Neighbour Ethics Principles of Al-Qur’an

Tirmidzi and Imam Ahmad, the Prophet had spoken: “The best companions next to Allah are those who are best to their companions, and the best neighbours next to Allah are those who are best to their neighbours”. In a hadith narrated by Ibu Hibban, the Prophet was reported to have spoken: “There are four things included in happiness: a pious wife, a spacious residence, a pious neighbour, and a comfortable ride vehicle. And there are four things included in misery: a bad neighbour, a wicked wife not pious, a bad ride, and narrow residence”. From Imam Ahmad, the Prophet had spoken, “there are three groups of men loved by God; mentioned among them is: Someone who has a neighbour, he is always hurt harassed by his neighbour, but he is patient from the harassment until they are both separated by death or parting”. Narrated by Imam Bukhori that Aisyah, ummul mukminin, had spoken: “O Messenger of Allah, I have two neighbours, which do I prioritize to present a gift?” The Prophet answered: “The one closer to your door”.

6.6 Conclusion

This paper discussed ethics not merely as a speculative, theoretical knowledge, but also as a knowledge with a practical goal which could be implemented in daily life of the society. Messages of religious morality, social ethics, laws, regulations, and other rules agreed upon and developed in the society essentially leads to the intent of organizing mutual life in fairness and good will. The smallest social life component after the household is the neighbour unit. This paper specifically explained basic ethical values of Islam which regulates what is good and fair in neighbour relations. Qur’anic verses and hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which were quoted clearly show the importance of neighbour to the life of a Muslim. The value of good deeds to neighbours is levelled with the value of faith in Allah and the Final Day, and the reward of Heaven. The absence of good deed or safety enjoyed by our neighbour could diminish our claim of faith to Allah. This is truly a very strong Islamic assertion of how necessary it is to be ethical with neighbours. Wallahu a’lam bisshawab.

6.7 References

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