




Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number : 2123220006







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Medan, September 2016 The Researcher,

Boy Arie Sandy Reg. No. 2123220006







Boy Arie Sandy. 2016. Figures of Speech in Talibun of Sumando Wedding Ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah Coastal. English and Literature Department. Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan. This study was an analysis of figures of speech in talibun of Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah Coastal. This study aimed to describe the types of figures of speech used in Talibun of Sumando wedding ceremony, to find out the dominant types of figures of speech used in talibun of Sumando wedding ceremony, and to elaborate reason for the used of figure of speech. The descriptive-qualitative method was used in the analysis of the figures of speech. The result of the analysis showed that the four Talibuns in Sumando wedding ceremony they are Kapri, Pulo Pinang, Duo and Sikambang. The writer analyzed the data by identifying and classifying the figures of speech displaying the result in a table. Then these figures of speech were described in details. The findings showed that there were 32 sentences, shown by Metaphor (34.37%), personification (28.13%), hyperbole (12.59%), symbol (9.37), synecdoche (6.25%), aphostophe (6.25%) and Pleonasm ( 3.13%).




Praise the Almighty God. First of all, the writer would like to thank God for all His blessing, guarding, guidance and for everything that have been given along his life, especially in accomplishing this thesis. This thesis is aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements to obtain the S1 degree of Sarjana Sastra at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In completing this thesis, the writer has received a lot of assistance and academic support from some people. Therefore, the writer would like to express his sincere gratitude, love and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. H. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department and as his thesis examiner, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department, Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum., the head of English Literature study program and Nora Ronita, S.Pd, S.S, M.Hum., the Head of English Education study program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Dr. Rahmah, M.Hum., and Dra. Meisuri, M.A., his Thesis Supervisors, for their patience and suggestions in guiding the writer to finish this thesis.

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., as his thesis examiner.

All beloved lecturers of English and Literature Department during her academic year at State University of Medan, who have taught and given knowledges to his encouragement and invaluable advices to complete this thesis.



His beloved parents, H. Ramadhan Gea and Hj. Nurlena Sitompul to whom this thesis is dedicated for their entire, patient, pray, love, moral and financial support.

 Thanks for the love, support, joke, financial support and great care all the time from his sisters Rahmaini Eka Susanti, S.Farm, Apt., and also his brother H. Ali Mahmud Ansyari, Lc. and Munawir Sadjali, Amd.

His beloved friends Anggreyni Tampubolon and all friends in English Literature B 2012 that could not be mentioned one by one. Thanks for their support, info, encouragement, and team work.

Medan, September 2016 The writer,

Boy Arie Sandy










A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problems of the Study ... 5

