The Power Of The Mortal Cup In Cassandra Clare’s Novel “The Mortal Isntrument (City Of Bones)”








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Dra.Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M. Hum NIP. 19490423197412 2 001

Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera In partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English

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Head of Diploma III English Study Program,

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Approved by the Diploma III English Study Program Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera


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1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. ( Head of ESP )

2. Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M.Hum ( Supervisor ) 3. Mahmud Arief Albar, S.S., M.A. ( Reader )



I am TISSA MILAQMAR, declare that I am the sole of author of this paper. Except where reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere of extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Kertaskaryainiberjudul The Power Of Mortal Cup in Cassandra Clare’s Novel "THE MORTAL INSTRUMEN (CITY OF BONES)."Penulis tertarik membahas tentang Piala Mortal yang memiliki kekuatan melahirkan bangsa baru .Novel laris ini menceritakan tentang kekuatan Piala Mortal yang memiliki peran penting pada Bangsa Nephilim di Dunia Bawah.Piala Mortal berasal dari Malaikat Raziel yang sudah ada ribuan tahun yang lalu. Namun, piala dicuri oleh Valentine untuk menguasai dunia bawah dan para tokoh-tokoh berlomba-lomba untuk mengambil kembali piala yang sudah dicuri Valentine. Walau akhirnya Valentine tetap memiliki piala mortal namun dia lenyap di Idris, kota yang indah didalam kaca yang diibaratkan seperti surga. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini, penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif dan pendekatan intrinsik. Semua data saya yang diambil telah saya kumpulkan, analisis, dan disimpulkan secara deskriptif untuk mendukung kertas karya ini. Penulis berharap agar para pembaca dapat mengerti unsur-unsur dalam novel.



This work paper entitled The Power Of Mortal Cup in Cassandra Clare's novel "THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS (CITY OF BONES)." The writer interested in discussing about the Mortal Cup which has a power to birth a new nation. This best-selling novel tells the story of the Power of Mortal Cup which has an important role to The Nephilim in the Underworld. The Mortal Cup came from Raziel, the angel that already existed for a thousand years ago. But, The Cup is stolen by Valentine to protect the UnderWorld and the characthers run as fast as soon to get back the cup that already stolen by Valentine. Even, Valentine is won to get the cup but he destroyed in Idris, a beautiful city like a heaven on mirror. In writing this work paper, the authors use a descriptive research and intrinsic approach. All of my data is already collected, analyzed, and concluded as the descriptif method to support this work paper. The writer hopes that the reader can understand the elements in the novel.




First of all, I would like to thank and praise to Almighty God, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me health, strength, and ease to accomplish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Department Faculty of Culttural Science, University of North Sumatera.

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and appreciation to the dean Faculty of Cultural Studies, Drs. Syahron Lubis, M.A and the head of Diploma III English Study Program, Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A who gives me a lot of knowledge about doing in a paper. Then I would like to express my special gratitude to my supervisor Dra. ReditaLubis,

Dip. App.Ling., M.Hum for her time, advice, and guidance to correct this paper during the

process of writing and thanks to Mahmud Arief Albar, S.S.,M.A as my reader. I also wish to thank all of the lecturers in English Diploma Study Program for giving me the instruction, tuition, and knowledge.

I would like to say thank to my lovely family especially to my beloved parents, Ir. Emil

Bahri and Lismarni. Thank you for all your motivation, advice, prays and loves. I present this

paper for you. Thank to my beloved sister and brother and my brother-in-law, KesiaMilova,

Amd, Imam Ramadhonand Muhammad Khadafi, SE, I really thank you for your support and

love and specially to my little cute niece, ArsyilaKeifiNayla, thank you for your laugh and smile which take out my tired.


supports, cares, and other things that help me to complete this paper. Thank you for the nice togetherness during our study. I will be missing the days we spent together.

I would like to say thanks to all my friends in Class A and B Diploma III English

Study Program/Solidas 2011. Thank you for your supports and sharing that help me to

complete this paper. I will be missing you all.

I also do not forget to express sincere thanks to my special someone, Bubun. Thank you for your love, care, support, advice, and mind that you have given to me especially in writing this paper. Thanks for everything and all of your favor to me in completing this paper.

Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore I welcome any constructive criticism and suggestions towards this paper. Hopefully this paper can inspire and give knowledge for anyone in the future.

Medan, June 20, 2014 The writer,

TissaMilaqmar Reg.No. 112202027





3. ABSTRAK ... iii

4. ABSTRACT ... iv



1. INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of Study ... 1

1.2Problem of Study ... 3

1.3Scope of Study ... 3

1.4Purpose of Study ... 3

1.5Method of Study ... 4

1.6Reason for Choosing the Topic ... 4


2.2Character ... 6

2.3Plot... 7

2.4Setting ... 8

2.5Intrinsic Approach and Descriptive Research ... 8

3. THE DESCRIPTION 3.1Mortal Cup ... 10

3.2The Character’s Purpose toSeizeMortalCup ... 13

4. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 4.1Conclusion ... 18

4.2Suggestion ... 19


APPENDICES A.Biography of Suzanne Collins ... 21



1.1Background of the Study

Literature according to Edgar V. Roberts and Hendry E. Jacobs in book Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing (1995:2) refers to compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas. Literature may be classified into four categories or genres: (1) Prose fiction, (2) poetry, (3) drama, and (4) nonfiction prose. From the various types of imaginative literature, my choice falls on prose fiction, exactly on novel, which is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length and complexity, portraying character and presenting an organized sequence of events and scenes. Novel is a long prosenarrative that describes fictional characters and events, usually in the form of a sequential story. It also as a literary work that is has been appreciated by many people because it has entertained them, but commonly, Novel is collecting of story in chapter by chapter but it still have related in one others.

