Kesimpulan Saran Pemodelan jaringan saraf tiruan (artificial neural networks) untuk identifikasi kawanan lemuru dengan menggunakan deskriptor hidroakustik


8.1 Kesimpulan

Dalam disertasi ini Metode JSTPB dan Analisis Statistik digunakan untuk melakukan identifikasi dan klasifikasi kawanan lemuru, protolan, sempenit, campuran dan non-lemuru. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan dan ketelitian identifikasi dan klasifikasi dengan JSTPB dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan model JST, deskriptor utama, dan komposisi data latih dan data uji yang tepat. Tingkat ketepatan identifikasi yang dapat dicapai dengan Metode Statistik, JSTPB1, JSTPB2, dan JSTPB3 adalah masing sebesar 98,2, 100, 70, dan 73,3 dengan jumlah iterasi masing-masing 8, 10, 32, dan 14 iterasi. Dari hasil identifikasi dan klasifikasi yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1 Dengan ketepatan seperti yang disebutkan diatas, model JSTPB1 dan JSTPB3 dengan arsitektur 88-1, dan JSTPB2 dengan arsitektur 1515-1 layak digunakan untuk identifikasi dan klasifikasi kawanan ikan. 2 Kelompok deskriptor morfometrik adalah kelompok deskriptor yang sangat berperan dalam proses identifikasi dan klasifikasi, diikuti kelompok deskriptor energetik dan kelompok deskriptor batimetrik. Dari kelompok deskriptor morfometrik dihasilkan deskriptor panjang L, tinggi H, luas A, elongasi E, dan keliling P sedangkan dari kelompok deskriptor energetik dihasilkan deskriptor rataan intensitas hamburan balik SV Er, densitas volume Dv dan dari kelompok deskriptor batimetrik dihasilkan deskriptor ketinggian relatif Trel. 3 Dilihat dari jumlah data yang dibutuhkan maka identifikasi dengan JSTPB1, JSTPB2, JSTPB3 dapat dilakukan dengan baik jika data uji berjumlah 26,3 dari total data yang tersedia atau 35,7 dari total data latih yang tersedia. Dalam disertasi ini, komposisi data uji dan data latih yang digunakan masing- masing adalah 30 dan 84 pola data.

8.2 Saran

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[221] 126 Lampiran 1 Data latih mentah DATA LATIH MENTAH Nomor Index No. NS Index JK L H A P El Df Dr RAl MinDi MinAl Er Esd Sk Ku D 1 5 1 N 1234.92 32 13555 1746.00 38.6 1.46 150 40 62 9 -75.91 2.26 -0.25 -0.51 0.112 2 19 1 N 1983.27 28.01 23731 3821.00 70.8 1.17 69 31 56 9 -56.26 2.17 -0.2 -0.83 0.139 3 48 1 N 2553.79 15 14293 1242.63 170.3 1.20 91.5 38.8 57 15 -54.97 3.01 -0.58 -1.31 0.015 4 49 1 N 7093.47 19 71558 3726.38 373.3 1.00 28.5 80.9 64 23 -57 1.72 -0.03 -0.57 0.139 5 50 1 N 2362.44 15 13189 1323.13 157.5 1.22 67.5 55 13 14 -56.25 2.33 -0.2 -0.95 0.192 6 52 1 N 3357.38 12 14835 1387.25 279.8 1.22 63 58 8 6 -55.87 2.44 -0.34 -1.02 0.154 7 54 1 N 2439.89 24 14743 4471.13 101.7 1.46 108 27.7 14 1 -54.9 2.88 -0.57 -1.21 0.183 8 55 1 N 1060.21 19 13912 1182.13 55.8 1.19 122.5 12.5 21 11 -64.74 2.76 -0.52 -0.64 0.101 9 6 2 S 1001.56 32 8005 1463.75 31.3 1.31 147 41.2 130 86 -76.8 1.91 -0.06 -0.56 0.001 10 41 2 S 2055.98 7 5011 408.25 293.7 1.09 112.5 24.7 108 32.4 -58.78 6.08 -1.22 -0.81 0.079 11 42 2 S 