C. The Objectives of the Study ... 5

D. The Scope of the Study ... 5

E. The Significance of the Study ... 6


A. Theoretical Framework 1. Semantics ... 7

a. Kind of Language ... 8

1) Literal Language ... 8

2) Figures of Speech ... 9

a) Simile ... 10

b) Metaphor ... 10

c) Personification ... 11

d) Hyperbole ... 11

e) Metonymy ... 12

f) Synecdoche ... 12

g) Symbol ... 12

h) Apostrophe ... 13

i) Irony ... 13

j) Paradox ... 14

k) Litotes ... 14

l) Understatement ... 15

m) Allegory or Parable ... 15

2. Culture and Tradition ... 15

a. Oral Tradition ... 16



2) Talibun ... 18

b. Ceremony ... 21

1) Sumando Wedding Ceremony ... 22

2) Mangure Lawik Ceremony ... 24

3) Turun Karai ... 25

B. Relevant Studies ... 27

C. Conceptual Framework ... 28


A. Research Design ... 30

B. Source ofData ... 30

C. The Technique of Collecting Data ... 30

D. The Technique of Analyzing the Data ... 31


A. The Data ... 32

B. Data Analysis ... 32

1. Types of Figures of Speech ... 33

2. Literal Meaning of Figures of Speech ... 34

C. Research Findings ... 48


A. Conclusion ... 50

B. Suggestion ... 51




TABLE 4.1 The Occurrences of Figures of Speech in Talibun of Sumando

Wedding Ceremony ... 34

TABLE 4.2 Metaphor in Talibun of Sumando Wedding Ceremony ... 35

TABLE 4.3 Personification in Talibun of Sumando Wedding Ceremony .... 39

TABLE 4.4 Hyperbole in Talibun of Sumando Wedding Ceremony ... 43

TABLE 4.5 Symbol in Talibun of Sumando Wedding Ceremony ... 45

TABLE 4.6 Synecdoche in Talibun of Sumando Wedding Ceremony ... 46

TABLE 4.7 Apostrophe in Talibun of Sumando Wedding Ceremony ... 47




APPENDIX A Data and Translation ... 53 APPENDIX B Data and Figures of Speech Classification ... 58





A. The Background of the Study

Language used as communication system that very important for human. Human unable to communicate with each other without language. In the daily life of almost all human activities using language, both spoken language, written language and body language. Humans as social beings interact, cooperate, and establish social contacts in the community. In doing so, people need a communication tool of language.

Language and culture are two major things that can not be seperated in human life. It means that language as means of communication, which is used in human life to interest another.In Indonesia there are many tribes with different cultures from another. However, a difference that is the identity of the Indonesian, is not a distinction that led to the dispute.

Indonesia has diverse cultures and ethnicities and languages, for example, Batak, Nias, Mandailing, Javanese, Karo, Coastal, etc. Each tribe has a different language in communicating to channel ideas, ideas or provide an understanding of their culture. For example, in the form of works of oral or written literature (poetry, rhymes, folk songs or poetry, legend, folktale, talibun, etc.) are expressed through dances, wedding ceremonies, or certain rituals.

Literature that a part of culture as literature was born from the creativity, taste and human initiative embodied in the form of the beautiful language, both oral and written. Besides the creation of a literary work is taken from the



experience of life at the time of the birth of literary works. Thus, to be able to know the habits of an area at a given moment through literature. Basically, all that is communicated through the language of the form of words, phrases or sentences that contain a lot of meaning. In this case the approach used to assess the meaning or significance called semantics.

As an ethnic, tribal coastal is rich in tradition or customs or art that deserves to be preserved. One oral tradition coastal communities that Talibun contained in the lyrics Sikambang. Talibun has long been and still lives among coastal communities and actively used in traditional ceremonies that were held in wedding ceremonies, khitanan, aqiqah or as an accompaniment to a dance tradition.

Coastel poetry called Talibun that reveals something of advice rhyme rhythmic and often reveals something with different styles, languages, figure of speech is far from everyday language and often using rhyme customs or languages that contain special meaning as the lyrics of song. The meaning of a message delivered in the form of words and may only be understood by the people of Coastal. Talibun not just a rhyme sung or chanted the traditional events and serves as a medium of communication, entertainment, or have some other function. But most core that Talibun describe a feature, philosophy of life, norms, advice, belief or culture Coastasl communities through poems or rhymes and convey meaning contained in the text or poem.

Looking at the situation and the condition of existence of coastel culture (Sikambang) nowadays, extincted without a documented propensity



indeed can occur at any time due to a lack of enthusiasm andknowledge of the younger generation coastal communities for different cultures that previously existed. This is ultimately blurs the original form of the coastel tradition, because the more simplified or shortened by implementing a custom event, (Pasaribu, 2014: 101).

Many coastal communities, especially young people who do not understand the meaning of lyrics Sikambang or Talibun. So, many appear diverse understanding in interpreting Talibun and a debate between the coast. Besides, as the development of civilization increasingly sophisticated and modern, Talibun sung which language Coastal already disappeared and raises many variations of the poem that is different because these days the singer or speaker Talibun reliable or called Anak Alek been minimal. They died and were buried along with their knowledge. So many coastal communities do not know what the meaning or figures of speech used in Talibun in the wedding.