At the twenty first century, more than eighty percent people in Medan said that they never believed in magic, demons, and fairies. They were sure that magic has destroy in a long time. They also said that magic only for people that have black magic to their life as a strength to survive but not in Cassandra Clare's novel. This novel describes the life of magic and a Cup is called Mortal Cup. The Mortal Cup have a power to give birth a new Nephilim and the owner of the cup will be strong and stay alive. The real owner is Nephilim. Nephilim was the offspring of humans and angels. Nephilim are also commonly referred to as the Shadow Hunters. According to legend, the origin of them are already more than a thousand


years ago, when humans were being overrun by demon invasions from other worlds including the downworld. The Downworld located on the belly of the earth and they can come and go into the real world and the downworld with penetrating floors or walls. Nephilim could create a new nation or army with a Mortal Cup, who mixed some of his own blood with the blood of men in a cup, and gave it to those men in the real world to drink. The Mortal Cup is very coveted by other nations and their own nation, the nation of the Nephilim.

The main clue in this novel is Clarissa Fray, she is called Clary. Clary did not have a good relationship with his mother , Jocelyn Fray . One day , when Clary went out to a club with her best friend , Simon , her mother , Jocelyn Fray disturbed by Blackwell and Pangborn . They are the servant of Valentines . Valentines is the former husband of Jocelyn Fray , who is also the father of Clary . Valentine asked his men to look up to Jocelyn forced to hand over the Mortal Cup which she had stolen from her ex-husband. Mortal Cup is a cup-shaped glass of the Nephilim. Nephilim are used to give birth to a new Nephilim, but not with Valentines , on the contrary he wants to destroy the Nephilim and create his own army to take over the downworld through the Mortal Cup .

This novel describes the highly coveted Mortal Cup between Nephilim and Valentines. Although Valentines eventually get the Cup , but he and the cup disappeared in Idris . Idris is a place in so a far away that can’t be visited by someone, except by the Portal that connected between Idris and the world in which only has 2 Portal , firstly, located in the real world at Dorothea’s Room and then in the downworld in basecamp of Valentines, but the shadows hunters have destroyed the portal and Valentines will never back again and Nephilim was back to normal and peaceful life in underworld even the Mortal Cup is gone .


The novel make the writer curious of the Mortal life which come from the Mortal Cup. The Mortal life is completed by Nephilim, Demon and Angel and also the story is full of challenges and secrets to truth that has not been revealed.

The writer use the library method that is by collecting data from books in the library and also search the information from internet then data are collected, sorted, and summarized. The writer also uses intrinsic approach by Wellek and Warren (1994:24) which is the approach taken the data from text itself.

1.2Problem of the Study

a.Why does the Mortal Cup have a Powerful?

b.What is the effect of Mortal Cup to Nephilim and the characters?

1.3Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is just limit to explain the powerful of the mortal cup and also reviewing of element of prose. They are plot, theme, character, and structure.

1.4Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study are :

a. To explain how the Mortal Cup have a Powerful.


1.5Method of the Study

The writer use the library method that is by collecting data from books in the library and also search the information from internet, such as data are collected, sorted, and summarized. The writer also uses intrinsic approach by Wellek and Warren (1994:24) which is the approach taken the data from text itself.

1.6Reason for Choosing the Topic

The reason of the writer is the curious of the Mortal life which come from the Mortal Cup. The Mortal life is completed by Nephilim, Demon and Angel and also the story is full of challenges and secrets to truth that has not been revealed.




The Novel is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length in which characters and actionrespresentative of real life are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity. Usually defined as a series of events described in a sequence.The Novel come from the Italian“ Novella “and “Novelle” by German. that has meaning is a new thing but now meant as a short story in prose. At this time, Novel have the same meaning in Italian and German. The Novella is generally not as formally experimental as the long story and the novel can be, the novella generally retains something of unity of impression that is a hallmark of the short story.

The Novel is the most widely read of all kinds of literature. As literature, The novel have two kinds. Firstly, Serious novel where has social function because it can be guide the readers, but Entertainment novel does not care that the story will be useful or not, because it just entertain the readers and just ask the readers to read it.Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs in their literary books : An Introduction to reading and writing (1995:49) said that Novel is a fictional long prose work. In English, Novel is adopted from French and Italy to describe these works and differentiate them from middle century and classical romance as a something new. In their books, they also said that there are four fiction aspects, fictional works consist of common elements, they are character, plot, structure and theme.


From the above statement, novel is a fictional long prose work that adopted from French and Italy to describe these works and differentiate them from middle century and classical romance as a something new.


The Characters in fiction novel maybe defined as a verbal representation of a human being. Through action, speech, description and commentary authors portray character that are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike , or even hate.

The character is revealed by how character responds to conflict, by his or her dialogue and through descriptions. The character in a story are the characters involved from the beginning until the ending part of the story (plot). Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs (1995 : 51) said that character is natural facsimile from the human with all good and bad characteristics. A story is usually related to big conflict of the character.It probable to involve interaction with another character in complicated situation, or with idea or ordinary condition. The character may win, lose, or relevant. He or she can learn and become better for experience or maybe lose point and no change. Furthermore, according to Roberts and Jacobs, character is the verbal realization from human, personality which determines thoughts, statements, also attitudes. The writer got interactions between character and environment through interview, action, and also comments (1988:64).

