Problem Limitation Problem Formulation Objectives of the Study Benefits of the Study

the class. As a result, the lack of English writing skills and achievement of Dentistry students becomes an obstacle in producing good English writing, although several techniques have been applied to teach writing. Students still have trouble when they are asked to write. Thirdly, the students face difficulties in formatting a paragraph, summarizing, and organizing ideas to form well-developed English academic piece of writing.

C. Problem Limitation

The first semester students need to have a strong writing foundation because they will use more complex texts in the following semesters, it means that they need to prepare themselves from the very first of semester. The writing deals mostly with writing essays, research papers, report papers and summaries. Therefore, in this study the researcher limits the problem in writing a good paragraph and summarizing, organizing the idea to form well- developed English academic piece of writing. The researcher focuses on Designing English Academic Writing Instructional Materials for the Dentistry Students at Gadjah Mada University.

D. Problem Formulation

Based on the above discussion, two problems can be identified as follows: 1. How is a set of instructional academic writing materials designed? 2. What do the set of instructional materials for the Dentistry Students look like? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

E. Objectives of the Study

The goal of this research is to design a set of English instructional materials for students of Dentistry. The aim of the research is to: 1. Design a set of instructional academic writing materials. 2. Present a set of English instructional materials

F. Benefits of the Study

The results of this study should make a beneficial contribution to the following: 1. The students of the Dentistry department, who will be provided with scientifically well-developed English Academic Writing instructional materials that are developed based on general scientific research such as lab reports, argumentative pieces of writing and essays. 2. The English lecturers of the Dentistry department, who will gain a set of English Academic Writing instructional materials matching the need of the Dentistry students. 3. The researcher, who is a student of the English Education Program, will gain benefits from this research because she will learn how to design an instructional program in English for Academic Purposes and how to develop teaching materials. This may be the starting point to carry out further study in English skills in Dentistry students. Further research is needed because the materials need to be evaluated, reprogrammed and reconstructed as soon as the direct outcome is able to be observed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

G. Definitions of Terms