



This thesis is submitted to meet one of requirements to achieve

Sarjana Degree in English Education







This thesis written by Muhammad Mukhlish was approved on October 29, 2012.


Advisor II, Advisor I,


This thesis was in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on October 29, 2012

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr. M Syaifuddin, M.M

Examiners: Signatures:

1. Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, M.M 1. ...

2. Dian Arsitades , M.Pd 2. ... 3. Dr. Masduki, M.Pd 3. ...



Barang siapa yang bertaqwa kepada Allah niscaya Dia akan mengadakan

baginya jalan keluar. Dan memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tiada disangka-sangka.

Dan barang siapa yang bertawakal kepada Allah nisacaya Allah akan

mencukupakan keperluannya


Allah akan campur tangan dalam pekerjaan orang yang tidak mungkin diselesaikannya apabila dia

mengkekasihkan diri kepada Allah

“mario teguh”



I dedicate this thesis to:

My great Papah n’ Mamah

My teachers and lectures My brother n’ sisters



Alhamdulillah, all priese be to Allah SWT, the Merciful and Charitable. Because of his guidence, blessing, and affecting, the writer can finsh this thesis.

The writer would like to express deepest gratitude to Dr. Masduki M.Pd, his first advisor and Fardini Sabilah M.Pd, his second advisor, for their suggestions, invaluable guidence and advice during the consultation period, and their comments and corrections during the completion of this thesis. To Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, M.M and Dian Arsitades, M.Pd his examiners for their advisors and corrections.

Special thank goes to his beloved mother (Aisyah), father (Husain), brother

(Mannan), and sisters (Yuyun n’ Anha) for their spirit, love, care, and pray so that he can finish this thesis. Big thank to his cousins Ammank, Uchenk, Irul, and Rikab for the togetherness.

To his close friends d’bct gang: cak Anwar d’reader, utuh Giri d’poet, and ocu Waris d’thinker for the wonderful experience and sweet memory in Malang. Thank lot guys...

Malang, November 2012











1.1 Introduction of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problems ... 4

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 5

1.4 Signification of Study ... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 6

1.6 Defenition of Key Term ... 6

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 The Nature of Sociolinguistic ... 7

2.2 Bilingualism ... 7

2.3 Code Switching ... 8

2.3.1 Kind of Code Switching ... 9 Intra-sentential Code Switching ... 9 Inter-sentential Code Switching ... 10 Emblematic Switching ... 11

2.4 Reason for Bilinguals to Switch Their Language ... 11


2.6 Stand Up Comedy ... 16


3.2 Research Object ... 19

3.3 Data Collection ... 19

3.4 Research Instrument ... 19

3.5 Data Analysis ... 20


4.1.1 The Kinds of Code Switching Used by Comedians in Stand Up Comedy Show on Metro TV ... 22 Intra-sentential Code Switching ... 22 Inter-sentential Code Switching ... 24 Emblematic ... 24

4.1.2 The Factors Affecting of Code Switching by Comedians in Stand Up Comedy Show on Metro TV Based on Hymes’ Theory ... 25

4.2 Discussion ... 27


5.2 Suggestions ... 31

5.2.1 To English Teacher ... 31

5.2.2 To Student ... 31

5.2.3 To Future Researcher ... 32 REFERENCES





Code switching is a common term for alternative use of two languages, variaeties of language or even speech styles. Nowadays, the use of code switching has already been very common. It can be found in movies, magazines, TV programs, and songs.

This study aimed to analyze code switching used by the comedians in the TV

prorgam “Stand Up Comedy Show” at Metro TV. It answered the following research problems: 1) What are code switchings used by the comedians in Stand up Comedy (End-year edition) on Metro TV? 2) What are the factors affecting the used code switching employed by comedian in Stand up Comedy Show (End-year edition) on Metro TV based

on Hymes’ Theory?. The purpose of this study are to find the kinds of code switching and factors influencing used code switching.

The design of this research was descriptive method. The instrument used in this research was (direct observation). To collect the data, the way to do observation was through downloading the videos from Youtube in order to get the valid data. The data source was the original speech from the comedians of Stand Up Comedy Show program.

The result of this study showed that: the writer found 44 code switching consisting 3 kinds of code switching used in Stand up Comedy program. First, intra-sentential code switching it was found (32) sentences. Second, inter-sentential code switching it was found (7) sentences. Third, emblematic switching it was found (5) sentences. The most dominant kinds of code switching used in this progaram was intra-sentential code switching. The writer also found some factors influencing the used of code switching were the setting, participants, ends, instruments, and genre.