From the above statement, character is any representation of an individual being presented in a dramatic or narrative work through extended dramatic or verbal


representation.Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray characters who are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also charaters you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.


Plot according to Roberts and Jacobs in their book Literature: AnIntroduction to Reading and Writing (1995:88) said that plot is all the actions or incidents, speeches, thoughts, and observations are linked together to make up an entirety, sometimes called an organic unity. The essence of this unity is the development and resolution of a conflict in hich protagonist, or central character. The plot is interactions of causes and effects as they develop sequentially or chronologically. Plot is stories are made up mostly of actions or incidents that follow each other sequentially. Finding a sequential or narrative order, however, is only the first step toward the more important consideration. The plot is the controls governing the development of the actions. In a well-plotted story, things precede or follow each other not simply because time ticks away, but more importantly because effects follow causes.

From the above statement, plot is organized how actions, should be related in each other, how some events have relationship with other events and the plot is interactions of causes and effects as they develop sequentially or chronologically


2.4 Setting

Setting according to Roberts and Jacobs in their book Literature: AnIntroduction to Reading and Writing (1995:88) said that setting is concerned with the places where story take a place. Setting refers to geographical location of the story, time period, daily lifestyle of the characters and climate of the story. Background elements can be divided into three main elements, namely a place, time, and social. Backgrounds on the location of the place suggest the occurrence of the events recounted in a work of fiction. The setting is important to give realistic impression to the readers, created a certain situation at a glanced is really happened.

From the above statement, setting is a place in a story. It means to make readers now where and how the place is. It is important because it will give realistic impression to the readers.

2.5Intrinsic Approach and Descriptive Research

The research literature starts from the interpretation and analysis of literary works itself. We are interested in discussing the author, social environment, and the literature, because of the literature. The history of modern literature flourished only after the inception of Romanticism movement. This flow can only change the system of Neo-classical critical to arguments that emphasize relativism. In the nineteen century, explanations to literature by examining its origins are very popular. The trend is actually an attempt to imitate the methods of the natural sciences. "Poetika" in the 19th century moved to the tastes of readers. This supports the idea that art can be enjoyed simply irrational. The concentration of research


literature is “In literary history we seek the external circumstance, political, social, economics, in which literature is produced”. Wellek and Warren (1977:158) continues that the old methods such as Classical rhetoric, poetika, and the dimensions must be learned and translated in modern terms. New methodsbased ona surveyof modernliteraryformshave beenwidely introduced. Such research will be widely used in France is the method of explication de texts . While in Germany developed the formal analysis based on the parallels between works of art and art history, which has been pioneered by Walzel . Later, the Russian formalist movement and his followers in Czechoslovakia and Poland greatly stimulate the development of literary studies. In the UK, followers I.A. Richards began to focus on the text and the poetry critic in America began trying to restore a group of primary concern in the study of literature. Many studies of novel who not only see the connection works with the social structure, but studying the artistic method, point of view, and narrative techniques.

Intrinsic approach takes part from the literary work itself. Intrinsic approach emphasizes the analysis intertext by describing the elements of the prose that explained before. Intrinsic approach are being introduced based on a survey of the wider range of forms in modern literature. They also stated that the main part of intrinsic approach is based on the text of literary works itself by doing an interpretation and analysis of it.

From the above statement that approach of interpretation and analysis of the work itself. Authors also choose the type of descriptive research because the research material itself is associated with descriptive research, as stated by JohnW.Best in his book The Methodology of Educational Research (1982) that research is a descriptive study which aims to analyze the


perfect result, among others, describe, criticize, analyze and interpret the situation occurring in the present. Besides, this study also has a comparison that might well until it finds the relationship between the variables, as long as these variables do not under go the process of manipulation.


The Analysis of The Power of Mortal Cup

3.1 Mortal Cup

This story began of The Nephilim. The Nephilim called the offspring of humans and angels. Nephilim are also commonly referred to as the Shadow Hunters Nations or Devil Hunter. According to legend, the origin of the mare already more than a thousand years ago, when humans invaded by demonic attacks from other worlds, including the down world. World is the world that is located under the belly of the earth. The down world is not much different from the real world, it's just a different form of the building. The buildings are large and high, each side walland ceiling carving set ched god, angel or fairy has its own story. The Fences were sharp sticks high and has at orchin every corner of the building. The Down world is also an access road Nephilim can come and goin to the real world and the Down world with penetrating floors or walls.

The Nephilim could create a new Nephilim or army with a cup called the Mortal Cup. Mortal Cup is a trophy that is used to mix the blood of humans and angels that will given to humans and drunk.

“…. Who mixed some of his own blood (Angel) with the blood of men in a cup, and gave it to those men to drink.” (Clare; 2007;217)

The origin of the cup itself came from an angel that lives under the earth for thousands of years ago. The angel named Raziel. Before Raziel leave the cup to the Nephilim, they make a key to the protection of the Mortal Cup. The key to the agreement is made for the Mortal Cup


called the Circle Agreement. Mortal Cup has a power that can destoryed other forces that never runs out by creating a new Shadow Hunters army for many years ago and the number indefinitely. Similarly ,who have the cup and he is to be feared.

“ though the legend may not be fact, what is tru is that through the years, when Shadow hunter ranks were depleted, it was always possible to create more Shadow hunter using the cup” (Clare; 2007:217).”

