hum, the Head of English Education Program for their encouragement to complete the thesis.

Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S, his consultant, and Drs. Lidiman Sahat Matua Sinaga, M.Hum, his Thesis Examiners who had already motivated him to finish the thesis by giving advices, supervising, giving comments and corrections during completing this thesis.

 All the Lecturers of English and Literature Department during his academic years at State University of Medan, who have taught and given knowledges to his encouragement and invaluable advices to complete this thesis.

Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd, the administration staff of English Department, who much helped him to fulfill this thesis.



 His beloved parents, Susanto and Wirawati, who have patiently given his encouragement, financial support, their endless love and their prayers, as well as his beloved sister and brothers, Dian Lestari, Dimas Prasetyo, and Muhammad Ikhsan Utomo, who have been good siblings all the time.

 His mate Mukhrizal Effendi, M.SP, who have gave great motivations and inspirations to him.

 His beloved friends since senior high school, Marina, Shandy, Nopi, Agung, and Fahmil, who have given support and spirit since the first time they met and build a friendship.

 His beloved friends the Galaxy girls, Via Johansen and Tebi Swift, who have given spirit and consolation for him whether in a good time or viceversa.

 His beloved friends Syaiful, Rio, Tyo, Valdy, Juli, Mutia, Ika, and Kak Tasya, for the four years and still counting friendship and the support in the very sad and happy situations.

 His all beloved friends and classmates in English Literature B 2012 for the support and time in motivated and accompanied him during the academic years.

Medan, August 2016 The writer

Muhammad Ridho Wibowo Reg. No. 2123220021









A. The Background of Study ... 1

B. The Problem of Study ... 5

C. The Objective of Study ... 6

D. The Scope of Study ... 6

E. The Significance of Study ... 6


A. Literature ... 8

B. Racism ... 10

C. Oppression ... 12

D. Types of Oppression ... 14

1. Exploitation... 14

2. Marginalization ... 16

3. Powerlessness ... 18

4. Culture Imperialism ... 19

5. Violence ... 21

E. Resistance ... 22

F. Types of Resistance ... 23

1. Open Resistance... 23

2. Hidden Resistance ... 24

G. History of Holocaust ... 25

H. Jewish Resistance Toward Oppression ... 29

I. Introduction to Movie ... 30



2. Adventure ... 31

3. Comedy ... 31

4. Crime ... 32

5. Drama ... 32

6. Epic ... 33

7. Family ... 33

8. Horror ... 34

9. Musicals ... 34

10.Science Fiction... 34

11.Western ... 35

J. Summary of The Pianist Movie ... 35

K. Relevant Studies ... 38

L. Conceptual Framework... 40


A. Research Design ... 42

B. The Source of Data ... 42

C. The Techniques of Collecting Data ... 43

D. The Techniques of Analyzing Data ... 43


A. The Data ... 44

B. The Data Analysis ... 44

1. Oppression faced Jewish in Poland ... 44

a. Exploitation ... 45

b. Marginalization ... 47

c. Powerlessness ... 50

d. Culture Imperialism ... 52

e. Violence ... 54

2. Resistance shown by Jewish in Poland ... 55

a. Open Resistance ... 56

b. Hidden Resistance ... 57



D. Discussion ... 60


A. Conclusion ... 63

B. Suggestion ... 64









A. The Background of Study

Racism is one of big problems in world today. It is a product of the complex interaction in a given society of a race-based world view with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. Racism can occur in social actions, practices, or political system that supports the expression of prejudice or aversion in discriminatory practices. It may make negative and fearful attitudes which result in the violation of basic human rights because people belong to the inferior race are considered as less than human.