1037.3 6 2431 220.50 172.9 1.03 115 23 111 30.4 -58.11 6.02 -1.23 -0.65 0.090 12 43 2 S 770.08 7 3043 222.00 110.0 1.00 127 15 122 17.4 -64.07 4.28 -0.4 -1.23 0.024 13 44 2 S 166.98 6 1670 44.63 27.8 0.65 136.5 8.6 132 8.4 -63.66 4.03 -0.6 -1.33 0.026 14 47 2 S 2056.38 8 4661 616.50 257.0 1.19 86 42.4 81 58.4 -56 2.47 -0.29 -1.17 0.111 15 51 2 S 2109.69 8 8151 738.00 263.7 1.16 55 63.3 50 90 -55.69 2.55 -0.37 -1.09 0.112 16 53 2 S 1886.14 13 6992 2531.25 145.1 1.46 91.5 26.8 84 26 -55.36 2.81 -0.45 -1.23 0.139 17 56 2 S 1058.55 12 9335 846.25 88.2 1.17 124 11.4 117 9 -65.39 2.38 -0.48 -0.58 0.015 18 1 3 L 67.33 4.01 204 111.375 16.8 1.25 17.5 23.9 14 2 -56.16 7.16 -1.7 0.69 0.139 19 2 3 L 70.17 2.01 134 80.38 34.9 1.23 18.5 19.6 16 2 -54.57 8.11 -1.79 0.78 0.192 20 3 3 L 176.86 19.01 845.00 324.25 9.3 1.30 45.00 38.40 34.5 17 -55.59 2.64 -0.21 -0.86 0.154 21 7 3 L 371.47 12.01 1712 511.25 30.9 1.30 56.5 16.9 49 4 -54.73 4.48 -1.3 -0.3 0.183 22 8 3 L 155.95 7.01 941 216.88 22.2 1.17 53 22.1 48 10 -57.6 3.96 -0.76 -1.02 0.101 23 15 3 L 88.79 4.02 277 83.63 22.1 1.08 34.5 19.8 31 5 -48.38 3.85 -0.53 -1.2 0.679 24 20 3 L 332.11 3.01 719 301.50 110.3 1.31 75 6.3 72 2 -62.95 2.7 -1.22 -0.23 0.024 25 21 3 L 32.55 16.01 598 150.63 2.0 1.14 60 17.8 51 4 -58.48 6.14 -1.1 -1.03 0.074 26 22 3 L 29.79 11.01 558 127.13 2.7 1.09 62.5 14.4 56 4 -62.9 3.81 -0.8 -1.12 0.028 27 23 3 L 107.95 8.01 832 148.00 13.5 1.07 67 8.2 62 1 -53.64 7.85 -1.25 -0.83 0.237 28 24 3 L 287.1 20.01 2255 357.00 14.3 1.16 60 17.8 49 2 -52.92 8.06 -1.31 -0.71 0.273 29 25 3 L 141.61 9.01 547 231.50 15.7 1.29 68.00 9.30 62 1 -55.92 6.14 -1.32 -0.52 0.087 30 26 3 L 72.32 6.01 375 131.75 12.0 1.18 61.00 16.40 56 7 -72.78 3.89 -0.82 -0.87 0.003 31 27 3 L 16.6 30.01 1049 277.13 0.6 1.22 73.5 20.1 57 2 -55.54 5.59 -1.45 -0.03 0.111 32 28 3 L 19.82 20.01 474 140.50 1.0 1.16 75.5 24.5 64 13 -58.87 5.4 -1.07 -0.95 0.065 33 4 4 C 178.87 19.01 1133 355.00 9.4 1.28 24.50 66.40 13 37 -50.33 4.9 -1.22 -0.66 0.489 34 9 4 C 176.16 8.02 709 186.25 22.0 1.17 13 69.8 8 25 -43.36 3.94 -0.72 -1.1 2.104 35 10 4 C 82.06 14.02 541 123.50 5.9 1.09 22 48.8 14 13 -47.3 4.56 -0.62 -1.21 0.827 36 11 4 C 27.82 8.02 219 73.88 3.5 1.08 27 37.2 21 10 -44.78 4.57 -1.25 -0.49 1.548 37 12 4 C 90.01 5.02 254 86.13 17.9 1.11 21.5 50 18 18 -47.81 4.57 -0.7 -1.18 0.821 38 13 4 C 120.62 4.02 362 102.88 30.0 1.10 21.5 50 18 18 -45.65 5.18 -0.98 -1.05 1.424 39 14 4 C 132.6 13.02 1227 145.25 10.2 1.01 26.5 38.4 19 9 -48.37 3.42 -0.71 -0.91 0.700 40 16 4 C 63.37 9.02 529 118.63 7.0 1.08 29 34.1 23 9 -43.73 6.58 -1.48 -0.05 2.515 41 17 4 C 65.65 10.02 489 102.75 6.6 1.05 23 47.7 17 15 -47.67 7.44 -1.15 -1.19 1.030 42 18 4 C 111.14 22.01 1012 314.75 5.0 1.26 15.5 69.6 3 23 -42.02 4.26 -0.85 -1.07 3.539 43 29 5 P 477.87 15 1338 438.75 31.9 1.31 87.5 20.5 79 14 -64.37 5.65 -1 -0.91 0.017 44 30 5 P 523.85 8 1019 250.38 65.5 1.19 104 9.6 99 6 -65.27 4.75 -1.14 -0.65 0.014 45 31 5 P 452.71 9 506 199.00 50.3 1.25 108.5 5.7 103 1 -66.96 4.41 -0.68 -0.25 0.010 46 32 5 P 522.28 9 761 343.38 58.0 