Besides, Mortal Cup but also have adverse impact to The Nephilim and The Council. This impact is divided into two different places, which is divided in two places. Firstly, Under world is inhabited by several nations and the dimensional beings, such as: Warlock, Nephilim, Were wolves and Vampires. But the impact of this effect to The Nephilim . The Nephilim has a role in the Mortal Cup . adverse effects arising from the Mortal Cup is mutually attacked their own people and attacking The Council which protecting Cup itself.

“ … because he can use his own army to destroy the council..” (Clare, 2007:213)

Lastly, Real World is inhabited by humans also has an influence by Dimensional Beings. Mortal Cup can accommodate human blood and Angels to be drunk to man so that man can be turned into The Shadow Hunters. But that does not mean all human beings can change, because before humans altered should be tested and examined. However that is not the case with Valentine wants to change all humans, although its effects can kill people who can not accept the blood cells.

From the above statementit can be concluded that the Mortal Cup has existed since thousands of years ago, the Raziel from the left to the Nephilimin an agreement over the key


to the protection of the Mortal Cup which has a major influence on the inhabitants of the under world, including his own people. Including the Nephilim and The Council expert who played an important role over the preservation of the Mortal Cup before and after Valentine snatch th eCup. The effects also make two worlds change, The UnderWorld is the world where warlock, vampire, angel living, and The Real World is human living.

From the above statement it can be concluded that the Mortal Cup is existed since thousands of years ago by The Angle, named is Raziel. Raziel give it to theNephilimin an agreement to the protection of the Mortal Cup which has amajor influence on the inhabitants of the underworld, including his own people. it also affects the state of the underworld and the real world, because the power of mortal very take effect trophy for the inhabitants of the world.

3.2 The Character’s Purpose to Seize Mortal Cup

Firstly, The Council is very protective of the existence of the Mortal Cup. The Council also has several groups to participating of swear all egiance to Raziel in circle agreement of Mortal Cup in the protection and security responsibilities of the human world. Shadow hunter group led by Valentine. They serve to restore the underworld to become more holy.

Their plan is to wait for the inhabitants of the under world arrives in Idris to sign the Charter. This charter must be signed once every fifteen years, so keeping their magic remainspotent. Then they planned to slaughter all the inhabitants of the under world that actually they were unarmed and not carrying any protection. But Circle of thinking, action


was terrible and would trigger awar between humans and the inhabitants of the Under world and they intend to win the war. Valentine made the Rebellionera.

Not only Valentine, several other The Council members are Hodge Starkweather, Jocelyn Fray, Luke and family and Wayland Lightwood. But in the end the key condemned some members of the uprising that has left a shame for The Council so they ravaged documents pertaining to this case. The circle close key agreements and punish some members of the Circle, but some of them also received forgiveness.

Start of the uprising that occurred came from Valentine's extreme sighting, about the Mortal Cup and what she had prepared. Luke was first person who resigned for Valentine's intentions, which he thought would be opposed by The Council, as well as his own wife, Jocelyn Fray vague for the same reason. Valentine intend to liberate the use of the Cup with the reason that members of the Shadow Hunters can be increased without any decrease in the amount that the longer the bit and wants to establish himself a devotee members.

In the novel, the author specifically describes only some Valentine’s intention that he wants to rebel at The Council. Valentine intentionally build his own line of devotees. He has high obsessions and think of what he would do as a shadow hunter increasingly few in number. This is a trigger malicious intent Valentine, because he believes if The Council using Raziel Cup more freely, we can make more Shadow Hunters.

“…. Flippantly, Valentine would ask, Why not make all men Shadowhunters, Then ? Why not gift them all with the ability to see the Shadow World? Why keep that power selfishly to ourselves? ”. ( Clare ; 2007:531)


By the above statement after analyzing that Valentine's malicious intent already imagined and subsequently opposed by The Council.

“For teachers, thoughtitviolateda sacredthing. Notrandom people

Can determine who the Shadow Hunters . Most humans will not survive the Changes that .” ( Clare ; 2007:531)

Since the uprising took place in the Underworld. Valentine stole the Cup and fight his own nation in order to master the Mortal Cup. Many of them who died in the uprising, including Valentine. But since that accident happened, Jocelyn came and took the cup from his cloak and hide it from anyone including The Council. The Council condemned Hodge because he did not leave the incident, Hodge condemned in an institute and he can not able to get out of the institute, but Jocelyn, Wayland family and lightwood pardoned.

But the events of the story, some characters have a special purpose to win the Mortal Cup and some destinations based on the novel, firstly Jocelyn Fray .Her purpose to keep the Mortal Cup from the Shadow Hunters and prevent Valentine’s intention who want to seize the Cup. Jocelyn also disregard the status as the wife of Valentine, but he knows what he should do best.

“keep in mind that when your mother fled from the Shadow World, it wasn’t the monsters she was hiding from. Not the warlocks, the wolf- men , the Fair Folk, not even the demons themselves. It was them, it was the Shadowhunter.” ( Clare; 2007:339)

Secondly, Clarissa Fray.Her purpose to protect her mother, Jocelyn Fray. Her mother had been abducted by Valentine’s servants when Valentine know where Jocelyn in her


apartement. It’s makes Clary devastated and crying ever since her mother disappeared, she continued to look for his mother with a strong effort with the help of his friend Simon, Jace, Alexand Elisabeth.

