Pre-modifier + Head The Types of Noun Phrases

37 16 A + tired + bird page 130 I art Past Part H Another kind of participles as the pre-modifier of the noun phrase head is past participle. This kind of participle is often indicated by the use of verb with –ed participle. The indefinite article a is the determiner of this phrase. Following the determiner, it can be seen that the past participle tired serves as the pre-modifier in order to modify the noun phrase head bird which is a singular noun. 17 This + holy + place page 158 Demonstrative Adj H Noun phrase 17 shows that the demonstrative determiners this is used in the structure along with adjective pre-modifier holy in order to modify the singular noun head place. 18 Some + very + delicate + peace + negotiation page 43 Quant Adj Adj N H This type of structure is the most complex of all the Determiner + Pre- modifier Head structure examples mentioned before. Noun phrase 18 has three pre-modifiers along with the determiner which is quantifier some to modify the head of the noun phrase. It can be seen that the adjective delicate receives intensification by the indication of the adjective very in order to modify the head. The contribution of the noun peace also modify the noun phrase head negotiation. 3. Pre-modifier + Head Another type of noun phrase structure in Jace Wayland’s utterances is pre- modifier followed by the head of the noun phrase. This type of noun phrase structure has the third highest number of occurrence with the total number of 86 and percentage of 12.4. Pre-modifiers such as adjectives, noun, present participles 38 and past participles are used in this type of structure. In certain conditions, more than one pre-modifiers can be used to modify the head of the noun phrase with no grammatical limit on the number Quirk and Greenbaum, 1985: 400. The examples of this type of noun phrase structure are as follows. 19 Foreign + diplomats page 43 Adj H Noun phrase 19 only contains of pre-modifier and the head. The adjective foreign modifies the noun phrase head diplomats which is in the plural form of noun. For a pre-modifier and head structure, this type of structure commonly occurs with the adjectives or nouns as in noun phrase 20 as the pre-modifier. 20 Ravener + demon page 36 N H Noun phrase 20 almost similar with noun phrase 19 in terms of structure types except for the distinct pre-modifier. It can be seen that noun phrase 20 has proper noun Ravener as the pre-modifier of the noun phrase head demon. 21 Most + Shadowhunter + children page 30 Adj N H This type of noun phrase has two kinds of pre-modifier such as adjective and noun in order to modify the noun phrase head. In noun phrase 21, the adjective most and proper noun Shadowhunter is used in this structure to modify the head children which is plural noun. 22 Wardings + protective + spell page 44 N Adj H Noun phrase 22 is almost similar to noun phrase 21 except for the occurrence of noun and adjective in distinct order. Noun phrase 22 has the plural PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 39 noun wardings as the first pre-modifier then the adjective protective as the second pre-modifier. The singular noun spell serves as the head of the noun phrase structure. 23 Talking + goldfish page 55 Pres Part H Present participle talking in noun phrase 23 is the pre-modifier to modify the head of the noun phrase goldfish that is in the singular noun form. The use of present participle indicates the characteristic of the head it modifies for example in noun phrase talking goldfish, it means a goldfish which can talk. 24 Hallowed + ground page 86 Past Part H Noun phrase 24 uses past participle to modify the head. The use of past participle as a pre-modifier is often indicated by the verb + -ed construction structure. In noun phrase 24 the word hallowed is the pre-modifier to modify the noun ground which is the head of the noun phrase. 4. Determiner + Head + Post-modifier