The Objectives of Research The Place and time The Research Design

Based on the design above, the writer describes the research design below: Research Cycles Design Cycle I Cycle II Reflecting I: 1. Analyzing the test 2. Discussing with English teacher Introduction 1. observing the school 2. interviewing the teacher 3. deciding the class Reflecting II 1. Analyzing the test 2. Discussing with English teacher Acting I: 1. Teaching and learning by using word cards to enrich students vocabulary Acting II: 1. Teaching and learning by word cards to enrich students vocabulary Observing I: 1. Observing the student in the class 2. Analyzing the data 3. Giving first post test Planning I: pre test 2. Making lesson planning 3. Preparing observation form and observation instrument Evaluating all cycles Observing I: 1. Observing the student in the class 2. Analyzing the data 3. Giving second post test Reflecting I: 1. Evaluating teaching and learning process 2. Discussing with English teacher 3. Making a new plan

D. The Procedures of Research

Because this research is an action research, it includes some stages and cycles. As the writer has mentioned in the previous chapter that this action research is based on Kemmis and Taggart, it includes “planning, action, observation, and reflection or evaluation ” 2 . This is a collaborative research, the writer collaborate with the English teacher of SMK Nusantara class XI.2 marketing program. The steps include:

1. Planning

After finding the vocabulary problems in the classroom proven by observing and interviewing, the writer gives the test and then plans the techniques and instruments that she will use in solving those problems, such as; preparing the lesson plans, and syllabus.

2. Acting

In this phase, both the writer and teacher collaborate to carry out the planned action. The writer determines the strategy that is applied in the classroom; she changes the teacher‟s position in conducting this research, while the teacher observes the condition and activities in classroom.

3. Observing

In this phase, the teacher observes the activities occurring in the classroom, and note all on the note field or unstructured observational sheet. When the teacher is observing, she notes all the activities. It could be about students‟ response, classroom condition, or writer as teacher performance. 2 Rochiati Wiriaatmadja, Metode Penelitian Tindakan KelasBandung: PT.Rosdakarya Remaja,2008p.67

4. Reflecting

This stage is aimed to reflect done action based on the data collected by either teacher or writer, it is from observation and test, when they still find the problems they repair in the next cycle, by re- planning, re-acting, and re-observing.

E. Collecting data Techniques 1.

Observation Observation is one way that can be done for collecting data. As the writer has mentioned in the previous chapter that observation is one thing that must be included in the action research because it is one of the stages of action research cycles. In this classroom action research, the writer chooses participant observation.the writer works with the English teacher in conducting the research, the writer changes teacher‟s position, while the teacher has role as an observer.

2. Interview

Besides observation, the, writer also conducts an interview as the way in collecting data, the writer conducted an interview with the teacher to know about the class and the students‟ capability in English, especially vocabulary mastery.

3. Objective Test

It is a kind of test that is most used by teacher or researcher in measuring students‟ capability in a subject, it can be caused by objective test covers almost all of the material and it is easy to score. There are some types questions that the writer uses here, the tests consist of 40 questions, part A, finding the meaning consisting of 5 questions, part B, 10 multiple choice questions, part C, matching the synonim 15 question, and part D is guessing words meaning in sentences consisting 10 questions.

4. Documentation

The writer uses documentation as one way to collect the data, it includes learning syllabi and program planning.

F. Data Analysis Techniques

The data that the writer collects in this research are from interview, observation, and test. In analyzing numerical data, the writer gains the average students‟ score in each cycle; it is used to measure the students‟ vocabulary mastery. It uses the formula 3 : _ X : mean x : individual score n : number of students To know the class percentage, the writer uses the formula 4 : 3 Sudjana, Metoda Statistika, Bandung: PT. Tarsito, 2002, p. 67. 4 Sudjana, Metoda Statistika..........................., p. 68 _ ∑x X = ── n F P = ── X 100 N

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