“ a week ago Clary would have cried as she had that first terrible night she had

discovered her mother missing, cried and called out. But no tears came now, as she let her mother go and straightened uo.….” (Clare, 2007:578)

Thirdly, Valentine.His purpose to control the world and destroy all the Nephilim and create his own army. This happens when the Valentine’s father was killed during the war in the underworld. The Shadow Hunters warfare and the council binding agreement in use Mortal Cup until the number of hunters are getting a little shadow, but also does the council not allow to give birth to a new shadow hunters.

“but the reason that only a few mundane are ever chosen to ascend and become Nephilim is that most would never survive the transition. It takes special strength and resilience.” (Clare, 2007:217)

Then Hodge Startwheater.His purpose to take out his curse that given by The Council to him for along years ago.They promise each charge, Hodge gave the cup and Valentine release him. Hodge told to Valentine keep his promise soon as he showed the Mortal Cup which has Hodge got by Clary. Hodge asked Valentine's promises to cast a spell release the curse and Hodge feel tightness in the chest because of the spell.

“ “is it done?” Hodge asked wildly, “ The curse—it is lifted?”. “yes, and may your bought freedom bring you boy.” Valentine answered.( Clare, 2007:371)


Lastly, The Council. Their purpose to protect the underworld by Valentine’s war using The Mortal Cup that has stolen from the council.

“ The key will not be happy because they have been duped. But more importantly, they want to secure the Cup. More important than that, they want to make sure that

Valentine does no tget it. (Clare; 2007:248) "

In the end, the only Valentine got the cup, it made all of character’s feel disappointed but he is not only got the cup but also he destroyed in Idris, a beautiful place in Mirror where it imagined like heaven, and Valentine got it but he did not come back because the Mirror already broken by Jace when he threw knife on it.

From the above statement it can be concluded that they have a same intention like Valentine, another character also has a special purpose to get back and reclaim the Mortal Cup has been stolen. It proves that the Mortal Cup has a huge impact and influence on the lives of Nations Nephilim and some figures in the story, such as: (1) Jocelyn Fray, (2) Clarissa Fray, (3) Valentine, (4) Hodge Startwheater, (5 )The Council. The only Valentine got the cup but he didn’t come back to the world because he destroyed in Idris, a beautiful place in Mirror where it imagined like heaven, and Valentine got it but he did not come back because the Mirror already broken by Jace when he threw knife on it.




After doing analyzing, it is proved that the power of Mortal Cup in the novel “The Mortal Instruments (City of Bones)” has proven and explained in this paper. The Mortal Cup came from the Nephilim. According to legend, the origin of them are already more than a thousand years ago, when humans invaded by demonic attacks from other worlds, including the down world. The Mortal Cup is come by The Angle, named is Raziel. Raziel give it to the Nephilim in an agreement to the protection of the Mortal Cup which has a major influence on the in habitants of the underworld, including his own people. it also affects the state of the underworld and the real world, because the power of mortal very take effect cup for the inhabitants of the world.

The attack of uprising to his own nation only to protect the Mortal Cup to recreate the forces that almost in minimal number, it did by trick the children to drink a mixture of human blood and of angels, although its effects are not always succeed, but the main intention of a man who is very eager to master the full the Cup and keep him away from the Circle agreement the had made with the council and several other elected members of the Nephilim .

From the above statementit can be concluded that The Mortal Cup is exited in a thousand years ago by the angel, named is Razeil. The Mortal Cup have a power that it can make a new nation by mixing the blood of humans and angels that will given to humans and drunk. Someone who get the cup will make them stronger because they will


have many servant to fight another nation and never feel enough to make a new nation to attack them. besides, same like Valentine, another character also has a special purpose to get back and reclaim the Mortal Cup has been stolen. It proves that the Mortal Cup has a huge impact and influence on the lives of Nations Nephilim and some figures in the story, such as: (1) Jocelyn Fray to stop valentine’s bad intens . (2) Clarissa Fray to find her mother was stolen by Valentine.(3) Valentine to protect the world and attack his own nation. (4) Hodge Startwheater to change the cup and asked Valentine take out his curse. (5 ) The Council to stop a new-birth nation and make the under world peace.

In the end, the only Valentine got the cup but he didn’t come back to the world because he destroyed in Idris, a beautiful place in Mirror where it imagined like heaven, and Valentine got it but he did not come back because the Mirror already broken by Jace when he threw knife on it.


The writer hopes that this paper can help to readers who want to know about the power of Mortal Cup in the novel The Mortal Instrument : City Of Bones. The writer hopes that readers know the story of this novel. The reader should know the elements of prose to get understanding this paper and know that this paper using the elements of prose. The writer realizes that the paper work is still far from perfection without the help and support of all parties, the paper work will not be completed. Finally, She hopes the paper can become an important point for students of the D III English who want to learn literature.



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Clare, Cassandra. 2007. The Mortal Instrument :City Of Bones. New York: Margaret K. McElderry Books

Abrams, M.H. 1981. A Glossary of Literary Terms.New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Kennedy, X.J and Dana Gioia. 2007. Literature an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. United States : Library of Congress Cataloging

Wellek and Warren. 1994. Literary Scholarship. Harcourt, Brace, and Company.

Wellek and Warren. 1977. Theory of Literature. Orlando ; Florida: Harcourt, Brace, and Company.



a. The Biography of Cassandra Clare

Cassandra Clare was born to American parents in Teheran, Iran and spent much of her childhood travelling the world with her family, including one trek through the Himalayas as a toddler where she spent a month living in her father’s backpack. She lived in France, England and Switzerland before she was ten years old.