1.34 98.5 14.3 93 11 -61.06 7.49 -1.05 -1.09 0.037 47 33 5 P 709.88 15 3151 589.00 47.3 1.24 115.5 14.4 107 11 -61.83 7.53 -1.02 -1.26 0.031 48 34 5 P 435.04 12 862 333.63 36.3 1.31 78 17.9 65 4 -64.73 3.06 -0.51 -1.17 0.014 49 35 5 P 802.45 24 4634 948.00 33.4 1.30 78 17.9 65 4 -60.98 4.78 -0.89 -0.97 0.035 50 36 5 P 188.97 26.01 447 205.63 7.3 1.29 52 34.2 38 13 -56.41 7.17 -1.36 -0.71 0.116 51 37 5 P 228.28 6.01 166 65.00 38.0 1.09 69 11.5 65 5 -60.34 4.74 -0.95 -0.84 0.049 52 38 5 P 211.8 2.01 59 32.88 105.4 1.03 71.5 9.5 69 5 -64.1 2.98 -0.78 -0.47 0.019 53 39 5 P 222.37 18.01 301 201.00 12.3 1.37 63 19.2 52 4 -55.86 4.26 -1.01 -0.71 0.118 54 40 5 P 172.38 26.01 387 222.88 6.6 1.35 51 32 34 7 -55.4 4.98 -1.18 -0.86 0.143 55 45 5 P 750.24 8.01 1939 675.75 93.7 1.36 49 18.3 44 6 -55.62 2.63 -0.28 -1.06 0.153 56 46 5 P 587.04 16.01 3785 823.25 36.7 1.29 33 40 24 13 -55.32 2.65 -0.5 -1.13 0.173 57 57 5 P 620.36 14.01 2325 603.75 44.3 1.29 32 46.7 24 20 -57.09 1.77 0.000 -0.66 0.089 58 58 5 P 668.81 7.01 2160 455.50 95.4 1.23 35.5 45.4 31 25 -56.4 2.09 -0.15 -0.73 0.106 Kelompok Deskriptor Morfometrik Kelompok Deskriptor Enerjetik Kelompok Deskriptor Batimetrik 127 Lampiran 2 Data latih dalam bentuk z-score DATA LATIH DALAM BENTUK ZScore NS Idx JK L H A P El Df Dr RAl MinAl MinDi Er Esd Sk Ku D 5 1 N 0.53418 2.30113 0.82618 0.99588 -0.33289 0.17017 2.27237 0.30172 -0.49123 -0.06996 -2.88411 -0.72797 0.84910 0.86370 0.50886 19 1 N 1.30158 1.79501 1.74889 3.00936 -0.10232 0.17017 0.16129 -0.16689 -0.97363 0.41224 0.03714 -0.77499 0.95556 0.06218 0.50886 48 1 N 1.88662 0.14474 0.89310 0.50743 0.61016 -0.36370 0.74770 0.23924 -0.00882 -0.71610 0.22892 -0.33614 0.14643 -1.14010 0.50886 49 1 N 6.54186 0.65212 6.08562 2.91755 2.06376 -1.43144 -0.89425 2.43132 -0.57163 3.30542 -0.07287 -1.01008 1.31754 0.71341 0.50886 50 1 N 1.69040 0.14474 0.79299 0.58555 0.51851 -0.25692 0.12220 1.08275 -0.70563 0.31580 0.03863 -0.69140 0.95556 -0.23839 0.50886 52 1 N 2.71067 -0.23580 0.94224 0.64777 1.39425 -0.25692 0.00492 1.23895 -1.00044 -0.02174 0.09512 -0.63393 0.65746 -0.41372 0.50886 54 1 N 1.76982 1.28636 0.93390 3.64022 0.11895 1.02436 1.17774 -0.33872 1.41161 0.19043 0.23932 -0.40406 0.16773 -0.88962 0.50886 55 1 N 0.35502 0.65212 0.85855 0.44873 -0.20972 -0.41709 1.55565 -1.13016 1.09001 1.10660 -1.22353 -0.46675 0.27419 0.53808 0.50886 6 2 S 0.29488 2.30113 0.32293 0.72200 -0.38516 0.22356 2.19418 0.36420 2.08162 3.11254 -3.01642 -0.91082 1.25366 0.73846 -0.45995 41 2 S 1.37614 -0.87003 0.05145 -0.30221 1.49378 -0.95096 1.29502 -0.49492 1.49201 0.52796 -0.33749 1.26772 -1.21630 0.11227 -0.30510 42 2 S 0.33153 -0.99688 -0.18249 -0.48439 0.62878 -1.27128 1.36018 -0.58344 1.57241 0.43152 -0.23789 1.23638 -1.23759 0.51303 -0.28326 43 2 S 0.05751 -0.87003 -0.12700 -0.48294 0.17838 -1.43144 1.67293 -0.99999 1.86722 -0.19533 -1.12393 0.32735 0.52970 -0.93972 -0.41429 44 2 S -0.56095 -0.99688 -0.25150 -0.65505 -0.41022 -3.29998 1.92053 -1.33322 2.13523 -0.62931 -1.06298 0.19674 0.10385 -1.19019 -0.41032 47 2 S 1.37655 -0.74319 0.01971 -0.10013 1.23099 -0.41709 0.60436 0.42669 0.76840 1.78168 0.07579 -0.61826 0.76392 -0.78943 -0.24157 51 2 S 1.43122 -0.74319 0.33617 0.01776 1.27896 -0.57725 -0.20359 1.51492 -0.06242 3.30542 0.12188 -0.57646 0.59358 -0.58905 -0.23959 53 2 S 1.20198 -0.10895 0.23108 1.75785 0.42972 1.02436 0.74770 -0.38558 0.84880 0.21936 0.17094 -0.44063 0.42324 -0.93972 -0.18599 56 2 S 0.35332 -0.23580 0.44353 0.12280 0.02228 -0.52386 1.59474 -1.18743 1.73322 -0.60038 -1.32017 -0.66528 0.35936 0.68836 -0.43216 1 3 L -0.66313 -1.24930 -0.38443 -0.59000 -0.48899 -0.09676 -1.18094 -0.53658 -1.02724 -0.93792 0.05201 1.83195 -2.23835 3.86938 -0.18599 2 3 L -0.66022 -1.50300 -0.39078 -0.62036 -0.35938 -0.20354 -1.15488 -0.76047 -0.97363 -0.93792 0.28838 2.32826 -2.42999 4.09481 -0.08077 3 3 L -0.55082 0.65339 -0.32630 -0.38372 -0.54269 0.17017 -0.46421 0.21841 -0.47783 -0.21462 0.13675 -0.52944 0.93427 -0.01296 -0.15621 7 3 L -0.35125 -0.23453 -0.24769 -0.20226 -0.38802 0.17017 -0.16449 -0.90106 -0.08922 -0.84148 0.26460 0.43183 -1.38664 1.38969 -0.09863 8 3 L -0.57226 -0.86876 -0.31760 -0.48791 -0.45032 -0.52386 -0.25571 -0.63030 -0.11602 -0.55216 -0.16207 0.16017 -0.23684 -0.41372 -0.26143 15 3 L -0.64113 -1.24804 -0.37781 -0.61721 -0.45104 -1.00434 -0.73787 -0.75006 -0.57163 -0.79326 1.20861 0.10270 0.25290 -0.86457 0.88606 20 3 L -0.39161 -1.37615 -0.33773 -0.40580 0.18053 0.22356 0.31767 -1.45298 0.52719 -0.93792 -0.95742 -0.49810 -1.21630 1.56502 -0.41429 21 3 L -0.69880 0.27285 -0.34870 -0.55219 -0.59496 -0.68402 -0.07327 -0.85420 -0.03562 -0.84148 -0.29289 1.29907 -0.96079 -0.43877 -0.31503 22 3 L -0.70163 -0.36138 -0.35233 -0.57500 -0.58995 -0.95096 -0.00812 -1.03123 0.09839 -0.84148 -0.94999 0.08180 -0.32201 -0.66420 -0.40635 23 3 L -0.62148 -0.74192 -0.32748 -0.55475 -0.51262 -1.05773 0.10917 -1.35405 0.25919 -0.98613 0.42664 2.19243 -1.28018 0.06218 0.00857 24 3 L -0.43777 0.78024 -0.19845 -0.35194 -0.50689 -0.57725 -0.07327 -0.85420 -0.08922 -0.93792 0.53368 2.30214 -1.40794 0.36275 0.08004 25 3 L -0.58696 -0.61507 -0.35333 -0.47372 -0.49686 0.11678 0.13523 -1.29678 0.25919 -0.98613 0.08769 1.29907 -1.42923 0.83865 -0.28922 26 3 L -0.65802 -0.99561 -0.36892 -0.57051 -0.52336 -0.47047 -0.04721 -0.92709 0.09839 -0.69682 -2.41879 0.12360 -0.36459 -0.03801 -0.45598 27 3 L -0.71515 2.04870 -0.30781 -0.42944 -0.60499 -0.25692 0.27857 -0.73444 0.12519 -0.93792 0.14418 1.01173 -1.70604 2.06597 -0.24157 28 3 L -0.71185 0.78024 -0.35995 -0.56202 -0.60213 -0.57725 0.33070 -0.50534 0.31279 -0.40750 -0.35087 0.91247 -0.89691 -0.23839 -0.33290 4 4 C -0.54875 0.65339 -0.30019 -0.35388 -0.54198 0.06340 -0.99850 1.67633 -1.05404 0.74977 0.91872 0.65125 -1.21630 0.48798 0.50886 9 4 C -0.55153 -0.74065 -0.33864 -0.51763 -0.45175 -0.52386 -1.29822 1.85336 -1.18804 0.17114 1.95491 0.14972 -0.15166 -0.61410 3.71507 10 4 C -0.64803 0.02043 -0.35387 -0.57852 -0.56704 -0.95096 -1.06366 0.75992 -1.02724 -0.40750 1.36917 0.47363 0.06126 -0.88962 1.17988 11 4 C -0.70365 -0.74065 -0.38307 -0.62667 -0.58422 -1.00434 -0.93334 