There have been some previous study that related to the meaning of Sikambang in Sumando wedding ceremony.Manalu (2012), aims at determining how the role of sikambang of wedding ceremony in coastal communities sumando Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah. In this research tells us that the musical performances sikambang in a ceremony clearly not only as a supplement or additional elements of wedding ceremony but sikambang musical is a part of the content of the ceremony.

And almost similar with previous studies above, Sitompul (2013) discussed about oral traditon of Baralek Gadang in Sumando Traditional Wedding



Ceremony in Sibolga Coastal Communities. Describe and find the meaning of social semiotic of the oral tradition of Baralek Gadang of Sumando's wedding ceremony in Sibolga coastal community, and to find out the local wisdom of Baralek Gadang process of Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga costal community.

From those previous studies above, this research will be different. This research will focus on analysis the figures of speechin Talibuns of Sumando wedding ceremony that can be caused by a variety of meanings of words so that there arose such as hyperbole, simile, metaphor and personification or others.Based on the description above, the researcher uses the object Talibun thatused in some coastal ceremonies especially in the wedding ceremony.

The researcher will examine figures of speech in talibun contained in the marriage and what the values and the messages contained. Talibun contains rows of words that are arranged in either a style that is attractive by the speaker or singer who sings that can be enjoyed by the listener. Thus, the author will apply semantic theory, namely identifying the figures of speech in the lyrics Sikambang called Talibun in Sumando wedding ceremony in the coastel ethnic based on theory of Alice Maclin (1992).



B. The Problems of Study

Based on the background, the problems of study were formulated as the followings:

1. What types of figures of speechare used in Talibun of Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastal?

2. What type of figures of speech is dominantly isused in Talibun of

Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastal?

3. Why is it dominantly used in talibun of sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastal?

C. The Objectives of the Study

In relation to the problems, the objectives of the study were:

1. to describe the type of figures of speech is used in Talibun of Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastal.

2. to find out the dominant type of figures of speech is used in Talibun

Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastal.

3. to elaborate reason for the used of figure of speech.

D. The Scope of the Study

The main concern of this research focuses on analysing the figures of speechto know what the dominant type of figures of speech used in four Talibuns of Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastel. The writer analyzed the types of figuresof speech based on the concept proposed by Macline



(1992) they are simile, methapor, symbol, metonymy, synecdote, personification, hyperbole, apostrophe, allegory, or parable, paradox, pleonasm, irony, and litotes.

E. The Significance of the Study

Finding of the study were expected to offer theoretical and practical significance.

1. Theoretically the findings can add up more horizons in theories in literature. In addition the findings can be reference for further studies. 2. Practically the findings are expected to give an accurate information to

the readers around the field of figures of speech through Talibuns and this research can be used as a reference of their understanding how figures of speech is applied in Talibuns.





After analyzing the data, conclusions were drawn as following:

1. Seven types of figures of speech that used in talibuns of Sumando wedding ceremony, consisting of Hyperbole, Personification, Aposthtope, Metaphor, Pleonasm, Symbol and Synecdoche.

2. The total number of the occurences of figures of speech were 32 which are found in four talibuns of Sumando wedding ceremony. The dominant type of figures of speech in talibun of Sumando wedding Ceremony is Metaphor.

3. The elaborate reason for the used of figures of speech is because in talibuns of Sumando wedding ceremony that founded the figures of speech that have hidden meanings and concerned with people lives in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastal.

B. Suggestion

By consendering the research findings and conclusions, there were some suggestions which were presented as the following:

1. For the readers of figures of speech to learn about poetry and literary critism first since this subject lead us to find figures of speech and use of them.



2. For teenagers of Coastal communities, it is expected that they will obtain more knowledge in figures of speech about talibun and interested in analyzing its application of other ceremonies.

3. For other researchers, it will be usefull as guidence or reference for the further research about songs maybe the ethnic songs like Nias, Bataknese, Javanese etc. in order to maintain this culture and to practice the language itself.