Since her family moved around so much she found familiarity in books and went everywhere with a book under her arm. She spent her high school years in Los Angeles where she used to write stories to amuse her classmates, including an epic novel called “The Beautiful Cassandra” based on a Jane Austen short story of the same name (and which later inspired her current pen name).


While living in Los Angeles Clare began writing fan fiction using the name Cassandra Claire. The Draco Trilogy based on Harry Potter and The Very Secret Diaries based on The Lord of the Rings were popular. However, she deleted her fan fiction from the Internet shortly before her first novel, The City of Bones, was published under the name Cassandra Clare.

She is also friends with author Holly Black, and their books occasionally overlap, Clare mentioning characters from Black's novels and vice versa, such as Val and Luis from Black's Valiant.

Clare is also credited by her publisher with creating the "City of Fallen Angels treatment" where a tangible "letter" from one character to another is attached to the back of physical copies of a book. The goal is to spur print book sales.

After college, Cassie lived in Los Angeles and New York where she worked at various entertainment magazines and even some rather suspect tabloids where she reported on Brad and Angelina’s world travels and Britney Spears’ wardrobe malfunctions. She started working on her YA novel, City of Bones, in 2004, inspired by the urban landscape of Manhattan, her favorite city. She turned to writing fantasy fiction full time in 2006 and hopes never to have to write about Paris Hilton again.

Cassie’s first professional writing sale was a short story called “The Girl’s Guide to Defeating the Dark Lord” in a Baen anthology of humor fantasy. Cassie hates working at home alone because she always gets distracted by reality TV shows and the antics of her two cats, so she usually sets out to write in local coffee shops and restaurants. She likes to work in the company of her friends, who see that she sticks to her deadlines.



Summary of

The Mortal Instrument ( City Of Bones)

Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray goes to the Pandemonium Club with her best friend, Simon Lewis. Inside, she notices a group of strangely behaving, but incredibly attractive teens sneaking into a storeroom. She follows and witnesses them killing someone, though no one else in the club seems aware.

When she returns home, her overprotective mother, Jocelyn Fray, scolds her for staying out so late and worrying her. The next day, Jocelyn announces that they are moving from New York City to the country for the summer where Jocelyn's best friend, Luke, has a house. Clary, upset about the unexpected move, leaves with Simon and later confides that she knows almost nothing about her mother or her entire family. Simon mentions seeing thin, white scars on Jocelyn's back and shoulders, but Clary dismisses this, having never noticed them. She ignores her mother's continual phone calls as they go to a poetry reading where Clary sees Jace, one of the teens she saw at Pandemonium. He privately tells Clary about demon-hunters (called Shadow-hunters or Nephilim). The person killed at the club was a demon in human form. Jace claims Clary is not a mundane (mortal human) because beings like him are invisible to ordinary humans. Clary finally answers a call from Jocelyn, who frantically warns her not to come home and to tell Luke that "he" has found her. The call ends abruptly.

Clary rushes home in a panic and finds the apartment nearly destroyed and her mother missing. A giant, venomous demon attacks her. She kills it but is bitten and collapses. Jace arrives and takes Clary to the Institute, the Shadow-hunters' hidden home


base, and is cured. Jace explains that Clary is a Shadow-hunter like him, and that one or both of her parents must also be Shadow-hunters. Their kind hunt and kill demons and derive special powers from runes they draw on their skin. Clary meets Jace's Shadow-hunter partners, Alec and Isabelle Lightwood (who are also Jace's step-siblings), and Hodge Stark-weather, their mentor. Hodge tells Clary about Valentine, an evil, former Shadow-hunter who betrayed the Nephilim. He tells her about the Mortal Cup, one of the three Mortal Instruments given to the first Shadow-hunter by the Angel Raziel. Drinking from the Cup turns normal humans into half-Angel Shadow-hunters. Hodge suspects Valentine is searching for the Mortal Cup to use it to gain absolute power over other Shadow-hunters and demons.

Clary and Jace return to her apartment to investigate what happened to Jocelyn. A Forsaken attacks, but Jace kills him. Clary's neighbour, Madame Dorothea, reveals she is a witch with ties to the Shadow-hunter world. She says Jocelyn was once a Shadowhunter and had done small favors for her (such as painting a pack of tarot cards as a gift). In return, she had asked Madame Dorothea to listen for news of Valentine. Dorothea shows them a magical Portal in her apartment meant for Jocelyn and Clary to escape through if needed. Clary is distraught because her mother, waiting for Clary to arrive, was unable to use it.

Clary, followed by Jace, rushes through the portal, landing at Luke's bookstore and finding Simon hiding in the bushes. Simon was trying to find out what happened to Clary. He observed Luke packing several weapons inside his bag. The three hide inside the store. Luke returns with two men, Pangborn and Blackwell, who Valentine sent to


Luke claims he does not know where Jocelyn, who is in a coma, hid the Mortal Cup and has no interest in her or the cup. He refuses to negotiate with them or interfere with Valentine's plans. Clary and Jace, accompanied by Simon, go back to the Institute and tell Hodge what they learned. Hodge tells them about the Circle, a group of Shadow-hunters that Valentine formed to eliminate all Down-worlders (vampire, werewolves, faeries, warlocks, and others). Jocelyn, Valentine's wife, was forced to join. It was believed she had died in a fire that destroyed Valentine's home. Jocelyn's real maiden name is Jocelyn Fairchild.

