Speaking Speaking Fluency SMA Negeri 1 Maos

1. Speaking

Nunan 2003: 48 states speaking as “the productive auraloral skill.” This skill consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. Speaking happens in real time and when the speaker speaks, she cannot edit or revise what she wishes to say. In this research, speaking means an activity in which in this activity the students utter words, phrases, or sentences which convey a certain meaning and the students can transfer the information they have orally. To practice speaking, the teacher can provide some speaking activities. Harmer 1998: 87 defines speaking activity as an activity or a task which asks the students to have speaking ability to communicate, express thoughts, ideas or feelings orally. The activity or task is aimed to provoke the learners to speak or to communicate actively. In this research, the researcher will apply some speaking techniques such as games, telling story, role-plays and discussion, which provide speaking activity.

2. Speaking Fluency

According to Hornby 1995: 451, the word “fluency” means “the quality or condition of being fluent.” While, fluency in speaking is the ability of the speaker to utter or to speak the language smoothly, with little hesitancy and pauses Nunan, 2003: 55. When the speaker speaks smoothly, it can be said that the speaker speaks fluently. For the second grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Maos, it is expected that they can transform the information or express their ideas or thoughts completely and what they say can be understood by others. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

3. SMA Negeri 1 Maos

SMA Negeri 1 Maos is a Senior High School which is located at Jl. Raya Maoskidul, Maos, Cilacap, Central Java. The researcher chose SMA Negeri Maos because of its quality. Since SMA Negeri 1 Maos has good quality, SMA Negeri 1 Maos is seen as the appropriate school to be researched. The researcher sees many opportunities to develop the students’ ability and quality in English. Therefore, the researcher conducted the research at SMA Negeri 1 Maos.