Anggrarini, Natalia. 2013. “Figurative Language in Monolog Text of Sungkeman (Evoking for Blessing) Script, The Tradition of Sundanese Wedding

Ceremony”. Vol.3, No.13, 33-39.

Aryani, S. Ningtyas. 2013. Bahasa Figuratif pada Kumpulan Puisi Mata Pisau Karya Sapardi Djoko Damono dan Pemaknaan: Kajian Stalistika dan Implementasinya Sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahsa dan Sastra di SMA. [Online] Retrieved: [28th March 2016]

Kosasih, H.E. 2003. Ketatabahasaan dan Kesusastraan. Bandung: Yrama Widya. Lestari, Marina. 2015. Figurative Meaning in Secondhand Serenade’s Song

Lyrics. Thesis. English Department Faculty Language and Art State University of Medan.

Maclin, Alice. 1992. A Handbook of English as a Second Language. Washington, D.C: CBS College Publishing.

Manalu, Mitri Ady. 2012.“Musik Sikambang Dalam Pernikahan Adat Sumando”.

Jurnal Grenek Prodi Seni Musik FBS Unimed. Vol.1, No. 1, 41-50

Pasaribu, Sjawal. 2014. Budaya dan Pariwisata Pesisir Tapanuli Tengah Sibolga. Medan: Universitas Sumatera Utara.

Robertson, Rachel R.W. 1999. “The Role of Suppression in Figurative Language Comprehension”. Journal of Pragmatics, Vol.31, 1619-1630.

S. Budhisantoso. 1995. Studi Pertumbuhan dan Pemudaran Kota Pelabuhan:

Kasus Barus dan Sibolga. Jakarta: Depertemen Pendidikan dan


Saragih, Amrin. 2004. Metafora Tata Bahasa. Medan: Pascasarjana Unimed. Setiasari, Winda. 2014. Diktat Poetry 1 An Introduction. Medan: English

Department Faculty of Language and Art State University of Medan.

Silaban, Demak M.P, dkk. 2015. “Tradisi Lisan Nyanyian Rakyat Anak-Anak Pada Masyarakat Batak Toba di Kecamatan Lintongnihuta Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan”. Kajian Linguistik. Vol. 12, No. 1, 77-98.


Ceremony in Sibolga Coastal Communities. Describe and find the meaning of social semiotic of the oral tradition of Baralek Gadang of Sumando's wedding ceremony in Sibolga coastal community, and to find out the local wisdom of Baralek Gadang process of Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga costal community.

From those previous studies above, this research will be different. This research will focus on analysis the figures of speechin Talibuns of Sumando wedding ceremony that can be caused by a variety of meanings of words so that there arose such as hyperbole, simile, metaphor and personification or others.Based on the description above, the researcher uses the object Talibun thatused in some coastal ceremonies especially in the wedding ceremony.

The researcher will examine figures of speech in talibun contained in the marriage and what the values and the messages contained. Talibun contains rows of words that are arranged in either a style that is attractive by the speaker or singer who sings that can be enjoyed by the listener. Thus, the author will apply semantic theory, namely identifying the figures of speech in the lyrics Sikambang called Talibun in Sumando wedding ceremony in the coastel ethnic based on theory of Alice Maclin (1992).


B. The Problems of Study

Based on the background, the problems of study were formulated as the followings:

1. What types of figures of speechare used in Talibun of Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastal?

2. What type of figures of speech is dominantly isused in Talibun of Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastal? 3. Why is it dominantly used in talibun of sumando wedding ceremony in

Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastal?

C. The Objectives of the Study

In relation to the problems, the objectives of the study were:

1. to describe the type of figures of speech is used in Talibun of Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastal.

2. to find out the dominant type of figures of speech is used in Talibun Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastal. 3. to elaborate reason for the used of figure of speech.

D. The Scope of the Study

The main concern of this research focuses on analysing the figures of speechto know what the dominant type of figures of speech used in four Talibuns of Sumando wedding ceremony in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastel. The writer analyzed the types of figuresof speech based on the concept proposed by Macline


(1992) they are simile, methapor, symbol, metonymy, synecdote, personification, hyperbole, apostrophe, allegory, or parable, paradox, pleonasm, irony, and litotes.