Key words: Code Switching, Stand Up Comedy Show

The advisor I, The Writer



Amelia, Lusi. 2007. An analysis on Code Switching in “Dealova” Malang: Unpublished

Thesis University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Ary, Donald. 2009. Introduction to Research in Education. (8th Edition). Canada: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Bullock, B.E & Toribio, A.J. 2009. The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Code-Switching. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Chaika, Elaine. 1982. Language the Social Miror. Massachusetts: New Burry Publisher. Inc.

Creswell, John, W. 2009. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches (3rd edition). Los Angels: Sage Publications, inc.

Gay, LR and Peter Airasian. 2003. Educational Research: Competence for Analysis and Applications. New Jersey: McMillan.

Hamers, JF & Blanc, M.H.A. 2004. Bilinguality and Bilingualism (2nd edition). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Hoffmann, Charlotte. 1991. An Introduction to Bilingualism. London and New York. Longman

Jendra, Made. 2010. Sociolinguistic; The Study Of Societies’ Languages. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Khnert, Yim, Kan, and Duran. 2005. Code Mixing and Code Switching.(online), (http://originalresearch.blog.uns.ac.id)

Mendrinos, Jim. 2003. THE HISTORY OF COMEDY: The First Stand-Up. (online), (twodrinkmin.com)


Prasongko, Dhimas. 2008. An Analysis of Code Switching used by Baby Blue in Belahan Jiwa Movie. Malang: Unpublished Thesis University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Rutter, Jason. 1997. Stand-up as Interaction: Performance and Audience in Comedy Venues. Dissertation. University of Salford.

Sabilah, Fardini. 2002. The Inroduction of Sociolinguistics. Modul. Malang: UMM.

Schwarz, Jeannine. 2010. Linguistic Aspects of Verbal Humor in Stand-up Comedy. Dissertation. Universität des Saarlandes.

Spolsky, Barnard. 2004. Language Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Trask, R.L. 1999. Key concept in Language and Linguistics. London: Routlage.

Trudgill, Peter. 1983. An Introduction to Language in Society. England: Penguin Books Ltd.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Intoduction to Sociolinguistics. London. Basil Blackwell Ltd.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2002. An Intoduction to Sociolinguistics. London. Basil Blackwell Ltd.

,2005. Cambridge Advance Learner’s Dictionary. (2nd edition). Cambridge University Press.





1.1 Background of the Study

Bilingual person is defined as the individuals who are involved in contact and convergence between two different languages or culture result in sociolinguistics situation where in the same individuals learns element from a linguistics or cultural system other than his native system (Hymes in Wulandari, 2005). Bilingualism tendencies happen because each region in Indonesia has so many ethnics that produce different kinds of language and dialect besides Bahasa Indonesia as a national language such as Javanese, Maduranese, Banjarese, and many more.

In addition, people who live in Indonesia do not only speak local language but also foreign language for example, Arabic, Mandarin, English, and Dutch etc. Language is what the members of a particular society speak (Wardhaugh, 1986:1). Consequently, people tend to change their language depending on the needs and situation to cover different situation in their society. In bilingual country like Indonesia code switching and code mixing are often used. This research analyzed code switching. Wardhaugh (2002) said that code switching is a phenomenon in language usage a bilingual speaker who speaks a language and then switches to the other one.



The ability to change or switch from one language to another is accepted and normal. Code switching is an example one’s tendency to change or switch one

language to another language. “Code switching is defined as the alternate use of two

languages or linguistics varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation (Hoffman, 1991:110).

Stand up comedy is a mode of comic performance in which the performer addresses the audience directly, usually comedians will do in one man show. At least there are three kinds of stand up comedy such us musical comedy, insulting comedy, and magical comedy. Stand up comedy is the western culture, so there are many strange terms or words related with stand up comedy. For example: comic is comedian, especially stand up comedian usually called as comic, roasting: insulting someone when doing stand up comedy. Research on the origins of stand up comedy show that its root has not been clearly traced. In his Encyclopedia of 20th century American Humor, Nilsen in Schwarz (2000) explains that stand up comedy began to grow out of the burlesque and vaudeville traditions and traces its roots back to the 15th century Italian commedia dell' arte. Especially in Indonesia, the comedians usually combine two languages, Bahasa Indonesia as the first Indonesian language which is combined with English. Comics use code switching to make their material more entertaining.

The phenomenon of code switching does not only occur in daily life situation. It is also used by some programs in television. In television, it can be found in several comedy programs in which the comic usually used more than one language



in their performance such as Comic Action, GalauNite, Open Mic, and Battle of Comics. From all the episodes of Stand up Comedy in Metro TV that start broadcasted since September 2011, the writer interested in the last episode in 2011, that is “Stand Up Comedy Year-end Edition” to analyze code switching used by the comics. On that episode, almost the entire stand up comedian used code switching in their performance. Comic is a professional performer who tells jokes and performs comical acts.

