Research Instrument Data Trustworthiness

C. Research Instrument

Research instrument is defined as an equipment that is applied in a certain work, study or research for a scientific purpose Hornby, 1995: 619. A protocol or an instrument might be used to collect the data. However, as stated by Lincoln and Guba in Vanderstoep and Johnston, 2009: 188, the human instrument plays an important part in a qualitative research. It is because they are shaped by experience, and are actually the ones who gather the information. Therefore, the researcher worked as a human instrument. He planned the research, collected the data, analyzed and interpreted them, and also made conclusion and reported the result. Moreover, data sheets were additional instruments that were employed in this research. Data sheets were functioned to arrange the data systematically.

D. Data Collecting Technique

There were four steps in the process of collecting data: reading, note taking, interpreting and categorizing. Firstly, the researcher read Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asians carefully, and repeated it extensively until he understood it comprehensively. Secondly, the researcher took notes and highlighted the contents of the novel that could be used as data. These first two steps were the most important ways in the data collecting technique. Thirdly, the researcher looked at the data carefully to be interpreted. Finally, the researcher categorized the data into a particular form of data sheet, and highlighted the part of the quotations, related to the findings, to strengthen the significance of them. During the process of the data collection, the researcher used the data sheet to easily see the progress of the research. The form of data sheet is presented in the figure below. Table 1. The Example of the Data for The Class Structure and Class Conflict represented in Kevin Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asians No. Quotation Page Category Sub Category Explanation

1. “The Youngs are descended, I believe, from a long line of royal

court physicians, going all the way back to the Tang dynasty. James Young––Sir James Young, actually––was the first Western- educated neurologist in Singapore, trained at Oxford.” … “So if James Young never made money, how did––“ Wye Mun began. “You didn’t listen, Wye Mun I said that James Young wasn’t interested in making money, but I never said he didn’t have any. The Youngs had money, generations of money. …” 232- 233 The Youngs vs. The Chus Class Structure It can be seen that the Youngs is a long-pedigreed family, who are considered as an old money because their prosperity have been inherited from many generations before them.

E. Data Trustworthiness

According to Given 2008: 859, there are several ways to gain trustworthiness in a qualitative research. One of them is by checking the validity and reliability of the data. Thus, the researcher employed a technique called ‘triangulation’ to prove the data trustworthiness. This technique, used to establish validity and reliability of the data in this research, is essential in a qualitative research since the chances of bias in the data collection and interpretation are relatively high, thereby must be reduced. This research achieved reliability by using intra-rater technique through the following steps. First, the researcher evaluated the data of this research with the theoretical concept presented in the figure of conceptual framework. Second, the researcher reads and re-reads the data until he was certain that the data had valid interpretation with the reference presented in the conceptual framework. The purpose of doing this technique was to keep the consistency of the data. The validity of this research was checked by employing peer-debriefing technique Creswell, 2009: 192. It means during the process of collecting the data, the researcher asked two of his friends who are literature students to review the data of this research and give their inputs. To achieve validity of the data, the discussion with reviewers was also conducted, so that the interpretations could be in line. Besides, the researcher also consulted the data to his first and second thesis advisors who are competent in analyzing literary works. Those processes were done through the whole data.

F. Data Analysis Technique