Review of Related Studies



A. Review of Related Studies

There are several previous studies focusing on noun phrase as well. In the study that is conducted by Pratama 2012, noun phrase is studied in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Purloined Letter.” He tries to find the pattern and the proportion of the noun phrase found and its functions to the use of noun phrase in the short story. Pratama focuses on the analysis of noun phrases post-modified by the prepositional phrases and by the relative clauses. The study shows that the most frequent noun phrase is the one that is modified by prepositional phrases. The finding of Pratama’s study is that the prepositional phrases and the relative clauses as the post-modifier helps the author to avoid overwriting for the limited space in fulfilling the condition of the short story writing rules. Another study of noun phrase is also conducted by Roberts 2003. The study focuses on the uniqueness in definite noun phrase. The noun phrases are analyzed for its meaning in the definite descriptions. Roberts tries to obtain the pattern of meaning of the uniqueness of English definites, including pronouns, with the additional factors that helps to uncover the interpretation of the pronouns. The finding of the study shows that the semantic uniqueness effects of definite noun phrase only arise when the definite descriptions fail familiarity in the context. The basis of special epictemic circumstances and a Quantity-based conversational implicature also have influences to the definites noun phrase. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI A study by Maestre 1998 also examines the noun phrase about its complexity as a style marker. Her study discusses the complexity of the noun phrase in a corpus of headlines of The Times newspaper during the period 1970-1990. The object of her study is the headlines in Front Page, Home News, The Arts, Business News, Sport and Letters to the Editor section in the newspaper. In her study, Maestre aims to explore the variation of structurally simple and complex noun phrases in this register and to establish possible differences between noun phrases in different types of headlines verbal and nominal. Maestre’s study results that the differences between the noun phrases in verbal and nominal headlines show how much complexity related to stylistic and situational aspect of the context of situation in the variety of language. There is a study that is conducted by Yudit 2005 about noun phrases also. This study tries to identify how the noun phrases reveal Hemingway ’s style from his works using stylistic approach. Yudit identifies the noun phrases from two of the famous author’s works, Ernest Hemmingway, short stories “Hills like White Elephants” and “Indian Camp”. He collects the noun phrase and distinguish them according to the structure and the occurrence. The result of Yudit’s study is that the noun phrases and their function have crucial role in determining Hemmingway’s style. From the occurrence of the elements of the noun phrases, he concludes that the characteristics of Hemmingway’s style are simplicity, directness, and emotional understatement. Referring to the first study above, this study has some similarities in terms of focus of the study. The noun phrases are studied for their types of structure PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI composition in the study. This study also tries to find the structure composition of noun phrase in the utterances of one of the characters in the novel. Because this study identifies the distribution of noun phrase, this study is similar to Pratama’s study. The three other studies are also relevant to this study. As in Maestre’s and Yudit’s studies, this study discusses the use of noun phrase in its types using the stylistic approach in order to find the function of the noun phrase to the character. This study finds the character’s reflection through the distribution of noun phrase from the conversational and circumstantial context in the story of the novel as in the study conducted by Roberts. Consequently, this study aims to identify the distribution and contribution of noun phrase fo und in the character’s utterances to the character of a literary work such as a novel.

B. Review of Related Theories