Jace takes Clary to the Silent Brothers in an attempt to retrieve her memories that could save her mother. After probing Clary's mind, a mental block is discovered on it, preventing her from seeing the Shadow-hunter world. The Silent Brothers determine the spell was placed by Magnus Bane, the High Warlock (immortal offspring of a demon and a mundane) of Brooklyn, and only he can remove it.

When Isabelle receives an invitation to a warlock party hosted by Bane, Clary goes with her and the others. Clary meets Bane, who says his spell is too complex to remove but will fade naturally if it is not re-enforced every two years. Jocelyn had Bane place a protective spell on Clary's mind to prevent her seeing the Shadow World. During the party, Simon ignores Isabelle's warning and drinks a blue liquid that transforms him into a rat. Vampires kidnap him, and Clary and Jace trail them to an abandoned hotel to rescue him. Jace, Clary, and rat-Simon escape when werewolves invade the hotel and battle the vampires. Jace seems upset when Simon and Clary embrace after he becomes human again.


That night, Jace takes Clary to the Institute's greenhouse on a midnight picnic to celebrate Clary's sixteenth birthday, and their romance blossoms with a romantic first kiss.

As the block continues fading and her memories begin emerging, Clary deduces that the Mortal Cup is hidden inside one of Madame Dorothea's tarot cards. Clary and the others go to Dorothea's apartment. Clary retrieves the Cup, but a demon appears from the Portal and possesses Madame Dorothea. Aided by Simon, they escape and return to the Institute where Hodge betrays them by handing over the Cup and an unconscious Jace to Valentine. Hodge flees, pursued by Clary. Hodge attacks her in an alleyway, but she is unexpectedly saved by Luke, who is a werewolf.

Luke tells Clary that he and Jocelyn were childhood friends. They met Valentine while they were in school. Valentine and Jocelyn fell in love and were married. Luke explains how he became a werewolf, and about him and Jocelyn meeting in secret to plot an uprising that resulted in many deaths. Clary also learns she had a brother, Jonathan, who died in the fire set by Valentine and that also killed Jocelyn's parents. Luke and Jocelyn escaped Idris (the Shadow-hunter world) to Paris. Jocelyn, pregnant with Clary, refused help from the local Shadow-hunters, and secretly raised her child as a mundane. Jocelyn had Magus Bane place the block on Clary's mind to prevent her from seeing the Shadow-hunter world. Luke found Jocelyn living in New York some years later. Clary is horrified to learn that Valentine is her father.


Luke and Clary devise a plan to storm Valentine's secret stronghold with help from Luke's werewolf pack. While the werewolves attack Valentine's followers, Clary locates her mother, who is unconscious and also finds Jace, who says Valentine told him he is his son. Having developed romantic feelings for each other, both Clary and Jace are aghast at realizing they are brother and sister. Clary says that despite Valentine being their father, he is evil. Valentine appears and entices Jace to return to Idris with him. Jace refuses, and Valentine escapes through a portal with the Cup, smashing the portal behind him.


While living in Los Angeles Clare began writing fan fiction using the name Cassandra Claire. The Draco Trilogy based on Harry Potter and The Very Secret Diaries based on The Lord of the Rings were popular. However, she deleted her fan fiction from the Internet shortly before her first novel, The City of Bones, was published under the name Cassandra Clare.

She is also friends with author Holly Black, and their books occasionally overlap, Clare mentioning characters from Black's novels and vice versa, such as Val and Luis from Black's Valiant.

Clare is also credited by her publisher with creating the "City of Fallen Angels treatment" where a tangible "letter" from one character to another is attached to the back of physical copies of a book. The goal is to spur print book sales.

After college, Cassie lived in Los Angeles and New York where she worked at various entertainment magazines and even some rather suspect tabloids where she

reported on Brad and Angelina’s world travels and Britney Spears’ wardrobe

malfunctions. She started working on her YA novel, City of Bones, in 2004, inspired by the urban landscape of Manhattan, her favorite city. She turned to writing fantasy fiction full time in 2006 and hopes never to have to write about Paris Hilton again.

Cassie’s first professional writing sale was a short story called “The Girl’s Guide to Defeating the Dark Lord” in a Baen anthology of humor fantasy. Cassie hates working at home alone because she always gets distracted by reality TV shows and the antics of her two cats, so she usually sets out to write in local coffee shops and restaurants. She likes to work in the company of her friends, who see that she sticks to her deadlines.



Summary of

The Mortal Instrument ( City Of Bones)

Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray goes to the Pandemonium Club with her best friend, Simon Lewis. Inside, she notices a group of strangely behaving, but incredibly attractive teens sneaking into a storeroom. She follows and witnesses them killing someone, though no one else in the club seems aware.

When she returns home, her overprotective mother, Jocelyn Fray, scolds her for staying out so late and worrying her. The next day, Jocelyn announces that they are moving from New York City to the country for the summer where Jocelyn's best friend, Luke, has a house. Clary, upset about the unexpected move, leaves with Simon and later confides that she knows almost nothing about her mother or her entire family. Simon mentions seeing thin, white scars on Jocelyn's back and shoulders, but Clary dismisses this, having never noticed them. She ignores her mother's continual phone calls as they go to a poetry reading where Clary sees Jace, one of the teens she saw at Pandemonium. He privately tells Clary about demon-hunters (called Shadow-hunters or Nephilim). The person killed at the club was a demon in human form. Jace claims Clary is not a mundane (mortal human) because beings like him are invisible to ordinary humans. Clary finally answers a call from Jocelyn, who frantically warns her not to come home and to tell Luke that "he" has found her. The call ends abruptly.