Racism is categorized as serious social problem that may take place wherever since it is related to life. Life has many elements and differences in terms of biological concept. Life also cannot be separated from human and human rights, which are the right for having prosperity, living as what other people do, and being admitted as the same of God‟s creation. Genocide which is related to racism does not only occur in abroad but also in Indonesia. When President Soeharto came as a new president, his regime created many anti-Chinese legislations in Indonesia. One of them was 127/U/Kep/12/1966 which mandated that Chinese who lived in Indonesia were being forced to adopt Indonesian sounding names instead of the standard three-word or two-word Chinese names. The government also modified a person's name without consent from time to time, such as adding a corresponding Chinese surname to



be more accurate on describing someone's ethnic origin. For example, Junedi Santoso may be changed to Junedi Santoso Liem, Junedi Liem, or Liem Junedi. People whose modified names like this way may have different names in their official documentations. Today, the prefixed or suffixed names by a Chinese surname as Tan Meliana Puspita, or Lena Angelina Liem are more common. However, if the surname is a suffix, such as Oen Jayadi Susilo, it is almost certain that the surname is forced to be there by the government. In the past, people were not be able to discern a successful athlete's ethnicity as the media would not mention their Chinese name. However, if the Chinese person were doing something harmful, his or her name would not be mentioned.

In racism there is racist, it is a situation where the majorities fully press the minorities. In this situation, the minorities have no free for living in their life. According to Eduardo (2006:15), racist is the sport of choice of those who practice the „„clinical approach‟‟ to race relations—the careful separation of good and bad tolerant and intolerant. One of the most appalling racist in the world was Holocaust which happened in Europe in World War II era.

Holocaust was one of genocides which ever existed in world. It was used by Nazi to erase Jewish in Europe. As noted by Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre (2012:1), Holocaust is the systematic persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by Nazi and their collaborators between 1933 and 1945. Individuals, organizations and governments made choices that promoted and permitted discrimination, prejudice, hatred and ultimately, mass murder to take place.



Back to the history, When Adolf Hitler was living in Vienna in his youth, he began to form his Semitic ideas (although arguably he had been anti-Semitic since much earlier). He observed that many of the large, successfull department stores were run by Jewish businessmen. He also thought that these large stores were squeezing smaller, more „traditional‟, „German‟ stores out of business. Therefore Hitler began to resent intensely the wealth, and therefore, commercial power, taht many Jewish firms had built up. He thought he saw this all over the world, or at least all over Germany and Austria, and so he decided that Jewish people must be inherently greedy. Related to this was Hitler‟s opinion that Jewish people were „corrupting‟ German culture with Jewish culture.

However, this was only one of his two major reasons to hate the Jews. He had also built up an extensive pseudo-racial theory relating to the racial „inferiority‟ of the Jewish „race‟. Hitler though that the greateset race in the world was the „Aryan‟ race, which included basically Western and Northern European peoples — the Germanic/Saxon peoples (Germany, Austria and Britain) and the Scandinavian peoples (Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland), and to a lesser extent France and the other countries neighboring Germany to the West. Of these, Hitler felt that the Germans (Germany and Austria) were the most „perfect‟ of the Aryans and were destined to rule the world. The two „races‟ that Hitler believed to be the most inferior were the Slavs (Eastern Europe and Russia) and the Jews. In fact, Hitler began to associate Slavs, Jews, and Communists (his other main enemy, a political



philosophy) together as some sort of vast, international, Jewish-Slav-Communist conspiracy that was trying to overthrow Aryan superiority. Undoubtedly Europe especially German has many histories and timelines which showed how actually a revolution appeared from the dark era into the brighter one. One of the major issues which developed in Europe was Holocaust which related to racism. It was obviously known that genocide and racism had become the major issues in Europe in World War II era. Genocide was the impact of social injustice which spread because of race differences. Holocaust, Nazi‟s genocide toward Jewish in Europe especially Poland was happened. It‟s important to be discussed because Holocaust was seized human right, that is right for life.

Nowadays, there are some movies published which tell about genocide of Holocaust and racism, one of them was The Pianist. it is a 2002 historical drama film co-produced and directed by Roman Polanski, scripted by Ronald Harwood, and starring Adrien Brody. It is based on the autobiographical book “Śmierćmiasta”, a World War II memoir by the Polish-Jewish pianist and composer Władysław Szpilman.

Wladyslaw Szpilman was born in Warsaw December 5, 1911. His family and he were art workers and lived in well life. In 1939 when German Empire (Nazi) seized Poland, his family‟s life was totally changed. By the time of experiences being a victim of Holocaust, in 1946 Szpilman wrote his life experiences in a book and finally was published with the title “Śmierćmiasta” or in English is Death of a City. The book tells how Szpilman survived the



German deportations of Jews to extermination camps, the 1943 destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto, and the 1944 Warsaw Uprising during World War II.

