The progress of student’s thesis is recorded in the Kartu Bimbingan and there is no evidence A minor non conformity was issued for the management review process see findings log There was limited evidence that the learning and teaching process has been co

Form: MSBSF430001.1 - 0506 Report: JKT60037280007 - 30-Jan-12 Page 15 of 58 Assessment of: PMIE Program Magister Ilmu Ekonomi, Magister Management of Economics Auditees: Dwi Budi Santoso , SE, MS, PhD, Prof Dr Munawar SE, DEA, Audit trails and sources of evidence: Interview with management and staff, Review Implementation of Quality Manual, Procedure , Work Instruction , Forms and Records, GBJP, SAP, Review Curricula, thesis observation Evaluation and conclusions: Objectives and target have been clearly defined and aligned with Vision, Mission and Renstra. There are specific objectives and performance indicators in S2 Master Degree in PMIE to support the vision and mission to provide high quality graduate with deep knowledge in applied economics. The business process has been defined with the emphasis more in the development of the curricula, and was considered as one of important resources that have been evaluated and up dated by the team. Tracer study and the input from the professional association ISEI Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia are two main inputs for the curricula review. Student profile showed that mainly the students are the government employee who wants to be qualified and have a deep understanding of province and district economics. The process of intake to the program or student selection until end process of study was reviewed and sample was taken to observe the conformity to the procedures. Sample was taken for Sony Kristyanto who enters to program on 4 June 2009, and accepted as a student according to SK dated on 21 July 2009. There are some areas of improvement as listed below: 1. It was said that the evaluation of curricula is every two years or less depending on the urgency, and the output of the evaluation mainly on the content, however there was no changes recorded and evaluation whether the changes leads to improvement. 2. It was found there was no target indicator on percentage of the student in S2 graduate with academic index IPK 3.00. It could be consider putting the number of cum laude to improve the quality of the graduation instead of IPK and time to finish the study. 3. A Minor non conformity was issued for analysis of data that have been collected, and student input on lecture performance or Evaluasi Kinerja Dosen see findings log

4. The progress of student’s thesis is recorded in the Kartu Bimbingan and there is no evidence

that Sony Kristyanto has his Kartu Bimbingan written since it is kept by the tutor.

5. A minor non conformity was issued for the management review process see findings log

Form: MSBSF430001.1 - 0506 Report: JKT60037280007 - 30-Jan-12 Page 16 of 58 Assessment of: Magister Management S2 Ilmu Manajemen Auditees: Dr. Noermijati SE, MTM, Prof Dr Armanu, Prof Dr. Djumilah Hadiwidjojo, Prof Dr. Eka Afnan, Dr, Rofiaty SE, MM Audit trails and sources of evidence: Interview with management and staff, Review Implementation of Quality Manual, Procedure , Work Instruction , Forms and Records, GBJP, Review Curricula, thesis observation Evaluation and conclusions: Objectives and target have been clearly defined and aligned with Vision, Mission and Renstra. There are specific objectives and performance indicators in S2 Magister Management to support the vision and mission to create interactive learning experience and active networking. The business process and curriculla has been defined. S2 MM has eight “mata kuliah wajib program “ and 4 mata kuliah “wajib minat” which are Marketing, Finance, Resources and Strategic management. The process of intake to the program or student selection until end process of study was reviewed and sample was taken to observe the conformity to the procedures. There are three steps involved in the process: Submission of proposal, seminar and final test. Sample was taken for Lina Ariana who graduate with IPK 3.41 and her thesis was found in the UB DigiLib – Word of Mouth Some areas of improvement are listed below:

1. There was limited evidence that the learning and teaching process has been conducted in an

interactive ways – as its claimed in the mission. It was shown in the GBPP however it is only one supporting document found Lecture Presence List – Daftar Hadir Dosen semester genap for of Dr. Noermijati’s class in June 12, 2011 which showed that Journal of HR practice was discussed. . 2. A Minor non conformity was issued for analysis of data that have been collected, and student input on lecture performance or Evaluasi Kinerja Dosen see findings log 3. A minor non conformity was issued for the management review process see findings log Assessor: Dede Gunawan ID 04315 Firdha Basbeth New Assessor Form: MSBSF430001.1 - 0506 Report: JKT60037280007 - 30-Jan-12 Page 17 of 58 Assessment of: Jurusan Akutansi Auditees: Dr. Unti Ludigdo, Prof Iwan Triyuwono, Ali Djamhuri PhD, Lutfi Harris MAk, Christine and Reza Audit trails and sources of evidence: Interview with management and staff, Review Implementation of Quality Manual, Procedure , Work Instruction , Forms and Records, Review Curricula, class and facility observation Evaluation and conclusions: Objectives and target have been clearly defined and aligned with Vision, Mission and Renstra. There are specific objectives and performance indicators in Jurusan Akuntansi to support the vision and mission to provide high quality of accountant, and to support good governance. The link to good governance was shown in the content of curricula and teaching such as Business Ethics EKA 1101, Forensic Accounting EKA 1531 and Public Audits EKA 1314. The achievement of the objective is evaluated every semester, for example IPK has been monitored in 2010 avg 3.25 and 2011 avg 3.28. Number of student graduated with Cum Laude predicate is increase from 10 in 2010 to 16 in 2011-10-18. The student intakes are managed through four 4 mechanisms: SNMPTN, invitations, Mandiri, and Alih program The output of the learning and teaching process is to produce graduate student with IPK 3.0 TOEFL 475 and time to enter the workplace is 3 month. Murih Yuwono, Eko Suwandono and Dewi Probowati were picked up as a sample and it was observed that Murih has IPK 2.86 below average, time to finish study 6.86 years, TOEFL score 496 and passed the paper test with B qualification. Lectures performance collected from questionnaire is evaluated briefly at the end of every semester. Visitation to classroom was conducted to observe teaching and learning process in room E13 Mrs Grace Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan, and room E11 Mrs Endang Akuntansi Keuangan. Self Access Centre SAC has also visited and it was explained that the SAC helped student to improved TOEFL score. There are room for improvements as listed below: 1. The data collection of IPK and Kinerja Dosen during year semester one 1 and two 2 year 2010 and semester one 1 year 2011 has not been analysis in details. A minor Non Conformance was issued see findings log. 2. A minor non conformity was issued for the management review process see findings log. 3. It was found for Akuntansi Keuanagan and Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan, that syllabus and student and lecture’s list of attendance were available, however there was no GBPP attached, and the syllabus for Mrs Endang was different with the new syllabus she had which shows in the material that she had taught. 4. Samples were taken in Ruang Perkuliahan : Bambang Purnomo Sidi, Tuban Priyah, Helmy Adam, Aulia Fuad and there was no syllabus attached for lecture Bambang Purnomo Sidi and Aulia Fuad.

5. It was observed that student’s chair arrangement could be improved in Mrs Grace’s class. The