Coca-cola Pepsi Word Formation

8 being regarded as the representative of a speaker’s linguistic knowledge”. It is therefore expected that in the future research, there will be more ideas and frameworks to study in this field.

F. Definition of Terms

This section defines the terms that will be used in the study, namely the definition of advertisement, Coca-cola, Pepsi and word formation. 1. Advertisement El-Daly 2011 states that advertisement, which is derived from the Medieval Latin verb “advertere”, aims to direct ones attention to the availability, qualities, andor cost of the specific commodities or services. On the other hand, advertising is a form of communication used to persuade the audiences viewers, readers or listeners to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services Agustrijanto, 2002, as cited in Anggraeni, 2011. In this study, the advertisements that will be used are soft drink advertisements, specifically Coca- cola and Pepsi advertisements which are taken from the various online sources through the search engine Google.

2. Coca-cola

Coca-cola was developed by Dr. John Pemberton, a pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1886 Michman Mazze, 1998. Further, Michman and Mazze state that Coca-cola has been on the top of the soft drink industries with market share range 37 - 47. In marketing the products, Coca-cola creates the attractive advertisements since 1889. Therefore, Coca-cola advertisements become one of 9 the main objects in this study in which the languages of the advertisements will be analyzed linguistically.

3. Pepsi

Pepsi, managed by manufacturer Pepsi-Cola, was created in 1893 by Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist, when he developed a unique mixture of kola nut extract, vanilla and rare oils. Originally called ‘‘Brad’s drink’’ by his customers, it is now known as Pepsi-Cola Michman Mazze, 1998. Since its development, Pepsi has been competing with Coca-cola in the soft drink industries. However, rather than be a “leader”, Pepsi is still considered to be a “follower” Michman Mazze, 1998. Furthermore, Pepsi advertisements become the object of the study. The languages and expressions used in Pepsi advertisements will be analyzed based on the linguistics study.

4. Word Formation

Bauer defines word formation as the process whereby new words are coined to denote new, or newly salient, concepts, and secondly a transpositional function Bauer, 2004. Moreover, Bauer provides two functions in word formation, first, a function of lexical enrichment, and second, a function of lexemes in which the lexemes appear in a new word class so that the same meaning can be transferred to a new function in a sentence Bauer, 2004. In this study, there are eleven word formation types. The word formation types are compiled from the studies of Aronoff and Fudeman 2011, Bauer 1983, Campbell 2004, Katamba 1993 and O’Grady and de Guzman 2011. 10


The contents of this chapter attempt to explain the theories related to the research. This chapter consists of two parts, namely the theoretical description and the theoretical framework. The theoretical description presents the theories of morphology, such as morphology, word, morpheme, affix, root, stem and base, word formation, advertisement and theory of communication which become the foundation of the research. The theoretical framework provides the main theories to solve the research problems.

A. Theoretical Description

This section discusses the two major parts of theoretical description, namely the word formation theories and the advertising theories. The word formation theories contain the theories which encompass the scopes of word formation, namely morphology, word and lexeme, morpheme, affix, root, stem and base and word formation types. The advertising theories discuss the theories which are relevant to the advertising cases. The theoretical description begins from morphology focusing on the definition of morphology in general since the word formation is a study under morphology. The next parts are the theories related to the terms that will be used to analyze the word formation cases, namely word and lexeme, morpheme, affix, root, stem and base. Afterwards, the word formation theories are described, in which they