The Pianist met with significant critical praise and received multiple

awards and nominations. It was awarded the Palme d'Or at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival. At the 75th Academy Awards, The Pianist won Oscars for Best Director (Polanski), Best Adapted Screenplay (Ronald Harwood), and Best Actor (Brody), and was also nominated for four other awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture. It also won the BAFTA Award for Best Film and BAFTA Award for Best Direction in 2003 and seven French Césars including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor for Brody.

Therefore, those explanations above became the reason why the writer chose The Pianist movie and topic of racism (oppression and resistance) became the center of this analysis. Showing the readers about how actually the Holocaust happened, what kinds of oppression the Jewish got and how they keep footing themselves toward Holocaust.

B. The Problems of Study

The problems of this thesis were focused on oppression as manifested in

The Pianist movie especially on the main character. The problems were

analyzed based on Young‟s theory (1990). The problems of this study were formulated as followed:

1. What kind oppression that Nazi done to Jewish in Poland in World War II era based on The Pianist movie?



2. What kinds of resistance that Jewish done to resisted Nazi according to

The Pianist Movie?

C. The Objectives of Study

The objectives of the study were described as follow:

1. To describe what kind of oppression that Nazi done to Jewish in Poland in World War II era based on The Pianist movie.

2. To find out Jewish‟s vindication to keep footing themselves toward Nazi‟s genocide.

D. The Scope of Study

In conducting this research, the writer limited the discussion on the oppressions which are faced by Jewish and their vindications shown by some characters toward those oppressions which happened in The Pianist movie. The writer focused on some characters (Wladyslaw Szpilman and people around him) and their statements, dialogues, or actions toward Holocaust.

E. The Significance of Study

The writer did this research in order to know what kinds of oppression faced by Jewish and what kinds of resistance they did toward Nazi‟s genocide. After collecting the data, the writer was spread and explain them into their kinds of oppression and resistance.



In theoretically beside to know what kinds of oppression and resistance that Jewish faced, the writer expected to dig more information about Holocaust which happened in Europe during world war II. The writer expected the result of this research would be useful for him and the readers generally in order to know more information about racist itself and how foul it is for human being.

In addition, the writer expected that this research could give more contributions for everyone especially for the whole members of English and Literature Department State University of Medan. Many things could be found in this research like oppression towards Jewish that was one of social problems ever existed. Last, the writer also expected that the result trigger the readers to be aware on this issue.





A. Conclusions

After analyzing the movie, finally writer went to the conclusions that presented as follows:

1. The five types of oppression were occurred in The Pianist movie. They are exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, culture imperialism, and violence.

2. The Jewish also fought for resisting. There were two types which shown by Jewish toward oppressions. They were open resistance and hidden resistance.

B. Suggestions

There are several suggestions that writer could offer to readers towards racism, they are:

1. Racism is real, it’s not only happened in the past but also in present day and very possible to be exist in future. Learn from the history, we can be more aware that racist would give bad impact, not only for individualism, but for one group of society as well.

2. Racism issue was quite important to study since it would enlarge someone’s mind about being racist and judge someone upon it. Everybody should be aware to this global issue.



3. Those who ever experienced racism should not let the oppressor ruin their mind, they should be brave to open their mind, keep their head up against those oppression. They should believe that there is a light to get them free.

4. Indonesia is one of multiethnic countries. Many cultures, races, and religions live in the name of Unity in Diversity. Even though mostly Indonesia citizens already accept each other, racist remains exist in this unique society. As a good and modern people, we have to be more appreciate each other. Admiring other’s religion, culture and also rights.

5. Social norms are unclear rule and people could break it as much as they want. Racist has existed, but many of us just keep silent and don’t care in behalf of individual business. Those who have a throne should have a clear rule about racist in order to make the minorities save. 6. Not about what, but who. Race, culture, and religion would not be a

big wall between us to know each other, but precisely it would be a bridge for us to know and appreciate as human being.




