Writing a Syllabus of Instructional Materials Development

took for granted that whatever was written in the dictionary was absolutely appropriate and correct as well as a precise translation. The researcher identified total errors based on the writing of 75 students and analyzed them in 14 categorized see appendix 5. The researcher discovered that the most frequent error was the incorrect use of word caused by transfer or awkward expressions and words article 28 Errors. Errors in subject verb agreement were the next most frequent 16,7 , while 16 errors were errors of incorrect selection of word and the error of incorrect use of tense occurred 10,4.

C. Writing a Syllabus of Instructional Materials Development

There are two parts to this step. The first part is formulating learning objectives based on the results of the materials evaluation and the needs analysis step 1 and step 2 respectively. The second part is writing a particular type of syllabus, which covers learning objectives, course content and the methodology. In order to answer the second question referring to problem formulation, this part discusses the design of the writing tasks. This will be supported by the results of the second survey. In designing the writing tasks, the researcher used Hutchinson and Waters’ model 1987: 72 and Kemp’s instructional design model 1977: 9. Steps 1 and steps 2 were the implementation of Hutchinson and Walters’ model, while step 3 to steps 7 were the implementation of Kemp’s instructional design model. Step 1: Identifying learners. This step was done through the first survey research conducted in the Dentistry Faculty of Gadjah Mada University. In this step, the researcher distributed questionnaire to students of the Dentistry Faculty. Besides the questionnaires the researcher also conducted interviews. This step was conducted in order to determine a needs analysis of the students. Step 2: Analyzing learning and target situation. Analysis of learning and the target situation was conducted through the survey and library research. The researcher used the data obtained then analyzed the data to design suitable materials. Step 3: Determining learning objectives. Using the analysis done in step 1 and step 2, learning objectives were formulated as written in the lesson plan. The researcher then designed the materials by stating the goals, topic and general purposes. The objectives were stated as standard competence or basic competence. The standard competencies used as the general indicator for the whole lesson. The basic competencies used as the indicators in each unit. Indicators used as the component or point achievement at the end of the teaching learning activities. See appendix syllabus Step 4: Listing the subject content in supporting each objective. The researcher listed the subject content in each objective. The researcher used different title in each unit Step 5: Choosing the teaching learning activities and resources. The tasks selected to develop the student’s academic writing ability were simple outlining, rewriting, paraphrase writing, sentence analysis, summarizing and essay writing. The researcher began by choosing those activities that she wanted to use in class as teaching learning activities. The researcher also carefully selected the materials from various sources so that the designed materials were suitable for the learner’s needs. Step 6: Evaluation In this step, the researcher distributed the instructional design materials to the English lecturers. The researcher tried to obtain the feedback from them. Based on their experience, they offered corrections, suggestions and recommendations about the design. This evaluation was used to revise the instructional materials. Revision was carried out in all stages of the research. The feedback was used to improve the instructional materials for better application of the instructional materials. To answer the second question in problem formulation began from step D. developing instructional materials, step E. survey study for evaluation, step F. revising and improving the design materials until step H. presenting the materials.

D. Developing Instructional Materials.