Almost similar analysis on the topic of code switching has been done by the student at University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Prasongko (2008), in his research entitled “An Analysis of Code Switching used by the Baby Blue in “Belahan

Jiwa” movie. He found out 47 items of code switching which was divided into three kinds of code switching. He found 14 items of intra-sentential, 25 items of inter-sentential and 8 items of emblematic. The most dominant kinds of code switching in

“Belahan Jiwa” movie is Inter-sentential code switching.

Prasongko’s study used movie to find out the kinds of code switching. Meanwhile, the writer uses the television program especially in comedy genre to find out the kinds of code switching.

Another study has been done by Wulandari (2005). The title is “A Study of Code Switching among Banjarese Student in AMKS’s Formal Meeting in Malang”. In this second previous study finding, Wulandari also divided code switching into three kinds. Besides, she also added the possible reasons of using code switching by Banjarese student in her statement problem. From six possible reasons there were five



reasons found in Wulandari’s research: (1) The background of the speaker, (2) The different ages among the speaker, (3) Being influenced by the interlocutors who switched the code, (4) Talking about particular topic, and (5) For humorous effect. The background of the speaker is the dominant reason in Wulandari’s study. From her research, the researcher can learn that there are theories in Hoffman (1991:115) that divide possible reasons why people switched the code. At least there are six possible reasons why they switched the code. While in this research, the researcher tries to find out the factors that affecting the comedians switches the code.

The rationale and the existing facts above makes the researcher interested

in choosing “English Indonesia Code Switching Employed by the Comedians on Stand Up Comedy in Metro TV” as the title of this research. The writer wants to investigate the kinds of code switching used by comics in their performance and what factors that affecting the comedians switches the code.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Based on the description background of study, the researcher formulates the problem are:

1. What kinds of code switching are used by the comedians in Stand up Comedy (End-year edition) on Metro TV?

2. What are the factors affecting the used code switching employed by comedian in Stand up Comedy Show (End-year edition) on Metro TV based on Hymes’ Theory?



1.3 Purpose of the Study

Based on the statement of problem above, the writer decides the purposes of the study are:

1. To find the kinds of code switching used by the comedians in Stand up Comedy (End-year Edition) on Metro TV.

2. To know the factors affecting the used of code switching by comedian in Stand up Comedy Show (End-year edition) on Metro TV based on Hymes’ Theory.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The result of the study is expected to give contribution to:

 The lecturer, as the additional resource and information about the variation of sociolinguistics especially kinds of code switching in comedy program.

 The students of English Department are expected to know and understand deeper about kinds of language especially about code switching.

Theoretically, the result of this study can give contribution to the development of sociolinguistics subject particularly on the research of code switching.



1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is code switching used by the comedians in special episode of Stand up Comedy that broadcasted at 31st of December 2011 by Metro TV. Meanwhile the limitation of this study is the language that is used, between Bahasa Indonesia and English or vice versa.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding on the concept that used in this study, the writer presents the definition of key terms as follow:

Code Switching: is an effective communication mode available to proficient bilingual speakers for interactions with other individuals who share both languages. Khnert, Yim, Nett, Kan, and Duran (2005)

Comedian: a person whose job is to make people laugh by telling jokes and amusing story by copying the behavior or speech of famous people: stand up comedian. (Cambridge University Press, 2005:243)

Stand Up Comedy Show: stand up comedy program that broadcasted by Metro TV once in a week every Wednesday.




1.1 Background of the Study

Bilingual person is defined as the individuals who are involved in contact and convergence between two different languages or culture result in sociolinguistics situation where in the same individuals learns element from a linguistics or cultural system other than his native system (Hymes in Wulandari, 2005). Bilingualism tendencies happen because each region in Indonesia has so many ethnics that produce different kinds of language and dialect besides Bahasa Indonesia as a national language such as Javanese, Maduranese, Banjarese, and many more.

In addition, people who live in Indonesia do not only speak local language but also foreign language for example, Arabic, Mandarin, English, and Dutch etc. Language is what the members of a particular society speak (Wardhaugh, 1986:1). Consequently, people tend to change their language depending on the needs and situation to cover different situation in their society. In bilingual country like Indonesia code switching and code mixing are often used. This research analyzed code switching. Wardhaugh (2002) said that code switching is a phenomenon in language usage a bilingual speaker who speaks a language and then switches to the other one.


The ability to change or switch from one language to another is accepted and normal. Code switching is an example one’s tendency to change or switch one

language to another language. “Code switching is defined as the alternate use of two

languages or linguistics varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation (Hoffman, 1991:110).