Anonymous.62012.6Brief History of The Holocaust.6Montreal:6Montreal6Holocaust6 Memorial6Centre.6

Barker,6 R.L.6 200M.The Social Work Dictionary 5th Edition. Washington6 DC:6 NASW6Press66

Bartov,6O.62002.6The Holocaust Origins, Implementation, Aftermath. New6York:6 Library6of6Congress.6

Bonilla-Silva,6 E.6 2005.6Racism Without Racist 2nd Edition.6 Lanham:6 Rowman&6 Littlefield6Publishers,6Inc.66

Charlton,6 J.I.6 1998.6Nothing About US Without Us Disability Oppression and

Empowerment. Berkeley:6University6of6California6Press6

Dadrian6N.6V.61990.6Towards a Theory of Genocide Incorporating The Instance

of Holocaust: Comments, Criticism and Suggestion. Vol.56No.26

Gilbert,6M.61987.6The Holocaust The Dewish Tragedy. Fontana.6

Hancock,6 B.6 2007.6 An Introduction of Qualitative Research. Birmingham:6 University6of6Birmingham.6

Hollander6A.6J.62004.6Conceptualizing Resistance.6Vol.6196No.46

Hyot,6 C.6 Jr.6 2012.6The Pedagogy of The Meaning of Racism: Reconcling a

Discordant Discourse. Social6Work6Journal,6Vol.576No.M6

Iwuchukwu,6 O.6 2008.6 An Introduction to Literature and Literary Criticism. Lagos:6National6Open6University6of6Nigeria6

Klarer,6M.62004.6An Introduction to Literary Studies.6London:6Routledge.6 Meyer,6J.61997.6What is Literature? A definition Based on Prototypes.Vol.416 Rothberg,6M.62011.6Criticism Fall. Vol.5M6No.46

Scott,6J.6C.61985.6Weapons of the Weak. London:6Yale6University6Press6

Young,6I.6M.61990.6Dustice and the Politics of Differences.6Princeton:6Princeton6 University6Press.6

Lubir,6L.62002.6Radikalime Kaum Pinggiran:6Studi6tentang6Idiologi,6Isu,6Strategi,6 dan6Dampak6Gerakan.6Yogyakarta:6Insist6Press.6


German deportations of Jews to extermination camps, the 1943 destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto, and the 1944 Warsaw Uprising during World War II.

The Pianist met with significant critical praise and received multiple awards and nominations. It was awarded the Palme d'Or at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival. At the 75th Academy Awards, The Pianist won Oscars for Best Director (Polanski), Best Adapted Screenplay (Ronald Harwood), and Best Actor (Brody), and was also nominated for four other awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture. It also won the BAFTA Award for Best Film and BAFTA Award for Best Direction in 2003 and seven French Césars including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor for Brody.

Therefore, those explanations above became the reason why the writer chose The Pianist movie and topic of racism (oppression and resistance) became the center of this analysis. Showing the readers about how actually the Holocaust happened, what kinds of oppression the Jewish got and how they keep footing themselves toward Holocaust.

B. The Problems of Study

The problems of this thesis were focused on oppression as manifested in The Pianist movie especially on the main character. The problems were analyzed based on Young‟s theory (1990). The problems of this study were formulated as followed:

1. What kind oppression that Nazi done to Jewish in Poland in World War II era based on The Pianist movie?


2. What kinds of resistance that Jewish done to resisted Nazi according to The Pianist Movie?

C. The Objectives of Study

The objectives of the study were described as follow:

1. To describe what kind of oppression that Nazi done to Jewish in Poland in World War II era based on The Pianist movie.

2. To find out Jewish‟s vindication to keep footing themselves toward Nazi‟s genocide.

D. The Scope of Study

In conducting this research, the writer limited the discussion on the oppressions which are faced by Jewish and their vindications shown by some characters toward those oppressions which happened in The Pianist movie. The writer focused on some characters (Wladyslaw Szpilman and people around him) and their statements, dialogues, or actions toward Holocaust.

E. The Significance of Study

The writer did this research in order to know what kinds of oppression faced by Jewish and what kinds of resistance they did toward Nazi‟s genocide. After collecting the data, the writer was spread and explain them into their kinds of oppression and resistance.