0.15593 -0.83963 -0.55216 1.74381 0.47885 -1.28018 0.91379 2.61126 12 4 C -0.63988 -1.12119 -0.37989 -0.61478 -0.48111 -0.84418 -1.07669 0.82241 -0.92003 -0.16640 1.29335 0.47885 -0.10908 -0.81448 1.16797 13 4 C -0.60849 -1.24804 -0.37010 -0.59853 -0.39447 -0.89757 -1.07669 0.82241 -0.92003 -0.16640 1.61447 0.79753 -0.70528 -0.48886 2.36508 14 4 C -0.59620 -0.10642 -0.29167 -0.55741 -0.53625 -1.37805 -0.94637 0.21841 -0.89323 -0.60038 1.21010 -0.12195 -0.13037 -0.13820 0.92775 16 4 C -0.66719 -0.61380 -0.35496 -0.58324 -0.55916 -1.00434 -0.88122 -0.00548 -0.78603 -0.60038 1.89990 1.52894 -1.76991 2.01588 4.53101 17 4 C -0.66486 -0.48696 -0.35859 -0.59865 -0.56203 -1.16450 -1.03759 0.70265 -0.94683 -0.31106 1.31417 1.97823 -1.06725 -0.83953 1.58289 18 4 C -0.61821 1.03393 -0.31116 -0.39294 -0.57348 -0.04338 -1.23306 1.84295 -1.32204 0.07470 2.15412 0.31690 -0.42847 -0.53896 6.56393 29 5 P -0.24214 0.14474 -0.28160 -0.27262 -0.38086 0.22356 0.64345 -0.71361 0.71480 -0.35928 -1.16853 1.04308 -0.74786 -0.13820 -0.42819 30 5 P -0.19499 -0.74319 -0.31053 -0.45540 -0.14027 -0.41709 1.07349 -1.28116 1.25081 -0.74504 -1.30233 0.57289 -1.04596 0.51303 -0.43415 31 5 P -0.26794 -0.61634 -0.35704 -0.50526 -0.24911 -0.09676 1.19077 -1.48422 1.35801 -0.98613 -1.55357 0.39526 -0.06649 1.51493 -0.44209 32 5 P -0.19660 -0.61634 -0.33392 -0.36516 -0.19397 0.38372 0.93014 -1.03643 1.09001 -0.50394 -0.67645 2.00435 -0.85433 -0.58905 -0.38848 33 5 P -0.00423 0.14474 -0.11721 -0.12682 -0.27059 -0.15015 1.37321 -1.03123 1.46521 -0.50394 -0.79092 2.02525 -0.79045 -1.01486 -0.40040 34 5 P -0.28606 -0.23580 -0.32476 -0.37462 -0.34936 0.22356 0.39586 -0.84899 0.33959 -0.84148 -1.22205 -0.31002 0.29548 -0.78943 -0.43415 35 5 P 0.09070 1.28636 0.01726 0.22154 -0.37012 0.17017 0.39586 -0.84899 0.33959 -0.84148 -0.66456 0.58856 -0.51364 -0.28848 -0.39245 36 5 P -0.53840 1.54132 -0.36239 -0.49882 -0.55701 0.11678 -0.28177 -0.00027 -0.38402 -0.40750 0.01484 1.83718 -1.51440 0.36275 -0.23165 37 5 P -0.49809 -0.99561 -0.38787 -0.63528 -0.33718 -0.95096 0.16129 -1.18223 0.33959 -0.79326 -0.56941 0.56766 -0.64140 0.03713 -0.36466 38 5 P -0.51499 -1.50300 -0.39758 -0.66645 0.14544 -1.27128 0.22645 -1.28636 0.44679 -0.79326 -1.12839 -0.35182 -0.27942 0.96389 -0.42422 39 5 P -0.50415 0.52655 -0.37563 -0.50332 -0.52121 0.54388 0.00492 -0.78130 -0.00882 -0.84148 0.09661 0.31690 -0.76915 0.36275 -0.22768 40 5 P -0.55541 1.54132 -0.36783 -0.48209 -0.56203 0.43711 -0.30784 -0.11482 -0.49123 -0.69682 0.16499 0.69305 -1.13113 -0.01296 -0.17805 45 5 P 0.03716 -0.74192 -0.22711 -0.04264 0.06166 0.49049 -0.35996 -0.82816 -0.22322 -0.74504 0.13229 -0.53467 0.78522 -0.51391 -0.15819 46 5 P -0.13019 0.27285 -0.05972 0.10049 -0.34649 0.11678 -0.77697 0.30172 -0.75923 -0.40750 0.17688 -0.52422 0.31678 -0.68924 -0.11849 57 5 P -0.09603 0.01916 -0.19211 -0.11251 -0.29207 0.11678 -0.80303 0.65058 -0.75923 -0.06996 -0.08625 -0.98396 1.38141 0.48798 -0.28525 58 5 P -0.04634 -0.86876 -0.20707 -0.25636 0.07384 -0.20354 -0.71181 0.58289 -0.57163 0.17114 0.01633 -0.81678 1.06202 0.31265 -0.25150 Nomor Index Kelompok Deskriptor Morfometrik Kelompok Deskriptor Batimetrik Kelompok Deskriptor Enerjetik 128 Lampiran 3 Data latih dalam bentuk bipolar DATA LATIH DALAM BENTUK Bipolar NS Index JK L H A P El Df Dr RAl MinDi MinAl Er Esd Sk Ku D 5 1 N -0.65569 0.72067 -0.622484 -0.228018 -0.795926 -2.604938 -0.948821 -0.830986 0.72067 -0.222749 -0.95148 1 -0.087766 -0.844961 -0.977528 19 1 N -0.444198 0.733911 -0.337837 0.707035 -0.623095 -2.604938 0.181139 -0.859155 0.776536 -0.526066 -0.999129 -0.182482 -0.327128 -0.922481 -0.730337 48 1 N -0.282963 -0.133711 -0.601841 -0.454853 -0.089564 0.358025 0.255319 -0.596244 0.351955 -0.981043 -0.937934 0.145985 -0.119681 -0.829457 -0.191011 49 1 N 1 0.133044 1 0.664395 1 -0.135802 0.138585 -1 0.96648 -0.279621 -0.963907 -0.773723 1 -0.72093 -0.460674 50 1 N -0.33704 -0.133711 -0.632722 -0.418577 -0.158003 0.407407 0.181714 -0.809077 0.776536 -0.63981 -0.7241 -0.20438 0.31117 -0.767442 -0.730337 52 1 N -0.055859 -0.333778 -0.58668 -0.389681 0.498058 0.407407 0.203565 -0.774648 0.620112 -0.706161 0.188963 -0.270073 0.390957 -0.767442 -0.797753 54 1 N -0.315152 0.466489 -0.589253 1 -0.457552 -0.636933 0.259344 -0.636933 0.363128 -0.886256 -0.533114 0.386861 -0.414894 -0.751938 -0.617978 55 1 N -0.705065 0.133044 -0.612498 -0.482116 -0.703598 0.333333 -0.306498 -0.674491 0.418994 -0.345972 -0.12554 0.59854 -0.819149 -0.689922 -0.617978 6 2 S -0.72164 1 -0.777731 -0.355208 -0.83505 0.62963 -1 -0.940532 0.932961 -0.270142 -1 0.956204 -0.055851 0.968992 0.910112 41 2 S -0.423649 -0.667222 -0.861481 -0.830845 0.572791 0.08642 0.036228 0.364632 -0.363128 -0.507109 -0.955619 0.452555 -0.494681 0.627907 -0.294382 42 2 S -0.711539 -0.733911 -0.933649 -0.915451 -0.075451 -0.061728 0.074756 0.345853 -0.374302 -0.35545 -0.949462 0.489051 -0.539894 0.674419 -0.339326 43 2 S -0.787058 -0.667222 -0.91653 -0.914775 -0.412758 -0.135802 -0.26797 -0.198748 0.553073 -0.905213 -0.987234 0.664234 -0.75266 0.844961 -0.631461 44 2 S -0.957501 -0.733911 -0.954936 -0.994705 -0.85366 -1 -0.244393 -0.276995 0.329609 -1 -0.985962 0.80292 -0.922872 1 -0.833708 47 2 S -0.423536 -0.600534 -0.871271 -0.737002 0.376089 0.333333 0.19609 -0.765258 0.675978 -0.848341 -0.937968 0.065693 -0.023936 0.209302 0.289888 51 2 S -0.40847 -0.600534 -0.773647 -0.682251 0.41184 0.259259 0.213916 -0.740219 0.586592 -0.772512 -0.937001 -0.386861 0.531915 -0.271318 1 53 2 S -0.471648 -0.267089 -0.806067 0.125838 -0.224574 1 0.232892 -0.658842 0.497207 -0.905213 -0.921697 0.145985 -0.43883 0.255814 -0.438202 56 2 S -0.705534 -0.333778 -0.740528 -0.63347 -0.529709 0.283951 -0.343876 -0.793427 0.463687 -0.2891 -0.992345 0.620438 -0.848404 0.767442 -0.820225 1 3 L -0.985663 -0.866622 -0.995944 -0.964626 -0.912887 0.481481 0.186889 0.70266 -0.899441 0.914692 -0.921928 -0.934307 -0.515957 -0.829457 -0.977528 2 3 L -0.984861 -1 -0.997902 -0.978595 -0.815673 0.432099 0.278321 1 -1 1 -0.89176 -0.919708 -0.630319 -0.79845 -0.977528 3 3 L -0.954709 0.133711 -0.978014 -0.868698 -0.953054 