Data Analysis Technique RESEARCH METHOD

This research achieved reliability by using intra-rater technique through the following steps. First, the researcher evaluated the data of this research with the theoretical concept presented in the figure of conceptual framework. Second, the researcher reads and re-reads the data until he was certain that the data had valid interpretation with the reference presented in the conceptual framework. The purpose of doing this technique was to keep the consistency of the data. The validity of this research was checked by employing peer-debriefing technique Creswell, 2009: 192. It means during the process of collecting the data, the researcher asked two of his friends who are literature students to review the data of this research and give their inputs. To achieve validity of the data, the discussion with reviewers was also conducted, so that the interpretations could be in line. Besides, the researcher also consulted the data to his first and second thesis advisors who are competent in analyzing literary works. Those processes were done through the whole data.

F. Data Analysis Technique

The essential part of a qualitative research is the data analysis because the researcher does not only collects the data but also relates them to the theory Given, 2008: 186. In this research, the researcher used Creswell’s six steps of data analysis 2009: 185. He organized and prepared the data, read the whole data, categorized the data into several categories and sub categories, gave a description, interrelated the description, and interpreted the meaning of the description. Those six steps are described below. 1. Identifying the data from the novel by making some notes and highlights, according to the theme: class structure and class conflict reflected in the novel that reveal the authorial ideology; 2. Reading and re-reading the whole data, and also arranging the data into the data tables; 3. Categorizing the data in the data tables into some categories based on the research objectives, which are the class structure and class conflict reflected in the novel in order reveal the authorial ideology; 4. Sorting the data by selecting the relevant data and excluding the irrelevant data. The selected relevant data were interpreted and organized according to its thematic meaning; 5. Making the interrelation between the description of the data and the theory to get the findings, which are the class structure and class conflict reflected in Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asians in order to reveal Kwan’s authorial ideology; 6. Making an interpretation of the findings based on the understanding about the theory; 40


The aim of this research is to investigate the authorial ideology concealed in Kevin Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asians by employing Eagleton’s Marxist literary theory which focuses on Authorial Ideology AuI. Therefore, this chapter elaborates the findings and the discussion about the meanings of the collected data. The analysis of this chapter is based on the theoretical reviews and social background on the chapter two. The researcher dedicates this chapter to determine the class structure and to scrutinize the class conflicts reflected in the novel. In addition, a sub-chapter for the discussion of the authorial ideology Kwan reinforces throughout the novel is provided. The comprehensive explanation can be seen in the narration below.

A. The Class Structure and Class Conflict represented in Kevin Kwan’s

Crazy Rich Asians From a Marxist perspective, an analysis of a literary work is emphasized on the ideology it conceals. The ideology can be identified through the socioeconomic condition of the society that is depicted in the work. Taken as collective individuals, characters are classified into class structure based on the setting they are placed. To do so, the analysis begins by identifying the social setting reflected in the novel. Crazy Rich Asians was written and set in Singapore in 2010. As such, the novel is the enchanting story of modern Singaporean society.