E. The Significance of the Study

Finding of the study were expected to offer theoretical and practical significance.

1. Theoretically the findings can add up more horizons in theories in literature. In addition the findings can be reference for further studies. 2. Practically the findings are expected to give an accurate information to

the readers around the field of figures of speech through Talibuns and this research can be used as a reference of their understanding how figures of speech is applied in Talibuns.




After analyzing the data, conclusions were drawn as following:

1. Seven types of figures of speech that used in talibuns of Sumando wedding ceremony, consisting of Hyperbole, Personification, Aposthtope, Metaphor, Pleonasm, Symbol and Synecdoche.

2. The total number of the occurences of figures of speech were 32 which are found in four talibuns of Sumando wedding ceremony. The dominant type of figures of speech in talibun of Sumando wedding Ceremony is Metaphor.

3. The elaborate reason for the used of figures of speech is because in talibuns of Sumando wedding ceremony that founded the figures of speech that have hidden meanings and concerned with people lives in Sibolga Tapanuli Tengah coastal.

B. Suggestion

By consendering the research findings and conclusions, there were some suggestions which were presented as the following:

1. For the readers of figures of speech to learn about poetry and literary critism first since this subject lead us to find figures of speech and use of them.


2. For teenagers of Coastal communities, it is expected that they will obtain more knowledge in figures of speech about talibun and interested in analyzing its application of other ceremonies.

3. For other researchers, it will be usefull as guidence or reference for the further research about songs maybe the ethnic songs like Nias, Bataknese, Javanese etc. in order to maintain this culture and to practice the language itself.




Anggrarini, Natalia. 2013. “Figurative Language in Monolog Text of Sungkeman (Evoking for Blessing) Script, The Tradition of Sundanese Wedding Ceremony”. Vol.3, No.13, 33-39.

Aryani, S. Ningtyas. 2013. Bahasa Figuratif pada Kumpulan Puisi Mata Pisau Karya Sapardi Djoko Damono dan Pemaknaan: Kajian Stalistika dan Implementasinya Sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahsa dan Sastra di SMA. [Online] Retrieved: [28th March 2016]

Kosasih, H.E. 2003. Ketatabahasaan dan Kesusastraan. Bandung: Yrama Widya. Lestari, Marina. 2015. Figurative Meaning in Secondhand Serenade’s Song

Lyrics. Thesis. English Department Faculty Language and Art State University of Medan.

Maclin, Alice. 1992. A Handbook of English as a Second Language. Washington, D.C: CBS College Publishing.

Manalu, Mitri Ady. 2012.“Musik Sikambang Dalam Pernikahan Adat Sumando”.

Jurnal Grenek Prodi Seni Musik FBS Unimed. Vol.1, No. 1, 41-50

Pasaribu, Sjawal. 2014. Budaya dan Pariwisata Pesisir Tapanuli Tengah Sibolga. Medan: Universitas Sumatera Utara.

Robertson, Rachel R.W. 1999. “The Role of Suppression in Figurative Language

Comprehension”. Journal of Pragmatics, Vol.31, 1619-1630.

S. Budhisantoso. 1995. Studi Pertumbuhan dan Pemudaran Kota Pelabuhan: Kasus Barus dan Sibolga. Jakarta: Depertemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Saragih, Amrin. 2004. Metafora Tata Bahasa. Medan: Pascasarjana Unimed. Setiasari, Winda. 2014. Diktat Poetry 1 An Introduction. Medan: English

Department Faculty of Language and Art State University of Medan.

Silaban, Demak M.P, dkk. 2015. “Tradisi Lisan Nyanyian Rakyat Anak-Anak

Pada Masyarakat Batak Toba di Kecamatan Lintongnihuta Kabupaten

Humbang Hasundutan”. Kajian Linguistik. Vol. 12, No. 1, 77-98.