In theoretically beside to know what kinds of oppression and resistance that Jewish faced, the writer expected to dig more information about Holocaust which happened in Europe during world war II. The writer expected the result of this research would be useful for him and the readers generally in order to know more information about racist itself and how foul it is for human being.

In addition, the writer expected that this research could give more contributions for everyone especially for the whole members of English and Literature Department State University of Medan. Many things could be found in this research like oppression towards Jewish that was one of social problems ever existed. Last, the writer also expected that the result trigger the readers to be aware on this issue.




A. Conclusions

After analyzing the movie, finally writer went to the conclusions that presented as follows:

1. The five types of oppression were occurred in The Pianist movie. They are exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, culture imperialism, and violence.

2. The Jewish also fought for resisting. There were two types which shown by Jewish toward oppressions. They were open resistance and hidden resistance.

B. Suggestions

There are several suggestions that writer could offer to readers towards racism, they are:

1. Racism is real, it’s not only happened in the past but also in present day and very possible to be exist in future. Learn from the history, we can be more aware that racist would give bad impact, not only for individualism, but for one group of society as well.

2. Racism issue was quite important to study since it would enlarge someone’s mind about being racist and judge someone upon it. Everybody should be aware to this global issue.


3. Those who ever experienced racism should not let the oppressor ruin their mind, they should be brave to open their mind, keep their head up against those oppression. They should believe that there is a light to get them free.

4. Indonesia is one of multiethnic countries. Many cultures, races, and religions live in the name of Unity in Diversity. Even though mostly Indonesia citizens already accept each other, racist remains exist in this unique society. As a good and modern people, we have to be more appreciate each other. Admiring other’s religion, culture and also rights.

5. Social norms are unclear rule and people could break it as much as they want. Racist has existed, but many of us just keep silent and don’t care in behalf of individual business. Those who have a throne should have a clear rule about racist in order to make the minorities save. 6. Not about what, but who. Race, culture, and religion would not be a

big wall between us to know each other, but precisely it would be a bridge for us to know and appreciate as human being.



Anonymous.62012.6Brief History of The Holocaust.6Montreal:6Montreal6Holocaust6 Memorial6Centre.6

Barker,6 R.L.6 200M.The Social Work Dictionary 5th Edition. Washington6 DC:6 NASW6Press66

Bartov,6O.62002.6The Holocaust Origins, Implementation, Aftermath. New6York:6 Library6of6Congress.6

Bonilla-Silva,6 E.6 2005.6Racism Without Racist 2nd Edition.6 Lanham:6 Rowman&6 Littlefield6Publishers,6Inc.66

Charlton,6 J.I.6 1998.6Nothing About US Without Us Disability Oppression and Empowerment. Berkeley:6University6of6California6Press6

Dadrian6N.6V.61990.6Towards a Theory of Genocide Incorporating The Instance of Holocaust: Comments, Criticism and Suggestion. Vol.56No.26

Gilbert,6M.61987.6The Holocaust The Dewish Tragedy. Fontana.6

Hancock,6 B.6 2007.6 An Introduction of Qualitative Research. Birmingham:6 University6of6Birmingham.6

Hollander6A.6J.62004.6Conceptualizing Resistance.6Vol.6196No.46

Hyot,6 C.6 Jr.6 2012.6The Pedagogy of The Meaning of Racism: Reconcling a Discordant Discourse. Social6Work6Journal,6Vol.576No.M6

Iwuchukwu,6 O.6 2008.6 An Introduction to Literature and Literary Criticism.


Klarer,6M.62004.6An Introduction to Literary Studies.6London:6Routledge.6 Meyer,6J.61997.6What is Literature? A definition Based on Prototypes.Vol.416 Rothberg,6M.62011.6Criticism Fall. Vol.5M6No.46

Scott,6J.6C.61985.6Weapons of the Weak. London:6Yale6University6Press6

Young,6I.6M.61990.6Dustice and the Politics of Differences.6Princeton:6Princeton6 University6Press.6

Lubir,6L.62002.6Radikalime Kaum Pinggiran:6Studi6tentang6Idiologi,6Isu,6Strategi,6 dan6Dampak6Gerakan.6Yogyakarta:6Insist6Press.6