Stand up comedy is a mode of comic performance in which the performer addresses the audience directly, usually comedians will do in one man show. At least there are three kinds of stand up comedy such us musical comedy, insulting comedy, and magical comedy. Stand up comedy is the western culture, so there are many strange terms or words related with stand up comedy. For example: comic is comedian, especially stand up comedian usually called as comic, roasting: insulting someone when doing stand up comedy. Research on the origins of stand up comedy show that its root has not been clearly traced. In his Encyclopedia of 20th century American Humor, Nilsen in Schwarz (2000) explains that stand up comedy began to grow out of the burlesque and vaudeville traditions and traces its roots back to the 15th century Italian commedia dell' arte. Especially in Indonesia, the comedians usually combine two languages, Bahasa Indonesia as the first Indonesian language which is combined with English. Comics use code switching to make their material more entertaining.

The phenomenon of code switching does not only occur in daily life situation. It is also used by some programs in television. In television, it can be found in several comedy programs in which the comic usually used more than one language


in their performance such as Comic Action, GalauNite, Open Mic, and Battle of Comics. From all the episodes of Stand up Comedy in Metro TV that start broadcasted since September 2011, the writer interested in the last episode in 2011, that is “Stand Up Comedy Year-end Edition” to analyze code switching used by the comics. On that episode, almost the entire stand up comedian used code switching in their performance. Comic is a professional performer who tells jokes and performs comical acts.

Almost similar analysis on the topic of code switching has been done by the student at University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Prasongko (2008), in his research entitled “An Analysis of Code Switching used by the Baby Blue in “Belahan

Jiwa” movie. He found out 47 items of code switching which was divided into three kinds of code switching. He found 14 items of intra-sentential, 25 items of inter-sentential and 8 items of emblematic. The most dominant kinds of code switching in

“Belahan Jiwa” movie is Inter-sentential code switching.

Prasongko’s study used movie to find out the kinds of code switching. Meanwhile, the writer uses the television program especially in comedy genre to find out the kinds of code switching.

Another study has been done by Wulandari (2005). The title is “A Study of Code Switching among Banjarese Student in AMKS’s Formal Meeting in Malang”. In this second previous study finding, Wulandari also divided code switching into three kinds. Besides, she also added the possible reasons of using code switching by Banjarese student in her statement problem. From six possible reasons there were five


reasons found in Wulandari’s research: (1) The background of the speaker, (2) The different ages among the speaker, (3) Being influenced by the interlocutors who switched the code, (4) Talking about particular topic, and (5) For humorous effect. The background of the speaker is the dominant reason in Wulandari’s study. From her research, the researcher can learn that there are theories in Hoffman (1991:115) that divide possible reasons why people switched the code. At least there are six possible reasons why they switched the code. While in this research, the researcher tries to find out the factors that affecting the comedians switches the code.

The rationale and the existing facts above makes the researcher interested

in choosing “English Indonesia Code Switching Employed by the Comedians on Stand Up Comedy in Metro TV” as the title of this research. The writer wants to investigate the kinds of code switching used by comics in their performance and what factors that affecting the comedians switches the code.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Based on the description background of study, the researcher formulates the problem are:

1. What kinds of code switching are used by the comedians in Stand up Comedy (End-year edition) on Metro TV?

2. What are the factors affecting the used code switching employed by comedian in Stand up Comedy Show (End-year edition) on Metro TV based on Hymes’ Theory?


1.3 Purpose of the Study

Based on the statement of problem above, the writer decides the purposes of the study are:

1. To find the kinds of code switching used by the comedians in Stand up Comedy (End-year Edition) on Metro TV.

2. To know the factors affecting the used of code switching by comedian in Stand up Comedy Show (End-year edition) on Metro TV based on Hymes’ Theory.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The result of the study is expected to give contribution to:

 The lecturer, as the additional resource and information about the variation of sociolinguistics especially kinds of code switching in comedy program.

 The students of English Department are expected to know and understand deeper about kinds of language especially about code switching.

Theoretically, the result of this study can give contribution to the development of sociolinguistics subject particularly on the research of code switching.


1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this study is code switching used by the comedians in special episode of Stand up Comedy that broadcasted at 31st of December 2011 by Metro TV. Meanwhile the limitation of this study is the language that is used, between Bahasa Indonesia and English or vice versa.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding on the concept that used in this study, the writer presents the definition of key terms as follow:

Code Switching: is an effective communication mode available to proficient bilingual speakers for interactions with other individuals who share both languages. Khnert, Yim, Nett, Kan, and Duran (2005)

Comedian: a person whose job is to make people laugh by telling jokes and amusing story by copying the behavior or speech of famous people: stand up comedian. (Cambridge University Press, 2005:243)

Stand Up Comedy Show: stand up comedy program that broadcasted by Metro TV once in a week every Wednesday.