Theory of Feminism Review of Related Theories

say. These ugly practices, with their strong and tight-clipped jaws seem to have engulfed everything, taking by storm almost every aspect of social life, not sparing even the most vulnerable segment of population – women women-of-pakistan. The quotation above clearly shows that gender inequality still happens in Pakistan’s social-life. Women in Pakistan are treated unfairly than men in the society, and that is the critical issue in the country. Gender discrimination is still happening in Pakistan, there are many discrimination towards women as a second priority in social-practice and this situation is the most important thing to be noted. Dr. Farhat Jaben and Musarat Jaben in their journal entitled “Feminism and Society: Solidarity Amongst Pakistani Women Still a Distant Dream ” states, Though all fundamental rights concerning women are the key factors causing direct impact on the solidarity set-up of the women, there is no exclusive policy to that effect. Solidarity of women and the implication of feminist theory is not just a cliché . It is sorely needed in Pakistan’s context where gender inequalities and discrimination in all fields. Targeted action is needed for all areas of development. Many discriminatory are socio- practices prevalent in Pakistan. Feminist work confronts the power of naming and challenges both the use of male measures and the assumption that women fail by them if at times feminist appear contradictory arguing both for the right of women to be included and treated like men and for the right to have special treatment 2013:166. It clearly shows, that in Pakistan gender inequality happens in many aspects including women discrimination in social practice. Women in Pakistan do not have the same position and right as men have in the society.

D. Theoretical Framework

This part explains the contribution of the theories and review to answer the problems formulated in the study. Theory of character is needed to analyze the characters, by analyzing and applying that theory the first problem formulation can be answered. Theory character is used to reveal the descriptions of the characters in this play. By knowing the definition of the characters, the writer could know the real characteristic and contribution of the characters in relation to gender inequality. The second theory is feminism, this theory is the important part to analyze this study. Theory of feminism is use to emphasize the ideas of feminism also to show the ideas of feminism that reflects from the major female characters.