Definition of Advertisement Advertisement

27 are provided. Also, the researcher provides Coca-cola and Pepsi advertising strategies since this study uses Coca-cola and Pepsi as the objects of the study.

a. Definition of Advertisement

Advertisement is “an organization of text that provides information about a product or service along with an anchorage of image that suggests some cohesion or logical linkage leading to some relevance or meaningful interpretation to the target consumers” Dattamajumdar, 2006: 222. It implies that advertisement is a form of text to give information about the products or services to the consumers. On the other hand, advertising means a form of communication used to persuade an audience viewers, readers or listeners to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services Agustrijanto, 2002, as cited in Anggraeni, 2011. Agusrijanto states that the discourse in the advertisement is to persuade. Therefore, the advertisers intend to persuade a certain category of people to buy a given product or service Dimbley Burton, 1985. In the advertising, communication creates a persuasive connection with people Dimblely Burton, 1985. The persuasive activity is also described as the promotions which are the “activities that communicate the product or service and its merits to the target customers and persuade them to buy” Kotler Armstrong, 2001: 98, as cited in Chikorva, 2011. The messages delivered in the advertisements are commonly defined as paid communication from an identified sponsor using the mass media to persuade the audiences Rodgers Thorson, 2012: 4. However, the discourse in the advertisement is not only persuasion, but it is also information. 28 According to Valor 2005, “the discourse of advertising is characterized by two main communicative elements: information and persuasion” p. 43. Furthermore, Valor 2005: 44 states that most of the studies related to the advertising have shown that persuasion is the main purpose in advertising, whereas information is the secondary purpose in advertising. The communication in the advertising can be broken down into two branches, namely verbal and non-verbal communication Lapsanska, 2006: 19. In real life, verbal communication is commonly used in the advertising, in which the advertisers use the words. It does not employ oral or spoken language to persuade the costumers to buy the products. On the other hand, non-verbal communication can be expressed “through any sensory channel” Lapsanska, 2006: 19. In other words, it can be expressed in any media. In conclusion, non-verbal communication can be wordless communication.

b. Functions of Advertisement