Acting Cycle 1 a. Planning

teacher was noting the students’ name and the words they could memorize well. Here, the teacher found that some students were enthusiasm in receiving new vocabulary, they proudly asked teachers in English language even though in the very simple question, many of them also never complained when being asked to prepare word cards for the next meeting. When the students checked in pair, the observer noted how many words that the students could remember, then gave them point, it was for encouraging them to participate during the English class.

d. Reflecting

After doing all of the phases, the writer gave the post test, then compared the score between the post and pre test whether there were any improvements or not. Here is the table of students’ post test scores: Students ’ Number Post test 1 score 1 75 2 97.5 3 80 4 85 5 97.5 6 90 7 95 8 85 9 77.5 10 80 11 72.5 12 80 13 67.5 14 54 15 60 16 75 17 65 18 40 19 65 20 70 21 65 22 74 23 78 24 75 25 75 26 60 27 72.5 28 62.5 29 72.5 Mean 74 Student Passing KKM In the first cycle, there were only 15 had passed KKM, however it significantly improved, from mean 54.4 to 74. The writer found that the students’ score are better than the post test, some students had reached KKM 75, even though, she still found so many students had not reached it yet. The writer and the teacher evaluated why so many students still could not pass KKM, based on the observation, the teacher found that some students did not pay attention during the class, when the writer asked them to prepare the word cards, they did not care about it. Then, the writer forced them to make the word cards when the class was beginning, of course, it wasted the time and caused teaching learning process was not maximal, because the time was over before the writer finishing the material. From those problems, the writer and the teacher decided to carry out the second cycle, they formulated the new lesson plans. In the second

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