0.604938 0.219666 -0.71205 0.765363 -0.554502 -0.913476 -0.532847 -0.130319 -0.511628 -0.640449 7 3 L -0.89971 -0.333111 -0.953762 -0.784431 -0.837028 0.604938 0.26912 -0.13615 -0.452514 -0.023697 -0.896877 -0.364964 -0.702128 -0.286822 -0.932584 8 3 L -0.960618 -0.666556 -0.975328 -0.917084 -0.883614 0.283951 0.104083 -0.298905 0.150838 -0.706161 -0.943203 -0.416058 -0.56383 -0.302326 -0.797753 15 3 L -0.979598 -0.865955 -0.993902 -0.977131 -0.884471 0.061728 0.634273 -0.333333 0.407821 -0.876777 -0.616709 -0.686131 -0.625 -0.565891 -0.910112 20 3 L -0.910833 -0.933311 -0.981538 -0.87895 -0.411019 0.62963 -0.203565 -0.693271 -0.363128 0.042654 -0.987098 -0.094891 -0.984043 0.069767 -0.977528 21 3 L -0.995492 -0.066355 -0.984923 -0.946939 -0.99206 0.209877 0.053479 0.383412 -0.22905 -0.71564 -0.958581 -0.313869 -0.678191 -0.255814 -0.932584 22 3 L -0.996272 -0.3998 -0.986042 -0.957528 -0.988451 0.08642 -0.20069 -0.345853 0.106145 -0.800948 -0.984893 -0.277372 -0.768617 -0.178295 -0.932584 23 3 L -0.974184 -0.599867 -0.978377 -0.948121 -0.930664 0.037037 0.3318 0.918623 -0.396648 -0.526066 -0.866669 -0.211679 -0.933511 -0.085271 -1 24 3 L -0.923554 0.2004 -0.938573 -0.85394 -0.925992 0.259259 0.373203 0.984351 -0.463687 -0.412322 -0.845977 -0.313869 -0.678191 -0.286822 -0.977528 25 3 L -0.964671 -0.533178 -0.986349 -0.910494 -0.918646 0.580247 0.20069 0.383412 -0.47486 -0.232227 -0.95148 -0.19708 -0.904255 -0.085271 -0.904255 26 3 L -0.984253 -0.733244 -0.991161 -0.955444 -0.938409 0.308642 -0.768833 -0.320814 0.083799 -0.563981 -0.999129 -0.29927 -0.715426 -0.178295 -0.865169 27 3 L -1 0.867289 -0.972307 -0.889934 -1 0.407407 0.222542 0.211268 -0.620112 0.232227 -0.937934 -0.116788 -0.617021 -0.162791 -0.977528 28 3 L -0.99909 0.2004 -0.988391 -0.951501 -0.997654 0.259259 0.031052 0.1518 -0.195531 -0.63981 -0.963907 -0.087591 -0.5 -0.054264 -0.730337 4 4 C -0.954141 0.133711 -0.969958 -0.854841 -0.952487 0.555556 0.522139 -0.004695 -0.363128 -0.364929 -0.7241 -0.832117 0.614362 -0.844961 -0.191011 9 4 C -0.954907 -0.5992 -0.981818 -0.930885 -0.885125 0.283951 0.922944 -0.305164 0.195531 -0.781991 0.188963 -1 0.704787 -0.922481 -0.460674 10 4 C -0.9815 -0.199066 -0.986517 -0.959162 -0.971566 0.08642 0.696377 -0.111111 0.307263 -0.886256 -0.533114 -0.868613 0.146277 -0.829457 -0.730337 11 4 C -0.996829 -0.5992 -0.995524 -0.981524 -0.984357 0.061728 0.841288 -0.107981 -0.396648 -0.203791 -0.12554 -0.79562 -0.162234 -0.72093 -0.797753 12 4 C -0.979254 -0.799266 -0.994545 -0.976004 -0.906772 0.135802 0.66705 -0.107981 0.217877 -0.85782 -0.536325 -0.875912 0.178191 -0.767442 -0.617978 13 4 C -0.970603 -0.865955 -0.991524 -0.968456 -0.841991 0.111111 0.791259 0.082942 -0.094972 -0.734597 -0.195674 -0.875912 0.178191 -0.767442 -0.617978 14 4 C -0.967217 -0.265755 -0.967328 -0.949361 -0.948329 -0.111111 0.634848 -0.467919 0.206704 -0.601896 -0.605057 -0.80292 -0.130319 -0.751938 -0.820225 16 4 C -0.986782 -0.532511 -0.986853 -0.961359 -0.965276 0.061728 0.901668 0.521127 -0.653631 0.21327 0.421092 -0.766423 -0.244681 -0.689922 -0.820225 17 4 C -0.986138 -0.465822 -0.987972 -0.968512 -0.967817 -0.012346 0.675101 0.790297 -0.284916 -0.867299 -0.418265 -0.854015 0.117021 -0.782946 -0.685393 18 4 C -0.973282 0.333778 -0.973342 -0.872979 -0.975877 0.506173 1 -0.205008 0.050279 -0.753555 1 -0.963504 0.699468 -1 -0.505618 29 5 P -0.86964 -0.133711 -0.964223 -0.817101 -0.83205 0.62963 -0.285221 0.230047 -0.117318 -0.601896 -0.990683 0.087591 -0.606383 0.178295 -0.707865 30 5 P -0.856646 -0.600534 -0.973146 -0.901988 -0.651661 0.333333 -0.336975 -0.051643 -0.273743 -0.35545 -0.992594 0.328467 -0.896277 0.488372 -0.88764 31 5 P -0.876751 -0.533845 -0.987496 -0.925139 -0.733103 0.481481 -0.434158 -0.158059 0.240223 0.023697 -0.995064 0.394161 -1 0.550388 0.394161 32 5 P -0.857089 -0.533845 -0.980363 -0.86008 -0.691631 0.703704 -0.094882 0.805947 -0.173184 -0.772512 -0.979511 0.248175 -0.771277 0.395349 -0.775281 33 5 P -0.804072 -0.133711 -0.913509 -0.749394 -0.749068 0.45679 -0.13916 0.818466 -0.139665 -0.933649 -0.983226 0.49635 -0.768617 0.612403 -0.775281 34 5 P -0.881744 -0.333778 -0.977538 -0.864474 -0.808469 0.62963 -0.305923 -0.580595 0.430168 -0.848341 -0.992509 -0.051095 -0.675532 -0.03876 -0.932584 35 5 P -0.77791 0.466489 -0.872026 -0.587619 -0.823587 0.604938 -0.090282 -0.042254 0.005587 -0.658768 -0.98084 -0.051095 -0.675532 -0.03876 -0.932584 36 5 P -0.951286 0.600534 -0.989147 -0.922154 -0.963989 0.580247 0.172513 0.70579 -0.519553 -0.412322 -0.935198 -0.430657 -0.242021 -0.457364 -0.730337 37 5 P -0.940177 -0.733244 -0.997007 -0.985524 -0.799187 0.08642 -0.053479 -0.054773 -0.061453 -0.535545 -0.972698 -0.182482 -0.845745 -0.03876 -0.910112 38 5 P -0.944834 -0.989147 -1 -1 -0.437642 -0.061728 -0.269695 -0.605634 0.128492 -0.184834 -0.989575 -0.145985 -0.898936 0.023256 -0.910112 39 5 P -0.941847 0.067022 -0.993231 -0.924238 -0.936726 0.777778 0.20414 -0.205008 -0.128492 -0.412322 -0.934022 -0.270073 -0.640957 -0.24031 -0.932584 40 5 P -0.955975 0.600534 -0.990825 -0.914381 -0.967411 0.728395 0.230592 0.020344 -0.318436 -0.554502 -0.919876 -0.445255 -0.300532 -0.51938 -0.865169 45 5 P -0.792665 -0.599867 -0.947412 -0.710302 -0.500467 0.753086 0.217941 -0.71518 0.687151 -0.744076 -0.914008 -0.474453 -0.664894 -0.364341 -0.88764 46 5 P -0.838787 -0.066355 -0.895775 -0.643835 -0.806249 0.580247 0.235193 -0.70892 0.441341 -0.810427 -0.902836 -0.708029 -0.087766 -0.674419 -0.730337 57 5 P -0.829371 -0.199733 -0.936614 -0.742748 -0.765407 0.580247 0.13341 -0.984351 1 -0.364929 -0.950027 -0.722628 0.090426 -0.674419 -0.573034 58 5 P -0.815678 -0.666556 -0.94123 -0.809553 -0.491105 0.432099 0.173088 -0.884194 0.832402 -0.43128 -0.940727 -0.671533 0.055851 -0.565891 -0.460674 Nomor Index Kelompok Deskriptor Morfometrik Kelompok Deskriptor Batimetrik Kelompok Deskriptor Enerjetik 129 Lampiran 4 Histogram deskriptor hidroakustik data latih 0.00 2000.00 4000.00 6000.00 8000.00 L 10 20 30 40 50 Fre quen cy Mean = 772.7772 Std. Dev. = 1160.15294 N = 58 0.00 10.00

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