Clary rushes home in a panic and finds the apartment nearly destroyed and her mother missing. A giant, venomous demon attacks her. She kills it but is bitten and collapses. Jace arrives and takes Clary to the Institute, the Shadow-hunters' hidden home


base, and is cured. Jace explains that Clary is a Shadow-hunter like him, and that one or both of her parents must also be Shadow-hunters. Their kind hunt and kill demons and derive special powers from runes they draw on their skin. Clary meets Jace's Shadow-hunter partners, Alec and Isabelle Lightwood (who are also Jace's step-siblings), and Hodge Stark-weather, their mentor. Hodge tells Clary about Valentine, an evil, former Shadow-hunter who betrayed the Nephilim. He tells her about the Mortal Cup, one of the three Mortal Instruments given to the first Shadow-hunter by the Angel Raziel. Drinking from the Cup turns normal humans into half-Angel Shadow-hunters. Hodge suspects Valentine is searching for the Mortal Cup to use it to gain absolute power over other Shadow-hunters and demons.

Clary and Jace return to her apartment to investigate what happened to Jocelyn. A Forsaken attacks, but Jace kills him. Clary's neighbour, Madame Dorothea, reveals she is a witch with ties to the Shadow-hunter world. She says Jocelyn was once a Shadowhunter and had done small favors for her (such as painting a pack of tarot cards as a gift). In return, she had asked Madame Dorothea to listen for news of Valentine. Dorothea shows them a magical Portal in her apartment meant for Jocelyn and Clary to escape through if needed. Clary is distraught because her mother, waiting for Clary to arrive, was unable to use it.

Clary, followed by Jace, rushes through the portal, landing at Luke's bookstore and finding Simon hiding in the bushes. Simon was trying to find out what happened to Clary. He observed Luke packing several weapons inside his bag. The three hide inside the store. Luke returns with two men, Pangborn and Blackwell, who Valentine sent to interrogate Luke about the Mortal Cup's whereabouts.


Luke claims he does not know where Jocelyn, who is in a coma, hid the Mortal Cup and has no interest in her or the cup. He refuses to negotiate with them or interfere with Valentine's plans. Clary and Jace, accompanied by Simon, go back to the Institute and tell Hodge what they learned. Hodge tells them about the Circle, a group of Shadow-hunters that Valentine formed to eliminate all Down-worlders (vampire, werewolves, faeries, warlocks, and others). Jocelyn, Valentine's wife, was forced to join. It was believed she had died in a fire that destroyed Valentine's home. Jocelyn's real maiden name is Jocelyn Fairchild.

Jace takes Clary to the Silent Brothers in an attempt to retrieve her memories that could save her mother. After probing Clary's mind, a mental block is discovered on it, preventing her from seeing the Shadow-hunter world. The Silent Brothers determine the spell was placed by Magnus Bane, the High Warlock (immortal offspring of a demon and a mundane) of Brooklyn, and only he can remove it.

When Isabelle receives an invitation to a warlock party hosted by Bane, Clary goes with her and the others. Clary meets Bane, who says his spell is too complex to remove but will fade naturally if it is not re-enforced every two years. Jocelyn had Bane place a protective spell on Clary's mind to prevent her seeing the Shadow World. During the party, Simon ignores Isabelle's warning and drinks a blue liquid that transforms him into a rat. Vampires kidnap him, and Clary and Jace trail them to an abandoned hotel to rescue him. Jace, Clary, and rat-Simon escape when werewolves invade the hotel and battle the vampires. Jace seems upset when Simon and Clary embrace after he becomes human again.


That night, Jace takes Clary to the Institute's greenhouse on a midnight picnic to celebrate Clary's sixteenth birthday, and their romance blossoms with a romantic first kiss.

As the block continues fading and her memories begin emerging, Clary deduces that the Mortal Cup is hidden inside one of Madame Dorothea's tarot cards. Clary and the others go to Dorothea's apartment. Clary retrieves the Cup, but a demon appears from the Portal and possesses Madame Dorothea. Aided by Simon, they escape and return to the Institute where Hodge betrays them by handing over the Cup and an unconscious Jace to Valentine. Hodge flees, pursued by Clary. Hodge attacks her in an alleyway, but she is unexpectedly saved by Luke, who is a werewolf.

Luke tells Clary that he and Jocelyn were childhood friends. They met Valentine while they were in school. Valentine and Jocelyn fell in love and were married. Luke explains how he became a werewolf, and about him and Jocelyn meeting in secret to plot an uprising that resulted in many deaths. Clary also learns she had a brother, Jonathan, who died in the fire set by Valentine and that also killed Jocelyn's parents. Luke and Jocelyn escaped Idris (the Shadow-hunter world) to Paris. Jocelyn, pregnant with Clary, refused help from the local Shadow-hunters, and secretly raised her child as a mundane. Jocelyn had Magus Bane place the block on Clary's mind to prevent her from seeing the Shadow-hunter world. Luke found Jocelyn living in New York some years later. Clary is horrified to learn that Valentine is her father.


Luke and Clary devise a plan to storm Valentine's secret stronghold with help from Luke's werewolf pack. While the werewolves attack Valentine's followers, Clary locates her mother, who is unconscious and also finds Jace, who says Valentine told him he is his son. Having developed romantic feelings for each other, both Clary and Jace are aghast at realizing they are brother and sister. Clary says that despite Valentine being their father, he is evil. Valentine appears and entices Jace to return to Idris with him. Jace refuses, and Valentine escapes through a portal with the Cup, smashing the portal behind him.